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An agreement made this day between <Name>, holder of Passport Νο.<number> ( "the
Landlord" ) of the one party and <Name>, holder of Passport Νο. <number> ( "the Tenant") of
the other party.


Α. The Landlord is the registered owner of the <address>.

Β. The Landlord wishes to lease the property and the Tenant wishes to take upon
lease the said property.


1. The LandLord leases unto the Tenant the said property fully furnished for a term of 12
months from the <date> until the <date> referred to as the "tenancy period", with the Tenant
having the option to renew the Lease agreement, such option to be exercised the latest two
calendar months before the expiration of the tenancy period.

2. At the time of signing of the present Lease Agreement, the monthly rent for the property is
agreed for the amount of €<price> including the common use expenses. In case the Tenant
exercises the right to renew the Tenancy as provided above, the agreed rent shall be payable
either in advance or monthly at the discretion of the Tenant, provided the new terms of the rent
to be agreed by both parties.

3. The Tenant shall pay to the Landlord a security deposit in the amount of €<price> which shall
remain with the Landlords escrow company as a guarantee and, unless used to remedy physical
damages to the said property fixtures, fittings and furniture caused by the Tenant except
reasonable wear and tear and/or causes beyond the control of the Tenant, shall be refunded to
the Tenant upon expiration of the Lease. The deposit amount cannot be regarded as a rental
payment for any of the rents due within the Tenancy period.


a. Το pay the rent οn the designated week without delay. If the Tenant fails to pay any month' s
rent or part of it and if any term or terms of the present lease agreement are violated, the
Landlord has the right to terminate it and take possession of the mentioned property.

b. Το transfer to his/her name and also pay and discharge the electricity, telephone/internet
charges, and refuse charges (Garbage Disposal Tax) if applicable.
in respect of the said property including sewerage charges linked to the water consumption in
the said property until the end of the tenancy period.

c. Upon the expiration or other termination of this lease agreement, to deliver up possession of
the said property in the condition in which she took the delivery, except reasonable wear and
tear and/or causes beyond the control of the Tenant.

d. Το use the said property solely as a residence by her and members of her family.

e. Not to effect any alterations or additions to the said property or any part thereof without the
previous written consent (email, letter, etc.) of the Landlord.


f. Tο keep the said property in good tenantable condition and to affect all necessary repairs.

g. Το keep the said property in a good tenantable condition of structural and sanitary repair
during the continuance of the tenancy period .

h. Το pay and discharge all immovable property taxes and municipal rates relating to the
property including the sewerage charges linked to the ownership of the property.

i. Το allow the Tenant paying the rent as above provided and observing the terms and
conditions of this agreement to peacefully hold and enjoy the said property during the tenancy
period without interruption by the Landlord or any person acting under him.

6. The parties hereby agree that the Landlord shall keep the said property insured and, in case
of fire or any act of God shalI take immediate steps to restore as quickly as possible, and in any
case within one month from the date of damage, the said property to its former state in case
the property is not restored fully within the said month, the Tenant shall have the right to
terminate this agreement and have any remaining rents already paid reimbursed to her by the

7. Breach or non-performance by either party hereto of any of the obligations and/or conditions
contained in the present lease agreement shall render such party liable to payment of the
damages to the innocent party.

8. In the case of termination of the current lease agreement the Landlord has the right to put up
a sign "FOR RENT" οn the door or the veranda of the property and the Tenant must facilitate the
visit of any prospective tenant accompanied by the Landlord or any person acting under him.

9. The Landlord, with reasonable notice to the Tenant (at least 24 hours), has the right to
inspect the property and make any recommendations deemed necessary.
10. Any notice or document required to be given or served upon either party under this lease
shall be deemed properly given or to any other addresses notified later and any document sent
by post shall be deemed delivered to the address to which it is sent within 5 days of posting.

11. All the above terms and conditions of this agreement are of the essence, any breach of
them gives the right to the other party to terminate the agreement and claim any legal damages
that may arise.

ΙΝ WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereunto set their respective hands
and seal on the date fιrst hereinabove written.


The Landlord The Tenant

__________________________ __________________________


__________________________ __________________________

Date __________

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