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University of San Agustin Registration Form

College of Technology Student ID: 2022004369

2022-2023, 2nd Semester Enrollment Date: 01/30/2023 10:15 AM

Student Name: Maglupay, Graxer Mae Garcia Program: Bachelor of Science in Interior Design Year Level: 1st Year
Place of Birth: Iloilo city Date of Birth: 07/05/2003 Age: 19 Sex: FEMALE
Present Address: 5114069 Pavia Iloilo 5001 Philippines Contact Number: 09666633369
Guardian Name: Mary Grace Garcia Maglupay Contact Number: 09212111500
Address: Email Address: Relation to Student: MOTHER
Date Enlisted: 01/29/2023 08:01 PM Payment Scheme: 2022-2023 Second Semester

Subjects Fees Breakdown

Cycle Code Description Units Fee Particulars Amount
Lec Lab Total Miscellaneous Fee 10,281.86
NSTP 2 laboratory Fee 8,051.45
National Service Training Program 2 3.0 2,935.62
NSTP 2 - 15 / BSID 1-A Total: 18,333.31
Centeno, Ma. Consejo
GE 3 Mathematics in the Modern World 3.0 2,935.62
GE 3 - 7 / BSID 1-A
E learning Room 85 - Thu 07:30 - 09:00 ,E
learning Room 85 - Mon 07:30 - 09:00
PE 2 Fitness Exercise (FE) with Aquatic Activities 2.0 1,957.08
(Stroke Readiness)
PE 2 - 14 / BSID 1-A
Aujero, April Rose
ID 120 Interior Design 2 4.0 3,914.16
ID 120 - 1 / BSID 1-A
BH 13 - Mon 10:00 - 14:00 ,BH 13 - Thu 10:00 -
Fortu, Jonathan
ASF 2 Saint Augustine on Christology and Worship 3.0 2,935.62
ASF 2 - 17 / BSID 1-A
AH 27 - Mon 16:30 - 18:00 ,AH 27 - Thu 16:30 -
ID 121 Color Studies 1 - Color Theory & Dynamics 3.0 2,935.62
ID 121 - 1 / BSID 1-A
BH 13 - Tue 14:00 - 17:30 ,BH 13 - Fri 14:00 -
Sabordo, Angela
ID 124R Interior Perspective 3.0 2,935.62
ID 124R - 1 / BSID 1-A
BH 13 - Fri 09:00 - 12:30 ,BH 13 - Tue 09:00 -
Fortu, Jonathan
GE 1 Science, Technology and Society 3.0 2,935.62
GE 1 - 5 / BSID 1-A
E learning Room 81 - Fri 07:30 - 09:00 ,E learning
Room 81 - Tue 07:30 - 09:00
Cataluña, Emily
ID 122 Visual Techniques 3.0 2,935.62
ID 122 - 1 / BSID 1-A
BH 20 - Thu 14:00 - 16:30 ,BH 20 - Mon 14:00 -
Espinosa, Ron Matthews
Total Units: 27.0 26,420.58

Payment Summary 2022-2023 Second Semester

Tuition Fee: 26,420.58 Down Payment (10%) — Jan 4,475.39

Laboratory: 0.00 20, 2023
Miscellaneous: 18,333.31 1st partial payment (35%) — 15,663.86
Payment Scheme 0.00 Mar 13, 2023
Additional Charge:
Penalty: 0.00 2nd partial payment (25%) — 11,188.47
Apr 17, 2023
Total Amount + Other: 44,753.89
Last payment (30%) — Jun 05, 13,426.17
Deductions: 2023
Payment Scheme
Added penalties 0.00
Total Amount Due: 44,753.89 Additional Charges 0.00


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2022-2023, 2nd Semester
University Registrar University Accountant Student’s Signature
This REGISTRATION FORM is valid as proof that you have undergone academic advising and that you are officially enrolled in the above subjects. This is system generated and requires no
signature. This is just an initial assessment. Total assessment will depend on the final subjects enrolled and may change without prior notice.

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2022-2023, 2nd Semester

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