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Ivan Subotic

Ms. Sakellis


7 July 2023

The Joy of Pet Ownership: Why You Should Get a Pet

Most animals we know today were domesticated around 10,000 years ago (AMNH).

Since then, billions of people now have household pets. From dogs to cats, cows to sheep, they

have become integral parts of our lives, offering companionship, resources and human

advancement. Inviting a pet into your home can be a decision that yields companionship,

development of life skills as well as health benefits.

One advantage of owning a pet is their companionship and emotional support since all

pets offer unwavering friendship. According to the American Kennel Club, pets “offer

unconditional love, emotional support, and help stave off social isolation” (Arford). Their

presence can ameliorate any negative feelings and provide comfort in challenging times. The

extraordinary impact of pet companionship extends beyond emotional support since owning a pet

can also help us develop responsibility and empathy.

In addition to the comradery and empathy pets provide, they can help humans develop

responsibility and sympathy skills. Caring for a living being teaches valuable life skills such as

responsibility, kindness, time management and more. Being a caregiver instills a sense of

accountability since pets rely on humans for their basic needs. Pets teach us many valuable life

skills, including patience, resilience, forgiveness, and empathy (Turner). In addition to teaching

invaluable life skills, pets offer several health benefits that can enhance one’s overall well-being.
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Beyond the life skills that pets teach humans, owning a pet can significantly improve our

physical health. For instance, many pets require regular exercise and activities outdoors. Also,

research has shown that owning a pet is associated with a variety of health advantages such as

reduced blood pressure, cholesterol, triglyceride levels (type of fat), decreased feelings of

loneliness, anxiety, and symptoms of PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) (“How to Stay

Healthy Around Pets and Other Animals | Healthy Pets, Healthy People | CDC”). With the

numerous benefits discussed, it is clear that owning a pet enhances our lives in many other ways.

In essence, deciding to welcome a pet into one’s life can bring immeasurable joy,

companionship and personal growth. Numerous benefits make them family treasures. They

provide camaraderie, emotional support, life skills and health benefits. That is why the

enrichment of our lives makes a compelling case for why you should welcome a pet into your

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Works Cited

Arford, Kaitlyn. “10 Science-Based Benefits of Having a Dog – American Kennel Club.”

American Kennel Club, 20 October 2020,

“Domestication Timeline | AMNH.” American Museum of Natural History,

“How to Stay Healthy Around Pets and Other Animals | Healthy Pets, Healthy People | CDC.”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

Turner, Bret. “The Lessons We Learn From Pets | Parenting….” PBS, 9 September 2019,

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