Introduction To Linguistics 17032022 125510pm

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Course Name Introduction to Linguistics Prepared 16

Course Code ENG -104 On August ,202
Credit Hours 3 1
Course Prereq. Revised 25
Code On June,2022
Course Type Core Course Elective
Program BS
Semester 1
Instructor: Ms. Hamna Khalid
Course Description
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the basic concepts of language which have
immediate relation to their ordinary as well as academic life, and to sensitize students to the
various shades & aspects of language, to show that it is not a monolithic whole but something that
can be looked at in detail. Serious theoretical discussions about these aspects have been differed to
subsequent studies of language at advanced level. The core components of linguistics like
phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, discourse and pragmatics will also be introduced
through this course.

Course Learning Outcomes Program Goal

Sr. No PG1 PG2 PG3 PG4 PG5 PG6 PG7

CLO1 Introduce students to the basic concepts

of language

CLO2 Get them familiarized with the core

components of linguistics like
phonology, morphology, syntax,
semantics, discourse and pragmatics
through this course.

CLO3 Students will become familiar with the

basic concepts of Linguistics.

Identify the key challenges of

CLO4 Linguistics, including the factors that can
hinder or facilitate communication

Teaching & Learning Methodology

Heuristic style of teaching is followed to make classes as heuristic as possible. This is achieved by group
discussions, practicing activities, collaboration and teamwork. Students are given assignments on regular
basis which enables them to study independently and in groups. Testing is done through quizzes according
to the course content which enables the instructor to evaluate the students.

a. Respect & listen to the one who is talking.

b. Present their ideas in a clear and articulate way.
The teaching methodology will include:
 Lectures
 Articles / Case Studies? Scenario Analysis

 Discussions

 Group Project
 Textbook(s) Yule, G. (2006). The Study of Language. CUP.

 Aitchison, J. (2000). Linguistics. Teach Yourself Books.
 Akmajian, A., Demers, R. A., Farmer, A. K. & Harnish, R. M. (2001). Linguistics: An
Introduction to Language and Communication. (Fourth edition). Massachusetts: MIT.
 Crystal, D. (1997). The Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge: CUP.
 Farmer, A. K, & Demers, R. A. (2005). A Linguistics Workbook. M. I. T Press.
 Finch, G. (2004). How to Study Linguistics: A Guide to Understanding Linguistics. Palgrave.
 Fromkin, V. A., Rodman, R. & Hymas, M. (2002). Introduction to Language. (Sixth edition).
New York: Heinley.
 Radford, A., Atkinson, M., Briatain, D., Clahsen, H., Spencer, A. (1999). Linguistics: An
Introduction. Cambridge: CUP.
 Todd, L. (1987). An Introduction to Linguistics. Moonbeam Publications.

Magazine Articles/ Published Material/ Research Journals /Papers
Students will be provided with updated/latest Journal articles/working papers/ conference proceedings for
relevant topic as extra reading
Grading Policy
Assessment Instruments Percentage
Quizzes 15%
Assignments + project 20%
Mid Term Exam 25%
Final Exam 40%

BS English Program Goals

Program Goals (PGs):

PG 1: Build relationship with literature and Society;

PG2: Modern theories and technology:

PG 3: Transformational Skills:

PG 4: Research and Pedagogy:

PG 5: Soft Skills and Life Long Learners:

PG 6: Moral and ethical Values:

PG 7: Build relationship with language and Society:

Week-wise Course Outline

Activities( Critical Thinking) Learning

Week/ Contents Case Studies, Role plays, Movie Clips, Objectives
Session Assignments, Research Papers, Addressed
Week 1 Introduction; Basic terms and concepts in (Handouts, Presentations, Homework) PLO1,2,3
Week 2 A Brief History of Linguistics (Handouts, Presentations, Homework) PLO1,2,3,9,10

Week 3 (Handouts, Presentations, Homework) PLO2,4,5,7,10

The Study of Sounds
Students’ presentations

Week 4 How Words are Made (Handouts, Presentations, Homework) PLO2,4,5,7,9,10

Week 5 The Study of Meaning (Handouts, Presentations, Homework) PLO2,4,5,7,9,10

Week 6-7 (Handouts, Presentations, PLO1,2,4,5
Introduction to Chomsky’s Theories

Week 8 Introduction to Generative Grammar (Handouts, Presentations, PLO2,4,5,9



Week 10 (Handouts, Presentations) PLO1,2,3,4,7

Universal Grammar

Week 11 (Handouts, Cornerstones Case Study) PLO1,2,3,4,6

Anthropological Linguistics

Week 12 (Handouts, Presentations) PLO 2,3,5,6,9,10

Students’ presentations

Week 13 (Handouts, Presentations) PLO 1,3,5,9,10

Language Politics
Students’ presentations

Week 14 (Handouts, Presentations, PLO 1,3, 5,9,10

Language Death
Students’ presentations

Week 15 Educational Linguistics (Handouts, Presentations, Homework) PLO 5,7,9,10
Students’ presentations

Week 16 Writing in South Asia (Handouts, Presentations, Homework) PLO 5,7,9,10

Students’ presentations

Week 17 Problem Solving PLO 5,7,9,10

Week 18 Final Examination

Guidelines – Final Group Projects

Program Goals (PGs) and Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs):

PG 1: Build relationship with literature and Society;
PLO 1: to demonstrate the conventions of diverse textual genres (e.g. the non-fiction essay, poetry, autobiography, novel, memoir, films, plays, editorials
and so forth) in their own work and to make world a better place.
PLO 2: to employ the literary and rhetorical methods and strategies in reading and writing of texts.
PG2: Modern theories and technology:
PLO 3: to equip students with the ability to analyze information sources in print and electronic media.
PG 3: Transformational Skills:
PLO 4: to construct clear, grammatical sentences and produce well-organized texts that exhibit attention to audience, genre and purpose.
PG 4: Research and Pedagogy:
PLO 5: to excel in research, textual criticism, analytical skills and pedagogical methods.
PG 5: Soft Skills and Life Long Learners:
PLO 6: to enable students to improve their writing skills, presentation and public speaking skills and apply these professionally outside the classroom to
become life-long learners.
PG 6: Moral and ethical Values:
PLO 7: to assist in developing their employability skills with effective use of moral and ethical values in the real world.
PG 7: Build relationship with language and Society:
PLO 8: to build relationships between language and society in order to provide solutions to the social issues.


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