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Concepts of sankhya.

AAvarna shakti(covers the originality), vikshan shakti(cloud our understanding of

things, one tend to assume things).

yama, niyam, aasan, pranayam, pratiyahar, dharana, dhyana, samadhi.

chittavritti nirodha (mana: prashamanyopaya: )
chitta- buddhi, ahankara, manas.
chitta then is divided into five types.
* moodam (deep sleep state)
* niruddhum
If sattav is active, the chitta first become ayekagram then niruddhum.
if rajas is backed by sattva, ayekagram is active.
if rajas is backed by tamas, vkshiptham is active.
if rajas if backed by tamas (dominantly), kshiptham is active.
*Dharma- vkshiptam\ayekagram. (Ayekagram)
*Artha- kshiptham. (Vkshiptam)
*Kama- moodam. (Kshiptam)
*Moksha- ayekagram\samadhi. (Niruddhum)

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