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Chinese literature is among the most imaginative and From the mythic origins of the Chinese dynasties to the
interesting in the world. The precision of the language eventual fall of the last imperial house, Chinese
results in perfectly realized images whether in poetry or emperors have long fought to maintain control over one
prose and, as with all great literature, the themes are of the most enduring empires on Earth. The rise and fall
timeless. of various imperial families oversaw waves of
innovation and cultural advancement. Qin Shin Huang
The history of Chinese literature extends thousands of
unified China, becoming the nation's first emperor.
years, from the earliest recorded dynastic court archives
Initiating the period known as the Imperial Era in China
to the mature vernacular fiction novels that later arose
(221 BCE-1912 CE) when dynasties ruled the land.
to entertain the masses of literate Chinese.
This era’s main contribution to Chinese literature was in
the poetry of Dufu, Li Bai and many other poets.
PERIOD OF CHINESE HISTORY Scientific and Historical Text emerges in the Han
Ancient Period (1700 BC - 205 BC )
The Four Classic Novels
Writing in China dates back to the hieroglyphs that were
used in the Shang Dynasty. Chinese literature is a vast Water Margin, Journey to the West, Romance of the
subject that spans thousands of years. There are Three Kingdoms and Dream of the Red Chamber; these
archaeological finds of hieroglyphic writing on bronze four novels form the core of Chinese classical literature
wares and oracle bones. The great literary works of and still admired in modern culture.
philosophy and religion became the basis for Chinese
Modern Era
religious and social belief at this era.
( 1912 - present ) Chinese literature became
Confucianism is an ancient Chinese belief system, which
westernized the national government wanted women
focuses on the importance of personal ethics and
to have more equal status in society and women writers
morality. Confucianism believes in ancestor worship and
and scholars were taken more seriously there was a lot
human-centered virtues for living a peaceful life.
of politically oriented literature printed scholars had
Confucius was a philosopher and teacher who lived access to foreign literature and many students studied
from 551 to 479 B.C.E. Confucius's teachings and abroad.
philosophy underpin East Asian culture and society,
Modern Literature- The Opium War brought an end to
remaining influential across China and East Asia to this
China's seclusion from the outside world and caused it
day. After Confucius’ death, several of his disciples
to progress to a new period in its history.
compiled his wisdom and carried on his work. The most
famous of these disciples were Mencius and Xunzi, both Contemporary Literature - With the development of
of whom developed Confucian thought further. the New Culture Movement, new thoughts refreshed
the literary field. They tried to approach the public with
The main idea of Confucianism is the importance of
more oral and excellent works as well as the literary
having a good moral character, which can then affect
the world around that person through the idea of
“cosmic harmony". The idea of “filial piety,” or devotion Present-Age Literature- Modern China's political arena,
to family, is key to Confucius thought. The family is the thriving economy and culture provides more freedom
most important group for Confucian ethics, and and an open atmosphere in which present day
devotion to family could only strengthen the society literature takes on a greater brilliance. Poems, essays,
surrounding it. fiction and drama in a broad spectrum of themes and in
many forms are quite popular. Newspapers, magazines,
Taoism or Daoism is an ancient tradition of philosophy
radio, and the Internet, all give writers of literature
and religious belief that is deeply rooted in Chinese
much scope for their exertions.
customs and worldview. Both share ideas and concepts
of Chinese origin and emphasize living in harmony with Lu Xun- He was a leading figure in modern Chinese
the Tao. Taoism is about the Tao. The Tao is the literature. Writing in vernacular Chinese and classical
ultimate creative principle of the universe. All things Chinese, he was a short story writer, editor, translator,
are unified and connected in the Tao. It is a religion of literary critic, essayist, poet, and designer. In the 1930s,
unity and opposites; Yin and Yang. The principle of Yin he became the titular head of the League of Left-Wing
Yang sees the world as filled with complementary Writers in Shanghai during republican era China. Lu
forces - action and non-action, light and dark, hot and Xun's writing exerts a substantial influence on Chinese
cold, and so on. literature and popular culture.


 achieving harmony or union with nature In a written language, a logogram, logograph, or

 the pursuit of spiritual immortality lexigraph is a written character that represents a word
 being 'virtuous' (but not ostentatiously so) or morpheme.
 self-development
The use of logograms in writing is called logography, CHINESE POETS
and a writing system that is based on logograms is
Li Bai - left home at 24 when he got married and began
called a logography or logographic system.
to write poetry. He began to wander, showing off his
Chinese characters, also known as Hanzi are one of the poetry in order to receive employment. He eventually
earliest forms of written language in the world, dating went to Chang’an, the Tang capital city, and became
back approximately five thousand years. Nearly one- part of a poetry group. He became the unofficial poet
fourth of the world's population still uses Chinese laureate for Prince Lin, who was eventually executed for
characters today. As an art form, Chinese calligraphy treason. Li was arrested and eventually banished. Li Bai
remains an integral aspect of Chinese culture. celebrated his love of drinking and wrote poems about
friendship and nature.
Chinese characters do not constitute an alphabet or a
compact syllabary. Li Yu- was the final ruler of the south Tang dynasty,
before Taizu, the founder of the Song dynasty invaded
Two forms of Hanzi: Traditional and Simplified
and took over. Li Yu was the master of the song form
COMMON LITERARY FORMS and his earlier poems reflected the luxury of court. His
most impressive poetry, came sadly when he
 PLAYS / DRAMA experienced the loss of his kingdom.
 FICTIONAL NOVEL- Examples of Chinese
fictional literature are the old classical novels: Li He - is a brilliant Chinese poet who showed great
Water Margin, Journey to the West, Romance promise until his untimely death at age 26. He's style
of the Three Kingdoms, Dream of the Red and diction are often idiosyncratic and even hermetic,
Chamber and his work presents daunting challenges to readers
 Philosophical and Religious Writings - It is wishing to follow the flights of his imagination, or simply
compose of a scripture about ancestral rites to construe the basic sense of his language.
and divination, and school of thoughts from the Du Fu - was a Chinese poet and politician of the Tang
philosophers of the past such as Confucius and dynasty. Along with his elder contemporary and friend
Laozi. Appreciating the complexity of this rich Li Bai, he is frequently called the greatest of the Chinese
and enduring culture is crucial to understanding poets. He is often described as a poet-historian, and
the beliefs that have helped to shape China’s his works convey the emotional impact and import of
behavior and history. political and social issues and register a range of private
Analects of Confucius concerns, trials, and dramas.

The analects is an ancient Chinese book composed of a Chinese Major Festivals

large collection of sayings and ideas attributed to the
 Chinese New Year
Chinese philosopher Confucius and his contemporaries,
 Lantern Festival
traditionally believed to have been compiled and
 Tomb Sweeping Day
written by Confucius's followers. It strongly emphasizes
 Mid-Autumn Festival
the importance of morality for the betterment of
oneself and society in general. INDIA

COMMON ANALECTS OF CONFUCIUS  World’s 7th Largest Country located in South

“Respect yourself and others will respect you.”
 “India” and “Bharat” are both official names
“Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles.”  Derives from Indus river used by “Greek”
 India civilization grew up in the Indus Valley
“To be wealthy and honored in an unjust society is a
4000 to 2000 BC
3 Main Topographic Regions
“Never give a sword to a man who can't dance.”
TOPOGRAPHIC - It means “Land” 
“When the wind blows, the grass bends.”
“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying
“Learning without thinking is useless. Thinking without
learning is dangerous.”
 Poetry- Chinese classical poetry is an integral  PENINSULAR INDIA IN THE SOUTH
part of Chinese culture and values. It covers
Language: More than “200 languages” are spoken in
social life, including socio-political, economic
and cultural life, and the state. The aesthetic
level and tendency reflected by Chinese The Earliest Indians may have migrated from Australia
classical genre is timeless. and the Pacific Islands.
4 major Languages: Wrote the “First Plays Modeled on Western Drama”


Introduced by the Short Story to Vernacular writing in

3 Major Religious traditions have emerged from this Major Poets of the Period
4 Hindu Gods
 HINDUISM - Adherent to the proscription
 GANESH - God of Good Fortune
against violence toward living things can escape
from the cycle of “Rebirth” and the doctrine  BRAHMA - God of Creation
also form a basis for vegetarian
 SHIVA - God of Destruction
 JAINISM - Non-violence is a core religious duty
and followed so strictly that the most  VISHNU - God of Preservation 
“Orthodox” devotes cover their faces with mask
to prevent accidentally harming insect. BRAHMA, VISHNU, SHIVA - They are the “Trinity God” of
 BUDDHISM - Non-violence is manifest in the Indians
Buddha’s emphasis on compassion and is also The Ramayana is not just a story, but also an
part of the faith’s moral codes. educational medium to demonstrate the importance of
Indian Caste System values such as loving and respecting your family,
keeping your promises, protecting the weak and that
INDIAN CASTE SYSTEM - Major social system that good deeds are the means to reach a higher plane while
groups people according to birth  bad deeds lead to destruction.
CASTE - It means “States” HEBREW
Caste System are: Literature in Hebrew has been produced
uninterruptedly from the early 12th century BC, and
 BRAHMINS: Priest, the Highest caste 
certain excavated tablets may indicate a literature of
 KSHATRIYAS: Warriors and Kings 
even greater antiquity.
 VAISHYAS: Merchants 
 SHUDRAS: Manual Labourers  HISTORY/ORIGIN
 DALITS or UNTOUCHABLE - The most lowest
The emergence of Hebrew literature dates back to the
caste, where the people not fall to any caste
doctrines that were dictated orally at the time of
and traditionally tasked with work such as
Abraham, one of the most relevant characters in
cleaning streets and working with human
Christianity and Judaism. These manifestations will take
LITERATURE place in the oral language known as The Law, or the
HALAKAH - a word which came from the Hebrew halak
Oral Tradition
meaning go or a rule to go by. most popular Hebrew
Vedic Holy Text literature in the first centuries of the Christian Era.

 MAHABHARATA and RAMAYANA HAGGADAH- coming from the Hebrew higgid meaning
to tell. it embraces folklore, theology, ethics, history,
Two great books poetry, science, and extra nonlegal material.
 400 B.C - “PANINI” The Hebrew alphabet is often called the "alef-bet,"
Produced his sanksrit gramma because of its first two letters.

 SECOND CENTURY AD Alef - first letter

“Prakrits” is being used in literature  Tav- last letter

 MIDDLE AGES SANSKRIT Note that Hebrew is written from right to left, rather
than left to right
Used in religious context by “priesthood”
Note that there are two versions of some letters. Kaf,
 GHAZAL Mem, Nun, Peh and Tzadeh all are written differently
Stylized form of “lyrical folk song” and “notable when they appear at the end of a word than when they
exponents of the form appear in the beginning or middle of the word.

 MICHAEL MADHUSUDAN DUTT The alef-bet has no vowels. People who are fluent in the
language do not need vowels to read Hebrew, and most
Introduce “Black Verse in Sonnet into Indian Poetry. things written in Hebrew in Israel are written without
The Monarchy

KING SAUL - first King of Israel

KING DAVID - crushed the civil wars and defeated the

enemies of the Hebrews


 THE BIBLICAL PERIOD - Ancient Hebrew

historiography is not the documentary and
scientific historiography of modern times. It is a
union of legend and fact, imagination and
speculation. 3. LYRIC POETRY - Ancient Hebrew poetry
employs some of the same petic devices found
 THE POST BIBLICAL PERIOD - the immediate
in Germanic verse – parallelism of structure of
post-biblical period is merely an extension of
idea, repetition, and balance, there is no rhyme
the biblical period. Many apocryphal and
and no regular meter, but usually there is a
apocalyptic books were patterned after the
distinct rhythm.
biblical prototype.
THE PSALMS - An anthology of 150 hymns, compiled c.
 THE MIDDLE AGES- when Islam became
150 B.C A few of the hymns were probably written by
widespread in almost all parts of the world, the
David (c. 1000 B.C.); some where written during the
Hebrews were forced to follow the Arabs in
periods of the Kingdom and of the Exile; most were
science and literature. great advances of
culture were felt in the realm of poetry. Under
the impact of Arab influences, latent and new 4. DRAMA - Although there was no theater in
poetic devices were formed. Palestine, there are two examples of dramatic
writing: Job and The Song of Songs/Song of
HEBREW POETRY- rhyme and meter as well as
European forms like the sonnet were also introduced
into Hebrew poetry. THEMES: wine, nature, sensual Job (c. 350 B.C.), the book of Job is a philosophical
love, and friendship drama, principally in poetic form; it was probably
influenced by Greek tragedy – in content as well as
THE BIBLE- the most widely read book in the world, has
in form.
been translated into more languages and dialects than
any other. It is divided into three parts: The Old The song of songs or Song of Solomon- - A semi-
Testament, The New Testament, and The Apocrypha. dramatic poem intended to be presented with
songs and dances a spart of a wedding ceremony.
THE OLD TESTAMENT- made up of 39 books, which may
be classified conveniently in six groups: History,
Prophetic Books, Lyric Poetry, Drama, Wisdom
5. WISDOM LITERATURE- Proverbs (compiled c.
Literature, and Tales.
300 B.C.). A book prudential sayings, chiefly poetic;
1. HISTORY - PENTATEUCH erroneously ascribed to Solomon probably of
popular origin.
The first main part of the Old Testament is called the
Pentateuch - the first five books namely: Genesis, Ecclesiastes (c. 150 B.C.). Wrongly ascribed to
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy Solomon, this is a series of heretical essays of
profound pessimism, fatalism, and skepticism
(except of many provers and pious passages
interpolated by later editors).

5. TALES - Several stories (once considered true,

now generally recognized as fictional) are
included in the Old Testament. Each one has a
special purpose of message.

Ruth (c. 350 B.C.). A short story containing a tactful

protest against the forbidding of racial

Jonah (c. 275 B.C.). A widely misunderstood tale

2. PROPHETIC BOOKS- The Old testament prophet about an early Jewish missionary who rebels when
was not primarily a soothsayer; he was a sent to Nineveh, who repents and carries out his
religious and social reformer. He was a mission, but who rebels a second time when God
spokesman for God--- a spokesman who forgives Nineveh.
pointed out the people’s evils to them and who Daniel (c. 150 B.C.) An allegorical tale written for
often threatened the nation with disaster and the purpose of encouraging the Jews during the
destruction unless it repeated. Maccabean struggle.
Esther (c. 150 B.C.). Probably the latest of all the Susanna and the Elders - An excellent little story about
Old Testament books and also the least moral. a beautiful and righteous matron whom two wicked
elders attempt to seduce.
Tobit - A wildly romantic tale which shows both
The New Testament contains 27 books written in
Egyptian and Persian influences.
Greek by 15 or 16 different authors between 50 C.E
and 120 C.E. It can be divided into 4 groups: PARABLES
Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Epistles, and
The parables of Jesus make up a crucial part of the
Bible. Jesus had the wisdom to simplify the profound
There are four accounts of the life of Christ. They spiritual truths he needed to share with humanity in
agree in most essentials but differ in minor details. the form of relatable stories that are easy to
1. Matthew - TWO MAIN PURPOSE:
(1.) to prove to the Jews that Christ was a
fulfillment of the old prophecies - that he was the Iran (Persia) is the most populous and the second
Messiah largest country in the Middle East, and a major exporter
of oil.
(2) to record the ethical teaching of Jesus
Iran, meaning “Land of the Aryans” was the center of a
2. Mark- The earliest, shortest, and perhaps most
great empire of the ancient world and remained a
authentic of the Gospels. It is the source book for
monarchy until the Islamic Revolution of 1979 and the
Matthew and Luke; three are called the "The
establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the
Synoptic Gospels."
west, the country has been known as Persia, from the
3. Luke- Written by Luke, a physician and the ancient Greek name for the heartland of the empire,
companion of Paul on some missionary journeys. Persis.
Uses Mark and Matthew as sources, but draws in
Aryan tribes migrated into the Iranian plateau in the
other material as well.
2nd millennium B.C.
4. John - The book shows the influence of Greek
Iran’s official language, Persian(Farsi), is an Indo-
and Alexandrian philosophy, especially the doctrine
European Language, it has been written in modified
of the logos. Its emphasis is on the divinity of Christ,
Arabic script since the 10th Century.
His personification of logos, faith, identification of
the love for God with the love for man, and mystical Some 99% of the Iranians are Muslims, over 93%
union with deity. belonging to the Shiite branch of Islam and under 6% to
the Sunni branch.
Iran has a very rich culture. Persian literature has
By Luke, the author of the third Gospel. The Acts is
flourished for over a thousand years, with poetry as
a vivid and moving narrative of the spread of
the most important art form. Music and architecture
Christianity over Asia Minor, the islands of the
are also historically important, as are calligraphy and
Mediterranean, Greece, and Rome.
miniature painting. Iran also is famous for its crafts,
EPISTLES including ceramics, silver and gold metalwork, and
above all Persian Carpets. The traditional crafts,
Believed to be the divinely inspired writings of the however declined with industrialization.
Apostles or followers of Jesus Christ, the Epistles
are the collection of writings and lectures given by The Government of Iran is the first theocratic republic
followers. This has proved to be the most in the world. The constitution of the Islamic republic
universal influential letters ever written as an gives its leader, the Faqih, extensive religious and
account of later Christian doctrine and practice. secular powers, including the right to appoint the
commanders of the armed forces and the head of the
tHE BOOK OF REVELATION - the last book of the judiciary and to confirm the elected president.
Bible, is one of the most difficult to understand
because it abounds in unfamiliar and extravagant Legislative power is vested in the major, whose
symbolism, which at best appears unusual to the members are elected every 4 years.
modern reader.
Persia has been influenced by the varieties of ideals,
Judith - A fictitious story of a God-fearing Jewess, religions, the way of life of the different invaders who
who, when her native Bethulia is besieged by had dominated Persian soil. The most zealous adherents
Nebuchadnezzar’s men, makes her way (by names of Islam endeavored to reconcile themselves with the
of her beauty and her wisdom) into the tent of mysteries of existence and transcendental reality
Holofernes, the leader of the Assyrian beyond the strappings of ceremonials by practice of
expeditionary force. Sufism (mortification of mortal flesh) by the wearing
wool (suf in Arabic).
Arabic and Persian Literature became strengthened by MEDIEVAL LITERATURE
sufi terms. In fact, it became a staple ingredient of
Japan experienced many civil wars which led to the
Persian poetry, so much so that ordinary terms became
development of a warrior class, and subsequent war
mystical in implications.
tales, histories, and related stories.
The thematic substance of Persian poetry was love,
Work from this period is notable for its insights into
wine, and enjoyment of life, there is a pervading
life and death, simple lifestyles, and Seppuku.
somberness, perceptible despite their seemingly
epicurean tendencies. Tale of the Heike, an epic account of the struggle
between two clans for control of Japan at the end of
the twelfth century.
Japan as a country has a past with its styles in its own
The Tokugawa Period is commonly referred to as the
tradition, in clothing, building and foods.
Edo Period. The capital of Japan moved from Kyoto to
Clothing- Japanese people used their traditional Edo (modern Tokyo)
clothing in the past, now they wear it just in special
Scholarly work continued to be published in Chinese,
which was the language of the learned much as Latin
Yukata for men, Kimono for women, Zori sandals was in Europe.

Buildings and Gardens- In Japan there are many Chikamatsu Monzaemon, a kabuki dramatist, known
different buildings and gardens, that are a big part of as the Japan’s Shakespeare
its culture.
Many genres of literature made their debut during the
Japan Literature is one of the major literatures of the Edo Period, helped by a rising literacy rate among the
world comparable to English literature in age and growing population of townspeople, as well as the
variety. development of lending libraries.

Poems and Odes to the Gods were composed in the MEIJI PERIOD
early Japanese language before the art of writing was
War-time Japan saw the debut of several authors best
known in Japan.
known for the beauty of their language and their tales
The Modern Japanese writing system uses: of loves and sensuality.

- Kanji, ideographs from Chinese characters, Kawabata Yasunari, for his narrative mastery, which
- Kana, a pair of syllabaries, consisting of with great sensibility expresses the essence of the
- Hiragana, used for native Japanese words, and Japanese mind became Japan’s first winner of the
- Katakana, used for foreign loanwords and Nobel Prize for Literature.
sometimes to replace kanji or hiragana for
In Japanese fiction, plot development and action have
ANCIENT LITERATURE Two of the oldest Japanese
often been of secondary interest to emotional issues.
In keeping with the general trend toward reaffirming
Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matter) national characteristics, many old themes re-emerged,
and some authors turned consciously to the past.
-relates to the creation of the world, describes
the gods and goddess of the mythological period, and JAPANESE POETRY
contains facts about ancient Japan.
The 17th-century Japanese haiku master Basho was
Nihongi (Chronicles of Japan) born Matsuo Kinsaku near Kyoto, Japan, to a minor
samurai and his wife. Soon after the poet’s birth, Japan
-tells the history of Japan in poetry and shows the
closed its borders, beginning a seclusion that allowed
profound influence of Chinese.
its native culture to flourish.
The Heian Period, referred to as the golden era of
- Tea ceremony
Japanese art and literature.
- Wedding
Man’yoshu (Collection of Myriad Leaves) - Birth
- Death
-The oldest collection of Japanese poetry collected in
the year 800.

Genji Monogatari (The Tale of Genji)

-Written by court lady named Murasaki Shikibu is

considered the pre-eminent masterpiece of Heian
fiction and the first example of a work of fiction in the
form of a novel.

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