Sophia Benjamin Report File - FBI #0026238

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Christopher Asher Wray

Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

April 22, 2023


This is Mr. Grant Wilson, I am a crime and drug law enforcement agency officer in
charge of Miss Sophia Benjamin who was caught with contraband pills at the Des
Moines international airport here in the United States. She was arrested by our
officers while trying to go on board at the airport due to the illegal pills with a
classic drug named GHB.

But according to her, she said the pills were prescribed to her by her physician and
it's legal in Ukraine where she went for a modeling seminar but due to the
regulation that GHB is against our law here in America, she's currently detained in
our custody.

After she told me she was using the pills for dieting and slim fitting her body, I
pitied her, and I help her to explain her situation in our conference. An order has
been passed that she will either pay a limited fine of $3,500 and also a petition fee
of $500 or be taken to court and be sentenced to 2 years imprisonment.

Christopher Asher Wray

Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

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