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Computational Tool

MyDEP: A New Computational Tool for Dielectric

Modeling of Particles and Cells
Jonathan Cottet,1,2,* Olivier Fabregue,1 Charles Berger,1 François Buret,1 Philippe Renaud,2
and Marie Fre a-Robin1
 Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Universite
Universite  Claude Bernard Lyon 1, INSA Lyon, CNRS, Ampère, Ecully, France and 2École
Polytechnique Fe de rale de Lausanne, EPFL-STI-IMT-LMIS4, Station 17, Lausanne, Switzerland

ABSTRACT Dielectrophoresis (DEP) and electrorotation (ROT) are two electrokinetic phenomena exploiting nonuniform elec-
tric fields to exert a force or torque on biological particles suspended in liquid media. They are widely used in lab-on-chip devices
for the manipulation, trapping, separation, and characterization of cells, microorganisms, and other particles. The DEP force and
ROT torque depend on the respective polarizabilities of the particle and medium, which in turn depend on their dielectric prop-
erties and on the field frequency. In this work, we present a new software, MyDEP, which implements several particle models
based on concentric shells with adjustable dielectric properties. This tool enables the study of the variation in DEP and ROT
spectra according to different parameters, such as the field frequency and medium conductivity. Such predictions of particle
behavior are very useful for choosing appropriate parameters in DEP experiments. The software also enables the study of
the homogenized properties of spherical or ellipsoidal multishell particles and provides a database containing published cell
properties. Equivalent electrical conductivity and relative permittivity of the cell alone and in suspension can be calculated.
The software also offers the ability to create graphs of the evolution of the crossover frequencies with the electric field frequency.
These graphs can be directly exported from the software.

m ¼ 4pεm ε0 CMðf Þrext E; (2)
The term ‘‘dielectrophoresis’’ (DEP) was first introduced by
Pohl in 1951 (1) to describe the motion of dielectric parti-
cles due to interaction with a nonuniform electric field. where CM(f) is the Clausius-Mossotti factor:
Depending on the frequency of the applied field and on εp  εm
the dielectric properties of the particle and its immersion CMðf Þ ¼ : (3)
εp þ 2εm
medium, different polarization mechanisms come into
play, the main mechanisms being related to the formation εp and εm refer to the complex permittivities of particle and
of a double electric layer at the particle/liquid interface medium, which depend on their respective electrical con-
and to charge accumulation at interfaces between media ductivities and relative permittivities and on the field
of different electrical properties (Maxwell-Wagner interfa- angular frequency u:
cial polarization effect) (2). The force resulting from the
interaction between the induced dipole moment m and the εi ¼ εi ε0  j ; (4)
field gradient is expressed by u

FDEP ¼ VUEl ¼ ðm:VÞE; (1) where εi is the relative permittivity, ε0 the vacuum permit-
tivity, si the electrical conductivity, and u ¼ 2pf with f
where UEl refers to the electric potential energy and E to the the frequency.
electric field. Development of Eq. 1 leads to the expression of the
For a spherical particle of radius rext, the induced dipolar generalized time-averaged DEP force (3):
moment is given by  
FDEP ¼ 2pεm ε0 rext Re½CMðf ÞVE2RMS þ Im½CMðf Þ E2x Vfx

Submitted July 27, 2018, and accepted for publication November 16, 2018. þ E2y Vfy þ E2z Vfz ;
Editor: Stephen Evans. (5)
Ó 2018 Biophysical Society.

12 Biophysical Journal 116, 12–18, January 8, 2019

Computational Tool

where fx, fy, and fz are the phase shifts of the field compo- Gh ¼ 8phrext U0 ðf Þez ; (8)
nents in the Cartesian coordinates.
where h is the dynamic viscosity of the medium and U0 is
the constant angular velocity of the particle.
Conventional DEP
At the equilibrium between induced torque and resistive
If the electric field applied is stationary, Eq. 5 simplifies to viscous torque, the rotation rate for a spherical particle is
3 given by
FcDEP ¼ 2pεm ε0 rext Re½CMðf ÞVE2RMS : (6)
e0 em
U0 ðf Þ ¼  Im½CMðf ÞE2 : (9)
This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as ‘‘conventional 2h
DEP,’’ abbreviated cDEP. The force depends on the gradient
of the squared electric field intensity and exists only in the The minus sign indicates that the particle rotates against the
presence of a nonuniform electric field. It is proportional field direction for Im[CM(f)] > 0. Otherwise, the direction
to the volume of the particle, as well as to the real part of of rotation is with the field. Curve-fitting procedures may
the Clausius-Mossotti factor, Re[CM(f)]. This term, reflect- be used to obtain the dielectric parameters of a cell by mini-
ing the polarizability contrast between the particle and its mizing the deviation between the experimental ROT spec-
immersion medium, also determines the direction of the trum (plot of the rotation rate with respect to the field
force: frequency) and the theoretical spectrum predicted by the
appropriate multishell model.
1) When the particle is more polarizable than its immersion
medium (Re[CM(f)] > 0), the force acts in the gradient
direction and therefore drives the particle toward areas TWD
of maximal field intensity. This corresponds to ‘‘positive
The traveling-wave DEP force, abbreviated TWD, acts on a
DEP’’ (pDEP).
particle subjected to a traveling electric field. It is related to
2) On the contrary, when the particle is less polarizable than
the phase nonuniformity of the electric field and arises from
its immersion medium (Re[CM(f)] < 0), the force moves
the interaction of the traveling field with the phase-lagging
the particle against the gradient, toward the regions of
component of the induced dipole moment. Such a field can
minimal field intensity, which is referred to as ‘‘negative
be produced by planar electrodes arranged in rows and
DEP’’ (nDEP).
driven by a polyphase AC voltage. TWD is therefore an
analog of ROT; Eq. 5 remains the same but with electrodes
arranged in a line rather than in a circle. The resulting trans-
ROT lational force propels the particle along the electrodes, with
Although cDEP is based on the use of stationary electric or against the field direction, depending on whether Im
fields, electrorotation (ROT) induces a rotary motion on a [CM(f)] is negative or positive, respectively. In practice,
polarizable particle exposed to a rotating field. This tech- cDEP and TWD effects can be observed simultaneously:
nique was developed in the 1980s by Arnold and Zimmer- while the particle translates, it is either pushed above the
mann (4), who proposed to use a four-pole electrode electrodes (nDEP) or attracted onto them (pDEP), depend-
structure to generate the field by applying 90 phase-shifted ing on the sign of Re[CM(f)] (6).
signals between two adjacent electrodes.
When a polarizable particle is suspended in a rotating MyDEP software
electric field, a dipole forms and should rotate synchro-
nously with the field. In practice, when the angular fre- Before performing experiments in the lab with DEP, it is
quency of the field is sufficiently high, the dipolar useful to predict the particle and cell responses to the
relaxation time is too long to allow this synchronism. electric field. This requires knowledge of particles’ or
The temporal shift (or phase delay) between the dipole cells’ properties, which can be obtained from the literature,
and the field results in a torque exerted on the particle of and implementation of equations related to the particle
expression model.
MyDEP is a computational software programmed in
hGROT i ¼ m  E ¼ 4prext εm ε0 Im½CMðf ÞE2 ez ; (7) Java, aiming to study dielectrophoretic behavior of parti-
cles and cells in a suspended medium. More precisely,
where ez represents the unit vector normal to the the software can calculate and display the Clausius-Mos-
electrode plane and CM(f) the Clausius-Mossotti factor sotti factor (real and imaginary parts) used in DEP for
(cf. Eq. 3). different conditions (medium, frequency range, particle
As the particle rotates, it experiences a resistive viscous model). It can also calculate the equivalent permittivities
torque from the surrounding fluid of expression (5) and conductivities of particles alone and in suspension in

Biophysical Journal 116, 12–18, January 8, 2019 13

Cottet et al.

a medium thanks to the Maxwell-Garnett and Hanai equa- by the particles. It is given by the Maxwell-Garnett mixing
tions. Graphs representing crossover frequencies versus equation if the volume fraction f < 0.1:
electrical conductivity of the medium are also available.
emix  em ep  em
¼ f ; (11)
emix þ 2em ep þ 2em
Cell modeling
Most particles, and especially biological cells, are not homo- which is equivalent, according to (9), to the direct
geneous. It is therefore mandatory to model the different formulation
0 1
layers that constitute them (cell membrane and cytoplasm ep  em
in particular). Calculating the Clausius-Mossotti factor re- B ep þ 2em C
emix ¼ em B1 þ 3f ; (12)
quires successively calculating the equivalent permittivities
@ ep  em C
of the inner layers to obtain a homogeneous equivalent 1f 
particle. The different models implemented in MyDEP ep þ 2em
are ‘‘homogeneous particle,’’ ‘‘single-shell,’’ ‘‘two-shell,’’
‘‘three-shell,’’ and ‘‘four-shell,’’ which are presented in Fig. 1. or by the Hanai equation (10), theoretically up to f < 0.8
For a cell modeled with a ‘‘single-shell’’ model composed (11,12):
of a cytoplasm surrounded by a cell membrane, the equiva- ! !1=3
emix  ep em
lent complex permittivity (7) is ¼ 1  f: (13)
!3 ! em  ep ep
rext ecp  ecm
rext  thcm ecp þ 2ecm Unfortunately, there is no direct expression for the calcula-
eeq ¼ ecm !3 !: (10)
ecp  ecm tion of emix , and the value can therefore be obtained either by
  solving the cubic equation or by numerical integration with
rext  thcm ecp þ 2ecm the difference equation of the Hanai equation. The latter has
been implemented in MyDEP, with the possibility to choose
The formulation of the complex permittivity for ellipsoids the number of increments. The methodology can be found in
can be found in (8). (13,14).

Cell suspension Software for dielectric modeling

In the presence of particles, the effective permittivity of the In 1991, Irimajiri et al. (14). published a software for
suspension emix depends on the volume fraction f occupied dielectric modeling of particles in suspension called

FIGURE 1 Illustration of the different spherical and ellipsoidal cell and particle models implemented in the interface. All the models—‘‘homoge-
neous sphere,’’ ‘‘single-shell,’’ ‘‘two-shell,’’ and ‘‘three-shell’’—are illustrated with an example. The implemented ‘‘four-shell’’ model is not illustrated

14 Biophysical Journal 116, 12–18, January 8, 2019

Computational Tool


Unfortunately, this program is not available anymore.
Dielectric modeling of particles behavior is often done in
MATLAB (2,3), and some authors have proposed MATLAB- MyDEP allows the user to specify the electrical as well as
based programs that are available (15). Those programs are, the geometrical parameters of the investigated particle. No
however, limited in terms of functionalities implemented, plat- prior knowledge of the equations behind is required to use
form dependent, and may lack stability through the different the software, which makes it interesting for users nonfami-
releases of MATLAB and require an access to MATLAB. liar with DEP. A database compiling information from the
For those reasons, a multiplatform, executable, and user- literature is provided to help the user start with already-ex-
friendly program is needed. This software is intended to be isting data. The user can also enrich the database with new
used by both the DEP community and for teaching activities. information. A local database is embedded within the
It does not require any prior knowledge of the DEP equations. application using the SQL database engine SQLite. The
Java Database Connectivity API was used to interact
with SQLite. The provided database contains for each set
MATERIALS AND METHODS of data the name of the model, the authors, the title of
The software MyDEP is written in Java using the swing application pro- the article, the journal in which it was published, and the
gramming interface (API) and is freely available as a standalone .jar file year of publication, as well as the DOI or URL to help
for Windows, Mac, or Linux at the users to identify where the model they are using is
The installation of Java (also known as the Java Runtime Environment) is coming from. An example of the database explorer is dis-
required ( The software version number as
well as the recommended Java version is available on the website https:// played in Fig. 2., under the ‘‘Getting Started’’ menu (item ‘‘Instal-
lation and system requirements’’).
A local database is embedded within the application using the SQL data-
Clausius-Mossotti factor
base engine SQLite. The Java Database Connectivity API was used to
MyDEP allows the user to display different graphs linked
interact with SQLite.
The static website hosted on GitHub Pages was build using Jekyll. A link to the dielectric properties of particles and cells. Real
to the website is available in the software under the ‘‘Help’’ menu (item and imaginary parts of the Clausius-Mossotti factor can
‘‘Online resources’’). be displayed in the interface. Users can get values about

FIGURE 2 Overview of the database explorer (Search) from MyDEP. A click on the desired element from the literature shows the values associated in the
interface. To see this figure in color, go online.

Biophysical Journal 116, 12–18, January 8, 2019 15

Cottet et al.

FIGURE 3 Example of Re[CM(f)] and Im[CM(f)] for viable and non- FIGURE 5 Example of the different Re[CM(f)] for an HEK cell (17) and
viable yeast cells suspended in a low-conductivity medium (sm ¼ 7.8 an MCF7 cell (18) in a medium with sm ¼ 50 mS/m. The crossover fre-
mS/m, em ¼ 78). Data are from (19). The black line represents the baseline quencies are, respectively, 169 and 65 kHz. These two cell populations
at 0. To see this figure in color, go online. can be separated based on their electrical properties at 100 kHz (vertical
blue line). To see this figure in color, go online.

the displayed curves in the ‘‘Results and Discussion’’ values up to the point at which Im[CM(f)] keeps a positive
panel. In particular, the values of the crossover fre- value.
quencies—corresponding to the frequencies at which Re
[CM(f)] ¼ 0—are directly accessible, as well as the fre-
Cell separation
quencies of the minimum and maximum of Im[CM(f)].
This graph can be used to determine the direction of the Depending on their dielectric properties, different cell types
DEP force. As shown in Fig. 3, viable and non-viable yeast can be separated. Fig. 5 illustrates that HEK cells (17) and
cells have a different behavior for the same medium con- MCF7 cells (18) have different responses to the electric field
ductivity, sm ¼ 7.8 mS/m. The DEP force, which is propor- with the frequency. The crossover frequency—the transition
tional to Re[CM(f)], is always higher in magnitude for the from the nDEP regime to the pDEP regime—is 169 and 65
viable yeast cells. kHz, respectively, for the HEK and MCF7 cells in the speci-
fied medium. These two cell populations can be separated
based on their electrical properties between these fre-
Parameter sweep
quencies. In particular, at 100 kHz (vertical blue line in
All the parameters of the medium and of the different Fig. 5), HEK cells experience nDEP, contrary to MCF7 cells,
models can be swept linearly or logarithmically between which experience pDEP.
two values. Fig. 4 illustrates the graph generated by a
logarithmic sweep on 10 values of sm for Jurkat cells
Conductivity and permittivity of cell and suspension
(16). The more the electrical conductivity increases,
the lower the initial values of the Re[CM(f)] and the Figs. 6, 7, and 8 illustrate how cells and medium properties
shorter the frequency range in which Jurkat cells experi- influence the properties of the suspension. In each of those
ence pDEP. As sm increases, the frequencies of the
maximum and minimum of Im[CM(f)] are shifted to higher

FIGURE 6 eeq, em, and emix corresponding to, respectively, the equivalent
FIGURE 4 Example of the evolution of Re[CM(f)] and Im[CM(f)] with a relative permittivity of an HEK cell, the relative permittivity of the suspen-
logarithmic sweep on 10 values of sm from 1 to 1.6 S/m for a Jurkat cell. sion medium, and the equivalent relative permittivity of the suspension of
Data are from (16). The black line represents the baseline at 0. To see HEK cells at a volume fraction f ¼ 0.3 (implemented using the Hanai
this figure in color, go online. methodology). sm ¼ 0.156 S/m. To see this figure in color, go online.

16 Biophysical Journal 116, 12–18, January 8, 2019

Computational Tool

FIGURE 7 seq, sm, and smix corresponding to, respectively, the equiva- FIGURE 9 Evolution of the crossover frequencies for a Jurkat cell for 50
lent electrical conductivity of an HEK cell, the electrical conductivity of conductivities logarithmically spaced between 1 and 0.5 S/m. To see this
the suspension medium, and the equivalent electrical conductivity of the figure in color, go online.
suspension of HEK cells at a volume fraction f ¼ 0.3 (implemented using
the Hanai methodology). sm ¼ 0.156 S/m. To see this figure in color, go
orange) to the transition from pDEP to nDEP. At approxi-
mately sm ¼ 0.392 S/m, there is only one crossover frequency
point, which means that at a higher conductivity, cells only
figures, the orange dotted line corresponds to the properties experience nDEP. Crossover frequencies are commonly
of the medium alone and the blue solid line to the homoge- used as a discriminatory factor between different cell types.
nized properties of an HEK cell. The green dashed line
corresponds to the properties of the suspension at a specific
volume fraction f ¼ 0.3 for those figures. Graph export
All the graphs generated in MyDEP are fully editable. The
font style and size, the color, the legend content, and the
Crossover frequencies
curve style and size can all be adjusted directly in the inter-
Crossover frequencies correspond to the frequencies at face. The export menu enables the user to directly generate
which Re[CM(f)] ¼ 0. It corresponds to the transition from the displayed graph as an image file with the ability to tune
an nDEP regime to a pDEP regime and vice versa. For each the size and resolution as well as the file format. A CSV file
electrical conductivity of the medium sm, this value might can be generated if additional data processing is required
differ. Fig. 9 illustrates the evolution of the crossover fre- and not already available in the MyDEP software.
quencies with sm for a Jurkat cell. In this figure, the lower
crossover (in blue) corresponds to the transition from
nDEP to pDEP, and the upper crossover frequency (in CONCLUSIONS
MyDEP offers a new software alternative aimed at both
DEP specialists and beginners. The software—delivered
with a database compiling data from the literature, which
can be updated automatically—aims at centralizing the
electrical properties published in the literature and making
them easily accessible to generate graphs. MyDEP also of-
fers the ability to import the user’s own data points to
compare them to different cell models. Future developments
of MyDEP will be toward parameter extraction from the
user’s own data set and to impedance calculation.

      Supporting Materials and Methods are available at http://www.biophysj.
FIGURE 8 εeq  =ε0 , εm  =ε0 , and εmix  =ε0 corresponding to, respec- org/biophysj/supplemental/S0006-3495(18)31286-4.
tively, the modulus of the equivalent complex relative permittivity of an
HEK cell, the modulus of the complex relative permittivity of the medium,
and the modulus of the equivalent complex relative permittivity of the HEK AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
cells in suspension in the medium at a volume fraction f ¼ 0.3 (imple-
mented using the Hanai methodology). sm ¼ 0.156 S/m. To see this figure J.C. created the software and implemented the first version in MATLAB.
in color, go online. O.F. and J.C. implemented the software in Java. C.B. helped with the

Biophysical Journal 116, 12–18, January 8, 2019 17

Cottet et al.

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data provided to test the software.
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mobility grant) and the Laboratoire d’Excellence iMUST (ANR-10-
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18 Biophysical Journal 116, 12–18, January 8, 2019

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