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All My Sons

All My Sons – What do you believe to be the social, moral message of the play? How does Miller convey this to his audience?

Arthur Miller's play, 'All my sons' contains many different social, moral messages. Within this play Miller has successfully portrayed the moral
dilemma as to where responsibility begins and where it ends.
Choices and decisions occur throughout the play, with each character having to make their own decision. Miller questions forgiveness through all the
characters especially the Keller family. Can any one be truly forgiven? Guilt is also a huge theme within this play. In
'all my sons' Miller confronts the issue of a sinner accepting his sin and recognising what he has done wrong. In this case, Joe more
He doesn't follow the traditional American dream like his father. Chris' eyes are open to reality. The American dream is to "do what you must to
achieve your goal."
Miller attacks this and conveys his views upon the American dream by the consequences of Keller's actions. You cannot displace morals and do what
you wish to get what you want. You have to remember the ripple effect and this is what Miller shows his audience. What you do affects other people
too. Keller sacrifices the lives of others to keep what he had achieved. If he hadn't followed his distorted perception of the
American dream he would of lost everything but the soldiers would of survived. Although there are many moral issues, I personally feel that the most
important issue is that if during your pursuit for success you hurt or endanger others. You are not a success you have failed, failed to live morally right.

Miller conveys the issues of the play in a theatrical tradition similar to that of the ancient Greek plays. Each action in they play has repercussions
throughout and each section entwines with another.
With the use of stage directions and dramatic speeches Miller makes sure the play is performed in a way that catches the audiences attention and
draws them in. The three acts all take place over the course of one day and whole play is acted on the same set. This makes the audience feel more
involved with the play and they can relate to it more

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Certain literary works possess a unique quality in which themes are intertwined with the author's personal experiences in order to convey a message
that is realistic and tangible. Arthur Miller's masterpiece, All My Sons, reflects the struggles and sacrifices that the working class endured in trying to
keep the America Dream alive. A life of prosperity and security was everyman's dream, and Miller's childhood was nothing but prosperous until the
Great Depression struck and left his family and many people destitute. With the Great Depression serving as the imposing backdrop of his teenage
years, and the Second World War that followed, Arthur Miller'sAll My Sons is not only a reflection of the time, but it is a testament to the struggles more content...
This area eventually became the model for the setting of the play, All My Sons. During his middle teen years, Miller never forgot the hopelessness
that overtook his father and the tensions it produced between his parents. The loss of personal security at such a crucial point in his own development
inbred Miller with a deep–rooted sensitivity to the impact of an idividual's helplessness in the face of one's sense of self and family relationships.
"Seeing once prosperous people on the streets begging affected Miller deeply" (Rosefeldt and Shuman 1). He felt it was a tragedy of a generation
of people who blamed the failure on themselves. According to Miller, he felt the Depression was the deterioration of a capitalist system of
government. "The Depression was a wholesale social catastrophe that fell indiscriminately on vast sectors of American society" (Kennedy 172). The
psychological effect the Depression had on a family caused a loss of respect for the bread winner as well. In an interview with one jobless father, his
worries are clearly revealed when he states, "'I wore the pants in this family, and rightly so. During the Depression, I lost something. Maybe you call it
self–respect, but in losing it, I also lost the respect of my children, and I'm afraid that I am losing my wife'" (Kennedy 165). Such fears and

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Theme Of All My Sons By Joe Keller

There is nothing ruthless about Joe, no hint of the robber baron in his make up , his ambitions are small a comfortable home for his family, a
successful business to pass on to his sons, but he is not completely fastidious in achieving his goals.

Joe Keller is the most important character in the play, All My Sons.

Miller who wrote All My Sons with human understanding but moral sinew as well as dramaturgy summarised his theme, John Gossner says as, "the
responsibility of man to society or the responsibility to the world and outside his home as well as in his own home".

Joe Keller is a social, amiable man with a strong sense of humour.

Indeed, Joe Keller strikes us as an eminently social man with an amiable nature.

When, soon afterwards, more content...

After having been confronted by Chris with his guilt and his responsibility in the death of Larry as well as other young pilots, Joe begins to realise
his guilt and grows a sense of disillusionment with money which he has earned with such a hard labour, for the sake of his family.

Joe listened Chris realises Larry's letter.

Joe Keller said with broken heart, "They were all my sons" (89).

Thus, the exposure of his guilt in the supply of defective cylinder heads, and of the fact of his being responsible for the suicide committed by Larry
and the death of 21 young pilots whom he comes to acknowledge as his own sons, pains Joe very much.

Joe Keller is a moving character whose place in All My Sons is quite important.

Chris Keller, son of Joe Keller, becomes a prototype of a person having moral values of living life.
While his father regards the family as the biggest or most important thing in life, he puts the society or humanity as a whole on a higher plane than the
individual or the family.

Joe Keller just told Annie that he would be prepared to give a well paid job in his business to Annie's father after that man's release from

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All My Sons Greek Analysis

Arthur Miller–the author of All my Sons, The Crucible, and Death of a Salesman–was born in 1915 in New York City. He lived through the Great
Depression and both World Wars. A self–proclaimed modern tragedian, Miller says he looks to the Greeks for inspiration, especially Sophocles (the
author of Oedipus the King). Miller elevates "the common man's failures, his anguish, and his family relationships" to the magnitude of a tragic hero
(Galvin). All my Sons is a great example of how Miller uses the six elements described by Aristotle to create modern American tragedies that reflect
ancient Greek tragedies like Oedipus the King and Antigone. Plot: Miller chooses to start the plot late into the actual story. Like in Aristolian or climatic more content...
Character: According to criteria for distinguishing the tragic Greek protagonist from central characters, the protagonist should be "a noble person who
commits an act resulting in profound suffering the affects him personally, his family, and the state. Through this suffering he attains self–awareness
and knowledge of what he has done. As a result of this new understanding, he gains the wisdom and the power to restore equilibrium." The play
should also end when the protagonist has achieved or failed to achieve his goal. Keller fits this description as he drives the action of the play in
his need to keep his past actions a secret. He tries to butter up his old partner by offering him a job after he gets out of jail and tries to reconcile
with George by offering to talk to his attorney friends. His actions of offering to go to dinner for the family and Ann serve as a need for everyone
to be on his side. He has committed the act that has made his wife lose a son, his son lose a brother, and his business partner lose his dignity. Many
families' sons died because of him and so affected the whole community. The play ends when Keller has discovered that Larry's ultimatum was
Keller's life or his own. He has gained the knowledge of equilibrium is his own death since the family's dignity is lost if he is still unpunished. After
the climax and anagnorisis, very little falling action occurs and so leaves little debate for

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All My Sons Theme Of Family

The themes of family and responsibility can be found in both All My Sons and What's Eating Gilbert Grape. However, while All My Sons show the
dark, selfish side of humanity through portraying these themes, What's Eating Gilbert Grape shows the glory of human nature. The theme of family
portrayed in the two texts can be further divided into two parts: filial love and family conflict. Filial love in All My Sons can be shown by Joe Keller
and Chris Keller's attempts of getting Kate Keller to forget about her dead son, Larry, so that she can move on and lead a new life. Joe and Chris also
display immense care towards Kate and comfort her when she has a nightmare about Larry, which shows how much of a close–knit family they are.
However, Joe and Chris's concern about Kate's inability to move on more content...
In All My Sons, Joe Keller lack social responsibility as he knowingly ships out faulty parts knowing full well that his actions could lead to the
deaths of the pilots. Additionally, he fails to take responsibility for his mistake by framing Steve Deever. The guilt that is a result of his
irresponsible actions s borne by him and his wife, Kate Keller. Kate knows about Joe's mistake but keeps it a secret to keep her family together, so
in a way she just just as responsible as Joe Keller for the deaths of those twenty one pilots and her son. Joe starts to feel ashamed of his despicable
actions after the truth is revealed to his son, Chris, and he is devastated after finding out that he was partly, if not directly, responsible for Larry's
suicide. Joe is too afraid to face reality and take responsibility for what he had done by going to jail, so he decides to kill himself. The Kellers' lack of
social responsibility show how deluded and selfish they are, and they ultimately pay the price with their

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Examples Of Selfishness In All My Sons

People Are Selfish It is said that 70% of the American population is classified as being selfish. The author of All My Sons, Arthur Miller, reveals
that most people really do not care about others. In the play All My Sons, there is much conflict centered around one family relating to the ideas of
marriage, death, and lying. The character, Joe Keller, represents an image of how most people do not care about others because he is very selfish.
Joe's selfishness are shown through how he blames others, and tries to cover up his mistakes, rather than owning up to them. This interpretation is
important because it makes the reader think of how they act, and if they would be that 70% of the American population that is considered selfish.
First, I will explain how Joe acts selfish by blaming others. First, Miller shows how Joe acts selfish through how he blames others. In the contents of
the play, Joe tends to blame Steve, his previous business partner, for the majority of his problems. Throughout the play Steve is in jail because Joe
blamed him for manufacturing, and distributing all of the defective plane parts that eventually lead to the death of twenty–one innocent pilots. Miller is
insisting that, Joe was indeed responsible for the manufacture, and led Steve to take the repercussions of this action, when Joe states, ". . . the guy
[Joe] who sold cracked cylinder heads to the Army Air Force; the guy who made twenty–one P–40's crash in Australia.". (Miller, 30) Joe then

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How does Arthur Miller show that the American Dream has become perverted in 'All my Sons'Вґ? Do you think Miller is totally against the concept?
Or just what it had become in his time? "Seven Deadly Sins: Wealth without work Pleasure without conscience Science without humanity Knowledge
without character Politics without principle Commerce without morality Worship without sacrifice." Mahatma Gandhi 'The social, economical and
educational equal rights for all citizens'. The previous line summarizes the definition people give of what they understand as the American Dream.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, the American Dream corresponds to 'the ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American,
allowing the more content...
In Miller words Keller is 'a heavy man of stolid mind and build, a business man these many years, but with the imprint of the machine–shop worker and
boss still upon him' (Act 1, Page 3). It is interesting to note that Keller is not described as a family guy, even though the play tells the story of the
Keller family. This is because, as a business man, he probably did not spend a lot of time at home, and that is why he is regarded more like a
business man instead of a family guy. For Joe Keller, the factory, the money and the business were first, and with this, he justifies his actions as
well. The day of the incident of the faulty engine parts, Joe Keller decided to ship the parts thinking about money, and not about the consequences.
Due to his irresponsibility, the consequences become bigger and his son Larry crashes his plane and die because one of the faulty engine parts,
were installed in his plane. Moreover, Larry does this on purpose and he writes the following on a letter to Ann: 'I'm going out on a mission in a few
minutes; they'll probably report me missing. If they do, I want you to know that you mustn't wait for me' (Miller, Act 3, Page 90). Towards the end of
act three, Keller finally has to face the Larry's judgement, through the letter, and Chris'. As he is incapable of doing so, he decides to kill himself,
avoiding the blame once again.

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All My Sons Critical Essay

All my Sons – Critical Essay

'All my sons' written by Arthur Miller is a dramatic play which shows actions and consequences and morality and studies the theme of idealism verses
realism, social responsibility and the American dream. This play takes place after World War II, in the year 1947. The play shows conflict between a
Father and a son and how quickly a family can fall apart following a serious revelation. Arthur Miller uses techniques such as characterization, stage
directions and a delayed climax to show the conflict between the different characters throughout the play and to help the audience understand the main
themes indicated throughout the play.
Arthur Miller makes effective use of the setting to hint at a sense of more content...
He also doesn't believe life needs to be inspiring. But his son Chris has a contrasting personality. He is a listener and a loyal man to his family and
friends. Chris is very idealistic which one of the main themes in the play is. He admires his Father and does have a good relationship with him and
one day, would take over the business from him although Chris doesn't particularly want to. We first see a hint of Joe Keller's personality in the first
act when he refuses to read the news section in the newspaper. We presume he's doing this to avoid all the bad news about the secret that he is keeping
from everyone.

One occurring theme throughout the play would be the 'American Dream' being when one goes from poor to rich by working hard for it or the
'Distorted American Dream' by doing anything, primarily bad to become rich and great. We see this mainly in Joe Keller's character, who considers
himself to be a family man and does what is best for his family. Keller sacrifices other parts of the American Dream for simple economic success. He
has given up part of his basic human decency to have a wealthy and a successful family life. We find out how he did this later on in the play and why
Miller shows his opinions on the stupidity of the American

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All My Sons Character Analysis

"All my Sons" by Arthur Miller is a play portrayed in the time era after World War Two. It revolves around the Keller's, Deever's, Bayles's, and
Lubey's journey towards discovering the truth behind the death of Larry Keller. The overall plot, of "All My Sons" coincides with abandonment of
Larry and the introduction of romance between his girl and his brother. Eventually all the characters kindle a variance of dispense and chaos that
provokes the suicide of Joe Keller. Joe Keller (Aaron LeDay) is a successful business man who had the ambition to preserve his family and legacy,
although being accused of murdering 21 individuals. Kate Keller (Bethany DuMond) inability to grief and accept the death of her son causes a
disruption between more content...
Overall, all the actors were credible except maybe Bert (Harrartine) he was a young toddler which caused the lines to be a bit forced as well as
Sue's (Rowland) character. The actual conversion of the words to actions was impeccable, the actors used many skills to distract us from reality but
still informs us about guilt, responsibility, and deception. The designer responsible for the set in "All My Sons" was Bryan Stevenson and Angela
Inman. Stevenson and Inman only used one specific setting, that being the yard of the Keller's. The set was proportion accurately and immensely
reflected a true suburban area. A prop that Stevenson and Inman used to symbolize the past was the grape juice George (Krumm) loved so dearly.
Another set piece notably remarked was the small gazebo liked prop located at the edge of the stage. Stevenson and Inman used the structure to allow
Chris (Moqute) and Ann (Adams) to confess their internal love for each other. The designer credible for the lighting was Bryan Stevenson. The lights
were appropriately used to distinctively identify the characters, and to emphasize their actions. Stevenson used lighting to transition from the first act
to the second. He also influences the quality of mood by focusing the light towards the characters, and by using the lighting design to show time and
place. Sharon Miller was the costume designer for the play "All My Sons". The costumes accordingly represented by the time frame and uses the

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All My Sons Essay

Life is full of many hard decisions that people have to take, often on the spur of the moment. Some we get right others turn horribly wrong. Joe
Keller, the tragic hero of Arthur Miller's play All My Sons, was no different. His whole life was dedicated to his family and their well being but all his
plans were undone by one fatally flawed decision.

The audience can relate to Joe and feel sympathy for him because he was a good man who did many great things for his family and in the end paid the
ultimate price. Towards the end of the play, Joe's son Chris anguishes over the fatally flawed decision made by his father, thus eliciting the sympathy of
the audience. However, this is not enough to detract from the audience relating to Joe as more content...
Joe doesn't have many bad qualities in him the only times the audience do see such qualities is when he speaks ill of Steve to others like when he
says, "I owe him a good kick in the teeth"(Act 2, p47). However, the audience knows he does not really mean these things but only says them to
cover up his fatal mistake. So we forgive Joe his mistake because as Plutarch, the Delphic priest, said almost 2000 years ago, "to make no mistakes is
not in the power of man " and also because Joe tries to rectify his mistake by offering to give Steve a good job when he gets out of prison and offering
to help Steve's children.

Joe has spent his life making many decisions most of which appear to have been good decisions resulting in his family enjoying a comfortable life.
The audience admires him for this. Unfortunately, late one night Joe made a hurried decision, which he believed he could get away with. The
reasons for his decision comes to light near the end of the play, in Act 2, when he tells Chris why he made that decision, "I'm a business man, a man
is in business; a hundred and twenty cracked, you're out of business, you got a process, the process don't work you're out of business; you don't know
how to operate, your stuff is no good; they close you up, they tear up your contract what the hell's it to them? You lay forty years into a business and
they knock you out in five minutes, what

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All My Sons Character Analysis

Life is full of surprises and people never know what will happen, however; the main question is how will Joe Keller, the main character, respond to
life's hardships. In the play, "All My Sons" by Arthur Miller there are several accounts where the father Joe Keller lied to his family for committing
a horrid crime. Joe's sons had no idea of his father's crime and that is why at the end the book shifts to a negative, sad, disheartening tone. This play
demonstrates guilt and blame, lies and deceit, morality and ethics, justice, and judgement. It proves the themes by key events such as Joe lying to his
sons with the lies and deceit topic, judgement is when Joe has to own up to his crime with his family, and lastly is morality and ethics more
Lies and Deceit was among one of the other themes in this play because of one character, Joe Keller. Joe used deceit countlessly in this play by
covering his tracks without any suspicion. Joe had developed a characteristic that made him normal in the eyes of the people in his life. His family
loved him to death and they had no idea that Joe was the kind of man to do what he did. For him to develop that image of himself is just scary
because any criminal can do that to innocent people and they can just be normal in their eyes. Therefore, Joe was a walking criminal that got away and
was associating with innocent people (the Keller Family).
Morality and Ethics was another theme of the play portrayed by Arthur Miller. Morality is something essentially defines a person and truly brings
out what they believe in, what they think is correct, and other people qualities. Morale is what makes a person act the way they do. For Joe to
come off as a person with a great morale, shows how clueless the rest of society is in this play. This connects to real life situations because
sometimes society can be clueless and have no idea what is going on in the world. Being clueless to what is going on in the world is the worst
because there can be people that you know and love turn out to be criminals. However, walking criminals are people who develop a great persona and
prove to other people that they are good

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All My Sons By Arthur Miller

Dramatic tension is a figurative device an author would use to add tension to conflict between characters. In Arthur Miller's play, All My Sons,
dramatic tension is created by using theoretical devices and language, utilizing conflicting character personalities, dramatic irony, and character
development, to exhibit dramatic tension in order to keep the audience engaged in the play. ACT 1 At the beginning of Act One, when Keller gives the
audience first impressions of characters, the audience begins to foreshadow conflicts between the characters based on each individual character's
personality, this is one of the first examples of foreshadowing conflict for the audience. "KELLER is nearing sixty. A heavy man of stolid mind and
build, a business man these many years, but with the imprint of the machine–shop working and boss still upon him. When he reads, when he speaks,
when he listens, it is with the terrible concentration of the uneducated man from whom there is still wonder in many commonly known things, a man
whose judgements must be dredged out of experience and a peasant–like common sense. A man among men." (6). When Miller describes Joe Keller in
the beginning of the play, he describes him from the perspective of somebody who has a well thought out first impression of him, giving the audience
an impression of him. When Miller describes Keller as "A man among men." (6), the audience can assume he is indifferent to others, Miller still
maintains a description of Joe

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All My Sons Character Analysis

Throughout the tragedy All My Sons, Kate Keller holds tightly to the idea of her son Larry being alive; however, when his death is revealed to her,
she is forced to face the truth and a katharsis is created. Unlike the other two tragedies, there is pity but not a true purging of that feeling. Kate
(Mother) has not seen her son in three years, yet she does not accept that he is gone. She plants an apple tree in his memory, and the apples still cling
to in the summer– like her clinging to the existence of Larry. "But why did that happen the very night she came back?... Look at it; look... Believe
with me Joe. I can't stand all alone," Kate pleads (Miller 22). Kate does not want to believe her son is dead, which invokes pity on the reader.
However, Kate does not want to let go of him because if he was dead, it could possibly be her husband's, Joe's, doing. In the end of the play, the
reader learns of Steven, Joe's partner, being wrongfully accused of causing the death of twenty pilots because of cracked airplane cylinders. Joe,
who truly committed the crime, had an alibi that he was sick so he was not able to go and fix the cylinders that killed the pilots. Kate knows Joe
did the crime, "He hasn't been laid up in fifteen years..." she expresses, going against Joe's alibi (Miller 65). Joe corrects Kate however, and this
moment hints at the fact the Kate is aware of Joe's actions. Joe never confesses his mistake and continues with his life. Holding on to Larry is like
holding onto

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Examples Of Idealism In All My Sons

Thus, Joe says to Chris that it is impossible to drive out from Kate's mind the notion that Larry is still alive.

In the play, we find only one son Chris appearing physically, whereas Larry is merely referred to because he is already dead by the time the play opens.

He says to Chris that he has done everything for Chris.

In fact, Joe Keller is mistakenly over concerned with his personal responsibility or his responsibility towards his society or country as whole.

In All My Sons the character of Joe Keller has been presented by Miller with social and psychological concerns.

Joe Keller's thinking was the outcome of social mischief.

He says to his son Chris, that he is sixty one years old and it is not sure when would he get another more content...
Joe is the head of the Keller family, and the welfare of his family is his sole concern.

Another larger issue treated in All My Sons is related to the consideration of the relative importance of personal responsibility and social responsibility.

An individual may be responsible to himself and his family; but he should also feel responsible towards the society.

In owning the responsibility towards his family or his sons, which impels him to earn money by dishonest means, Joe Keller seems to disown his social

When Joe talks about his business and tells Chris that he committed the dishonest deed for him, Chris retorts to him : The protagonist in this play is a
manufacture or industrialist by the name of Joe Keller.

Joe Keller belongs to the affluent class of society; and therefore he differs from the ordinary kind of human beings who constitute the majority in every

As for outer conflict, we have a confrontation between Chris and his father over Chris's desire to marry Annie who was engaged to marry Chris's

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All My Sons : The Influence of Larry Essay

All My Sons : The Influence of Larry

In the book All My Sons, Larry has a big influence on the play. He is part of many of the problems shown in the book. Larry was Joe Keller's older
son and was reported missing three years before the time when the play is set. One of the first things mentioned is that Larry's tree had been broken
down by a gust of wind. You find out that the tree, being Larry's tree really meant something to the family as Frank says "What'd Kate say?" this shows
that it symbolised something important. Larry plays an important part even though he doesn't show up at any point in the play.

Larry was Ann's boyfriend and they were about to get married when
Larry went missing in the war. Ann then fell in more content...
The mother is completely obsessed about Larry and how he is going to appear again. She forces everyone to agree with her that he's not dead, but
Chris and Keller think the total opposite. This creates a family problem Keller's wife wants everyone to believe he is alive even though they don't
think he is. In the end this causes a fight were the mother starts acting madly and seems to preach out what she feels as she says "Till he comes; for
ever and ever till he comes!" she seems to tell it as if It was from the bible and everyone has to believe it and stick to what she thinks or the whole
family will fall apart. But one of the main role of Larry's influence is that the fact whether his father killed him or not holds together the whole
family. The situation is like a thin frail shell that can break very easily and it does. Joe and Ann's father are accused of shipping out cracked cylinder
heads in the war this killed 21 people. Joe was found innocent while Ann's father was sent to jail. But it was the other way round. Joe was guilty and
Ann's father was innocent. Kate knows this so she has an agreement with Joe that if she says he's innocent Joe has to back her up in thinking that
Larry was still alive, because if

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All My Sons By Arthur Miller

All My Sons is a play by Arthur Miller which is set after the second world war but brings in information concerning things that took place during the
war. It is about a successful businessman, Joe Keller, who during the war, in the name of fulfilling his so–called familial obligations, fails to recognise
the importance of society when making decisions as he is blinded by lust for money (Ternate, 2016) and his strong desire to save his business for his
son to take over. This review aims to describe and give personal responses to the book. Arthur Miller's All My Sons, 'explores a man's possible
obsession with family and how he uses it to justify his wrongdoings'.
Arthur Miller is considered one of the greatest American playwrights of the 20th century. He was born on the 17th of October 1915 in Harlem,
New York to an immigrant family of Polish and Jewish descent. His affluent family lost everything in the Wall Street Crash of 1929, so he worked
odd jobs and eventually attended the University of Michigan. All My Sons was a success when it was published in 1947, running for almost a full
year on Broadway and earning the playwright his first Tony Award for Best Author. He married three times and had four children. Miller died on
February 10, 2005 surrounded by family and friends. He died of heart failure, after battling cancer and pneumonia, at his home in Roxbury,
Connecticut. He was 89 years old. (, 2017).
Arthur Miller's inspiration for this play came from his

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Essay on Conflict in All My Sons

Conflict in All My Sons

The conflict in the play "All My Sons" in embodied by two different sets of values. The older generation represented by Joe and Kate strongly believed
in family values and Pursue of the American dream at any cost. In contradiction, Joe and Anne express the younger generation's ethics and ideals
clearly shown in the thoughts of idealism that money is not the most important thing in life. Even though the younger generation's ideals are sometimes
thought of as being irrational and in conflict with reality, all throughout the play their validity is greater.

Many times in parents–child relationships the parents have a very different view on things than the child they had raised. Most of these gaps
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The readers of the play know that even though Chris thought about it in a moment of weakness he would not forget his ethics and therefore would
never do something that he believes to be wrong. There is no point of Chris trying to change his mind because the passion he speaks in about these
ideals will never die.

Chris and Anne did not have their own family yet, which was an excuse for the older generation to contradict them although they knew the difference
between right and wrong. In this play the word "father" to Chris means righteousness and integrity. If one cannot look beyond one's personal circle
they are condemned to an ending that is a tragic moment of realization that may bring an ending similar to Joe's. Another morality issue, which
Chris has to deal with in regards to his father in taking responsibility. It is possible that Chris would have shown signs of forgiveness if Joe were to
take responsibility for his actions. Instead of doing so once again he was hiding behind doing good only for the benefits of his inner circle. "There's
nothing he could do that I wouldn't forgive. Because he's my son. Because I'm his father and he's my son." In these words Keller expresses his own
optimism that no matter what he is to do Chris will always understand, and forgive. That was not the case. If Keller could not forgive himself, why
did he believe that Chris would ever be able to forgive

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Examples Of Archetypes In All My Sons

Joe keller
The Author can describe characters in many ways and they usual do that. In the novel/play Arthur Miller all my sons the character Chris looks up to
his dad and looks at him for leadership and he respects his dad and loves him.The way Joe keller's family views him is he is a trustworthy man and
would sacrifice himself for his family. He has always worked hard in life so his family could have a good life and he always puts his family first. In
Arthur Miller's play All My Sons Characters are developed through the use of archetypes such as Joe Keller as the martyr.
Joe Keller is described as a martyr. The martyr can be depicted as a charismatic leadership ,sacrifices himself for the good of others that they may live.
Joe is the father of Chris and Chris has always looked up to his dad his whole life but around this part of the play Chris finds out what his father has
done "it was too late. The paper, it was all over the front page, twenty–one went down, it was too late" (Miller 420). All the respect the leadership that
Chris had for his father was gone at this point he had lost it all when he found out his was the one that new about the cylinder heads he knew
everything. Joe is reading a letter from Larry that shows the reason more content...
Joe is respected by his son Chris throught the story but when chris finds out that his dad knew about the broken cylinder heads and he still shipped
them out he lost the respect for him. Joe found out about Larry's death and when he knew the real reason why he ended his life and Joe understood
what Larry meant by the letter he couldn't live with himself after knew found out what Joe did. The way the author describes the characters in this
novel is he used archetypes most stories use these to mold story ideas most books follow the same archetypes they model their stories with theses
archetypes and this author is one of

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Character Analysis Of All My Sons

CONTEMPORARY WORK Joe Keller is a tragic hero and protagonist of Arthur Miller's 1947 play, All My Sons. He is an uneducated, yet
successful businessman trying to make a better life for his family. As soon as the play starts, Keller is stunned that the tree planted in memory of
his dead son Larry has fallen. However, he is worried that his wife will be upset because she does not want to accept that their son is dead. In turn,
Joe likes to support his wife in this regard since this will keep their secret buried and they will not have to admit blame for Larry's death. He is the
proud man that made a bad decision, one that cost the life of his son and many other soldiers in World War II. Joe has convinced himself that the
decision was for his family; however, his family is ultimately destroyed by his immortal decision. He is a dedicated man that grew up poor that
wanted to make a better life for his family. Nevertheless, his choice was driven more by survival and his building a legacy, than it was out of
greediness. To Joe Keller, nothing is more important to him than his family, and his moral duty to the world comes after his responsibilities to
Kate, Chris, Larry and his dead son. Keller lets his friend and partner take the blame for a decision that he forced him to make, which left him
imprisoned for many years. When the truth is revealed and exposed, Joe is confronted by his son and the guilt is too much for him and he kills
himself. The initial conflict comes at the beginning of the play when the tree planted in memory of the Keller's son Larry is struck down by
lightening. Added to the conflict is the arrival of Ann Deever, who is the fiancГ© of Larry the Keller's dead son. Ann is being asked to the home
by their other son Chris. This will create a rapid explosion of deeply buried guilt, and feelings that the Keller's wanted to forget. Joe has existed for
years repudiating his liability for the wrongdoing that had convicted his friend Steve Deever. The struggle continues as Chris tells his dad that he is
going to ask Ann to marry him, and was told that his mother will not allow it since she believes that Larry is still alive. The entrance of Ann's brother
George Deever who is a lawyer begins to upset the

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