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Christian Fermin

Juan Dela Cruz

English 1

March 15, 2023

Appropriate Age to Use Social Media

Social media has become an integral part of modern life. However, the useful life span of

social media for children and young people is controversial. Some believe that children should

use social media from a young age, while others believe that social media should be banned until

children reach a certain age. I don't think children should be allowed to use social media until

they are at least 13 years old.

I believe so for several reasons. First, social media can expose children to inappropriate

content that can harm their mental health and emotional well-being. Children are still developing

right and wrong and can be easily influenced by the content they see on social media. Their

exposure to inappropriate content such as violence, hate speech and sexual material can

negatively affect their emotional and mental well-being.

Second, social media can be addictive, which reduces physical activity and face-to-face

interaction. Children who spend too much time on social media can become addicted to it, which

can lead to a lack of physical activity and social skills. They may also isolate themselves from

their peers and family, which can have long-term negative effects on their mental and emotional


Third, social media can be a breeding ground for cyberbullying. Children who use social

media are at greater risk of cyberbullying, which can have serious consequences for their mental

health and well-being. In extreme cases, cyberbullying can lead to depression, anxiety and even


While some argue that social media can be a useful educational and communication tool,

I believe the risks outweigh the benefits. Kids can still learn and interact in other ways that aren't

related to social media.

In response to the counterclaim, some argue that children should be allowed to use social

media under parental supervision. While this may seem like a viable solution, the reality is that

many parents do not have the time or knowledge to adequately monitor their children's social

media usage.

Additionally, even under parental supervision, children can be exposed to inappropriate

content, become addicted to social media, and become victims of cyberbullying.

In short, children are not allowed to use social networks until they are at least 13 years

old. Social media can expose children to inappropriate content, become addictive and a breeding

ground for cyberbullying. It is the responsibility of parents and society to protect children from

the potential harm of social media.

Works Cited

Carter, Bailey. “[Opinion] Why Parents Shouldn't Allow Their Children under 13 to Be on

Social Media.” THE EAGLE EYE, 1 Nov. 2021,



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