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PROJECT CLAID (Contextualized and Localized Activities Intended for Distance Learning)

Name : ___________________________________ Date: ___________ Score:____


Quarter 4 – Week 1
Competency: Explain critical reading as a form of reasoning
Lesson: Critical Reading

1. Define critical reading

2. Employ inquiries while reading to develop reasoning

3. Use reasoning to solve real-world or authentic problems.

Reading has always been important. It allows us to enjoy stories,
poems or any other texts; to become fully-equipped in terms of
schooling and academic standing; and to basically function in this
modern world. However, reading academic texts require much more
than reading itself. It needs concentration, time and effort. It needs an
individual to become a critical thinker and to master Critical Reading.
Critical Reading highlights key arguments and focal analysis concepts
presented in the texts.

Q4 Week No.1 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVac-8
Competency: Explain critical reading as a form of reasoning

Directions: Write T if the statement is true or factual and F if it is not.

1. Reading academic texts requires concentration, effort and time.

2. Critical Reading highlights key arguments and focal analysis

concepts presented in the texts.

3. Reading critically includes fact-checking, generalizing, and making

inquiries and reflections.

4. Reasoning is reflected when an individual gives his / her own

feedbacks, evaluations and thoughts regarding a text material.

5. Reasoning should only be done when reading academic texts.


Getting Started
Directions: Read the following problem and test your reasoning. Put your
answer on the spaces provided.

You are in front of a “sealed room”, at the top of a five-storey building,

which is abandoned with no living beings except rats and other pests. The room
can only be opened if you are outside. It has no windows. However, there is a
small gap on the door, to which no human can possibly go through. If you
inspect closely through the gap, you can see that inside, there are left-over
bread crumbs, some droplets of water and at the furthest corner of the room
opposite to your view, there is a shiny and almost glinting key with a long red
thread tied to it.

______ 1. What was found inside the sealed room which is unusual?

A. key C. left-over bread

B. rats D. water droplets
______ 2. Who do you think is the best person to solve this mystery?
A. detective C. doctor
Q4 Week No.1 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVac-8
Competency: Explain critical reading as a form of reasoning
B. judge D. technician
_______ 3. What kind of attitude should a person possess if he / she is
assigned to this situation?
A. creative and reliable
B. inquisitive and observant
C. scared, and unreliable most of the time
D. overly cautious and thinking of safety first
_______ 4. How was the room described to able to call it as a sealed room?
A. The room has no pests.
B. The room has no human beings.
C. The room has no windows and the door is shut.
D. There is a small gap on the door of the room.
______ 5. What question should you have formulated in mind when
seeing the inside of the sealed room?
A. Where did the water come from?
B. When will the cheese and bread be stale?
C. How did the room get locked while the key was left inside?
D. Why did no one clean after eating the bread?


Have you caught yourself stopping from reading a newspaper or an

article and saying, “Wait a minute, I think that there is something off here…?”
Then, you shake your head, trying to remember articles you have read with
the same topic as this, but with a different style of writing, information and
other else. Consequently, you browse on the net, look over other references,
fact-checking, generalizing, or even making inquiries and reflections. If that
is what you are doing most of the time, you are not merely reading, you are
critically reading. Not only that, if you are also giving your own feedbacks,
evaluations and thoughts regarding the matter, you are already forming a skill
called Reasoning.

Q4 Week No.1 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVac-8
Competency: Explain critical reading as a form of reasoning

Getting it Right
Directions: Read the following statements carefully and think whether these
are related to concepts of Critical Reading. If it is much related, write VR and
if it is not, write NR. Put your answer on the space provided beside each

____ 1. When selecting a book to read, know first exactly what type of book
you are really into (type of text, purpose of reading, etc.)

_____ 2. Make a general idea of the book by means of just looking at its title.

_____ 3. If the book is used for research references, make sure to check the
publication date for relevance.

_____ 4. While reading a text, note key words or phrases for future referencing.

_____ 5. When encountering unfamiliar concepts, make inquiries to yourself.

_____ 6. Have a dictionary with you all the time.

_____ 7. Be keen on observing and identifying context clues as you are reading.

_____ 8. Highlight parts of a text for reflection.

_____ 9. Drink coffee when you see an unfamiliar word or a phrase.

_____ 10. Dance around while holding the book in your hand.

Q4 Week No.1 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVac-8
Competency: Explain critical reading as a form of reasoning


Directions: Read the situation carefully and test your reasoning. Answer the
questions that follow and place your answers on the spaces provided.

You were attending a Book Fair with your friend and you wanted to
introduce a new book that you recently authored. The book was about a young
man who had strange powers including levitation, teleportation, and
invisibility. Three students approached your stall, to look at your book and
you asked them about their courses. One was studying Architecture in his
first year. The other one was majoring on Chemistry and on his third year.
The last one was in Tourism and on his last year.

1. Who do you think will most likely read your book?


2. Why do you think that the remaining students will not read your book?

5 points Answers are clear, with basis, and evidences for the analysis.
4 points Answers are satisfactory.
3 points Needs more clarification on the answers given.
2 points Needs more thoughts and details.

Q4 Week No.1 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVac-8
Competency: Explain critical reading as a form of reasoning
Directions: Read and analyze the following discourse, “The Paradox of
Preparedness for Peace”, adapted from “Preparedness and Peace” by William
Jenning Bryan. Choose the best answer from the choices given below. Write
your answer on the space provided.

That preparedness brings about peace is a false philosophy. On the

contrary, it usually results in war. Take the case of the two men who have just
moved into the village. They live side by side. They introduce themselves to
each and become friends. One tells himself for the sake of ensuring peace in
the neighbourhood, he should take caution not to infringe on his neighbour’s
rights. But at the same time, thinks on how to protect himself against that
neighbour. He goes to the store, buy a gun, and tells himself if the neighbour
interferes with him, he would not hesitate to kill him. Without him knowing it,
the neighbour who also proclaims love for peace, purchases a gun.

The case of these two men is similar to the case of two nations which
talks about love for peace while boasting of their battleships, and their
readiness to fight. They are determined to protect themselves, like the man who
carries a gun. However, experiences tell us that a man who carries a gun tends
to use it on slight provocation and tends to provoke its use upon others.

______ 1. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To argue C. To inform
B. To entertain D. To persuade
______ 2. What field of expertise does this text belong to?
A. Language C. Philosophy
B. Mathematics D. Science
______ 3. How did the text able to clarify its point about why preparedness for
peace can also give idea to war?
A. Defining the meanings of peace
B. Enumerating the dangers of war
C. Comparing one situation to another
Q4 Week No.1 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVac-8
Competency: Explain critical reading as a form of reasoning
D. Giving humorous stories about war

______ 4. What is the main idea that the text wished to emphasize about?
A. People are afraid of having peace.
B. Preparedness brings about peace is a false philosophy.
C. The neighbour who proclaims peace can still purchase
a gun.
D. The knowledge of people about peace is reasonable.
______ 5. How would you describe the two neighbours on their concept and
understanding of peace?
A. Both men have an exact and appropriate definitions of
B. Both men are still confused about the boundaries of the
definitions of war and peace.
C. Both men have a similar point of view of the definitions
of peace, that’s why, they are unified.
D. All of the above.
______ 6. What critical question can be formulated after reading the
first paragraph?
A. What is the true meaning of peace?
B. Why do the neighbours hate each other?
C. How are the two men able to know each other?
D. How did the two men settle their disputes every time?
______ 7. What critical question can be formulated after reading the
whole discourse?
A. What nations are mentioned in the text?
B. Who are the neighbours mentioned in the text?
C. Did the man use the gun he bought towards his
D. How are the neighbours similar in thinking to the
leaders of the nations?
______ 8. What does the author mean by his last statement: The experiences
tell us that a man who carries a gun tends to use it on slight
provocation and tends to provoke its use upon others?
A. Nowadays, men do not have the slightest dignity.
B. People are sometimes easily swayed by their emotions.
C. Even with great caution, a person can still make
D. None of the above.

Q4 Week No.1 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVac-8
Competency: Explain critical reading as a form of reasoning
Villanueva, Aida S., and Delos Santos, Rogelio L. Developmental Reading 1.
Quezon: Lorimar Publishing Inc., 2008.

Barrot, Jessie S., and Sipacio, Philippe John F. Communicate Today English
for Academic and Professional Purposes for Senior High School. Quezon: C
& E Publishing Inc. 2016.

Prepared by:
Highway Hills Integrated School
SDO Mandaluyong,



Master Teacher II, MHS Master Teacher II, ABIS Master Teacher II, MPNAG
Content Language Layout



Education Program Supervisor, English

Q4 Week No.1 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVac-8
Competency: Explain critical reading as a form of reasoning

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