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International Cooperation News

August 2021
30% of educational institutions resume face-to-face classes

The Minister of Education, Juan Manuel Brunetti, explained that about 30% of educational
institutions returned to face-to-face classes after the winter holidays.
"Those institutions that had decided to start the first semester with hybrid classes are the ones
that resume with the same modality," Brunetti explained.
The Minister of Education announced that for August 23 the return to the classrooms of the
most vulnerable groups, such as indigenous peoples and rural schools, was established.
Likewise, the students of the levels that conclude stages will return to the classrooms, such as
the sixth, ninth and third grade of secondary education.
On the other hand, the Minister of Education confirmed that on August 30 all teachers are
scheduled to return to classrooms. However, he explained that the decision of those parents
who do not wish to send their children to school will be respected. "We will continue with the
hybrid mode," he said.

37% of those who died from covid-19 in the country are from the
Central department

According to statistical data from the Ministry of Health, Central is the department most
affected with deaths due to the pandemic. Asunción is the second city with a high death rate.
To date, the Ministry of Health registers 5,584 deaths registered in the Central department. This
represents 36.7% mortality at the national level. It should be noted that Paraguay has so far
registered 15,207 deaths in one year and five months.
Likewise, Asuncion registers a high mortality rate with 14.5%, a figure that includes a total of
2,206 people who are victims of the pandemic.
However, just as there is a notable decrease in confirmed cases of covid-19 on a weekly basis,
in the last thirty days there was a record below the band of 40 deaths for the first time.

Paraguay Agency of Korea Forestry Promotion Institute donated
to fire station in Coronel Oviedo

Paraguay Agency of Korea Forestry Promotion Institute (President: Oh Bok Kwon) delivered
a donation to a fire station near the plantation on 21st and 28th of July this year, following the
previous year.
Paraguay Agency of Korea Forestry Promotion Institute which started the afforestation project
from 2013 to prepare a bridgehead for Korean companies to advance into forest investment in
South America through the trial afforestation project, is currently building and managing
1,271ha of eucalyptus afforestation.
The fire stations that received the donation thanked the agency for delivering the donation and
said that they would make special efforts to prevent fires in reforestation and respond
immediately to a fire accident.
President Kwon said although it is a small amount of donation, he hopes that the fire station
would be of some help in protecting the lives and assets of community and requested to do
everything possible to prevent fires in reforestation areas especially during the winter season,
which is a vulnerable period for fire accidents.
Asunción leaves the "red zone" after a year of spread of COVID-

The sustained decrease in COVID-19 cases allowed Asunción to leave the red zone, with a
very high community transmission of the respiratory virus. Currently, the entire Metropolitan
Area is in the orange area.
In all the departments of the country, there is a marked decrease in cases of COVID-19. In the
Central Department, the most populous in the country, weekly cases went from 3,413 to 1,153
within a month.
Very few districts are in red zones, with very high community transmission of virus. One of
them is the district of Ayloas, which draws attention to the number of cases for the number of
the population, the director of Health Surveillance, Guillermo Sequera, said on Friday.
During the weekly epidemiological update this Friday, Dr. Sequera shared a platform
developed by the Health Surveillance Directorate and researchers from the University of
The platform will allow visualizing data on the impact of the virus in number of cases and bed
occupancy. It will also allow observing the different probable scenarios for the months of
September and October, according to the current rate of infections.

Social programs reach more than 29,000 indigenous families in 11
districts of the country

The National Government implements public policies in different areas to promote better living
conditions for the native population, with the execution of social protection and promotion
programs, assistance is provided to 70 indigenous communities settled in 11 departments of
the country, reaching 29,517 original families.
The execution of these programs is carried out through the Ministry of Social Development
(MDS), which seeks to improve the quality of life of vulnerable families in our country,
including indigenous communities throughout the territory, respecting cultural diversity and
autonomy of the people.
On the "International Day of Indigenous People", the MDS ratifies its commitment to continue
working and strengthening social protection and promotion policies for the indigenous
The Tekoporã program of the MDS currently protects 91,007 people, who make up 29,517
indigenous families. The disbursement of resources allows members of the family environment
not only to cover basic needs within their communities, but also to invest through the
cooperative modality in consumer warehouses that benefit the entire community.


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