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Vidagdha Madhava

Act 1 –

Act 2 –

Act 3 –

Act 4 –
Act 5 – Radha Prasadana – Decorating Radha
Paurnamasi Says

Vrinda asks – Why are you so unhappy?

P- there are many reasons why I love Radha?

Madhu – What are symtoms of love?

Pauranamsi –

M – this is nature of love of Radha & Madhava

Krishna is depressed. Paurnamasi goes to Radha to arrange their meeting.

Subala – whats message?

Paurnamasi meets Radha.

Lalita meets Paurnamasi

Radha thinks Madhava came to embrace Her. Paurnamasi – This is symptom of deep love. Radha – I hate you Krishna.
Throws flower on her ear to ground. Lalita – what are you saying to yourself.

Vishakha brings letter by subala.

Nandimukhi brings news of krishna what he is doing now. – Why are you hard on Madhava? As hard as butter frozen to

Flute placed in air. Jatila enters. She steals flute from Radha’s hands. She moves towards Paurnamasi cottage. Vrinda
plans to take back flute. Subala – Jatila see, moneky enters your house to steal butter. Jatila changes her direction.
Throws flute on kakkhati. Kakkhati takes away flute. All are happy. Subala - only Visala can help get back flute. Jatila goes
to Giriraj ji.
Vrinda and subala bring flute to Krishna.

Subala – think of a solution

Visala sister Sarangi. Their aunt is Jatila. Sarangi cousin brother is Abhimanyu.
Jatila enters. Steals radha away.
Krishna gets back his flute. Play flute. Radha rebukes flute. Subala & Vrinda come to meet Krishna. Its actually radha and
Lalita came to meet Krishna. Krishna thinks its Subala And Vrinda.

Krishna wipes Radhas tears. Radha – why are you not ashamed to act in crooked way to an innocent girl?
Madhu hits bee with stick. He goes away.
Chapter 6 – Sharad Vihara – Pastimes in Autumn (Patjhad)
Lalita – there’s one more suffering?
Chapter 7 – Gauri Vihara Tirtha – Pastimes @ Gauri Tirth

Abhimanyu- to ask permission to take radha to Mathura.

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