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1.Contact details
Creditor. Barclays Bank UK PLC
Address. Barclaycard Centre, 1234 Pavilion Drive, Northampton,
NN4 7SG, United Kingdom
Telephone number(s). 0800 151 0900
Web address.
Credit intermediary N/A

2. Key features of the credit product

The type of credit Credit Card
The total amount of credit. Your credit limit will be set according to your
circumstances, your account usage and history,
This means the amount information from other parts of the Barclays group,
of credit to be provided information we receive from credit reference agencies,
under the proposed credit and any other information we think is relevant.
agreement or the credit limit.
How and when credit would Once you receive your card (or card details) you
be provided. can use it to make purchases and cash withdrawals,
and you can ask us for balance transfers and money
transfers on the terms of the agreement.
The duration of the credit The agreement will have no fixed or minimum duration -
agreement. it'll continue until you or we choose to end it.
Repayments. You must make a minimum payment each month. This
will be the highest of:

Your repayments will pay • £5 (or the total outstanding balance if it's less than
off what you owe in the £5)
following order. • 3.25% of your main balance plus any instalment
plan payments due for that month (if you have any
instalment plans on your account)
• An amount equal to any interest, default fees or
account maintenance fees that have been added to
your account since your last statement, plus 2.00%
of the rest of your main balance plus any instalment
plan payments due for that month (if you have any
instalment plans on your account)

If you are in persistent debt, we may offer you the

option of repaying your balance in equal instalments
over a period of 4 years or less. We call this a paydown
plan. If you take out a paydown plan, your minimum
payment will be the paydown plan payment amount
each month until the plan ends.

If you are on a reduced-repayment plan or

arrangement, during the plan or arrangement your
minimum payment will be the amount we have told you.
If you don't pay the total outstanding balance in full
by the payment due date, we'll apply the amount you
do pay, to make any instalment plan payments due
for that month. We'll then apply the amount to reduce
your main balance (your statement balance less any
instalment plan balance) starting with the higher interest
rate balances before lower interest rate balances. If
you have more than one promotional balance at the
same interest rate, we'll use your payment to reduce
the balance with the promotional rate that ends first.
Finally, we'll apply it to any remaining instalment plan
balance you may have.

If the standard balance includes default fees, we'll apply

your payment to the default fees before the rest of the
standard balance has been repaid. We always reduce
the balances that appear on your statement before we
use your payment to reduce the value of transactions
that have not yet appeared on your statement.

We explain what we mean by main balance, standard

balance, promotional balance and instalment plan
balance in section 3, Costs of the credit, below.

The total amount you will Let's say that as soon as you get your card, you use it
have to pay. to make a purchase of £1200.00 - interest is charged at
the standard rate. You then choose to repay us in full
This means the amount you by making 12 equal monthly instalments to cover the
have borrowed plus interest purchase amount, plus the amount needed to cover the
and other costs. monthly interest.

Assuming there are no changes to the interest rate or

charges, this would make a total amount of £1329.68 to
repay on your account, and the APR would be 21.9%

3.Costs of the credit

The rates of interest which We charge different interest rates on different balances.
apply to the credit agreement Your simple standard and cash interest rates will
move up and down in line with changes to the Bank of
England Base Rate. Base Rate changes won't apply to
your promotional or instalment plan interest rates.

• Standard balance: Simple standard rate 19.95%

p.a. (variable). Because we charge interest on
interest, this gives a compound equivalent rate of
21.9% per year (variable). Your standard balance
is made up of everything, other than your cash
balance, promotional balances and instalment plan
balances added to your card account.
• Cash balance: Simple cash rate 19.95% p.a.
(variable). Because we charge interest on interest,
this gives a compound equivalent rate of 21.9%
per year (variable). Your cash balance is made up
of cash withdrawals, the purchase of currency or
travellers' cheques, cash-like transactions, gaming
transactions, and interest and charges on those
amounts. Cash like transactions include the sending
of money orders or wire transfers and buying
digital currencies including cryptocurrency. Gaming
transactions include gambling, betting and other
transactions relating to gaming, such as purchases
of lottery tickets or gaming chips or purchases made
at a gambling establishment or website.
• Promotional balance: Your promotional balance
is made up of any transactions with promotional
terms. The following promotional rates are available
from the date that your account is opened: 0%
interest on eligible balance transfers for up to 22
months (2.9% fee applies) and 0% interest on
purchases for up to 24 months both from account
opening. Balances must be transferred within 60
days of account opening. The amount transferred
must not exceed 90% of the available credit on your
When added together, your standard balance, cash
balance and promotional balance make up your main
• Instalment plan balance: This is made up of plans
that we may offer, which allow you to repay a
balance in monthly instalments over a period of
time. They're charged at 0% interest but subject
to a one off fee. It doesn't form part of your main

We won't change any promotional or instalment plan

rates during the time we've agreed to keep them
fixed. At the end of the promotional or instalment
plan period, we will transfer any outstanding balance
to your standard balance or your cash balance (as

If you make an arrangement to pay less than your

minimum payment, we will switch anything on a
promotional rate to the standard rate before the end
of the promotional period. If you miss two monthly
payments in a row we'll transfer the rest of the
instalment plan balance to your standard balance and
charge the standard rate.

If you pay your main balance (excluding any

promotional balance with a 0% interest rate) plus any
instalment plan payments due for that month in full by
your payment due date, the following will apply to that
• We won't charge interest on new transactions that
have been added to your account since your last

• We'll only charge interest on your outstanding

balance from your last statement up to the date of
your current statement

If the Base Rate changes, your simple standard and

cash interest rates will change in line with the new Base
Rate on the day after your next statement date. But as
a new customer, changes before your first statement
will not take effect until the day after your second
statement date.

Your interest rates may also change for the reasons set
out below:

• We may increase or decrease your interest rate

based on the risk of lending to you
• We may change your interest rates if there's a
change in legal or regulatory requirements that
affect us
• As this contract has no fixed end date, we may from
time to time need to make changes for reasons that
are not set out here. You may end the agreement
without charge if we do this.

We'll give you at least 30 days' notice unless we reduce

any of your interest rates in which case we may give
you less notice.

Annual Percentage Rate of 21.9% APR (variable), calculated on the same basis as
Charge (APR). the above figure for the total amount you'll have to pay.
This is the total cost
expressed as an annual If the APR were based on paying the cash rate it would
percentage of the total be higher.
amount of credit.
The APR is there to help you
compare different offers.
Related costs
Any other costs deriving from • A fee on the amount of balance transfers, which
the credit agreement. we'll tell you before you make the transaction;
• A fee on the amount of instalment plans, which we'll
tell you before you create the plan;
• 2.99% (minimum £2.99) cash fee on cash
transactions (there's no minimum fee for gaming
• 2.99% non-sterling purchase fee on the value of
purchases made in foreign currencies;
• The amount of any other reasonable costs or losses
of ours from you breaking the agreement; and
• There is no maintenance fee for this account.
Conditions under which We may change or add to our charges for any of the
the above charges can be following reasons:
• If we reasonably consider that it makes the terms
easier to understand or fairer to you
• If we reasonably consider that the change will
benefit you or isn't to your disadvantage and
wouldn't cost you any more
• To reflect reasonable changes to the way we run
our business because of a change in the banking
or financial system, in technology, or in the systems
we use
• To reflect legal or regulatory requirements that
apply to us

As this contract has no fixed end date, we may from

time to time need to make changes for reasons that are
not set out here. You may end the agreement without
charge if we do this.

We'll give you at least 30 days' notice unless the

change is to your advantage, in which case we may
give you less notice.
Costs in the case of late If you don't make at least your minimum payment by the
payments. payment due date:

• We'll continue charging you interest at the above

applicable rate on the overdue amount.
• You'll have to pay a late payment fee of £12.00 and
after 28 days you might also have to pay interest on
the default charge.
Consequences of missing If you miss a payment:
• We'll add a £12.00 late payment fee to your
• We may take the payment from any other Barclays
accounts you have.
• You may not be eligible for offers or promotions.
• Your credit records may be affected, making it
harder or more expensive to borrow again.
• If you miss two payments in a row, you'll lose the
0% interest rate on any instalment plans.

In rare cases, legal action or insolvency proceedings

such as bankruptcy could be taken.

4.Other important legal aspects

Right of withdrawal. You have the right to withdraw from this agreement
within 14 days, starting on the day after you receive
your card.
Early Repayment. You have the right to repay all or part of the account
balance at any time.
Consultation with a Credit If we reject your application on the basis of a
Reference Agency. consultation of a credit reference agency, we'll tell you
(and give you the details of the agency consulted) with
our decision.
Right to a draft credit You have the right to request a copy of the draft credit
agreement. agreement free of charge, unless we no longer wish
to proceed with your application at the time of your
The period of time during This information is valid on the day it is issued to you.
which the creditor is bound This means that if you apply for a card on a different
by the pre-contractual date it may not be the same terms as those stated here.

5. Additional information in the case of distance marketing of financial services

(a) concerning the creditor
Registration number. Firm Reference Number 759676
The supervisory authority. Financial Conduct Authority
(b) concerning the credit
The law taken by the The law of England and Wales.
creditor as a basis for
the establishment of
relations with you before
the conclusion of the credit

The law applicable to the The law of England and Wales applies to these terms.
credit agreement and/or the Any dispute about this agreement can be dealt with by
competent court. an English or Welsh court unless your address is in:

• Scotland (where it will be dealt with by the courts of

• Northern Ireland (where it will be dealt with by the
Language to be used in courts of Northern Ireland)
connection with the credit
agreement. We'll only ever communicate with you in English.
(c) concerning redress
Access to out-of-court If you have a complaint, please contact our Customer
complaint and redress Services Team on 0800 151 0900. If we don't resolve
mechanism. your complaint to your satisfaction, you may be able
to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service, by
writing to them at Exchange Tower, London, E14
9SR, calling 0800 023 4567, visiting their website
at or emailing

Please see the Annex to this document for information on how the Bank of England Base
Rate affects your interest rates

Bank of England Base Rate - how it affects your interest rates

Your simple standard and cash interest rates will move up and down with the Bank of England
Base Rate, and this will affect the amount you have to pay when interest is due on your
account. The Bank of England is the administrator of the Bank of England Base Rate.

If the Bank of England Base Rate is no longer available or changes significantly, we will
decide whether it is reasonable to replace it with another rate or whether to make other
changes to how we calculate interest.

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