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Something to say at the Shabbos Table a'ryz glya zyxt

Meaty Nostalgia
Shemot 16:3 b:fh zeny
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And the children of Israel said unto them: 'Would that we had died by the hand of Hashem
in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh-pots, when we did eat bread to the full;
for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill this whole assembly with hunger.

Yalkut Shimoni fpx fnx glya zyxt dxez iperny hewli (1

weyl oi`vei mixvna miklnl l`xyi eid micar xne` ircend xfrl` 'x ....xyad xiq lr epzaya
.ocia dgen dixa oi`e xac lke mibce xyae zt milhep
The Jews were slaves to royalty in Egypt, and could freely grab meat in the marketplace, and no one
could complain.....

Or haChaim- Rabbi Chaim ben Attar (Morocco, 1696-1742) b weqt fh wxt zeny miigd xe` (2
ik ,mixheyd mde mixvn zelaq ler mdilr eid `ly mze` md df rxd oeyl ixacn ik cnl dz` o`kn
mixvna elk` `ipr `ngl zelbd ler ilaeq mipernd
Those who complained were of the overseer class, because those enslaved ate only “bread of

R’ Yitzchak Abravanel, (Spain and Italy, 1437-1508) eh wxt zeny l`paxa` (3

epxkf de`zd zexawa exn` okle c`n lefa dbcde ax xweia `ed xyad mixvn ux`ay rcep xak ik
lek`l mixvna mikef eid xy`ky o`k exn` okle xyaa exac `le mpg mixvna lk`p xy` dbcd z`
xyad xiq lr epzaya `ed dfe zety xiqd zety xiqd aiaq mipae zea` miayeie mivawzn eid xya
mgl milke` eid xiqd aiaq my mzeidae .dlk`l xyad lyazi izn miewne mivawzn my eidy
lecb xweia xyade lefa dhgd mlv` did ik ecal zt xnel dvex raeyl
When they had meat in Egypt, the families would sit around the pot filling themselves on bread,
waiting for whatever scraps of meat they had gotten to finish cooking, since meat was much more
expensive than meat....

Shemot Rabbah fh dyxt `a zyxt (`plie) dax zeny (4

z` zteye ehgeye iav e` li` qteze xacna jled ixvnd dide dpy 't l`xyi micareyn eid mixvna
mgl eplk`a xyad xiq lr epzaya (fh zeny) xn`py ,oinreh `le oi`ex l`xyie lke`e lyane xiqd
xya `la mngl oilke` eidy epzaya `l` xyad xiqn eplk`a aizk `l ,raeyl
The Egyptians would cook their game in front of the Jews, who would not be allowed to taste it....

!jxeane mely zay

Rabbi Daniel Yolkut- Shabbat Parashat Beshalach 11 Shevat 5772

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