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Submitted to
Prof. Prajitha T K

ADHOC Faculty

Department of Architecture College of Engineering Trivandrum

Submitted by
Sreejith A S (M2 Planning Roll no: 16)

Treasa Ashim ( M2 Planning Roll no : 18)

Shaheena Abdul Gafoor (M2 Urban Design Roll N.17)

M plan (Housing) 2022-24

Group 2 : Sanitation Page 1


1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................8
3. TYPES OF LIQUID WASTE........................................................................................11
4. CLASSIFICATION OF TOILETS AND SANITATION.................................................12
5 LIQUID WASTE/DOMESTIC WASTEWATER.............................................................13
6 THE SANITATION LADDER........................................................................................14
7 ECOLOGICAL SANITATION........................................................................................15
OPTIONS AND TECHNOLOGIES..................................................................................16
8.1 TOILET OPTIONS.................................................................................................18
8.1.1 TOILET UNITS WITH SINGLE PIT SYSTEM.................................................18
8.1.2 TOILET UNITS WITH TWIN PIT SYSTEM.....................................................20
8.1.3 Flush Toilet Units with Septic Tank..................................................................27
8.1.4 Dry Toilets (Compost Toilets)..........................................................................34
9. COLLECTION..........................................................................................................37
6) GREY WATER..........................................................................................................40
1.1 WHAT IS GREY WATER ?................................................................................40
1.2 TYPES OF GREY WATER................................................................................41
1.3 QUANTITY OF GREY WATER..........................................................................42
1.4 COMPOSITION OF GREY WATER..................................................................43
1.5 NEED OF GREY WATER MANAGEMENT.......................................................43
1.6 GREY WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM............................................................44
1.6.1 PRIMARY DIVERSION SYSTEM...................................................................44 GRAVITY DIVERSION SYSTEM................................................................45

Group 2 : Sanitation Page 2 PUMP DIVERSION SYSTEM......................................................................46
1.6.2 SECONDARY TREATMENT SYSTEM..........................................................47
1.7 COMPONENTS OF GREY WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM...........................49
1.8 USES OF GREY WATER..................................................................................52
1.9 ADVANTAGES OF GREY WATER...................................................................53
7) INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS.......................................................................54
2.1 FOUR TIER INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURES......................................................54
2.1.4 MULTILATERAL GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS...................................55
8) NATIONAL URBAN SANITATION POLICY.............................................................56
9) PLANNING PROVISIONS (URDPFI GUIDELINES)................................................56
10) MANAGEMENT ISSUES.......................................................................................57
5.1 RURAL SANITATION IN INDIA.............................................................................57
5.2 URBAN SANITATION IN INDIA.............................................................................57
11) STAKEHOLDERS INVOLVED..............................................................................58
12) Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System (DEWATS)...................................59
13) System Components -DEWATS............................................................................59
i. Septic Tank............................................................................................................59
ii. Horizontal Baffler Reactor.....................................................................................60
iii. Anaerobic Filter..................................................................................................61
iv. Planted Filter......................................................................................................62
v. Polishing Pond.......................................................................................................62
a. Advantages.........................................................................................................63
b. Disadvantages....................................................................................................63
14) Operation and Maintenance..................................................................................64
15) SANITATION.........................................................................................................65
i. Solid waste Management Rules and guidelines....................................................65

Group 2 : Sanitation Page 3

ii. Municipal solid waste management (MSWM).......................................................65
iii. Regulatory framework for MSWM......................................................................65
iv. National Urban Sanitation Policy(2008).............................................................66
v. Swachh Bharat Mission.........................................................................................66
vi. Swachh Bharat Mission (2014)..........................................................................67
vii. Municipal solid waste management rules..........................................................67
viii. MoEFCC: Solid Waste Management (SWM) Rules, 2016................................67
ix. Rules for Special Waste (Toxic substances in MSW: Batteries, tube lights,
CFLs, etc.)....................................................................................................................67
x. State level guidelines and strategy........................................................................68
xi. Strategic Interventions........................................................................................68
xii. State policy and strategy on solid waste management for urban areas of West
xiii. State level strategy:............................................................................................68

Group 2 : Sanitation Page 4


Figure 1 Ecological Sanitation Cycle...............................................................................14

Figure 2 Grouping of Sanitation Waste Water Management..........................................16
Figure 3 Single Pit Toilet system.....................................................................................17
Figure 4 Scematic details of Twin Pit Toilet system........................................................21
Figure 5 Double pit Sub Structure...................................................................................22
Figure 6 Water Seal Pan/bowl.........................................................................................24
Figure 7 P-trap.................................................................................................................24
Figure 8 Flush toilet with Septic Tank.............................................................................26
Figure 9 Settler tank........................................................................................................27
Figure 10 Septic tank sizes as per standards.................................................................28
Figure 11 Soak Pit details................................................................................................29
Figure 12 Dispersion trench System...............................................................................30
Figure 13 pumping out of Septic tank..............................................................................32
Figure 14 Typical Dehydrating Toilet...............................................................................34
Figure 15 Compost Toilet - Section.................................................................................34
Figure 16 Compost toilet - Plan.......................................................................................34
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................37
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................39
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................40
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................40
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................41
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................42
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................43
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................44
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................44
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................45
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................45
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................46
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................47
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................47
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................47
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................48
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................49
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................49
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................50

Group 2 : Sanitation Page 5

Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................50
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................51
Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................51
Figure 39 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................59
Figure 40 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................60
Figure 41 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................60
Figure 42 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................61
Figure 43 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................62
Figure 44 Combined & Seperate sewage system...........................................................63

Group 2 : Sanitation Page 6


It is with heartfelt respect and immense gratitude that we acknowledge our

indebtedness to all those who gave support and encouragement and contributed
in their own special way towards the completion of this term paper.

The Almighty God for giving us blessings and faith to go through this venture.

Prof. Prajitha T K, our faculty whose valuable comments and enlightening

suggestions played an eminent role in this work.

My friends for their support.

Group 2 : Sanitation Page 7



Domestic Waste is a serious threat to the public health in India. Absence to proper
sanitation and unhygienic disposal of waste including domestic wastewater leads to
pollution of natural resources and affects human health.

Sanitation is a fundamental human need that refers to the provision of adequate and
safe facilities and services for the management of human excreta, wastewater, solid
waste, and other waste products. Access to proper sanitation is essential for public
health, environmental sustainability, and overall well-being. Here are some key points
highlighting the importance of addressing sanitation needs:

1) Public Health: Access to safe sanitation facilities plays a crucial role in

preventing the spread of diseases and reducing public health risks. Inadequate
sanitation can lead to the contamination of water sources, the transmission of
waterborne diseases (such as cholera and dysentery), and the proliferation of
vector-borne diseases (such as malaria and dengue). Meeting sanitation needs
through the provision of improved sanitation facilities, proper waste management,
and hygiene promotion helps protect individuals and communities from these
health risks.
2) Environmental Sustainability: Proper sanitation practices are vital for
environmental sustainability. Inadequate sanitation can pollute water bodies,
degrade ecosystems, and contribute to the contamination of soil and air. Effective
sanitation systems, including wastewater treatment and solid waste
management, help protect the environment by minimizing pollution, conserving
water resources, and promoting sustainable practices.
3) Dignity and Gender Equality: Access to adequate sanitation facilities
ensures human dignity and promotes gender equality. In many parts of the world,
women and girls face specific challenges related to sanitation, including privacy,
safety, and the management of menstrual hygiene. By addressing sanitation


needs, especially for marginalized and vulnerable populations, societies can

empower individuals, promote gender equality, and ensure that no one is left
4) Social and Economic Development: Improved sanitation has broader
socio-economic benefits. Access to proper sanitation facilities is essential for
education, as it contributes to healthier school environments and improved
attendance rates, particularly for girls. Sanitation also has economic implications,
as it helps reduce healthcare costs associated with sanitation-related diseases
and enhances productivity by keeping individuals healthy and free from illnesses.
5) Sustainable Development Goals: The United Nations' Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) include a specific target (Goal 6) that aims to ensure
availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Meeting
sanitation needs is critical for achieving this goal and is closely linked to other
SDGs, such as those related to health (Goal 3), education (Goal 4), gender
equality (Goal 5), and environmental sustainability (Goal 13).

Addressing sanitation needs requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses

infrastructure development, behavioral change promotion, policy formulation, and
capacity building. It involves providing access to improved sanitation facilities,
promoting proper hygiene practices, ensuring the safe management of waste, and
engaging communities in the decision-making processes related to sanitation. By
prioritizing and investing in sanitation, societies can improve public health, protect the
environment, promote dignity and equality, and contribute to sustainable development.




Sanitation in general means safe management and disposal of human excreta/domestic

wastewater. The process involves safe collection, safe storage/disposal and
recycling/reuse of domestic wastewater.

The major objectives of sanitation are:

• Providing access to safe sanitation systems.
• To promote appropriate management and disposal of domestic wastewater.
• To promote treatment and reuse of domestic wastewater.

Current sanitation practices in rural areas and small towns in India mainly involves drop
and store (pit latrines etc.) and flush and discharge (pour flush toilets discharging
wastes into septic tanks/sewer networks). However, the waste generated in majority of
areas is disposed off without any treatment leading to pollution of water bodies, air and
soil. Unsafe sanitation practices have direct impact on human health. Moreover,
conventional end of pipe technologies are expensive and require high operation and
maintenance costs. Conventional technologies are not suitable for certain areas like
coastal areas, areas with high water table, flood prone areas etc.
Moreover, such waste has an economical value if recycled and reused. Domestic
wastewater/human excreta comprises of certain nutrients, which can be turned into
organic manure, bio gas, power/electricity (small scale) etc. Organic manure can be
used in agriculture, while bio-gas can be used for cooking. Moreover, the wastewater
can be treated and reused directly for irrigation, fishing/aquaculture as well as domestic
Hence, a paradigm shift is required in sanitation system promoting decentralized
systems reducing huge infrastructure costs, promoting safe sanitation practices without
polluting natural resources and considering waste as a resource through appropriate
recycling and reuse.

10 | P a g e


● Blackwater – is wastewater that contains or consists of urine and faeces. It contains

pathogens (disease-causing agents).

● Greywater, or sullage, is wastewater from human washing and bathing, kitchen

sinks, clothes washing, etc. It does not contain excreta.

● Stormwater (or surface run-off or rainwater run-off) is wastewater that flows on the
surface of the land to join streams. Note that this is considered as wastewater because
it contains many different contaminants.

● Sewage is a combination of wastewater coming from any of the above sources and
flows in underground sewers or open ditches.

● Excreta is a combination of urine and faeces.

11 | P a g e


Toilets can be classified into two major categories:

a. Dry Toilets: Such toilets are mainly non-flushing toilets or waterless toilets with
minimal or no use of water. They are also termed compost toilets as they
recycle/compost waste for its reuse.

b. Flush Toilet: Toilet which utilize water for flushing of waste. Flush toilets can be
pour flush or cistern flush.

Sanitation facilities can be classified as on-site and off-site depending on disposal of


a. On site sanitation: Such system aim to contain wastewater at the point of

generation. Septic tank, pit and soak pit toilets and eco-san toilets which do not
require sewer/transportation etc are types of onsite sanitation systems. Seepage
in septic tank, however is transported through mechanical means at frequent

b. Off-site sanitation: Systems which require transportation of wastewater

to another location for disposal, treatment or reuse are termed as off-site
sanitation systems. Normally, such systems require sewer system or mechanical
transportation of waste. The off-site sanitation can be centralized (at single point
in town/village) or decentralized ( at communal level).

12 | P a g e


Liquid waste is used and unwanted water which cannot be used for human consumption
or other domestic purpose.

• There are two major categorisation of liquid waste/domestic wastewater:

a. Grey Water: wastewater generated from bathing, washing, general cleaning,
laundry, as well as from community stand post, well, hand pumps etc.
b. Black Water: Wastewater generated from toilet containing faecal matter. Such
water contain very high amount of pathogen compared to grey water.

Grey and black water can be collected separately and treated/disposed separately, as
grey water does not require very high treatment as black water. However, both can be
collected and treated/disposed together.

Liquid waste also comprise of Yellow Water (urine with or without flush water). It is
separated in certain type of toilet units and reused as fertiliser.
• Once the waste is collected in pit, septic tank etc., it further disintegrates and can be
termed as follow:

a. Sludge: It is the settled solid matter in semi-solid condition in any

collection/storage system. The term sewage sludge is generally used to describe
residuals from centralised wastewater treatment, while the term septage is used to
describe the residuals from septic tanks. Solids or settled content in pit latrines and
septic tanks are also called faecal sludge.
b. Scum: Impure matter like oil, hair, grease and other light material that float at
the surface of the liquid in septic tank.
c. Effluent: Wastewater that flows out of a treatment system (septic tank in this
module). It is partially treated.

13 | P a g e

• Generally 80 percent of total water supplied is expected to be discharged as

wastewater. In urban areas sewers are designed for minimum 100 litres/capita/day
discharge (Source: CPHEEO). Thus, it can be assumed that a household (5-6 people)
generate approximately 400-500 litres wastewater/day where there is adequate piped
water supply.


The lowest rung of the ladder is open

defecation, where people without access
to latrines or toilets deposit their faeces in
open spaces.
Unimproved facilities are one step above
open defecation and include latrines that
do not ensure the separation of faeces
from humans.
The next stage is shared facilities, which
are facilities that would be classed as
improved, but are shared by two or more
At the top of the ladder are the improved
facilities, where human contact with
faeces is avoided

14 | P a g e


Ecological sanitation is a form of sanitation which involves reuse of human faecal waste/
wastewater and its nutrient back into local environment, thus avoiding pollution of land,
air and water resources.

The system

Figure 1 Ecological Sanitation Cycle

treatment of human faecal waste and wastewater and reuse of the treated products.
The system produces two types of products:
a. Manure for agricultural use.
b. Treated water that can be used in agriculture or gardening, flushing in toilets
and aqua culture.

15 | P a g e



The sanitation and wastewater management options and technologies can be

functionally divided into five groups based on its infrastructure, method and services.
Any system can have single or multiple functions.
a. User Interface

It describes the way that the user accesses the sanitation system. The access to
sanitation will highly depend on water availability and land availability.
b. Collection and Storage

It describes the system for collection and storage of wastewater.

c. Conveyance

It describes the system/infrastructure for transport of wastewater/semi-solids collected

from treatment units from source of generation to disposal/treatment point.
d. Treatment

It describes the system/method for treatment of waste collected.

e. Reuse/disposal

It describes the system for disposal or reuse of waste. Normally, the waste is treated
upto desired level prior to its reuse or disposal.

16 | P a g e

Figure 2 Grouping of Sanitation Waste Water Management

The technologies and sanitation options are listed ahead based on:

 Types of toilets including their system of storage, treatment and reuse.

 Conveyance system – Types of sewer systems for off-site sanitation.

 Treatment Technologies for waste water and its possible reuse.

17 | P a g e


Various types of options are available for toilet system based on end disposal/reuse of
waste materials. Common types of toilet systems are:

1. Toilet units with single pit system.

2. Toilet units with twin pit system.
3. Flush Toilet units with septic tanks.
4. Dry toilets (compost toilets).


Conventional pit latrine is a non-water dependent latrine, which does not require water
for functioning, though a small amount of water can be used to for cleaning. This type of
latrine is suitable in water scarce areas. This system is particularly applicable for those
communities who have open defecation practice and need better hygiene.

Figure 3 Single Pit Toilet system

18 | P a g e

Such system comprises following components

a. Pit (lined with stone/brick work or unlined). Normally, lining prevents the pit from
collapsing and support the superstructure. Where superstructure is not built or it a
temporary or semi-permanent cover, unlined pits are also in practice.
b. Squat plate with hole and foot rest.
c. Superstructure with masonry wall and roof or any other locally available covering.
d. Ventilation pipe in case of Ventilated Improved Pit ( VIP) toilet.

In case, the water table level is high, the pit bottom can be sealed with sand envelope.
In case the bottom is not sealed, the distance between pit bottom and ground water
table should be atleast 2 m. The lateral distance between the pit and drinking water
source should be 3 m for unsaturated soils and 10 m for saturated/wet soils. (Source: IS
12314 (1987, Reaffirmed 2007): Code of Practice for Sanitation with Leaching Pits for
Rural Communities.
The pit latrine should be upgraded to a ventilated improved pit latrine having a vent pipe
with a fly-screen fitted outside the superstructure to trap flies and reduce odour
nuisance. If suitable and continuous source of soil, ash, or organic matter (leaves, grass
rice husks etc.) is available, it can be put on excreta after each use. This will prevent
odour and flies as well as accelerate decomposition of matter and increase storage
period of waste.
The pit when filled, is abandoned and new pit is constructed and the toilet unit is shifted.
The pit is covered with soil and the waste is allowed to decompose and can be utilised
as manure after a year. Alternatively, The pit can be emptied with equipments.
Such systems though easy and cheap to construct, require higher maintenance once
the pits get filled. Hence, where ground water table is low, the pit may be constructed
deep. Such pits may last for two to five years or even more depending on the depth of
the pit and users.


19 | P a g e

o It does not require any water for flushing.

o It is easy to construct, operate, and maintain.
o Low costs of construction, operation, and maintenance.

o Odour problems may occur during the night and early morning in toilets
relying more on solar radiation than on wind speed for air flow in the vent
o Such system cannot be considered fully hygienic for use.
o In areas with soils with a low infiltration capacity, the use of water for
cleansing should be limited or avoided.
o When the pit is emptied, the pit sludge contains pathogens and must be
handled carefully.
Operation and Maintenance
o Operation consists of regular water cleansing of the slab and squatting pan, etc.
The door should be kept closed so that the superstructure remains dark inside.
The drop hole should never be closed as this blocks airflow.
o When the single pits are filled completely, they should be closed and covered
with soil upto 2 feet. New pit should be constructed when existing pit gets filled In
case the pit is to be reused, they need to be emptied with equipments. If the filled
pit is closed and allowed to decompose for 12-18 months, the waste gets
converted into manure and this manure can be emptied.
o Maintenance consists of monthly inspections to check for cracks in the floor slab
and damage to the vent pipe and fly screen, and digging out of part of the faeces
at the end of the dry season. As these faeces may not have been fully
decomposed, it should be handled with care and buried in a pit covered with soil.
After at least a year, when the contents of the pit have decomposed into
harmless humus, the humus can be can be used as fertilizer.

20 | P a g e


 Such systems are most common and widely used in rural or peri-urban areas
where there is small amount of waste.
 Such toilets require water for flushing.
 Such system consists of water seal which remains at bottom of the pan after its
use. This removes odour.
 System consists of two alternating pits connected to toilet unit
 The advantage with double pit is that it allows continuous operation of system
while one pit gets filled.
 The pits are constructed at an offset with and not below the toilet unlike normal
pit toilet.
 Flushing in the system can be manual/pour flush or by mechanical/cistern
means. Pour flush requires about 1-2 litres for flushing, while mechanical/cistern
flushing consumes higher amount of water.
 Wastewater gets absorbed in the soil and excreta collected in pit gets
decomposed after certain time period in such system. If the pit after filling is
allowed to decompose to 12-18 months, the waste gets converted into organic

21 | P a g e

 Such systems are useful in soils which are permeable.

Figure 4 Scematic details of Twin Pit Toilet system

22 | P a g e

Components of the system The system consists of following main components

a. Sub structure:
 Such structure is below the ground and is always honey comb/ perforated wall.
 Can be constructed with brick/stone masonry, ferro cement, hollow blocks etc.
 Can be constructed at household level or even at community level and sized
based on usage.
 The pit cover can be done with stone/ RCC/ferro cement /wood etc. The pit is
normally made of diameter of about 3-4 feet. Depth of pit can be 4.5-12 feet or
more depending on number of users, soil absorption characteristics, ground
water table and de-sludging intervals.
 The pit and pan is connected with pipe (normally 2-3 inches diameter) with
appropriate slope.

Figure 5 Double pit Sub Structure

23 | P a g e

 Junction/inspection Chamber (only for twin pit): The junction chamber has one
inlet (connected to the P-trap) and two outlets (connected to the soak pits) which
are for alternate use. The chamber is usually of size 1 feet x 1 feet).
 Vent pipe is placed on the top of pit.
 The minimum space between the two pits should be equivalent to at least the
effective depth of the pit. The spacing between the two pits can be reduced by
providing a barrier like cut-off screen or puddle wall. (Source: IS 12314 (1987,
Reaffirmed 2007): Code of Practice for Sanitation with Leaching Pits for Rural
 The ideal position of locating the pits is that the pits are placed symmetrically at
the back side of the latrine pan. However, if site conditions do not permit this
layout, the pits may be placed on the sides or even in front of the pan. (Source:
IS 12314 (1987, Reaffirmed 2007): Code of Practice for Sanitation with Leaching
Pits for Rural Communities).

b. Super Structure:
 Toilet walls: Can be permanent/semi-permanent/kutcha structure with available
material and needs of the community. Commonly done with brick/stone masonry
walls and stone/metal sheet/RCC roof.
 Squatting Platform - The squatting platform is a raised pucca floor constructed
with appropriate plinth and foundation.
 The toilet floor can be done with tiled flooring or cement concrete.

c. Water Seal Pan/bowl:

 The pan has a steep bottom slope, which allows easy flushing of excreta with
lower use of water. Normally, pans with slope of 25-40 degrees are suitable for
low water usage.
 Can be of plain cement/plastic/mosa/ ceramic etc.

24 | P a g e

 The bowl should be fixed into either a squatting platform aligned from toilet floor
for ffset pit.
 Proper finishing needs to be done of the floor.
 The outlet of the pan is connected with a P-trap.

Figure 6 Water Seal Pan/bowl

Figure 7 P-trap


25 | P a g e

o System required low land area.

o Requires no energy for functioning.
o Can be built and repaired with locally available materials.
o Odour free.
o Better health and hygiene practice.
o Prevents insects due to water seal.
o Cheap and easy construction and maintenance.

o Manual removal of humus is required
o Possible contamination of groundwater

Operation and Maintenance

o Such system normally does not require any major operation/maintenance,
except routing cleaning of toilet system.
o For double pits, if one pit gets filled completely, pipe leading to the full pit
should be sealed and the flow be diverted into the second pit. Filled pit
can be closed and sealed with soil and the waste be allowed to
decompose into manure for 12-18 months.

8.1.3 Flush Toilet Units with Septic Tank

Septic tanks are underground structures for disposal of excreta, where sewer system is
not available.

Septic tanks do not dispose waste, but separate solid from liquid.

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Figure 8 Flush toilet with Septic Tank

• Septic tanks can be constructed at household level or even at cluster level.

• The system consists of settler chambers with two to three compartments. The inlet of
settler chamber is connected to toilet with a pipe and U-trap, while the outlet of the tank
is connected to a small bore/soak pit. In case of high water table area, the settler tank
may be connected to drainage field system.

Settler Tank
• The settler tank can be constructed with cement concrete/RCC, pre-cast concrete or
plastered masonry structure or even from polyethylene and fibre glass. Polyethylene
and fibre glass provide advantage of ensuring water tight compartment. Steel structure
is not constructed as there are chances of high corrosion.
• Some of the solids float on the surface, which is called scum, while other solids settle
at bottom of tank and they are broken down by bacteria into sludge. The liquid

27 | P a g e

waste (effluent) flowing out of the chamber is disposed into soak pit/small bore sewers.
• The tank must have vent pipe to allow hazardous gases like methane to escape as
they are highly inflammable if confined to the tank.
• The accumulated sludge needs to be removed regularly, depending on size of tank.
Normally, it needs to be removed once every one to five years.
• In case the soil is not permeable or the water table is high, all the waste needs to be
collected in tank and the capacity of tank needs to be made bigger. Alternatively, the
tank can be connected to sewer system if available.
• The septage/sludge and scum removed should be disposed off hygienically or treated.
It can be treated with existing sewage treatment plant or can be used for composting
with solid organic waste. In any case, such waste should not be disposed into water
bodies or left open.

Figure 9 Settler tank

Size of Septic Tank

Following points shall be considered for estimating size of septic tank:
• The depth of tank shall be minimum 3 feet below waste water level.
• Minimum liquid capacity of tank should be 1000 litres.
• For rectangular tanks, length of tank shall be 2-4 times the width. The width shall be
minimum 2’10”.
• For circular tank, the diameter shall not be less than 4.5 feet.
• Table below recommends normal size of tanks based on its use in residential areas
28 | P a g e

Figure 10 Septic tank sizes as per standards

Soak/seepage pit for disposal of effluent

• The soak pit/ seepage pit can be constructed of perforated masonry structure or RCC.
The perforations should be till the bottom of inlet pipe. Above the inlet pipe, the pit can
be lined with cement concrete. The pit should be covered with stone/RCC cover. If the
pit is not lined with pucca structure, the pit should be filled with stones/ brick
aggregates. The structure above the inlet pipe should however be lined with masonry
structure. The inlet pipe can be placed about 3 feet deep from ground level to avoid
• The seepage pit should have cross-section

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Figure 11 Soak Pit details

Drainage field/dispersion trench system ( for disposal of effluent ) for areas with
high water table

30 | P a g e

• In case the water table is within 6 feet from ground level, wastewater cannot be
disposed into ground through soak pit/small bore.
• Instead drainage field/dispersion trench system can be connected to the settler tank. A
distribution box can be placed between septic tank and trenches.
• Dispersion trenches shall be 0.5 to 1.0 m deep and 0.3 to 1.0 m wide. Minor slope
should be given. The trenches shall be filled with washed stone or crushed gravel. Each
trench should not be longer than 30 meters. There should be a gap of atleast 2 m
between two trenches.

Figure 12 Dispersion trench System

• Perforated pipes should be placed in trenches. The pipes shall be earthen ware or
concrete and with minimum internal diameter of 75-100 mm.
• The pipes should be covered with aggregates (12-15 mm) upto 0.15 m. The trench
may be covered with about 0.3 m of ordinary soil.

Advantages of Septic Tank System

o Can be built and repaired with locally available materials.
o Well managed septic tank can remove 50-60 percent of biological load in

31 | P a g e

o Do not require centralised infrastructure and can be used where there is

no sewer network.
o The system has long shelf life.
o Requires no energy for functioning.

Disadvantages of Septic Tank System

o The system is not suitable in regions with water scarcity, with areas not
having enough space to construct the system, areas with very high water
table and non-permeable soil.
o The system is expensive in comparison to normal soak pit system.

o The system requires regular emptying of the tank and needs trained
professional to remove it.
o The system provides treatment upto primary level only. The waste in the
septic tank if disposed into ground or water bodies without treatment,
creates high amount of pollution.
o Manual cleaning of the settler tank is highly hazardous, while mechanical
cleaning (vacuum trucks) requires sophisticated instruments and involves
skilled human resource.

Operation and Maintenance of Septic Tank

• Small amount of water should be poured down the drop pipe daily to maintain the
water seal, and to clear scum from the bottom of the drop pipe, in which flies may
• Adding some sludge to a new tank will ensure the presence of micro-organisms and
enhance the anaerobic digestion of the excreta.
• Routine inspection is needed to check whether de-sludging is needed and to ensure
that there are no blockages at the inlet or outlet.
• The tank should be emptied when solids (scum + sludge) occupy between one-half
and two-thirds of the total depth between the water level and the bottom of the tank.

32 | P a g e

• Tanks should be emptied half year or yearly or atleast once in two years and
scum/sludge should be removed. However, frequent de-sludging inhibits the anaerobic
action in the tank. While longer duration of de-sludging result in hardening of sludge
making it difficult to remove. Hence, normally the tank is designed to remove sludge in
between one to two years.
• Septic tank can be de-sludged using mechanical means like vacuum tanker. Manual
cleaning should be prevented as it poses high health risk to humans.

Figure 13 pumping out of Septic tank

8.1.4 Dry Toilets (Compost Toilets)

Dry toilets are sanitation systems with minimal/no use of water. Such toilets help in
processing of waste hygienically without destroying the nutrients of waste, thus

33 | P a g e

promoting recycling/composting of waste and its reuse (ecological sanitation). Such

toilets are also called compost toilets.
Two main methodologies are used for design of such toilets:
• Dehydrating Toilets: They are used to collect, store and dry/dehydrate faeces.
In such toilets liquids like urine, hand and anal cleansing are collected separately
and faeces are collected separately. Separation of collection of hand wash, urine
and faecal matter is done through built-in separators in toilet units or special toilet
pans. The urine/liquid is diluted and directly used for watering of certain types of
plants, while the faecal matter is allowed to decompose into organic manure which
can be used as compost.

• Composting Toilet: Such toilets utilise process by which biodegradable

components are biologically decomposed under aerobic conditions by micro-
organisms. In such toilets, urine may not be diverted separately. Hence, saw dust
or other organic matter is used to cover and soak up liquid after use. Earth worms
are introduced in some toilets for facilitating vermi-composting of faceal matter.

Such systems can be installed at household/community/institutional level.

Such system comprise of two compartment/units, which can be alternatively used for
every 6-12 months in order to allow decomposition of the faecal matter.
The systems are mainly laid over the ground with suitable foundation to manage
wastes. The collection tank of the system is done with plastered masonry or RCC. While
enclosure walls can be made as per local requirements. Special toilet pans separating
liquids and faecal matter can be installed or precast/in situ RCC slab with holes can also
be installed instead. The bottom floor of collection tank is made with PCC for easy
collection of waste.

34 | P a g e

Figure 14 Typical Dehydrating Toilet

Figure 16 Compost toilet - Plan Figure 15 Compost Toilet - Section

35 | P a g e

o Low/minimal requirement of water and highly suitable where water
availability is scarce.
o Highly useful in saline and flood prone areas with issues of decomposition
of waste into soil as well as high water table areas where conventional
waste disposal is a major problem.
o Hygienic recycling and reuse of waste.
o Decentralised and require no additional system for waste disposal thus
saving on land, infrastructure and cost.

o Strict control on water use and separation of liquid and solid waste.
o Requires regular operation and maintenance emptying of the manure
generated and urine/liquid collected.
o Possibility of odour if not operated properly.
o Low acceptance currently due to lack of awareness about eco-sanitation,
higher operation and maintenance and lack of demonstration models.

Operation and Maintenance

o Such systems require collection of urine, hand wash and faecal matter
o The hand wash wastewater can directly be diverted into plantations near
o The urine collected in separate tank in dehydrating unit needs to emptied
regularly and used as fertilisers with required dilution for certain type of
o Faecal matter require to be covered each time after use of toilet with dry
leaves, saw dust, dried soil, plant ash, lime etc for facilitating drying of the
matter and speeding of its composting process, control on odour and flies

36 | P a g e

o For cleaning of toilet floor, lid is placed on the pan/holes in the slab and
the water is diverted into hand cleaning hole/spate holes for disposal of
washing water.


Refuse is collected separately and the sewage iscollected separately.

1. The collection works should be such that waste matters can be transported quickly
and steadily to treatment works.
2. The system employed should be self cleaning, hydraulically tight and economical so
that even the poor district authorities may afford it.
3. The collection works include the house drainage works and network of sewers laid
into the town to collect waste water from individual units.
5. A system of sewer pipes (sewers) collects sewage and takes it for treatment or
6.The system of sewers is called sewage or sewerage system or sewage system.
Where a main sewerage system has not been provided, sewage may be collected from
homes by pipes into septic tanks or cesspits, where it may be treated or collected in
vehicles and taken for treatment or disposal.
7. Properly functioning septic tanks require emptying every 2–5 years depending on the
load of the system.
8.Current approaches to sewage management may include handling surface runoff
separately from sewage, handling greywater separately from blackwater (flush toilets),
and coping better with abnormal events

37 | P a g e

Figure 17 Combined & Seperate sewage system

38 | P a g e

The environment environment hygiene committee (1949) recommended that

municipalities and other local bodies should arrange for collection of refuse not
only from the public bins but also from individual houses.

39 | P a g e



Now with the growing population it is very necessary to reuse the raw water mostly for
India, country where more than 70% people depend upon the agriculture where there is
no fixed time for rain and former mostly depends upon tubewell, well and canal. In that
way grey water is also a medium for irrigation.


Grey water is the waste water that is discharged from a house, excluding black water
(toilet water). This includes water from showers, bathtubs, sinks, kitchen, dishwashers,
laundry tubs and washing machines. It commonly contains soap, shampoo, toothpaste,
food scraps, cooking oils, detergents and hair. Grey water makes up the largest
proportion of the total wastewater flow from households in terms of volume. Typically
50-70% of the household wastewater is grey water.

Figure 18 Combined & Seperate sewage system

● It has low concentrations of organic matter.

● It is also called a sullage.

● It contains of small amount of bacteria.

40 | P a g e

● As grey water contains fewer pathogens than domestic wastewater, it is

generally safer to handle and easier to treat and reuse onsite.

● Recycling of Grey water can save upto 35-40% of water consumption within a
residential building by reusing Shower & Basin Water for the use of Toilet
Flushing, Irrigation, Car Washing, Cleaning, etc.

Figure 19 Combined & Seperate sewage system

Figure 20 Combined & Seperate sewage system


There are mainly two types of Grey Water :

● Low loaded grey water (raw water coming out from shower, bathtubs and hand

41 | P a g e

● High loaded grey water (raw water coming out from kitchen, dishwasher, washing

Figure 21 Combined & Seperate sewage system


The amount of waste water generated by household will vary according to the dynamics
of household, and is influenced by the following factors:

● The number of occupants

● The age distribution of the occupants

● The lifestyle characteristics of the occupants

● The cost of water

● Water use patterns

● The climate

While the water consumption in poor areas is about 20-30 litres/person/day, a person in
a richer area may have generated several hundreds of litres a day. As per IS:1172-
1993, minimum domestic water requirement for India is 135 litres/head/day. When
planning for water supply and sanitation it is essential to control water consumption.
People should be provided with fresh water for basic needs while unnecessary

42 | P a g e

consumption should be prevented. An efficient use of water is crucial wherever the

water resources is scarce, to reduce the generation of waste water.


Figure 22 Combined & Seperate sewage system


● To remove substance that maybe harmful to human health

● To remove substance that maybe harmful to plants and soil

● To remove substance that maybe harmful to the environment

● To remove substance that may clog the irrigation system

● To prevent contamination of ground water and drinking water reservoirs

● To avoid damage to building and surrounding areas from inundation, water

logging and freezing

● To avoid certain bad odours, stagnant water and breeding sites for mosquitoes

43 | P a g e

● To prevent eutrophication of sensitive surface waters


Figure 23 Combined & Seperate sewage system

The choice of system depends on the following factors:

● The owner’s willingness to operate and maintain the facility

● The sources of grey water to be recycled

● The purpose of grey water reuse


Primary diversion methods use coarse screen filters or sedimentation to remove oils,
grease and solids prior to discharge to the land application areas. This system is likely
to be considered the most economically attractive for grey water use because
maintenance can usually be carried out by the home owner, and they generally do not
rely heavily on electricity or chemicals to operate.

44 | P a g e

These include two methods:

● Gravity Diversion System


A gravity diversion device incorporates a tank-activated valve, switch or tap which is

fitted to the outlet of the waste pipe of the plumbing fixtures, such as the laundry tub.
The plumbing diversion device can be switched by the householder to derive grey water
from the laundry tub by gravity directly to the diversion line and the proposed land
application area. The gravity must not be stored.

Figure 24 Combined & Seperate sewage system

Figure 25 Combined & Seperate sewage system

45 | P a g e

Figure 26 Combined & Seperate sewage system PUMP DIVERSION SYSTEM

Figure 27 Combined & Seperate sewage system

46 | P a g e

Figure 28 Combined & Seperate sewage system


Secondary treatment system further treat the grey water to remove more of the
oils/grease, solids and organic materials. This allows secondary treated grey water to
be irrigated via micro-drop or surface irrigation methods. This system is generally more
expensive due to the initial establishment costs associated with the continuing treatment
needs and ongoing maintenance cost. However, the treatment level enables a much
more conventional surface irrigation system and presents less of health risk in the case
of human contact. There are many types of secondary system including:

● Slow sand filter

● Activated sludge

● Constructed wet land

● Trickling filter

47 | P a g e

Figure 29 Combined & Seperate sewage system

Figure 30 Combined & Seperate sewage system

Figure 31 Combined & Seperate sewage system

48 | P a g e


● Plumbing system

● Surge tank

● Screens and filter

● Pump

● Irrigation system

Plumbing System

A pipe system is always needed to collect and lead sweater to where it is treated or
used. Designing and plumbing a collection system is similar for grey waste water. As
there is no need for transporting toilet waste, thinner pipes can be used for grey water
compared to mixed waste water. All pipe systems must be equipped with ventilation for
air and smell evacuation. Normally a self ventilating pipe arranged as a chimney above
the roof is enough for this. Bad odours will sooner or later arise in the collecting system.
Therefore all pipe connections in the house must be equipped with water traps.

Clogging from fats is a potential risk in grey water systems that must always be
considered, especially when the pipe system is enlarged and water cools in of ground.
Pipes must be put straight (no necks or depressions), with gradient atleast 0.5% (ie 5
mm/m). The pipe system must always be equipped with flushing pipes/wells if clogging
could occur.

Figure 32 Combined & Seperate sewage system

49 | P a g e

Figure 33 Combined & Seperate sewage system

Surge Tank

In the grey water system, surge tank is used to collect and temporarily store water, but it
is not a storage tank. Water from the surge tank is delivered to the application area by
gravity flow or by pumping. The tank must be solid, durable, watertight when filled, and
protected from corrosion. The tank must be vented and have a locking gasketed lid. It
must be anchored on dry, level, compacted soil or on a 100 mm thick PCC slab.

Figure 34 Combined & Seperate sewage system

50 | P a g e

Screens and Filter

Figure 35 Combined & Seperate sewage system


Figure 36 Combined & Seperate sewage system

Irrigation System
51 | P a g e

The grey water standards allow two types of irrigation system:

● Subsurface drip irrigation

● Mini-leach irrigation

● Subsurface Drip Irrigation System

Figure 37 Combined & Seperate sewage system

● Mini-leach Irrigation

Figure 38 Combined & Seperate sewage system


● Watering Gardens

● Fire Hydrants

● Field Irrigation

52 | P a g e

● Toilet Flushing

● Cooling tower make-up


● Save water (30-35% reduction in consumption) and money

● Reduce the demand on your reservoir/toilet distribution pumps

● Increase the lifespan of your septic tank

● Less strain on public sewage treatment system

● Reduction in energy use by the municipality

● Increase points to reach LEED certification goals

● Groundwater recharge

● Reclamation of otherwise wasted nutrients

53 | P a g e




i) Governing Body headed by the honorable Chief Minister with membership of relevant
Ministers of the corresponding line departments.

ii) Executive Committee headed by Chief Secretary with membership of relevant

Secretaries of the line department.

The governing body, chaired by the Hon’ble Chief Minister, providing overall guidance
and policy direction to urban sanitation initiatives in the state, and overseeing the
planning and implementation of the state strategy.



● Led by Suchitwa Mission and supported by a dedicated Urban Sanitation Cell or

any other existing department may be formulated.

● The Suchitwa Mission to function as the Nodal Agency to support and

operationalize the different components of the sanitation under the guidance of
the SLSC and the state sanitation cell led by the Executive Director to provide
technical, managerial and professional support in planning and implementation of
state sanitation strategy.

● The cell shall be responsible for preparation and implementation of the city
sanitation plan.


● Launching the City 100% Sanitation Campaign

● Generating awareness amongst the city’s citizens and stakeholders

54 | P a g e

● Approving materials and progress reports provided by the implementing agency,

other public agencies, as well as NGOs and private parties contracted by the
Implementing Agency, for different aspects of implementation

● Approving the City Sanitation Plan for the city prepared after consultations with

● Undertaking field visits from time to time to supervise progress

● Issue briefings to the press / media and state government about progress

● Providing overall guidance to the Implementation Agency

● Area Sabha Sanitation Committee: To be led by the concerned Ward Councilor

and membership of a representative from the Urban Health, Nutrition and
Sanitation Committee (set up under Urban Health Mission), women SHGs and
Ward / Zone level Kerala State Sanitation Strategy (under NUSP 2008) 27
Officials responsible for provisioning of water and sanitation services


● Department for International Development – Water and Sanitation

The UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) works with developing
country governments to improve water access and sanitation at national and local
levels. Support is provided both through financial aid and through technical advice and

● UNESCO’s portal serves as an interactive point for sharing, browsing and

searching websites of water-related organizations, governmental bodies and

● UNICEF works in more than 100 countries to improve water supplies and
sanitation facilities in schools and communities, and to promote safe hygiene

● UNICEF’s Water, Sanitation and Hygiene website includes news articles,

statistics, downloadable publications, stories from the field, country-specific water
fact sheets, and theme-based topic pages.

55 | P a g e

● UN-Water - UN-Water is an inter-agency site focused on providing flagship

publications, policy briefs, thematic papers and reports, documents on water
governance, and vital statistics on the water sector. The site aims to build a
knowledge base on water issues, as well as create a platform for system-wide
discussions that identify challenges in global water management and solutions to
the global water crisis.


The aim of the National Urban Sanitation Policy (NUSP), 2008 is to transform Urban
India into community‐driven, totally sanitized, healthy, and liveable cities and towns.
Basic features laid down in NUSP given below should be adhered for planning of the

● Cities must be open defecation free

● Must eliminate the practice of manual scavenging and provide adequate

personnel protection equipment that addresses the safety of sanitation workers

● Municipal sewage and storm water drainage must be safely managed

● Recycle and reuse of treated sewage for non‐potable applications should be

implemented wherever possible Solid waste collected and disposed‐off fully and

● Services to the poor and systems for sustaining results

● Improved public health outcomes and environmental standards.


● For effective septage management plan, robust data on septage arrangements,

their quantity and locations of its generation etc. are required.

● The ULBs would need to make arrangements to collect baseline data, like type of
latrine disposal, effluent disposal arrangement, size, age, when it was last
cleaned, access to the on‐site Infrastructure Planning system, arrangement for

56 | P a g e

disposal of effluent, if any of existing installations, to plan for workable de‐

sludging schedules.

● It is advisable to divide the city into different sanitary zones and carry out the
baseline survey in one or a few of these zones, pilot de‐sludging area wise
schedules to learn operational issues and devise solutions, before upscaling to
the entire ULB can be taken up.



● Coverage of toilets does not translate to usage of toilets.

● Lack of water supply for toilets.

● Improper solid and liquid waste management.

● Inappropriate toilet technologies.

● Unhygienic conditions and practices.

● Gender Considerations: A lot remains to be done in making rural women and

adolescent girls actually use the toilets at home/school and follow hygiene habits
in a sustainable manner for better health and quality of life outcomes.


● Rapid urbanisation and need for a policy for urbanising areas such as the census
towns and Nagar Panchayats.

● Inadequate maintenance

● Ineffective management of faecal waste

● Rising groundwater contamination

● Over-dependence on centralized waste water management

57 | P a g e

● Maintenance and upgradation of STP/Waste treatment facilities

● Need for capacity building of officials

● Management and accountability by ULB officials

● Climate proofing of sanitation infrastructure. Non-inclusion of urban poor in

decision making.


● The Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (until 2011 the Department of
Drinking Water Supply in the Ministry of Rural Development) is responsible for
rural water supply and sanitation

● The Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation and the Ministry of
Urban Development share the responsibility for urban water supply and
sanitation. Except for the National Capital Territory of Delhi and other Union
Territories, the central Ministries only have an advisory capacity and a limited
role in funding.

● Wastewater treatment regulations come under three central institutions: "The

Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), the Ministry of
Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), and the Ministry of Jal Shakti."

● State governments and local municipalities hold responsibility for the disposal
of sewage and construction and maintenance of "sewerage infrastructure." Their
efforts are supported by schemes offered by the Government of India, such as
the National River Conservation Plan, Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal
Mission, National Lake Conservation Plan.

● Through the Ministry of Environment and Forest, India's government also has
set-up incentives that encourage industries to establish "common facilities" to
undertake the treatment of wastewater.

● The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), provide technical assistance and
guidance to the State Boards, carry out and sponsor investigation and research
relating to problems of water and air pollution, and for their prevention, control or

58 | P a g e

12) Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System


 This system involves decentralized low maintenance sewer water treatment

system involving physical and biological treatment.
 This system is widely known as Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System
(DEWATS) in India which was developed by Bremen Overseas Research and
Development Association (BORDA), Germany.
 The system can be adopted for treatment of 1000 liters (household level) to
500,000 liters/day (rural or town level). However, its major advantage is in
adoption of the system at household/apartment/cluster level/housing colonies as
well as school/institutional level to minimize the cost on sewer/piping systems.
 This system is simple and flexible without use of any technical energy and use of
gravity for functioning as far as possible.
 The system has minimal operation and maintenance cost and can be managed
by semiskilled person.
 The treated water can be used for gardening, irrigation, building construction,
ground water recharge, aquaculture and even domestic use like flushing. Side
product like biogas in low quantity can also be trapped from the system.
 Majority of the system can be underground, except planted filter and thus system
occupies minimal ground space practical

13) System Components -DEWATS

The complete system can be constructed underground except the planted filter and
polishing pond. The system can be constructed from cement plastered masonry
structure with RCC airtight roof, ferro cement. Prefabricated system especially for
household level made of PVC/ ferro cement are also available in market

i. Septic Tank
 A sedimentation tank stabilising settled sludge by anaerobic digestion.

 Removes suspended solids to upto 55%. Removal of organic waste 15-25


59 | P a g e

 Such tank requires 0.5 sq. m space for 1000 litre of wastewater treatment
(Source: DEWATS, Decentralised Wastewater Treatment in Developing
Countries, BORDA, Germany) 2. Horizontal Baffler Reactor
 Allows anaerobic degradation of suspended and dissolved solids. • Consists
of two to five chambers depending of treatment required.
 Removal of suspended solid upto 15 percent. • Removal of organic load from
25-35 percent.
 Such tank requires 1 sq. m. space for 1000 litre of wastewater treatment

Figure 39 Combined & Seperate sewage system

ii. Horizontal Baffler Reactor

 Such Allows anaerobic degradation of suspended and dissolved solids.

 Consists of two to five chambers depending of treatment required. • Removal of
suspended solid upto 15 percent.

60 | P a g e

 Removal of organic load from 25-35 percent. • Such tank requires 1 sq. m. space
for 1000 litre of wastewater treatment (Source: DEWATS, Decentralised
Wastewater Treatment in Developing Countries, BORDA, Germany)

Figure 40 Combined & Seperate sewage system

iii. Anaerobic Filter

 Consists of sedimentation tank and filter mass like hollow blocks, in-situ/precast
 jail etc. allowing bacteria to grow.
 This unit enhances digestion of organic matter.
 Removes organic matter from 15-25 percent and suspended solids from 15-20
percent.Such filter requires 4 sq. m. space for 1000 litre of wastewater treatment

Figure 41 Combined & Seperate sewage system

61 | P a g e

iv. Planted Filter

 Open shallow basic filled with gravel/pebbles to support growth of plants/reed
with shallow roots.
 Mainly reduces organic content, foul smell and colour and acts as filter
 Removes organic contents from 15-25 percent, suspended solids from 5-10
 Such filter requires upto 30 sq. m. space for 1000 litre of wastewater treatment

Figure 42 Combined & Seperate sewage system

v. Polishing Pond

 Polishing pond is the last step of treatment. The process involves removal of
stabilised or otherwise inactive suspended substances in order to clarify the water
physically (for example reducing turbidity).
 It helps in final pathogen removal; water storage until further use; odour removal;
and additional removal of BOD; solids; and nutrient.
 This system is optional.
 Such filter requires 4 sq. m. space for 1000 litre of wastewater treatment

62 | P a g e

Figure 43 Combined & Seperate sewage system

a. Advantages
 Decentralised system – useful in areas with space constraint.
 Low operation and maintenance cost.
 Does not require skilled human resources for operation.
 Reuse of treated water.
 Low/Nil post installation management burden.
 Highly useful in saline areas as well as high water table areas where wastewater
disposal is major problem

b. Disadvantages
 The system is highly useful for treating organic load. However, it cannot treat heavy
oils, grease, heavy metals, dissolved salts, and arsenic etc. Hence, it is advisable
not to mix small scale industrial wastes with domestic sewer waste.
 Such system is not useful where there is acute shortage of space.
 System design detailed design based on quality and quantity of water to be treated
through trained professional

63 | P a g e

14) Operation and Maintenance

 Daily operation includes opening and closing and regulating of inlet and outlet valves
as per requirement
 It is also essential to undertake water quality test of the treated water after 1.5
months of system initiation before it is reused or disposed. Water testing should also
be done every six month
 Following Maintenance Schedule needs to be adopted for such systems

Figure 44 Combined & Seperate sewage system

64 | P a g e

i. Solid waste Management Rules and guidelines

As many of the municipal authorities are still to develop in-house capabilities to independently
govern their solid waste, the central and state governments continue to play a crucial role by
formulating policies, programmes, and regulations and by providing technical and financial
assistance for infrastructure development including management of municipal solid waste
(MSW) in urban areas. Although municipal solid waste management (MSWM) is an essential
service and a mandatory function of municipal authorities across the country, it is still being
managed in an unplanned manner, giving rise to environmental degradation and serious health
problems especially for women and children. This clearly underlines the need for preparing a
strategic and detailed MSWM plan by the urban local bodies (ULBs). Every ULB should
undertake the preparation of a MSWM plan, addressing short term and long term actions.

ii. Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) 

 Inefficient collection, transportation, treatment and scientific disposal  
 Environmental and aesthetic concern  
 Quantity (By 2050, half of India’s population will live in cities.) 

1990s: Public interest litigations (PILs) Supreme Court: Committee (status of MSWM) 

 Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC) MSW

(Management & Handling [M&H]) Rules, 2000 (All ULBs to establish a proper
waste management system, including waste processing and disposal by 2003) 
 Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD): MSWM manuals

2005: Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) Urban

Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small & Medium Towns (UIDSSMT)

iii. Regulatory framework for MSWM

MSWM is an integral component of municipal services delivered by ULBs, who are
responsible for the safe and healthy environment of a city Therefore, preparation and
implementation of a strategic and detailed MSWM plan is essential. SWM Rules, 2016
stipulate that every ULB shall prepare a MSWM plan and every state a SWM strategy or

State Sanitation Strategy under the National Urban Sanitation Policy (NUSP), and which
follows the principles of the Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) hierarchy. The
MSWM plan encompasses: (i) institutional strengthening; (ii) human resources
development; (iii)technical capacity building; (iv) financial capacity and arrangements
(public private partnership [PPP] framework); (v) community participation; (vi) legal
framework and mechanism for enforcement; and (vii) public grievance or complaint
redressal. The MSWM plan should consider a long term planning horizon of 20–25
years. Short term implementation plans covering 5 years each should be slotted within

65 | P a g e

the long term plan for ease of implementation. The short term plan should be reviewed
and updated once every 2–3 years for any midcourse correction as required. Local
authorities should ensure that the short term plan is aligned with long term planning and

iv. National Urban Sanitation Policy(2008)

“All Indian cities and towns become totally sanitized, healthy and livable and ensure and sustain
good public health and environmental outcomes for all their citizens with a special focus on
hygienic and affordable sanitation facilities for the urban poor and women.” 


 Awareness Generation and Behavior Change 

 Open Defecation Free Cities 
 Integrated City-Wide Sanitation 

Concept of Totally Sanitized Cities

 Open defecation free 

 No manual scavenging and safety equipment for sanitation workers 
 Municipal sewage and storm water drainage 
 Recycling and reuse of treated sewage for non-potable applications 
 Solid waste management 
 Services to the poor 
 Improved public health outcomes and environmental standards 

v. Swachh Bharat Mission

2014–2015 1,43,449 

tonnes MSW per day (TPD) (0.11 kilogram (kg)/capita/day). -Central Pollution Control
Board (CPCB) 

80% of MSW is collected, 22% is only processed or treated

“We must not tolerate the indignity of homes without toilets and public spaces littered
with garbage. For ensuring hygiene, waste management and sanitation across the
nation, a “Swachh Bharat Mission” will be launched. This will be our tribute to Mahatma
Gandhi on his 150th birth anniversary to be celebrated in the year 2019” 

                                    The President of India in his address to the Joint Session of

Parliament 2014

66 | P a g e

vi. Swachh Bharat Mission (2014)  

 Household toilets & Community and public toilet provision  

 Solid waste management (IEC(Information Education Communication) and

capacity building for citizens and workers)

vii. Municipal solid waste management rules

viii. MoEFCC: Solid Waste Management (SWM) Rules, 2016  

(Revision of MSW (M&H) Rules, 2000) 

Municipal Solid Waste Management Manual, Ministry of Urban Development,

Government of India 

MoEFCC: Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016 Handling of

waste resulting from construction, re-modeling, repair and demolition. 

                      CPCB: Environmental Management of Construction & Demolition (C & D)


ix. Rules for Special Waste (Toxic substances in MSW: Batteries, tube lights,
CFLs, etc.) 
Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2011 (2016 Rev.) 

Bio-medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998, 2011 

Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016 

E-Waste Management Rules, 2011 (2016 Rev.) 

Battery (Management and Handling Rules) 2001

67 | P a g e

x. State level guidelines and strategy

Andhra Pradesh Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Strategy 2014 

Appropriate strategy framework for guiding ULBs to comply with the MSW
(Management & Handling) Rules 2000.

Vision:“to equip the AP cities with efficient, environmentally friendly and

sustainable waste management system with complete safe collection,
transportation, treatment & disposal facilities and achieve the service
benchmarks ” 

xi. Strategic Interventions  

Waste minimization and promotion of recycling of waste  

Door to Door Collection of Waste generated  

Engaging stakeholders in implementation  

Processing, Treatment and Disposal of Waste  

Strengthening the capacities of the ULBs  

State Level Institutional arrangements & Program support 

xii. State policy and strategy on solid waste management for urban areas of
West Bengal
Solid waste management rule 2016: Section 23 (1):  

 State level Advisory body for formulation of State policy and strategy on SWM  
 ULBs to prepare plan as per State policy and strategy

xiii. State level strategy:  

Reinforcement of 3 ‘R’s (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle)  

Clustering of ULBs for grouping of different SWM functions so that resources could be
shared leading to reduced cost and increased scale of economy  

Different models of management. Need for professional management of MSWM service

through private sector and community based organizations.  

‘Polluters pays’ principle must apply

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Other policy and strategies are aligned with the SWM rules and the Municipal Solid
Waste Management Manual(CPHEEO) with suitable modifications and technology
choice as per the local context.

Other solid waste management rules 

Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules,

2008 (2009 amended) 

Industrial Hazardous Wastes and different from MSWM 

Involves ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, and toxicity

Task Forces: 

 Integrated Plant and Nutrient Management using City Compost, 2005 

 Fertilizer Control Order (FCO), 2009 
 Waste to Energy(Planning Commission, 2014)

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act and its Amendments(1974):
(Prevent and control water pollution and ensure wholesomeness of water) 

The Environment (Protection Act) (1886) (Protection and improvement of the


The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation

Act(2013) (sewers, septic tanks, insanitary latrines)

Solid Waste Management (SWM) Rules, 2016

Applies to: Areas:  

 Every urban local body  

 Outgrowths in urban agglomerations  
 Census towns  
 Notified areas, industrial townships, areas under Indian Railways, airports,
airbases, Ports, defence areas, SEZs, etc.

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Generators: Domestic, Institutional, Commercial, Other non residential generators


Under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986: Separate rules for: Industrial waste,
Hazardous waste, Bio medical wastes, E-waste, Battery waste etc.

Duties of Authorities involved in SWM

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change is responsible for over all
monitoring the implementation of MSW rules.

Central monitoring committee:     Duties

Ministry of Urban Development

 Periodic review of the measures & projects by ULBs  

 Formulation of national policy and strategy  
 Promotion of research and development, information dissemination,  
 Training and capacity building  
 Providing technical guidelines and project finance

Ministry of Rural Development 

Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers 

 Market development assistance for city compost  

 Promotion of co-marketing of compost with chemical fertilizers 

Ministry of Agriculture

 Provide flexibility in Fertilizer Control Order for sale of compost  

 Promote compost use for farms  
 Laboratories for testing compost quality  
 Guidelines for compost quality and use

Central Pollution Control Board

 Formulate and update standards for ground water, ambient air, noise pollution,
leachate in respect of all solid waste processing and disposal facilities

Three State Pollution Control Boards or Pollution Control Committees 

 Review via State Pollution Control Boards or Pollution Control Committees(once

in a year)  

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 Review of new technologies for processing, recycling and treatment of solid

waste and prescribing their performance standards, emission norms  
 Guidelines for maintaining buffer zone

Urban Development Departments of three State Governments

 State policy and strategy  

 Waste reduction, reuse, recycling, recovery, redue waste going to the landfill and
minimize human health and environmental impact  
 Define role of the informal sector (waste pickers, recycling industry) 

Rural Development Departments from two State Governments 

 Solid waste processing and disposal facilities (stand alone or cluster within 50
km) and allocation of suitable land in master plan by State Town planning
 Separate space for segregation, storage, decentralized processing of solid  
 Capacity building of local bodies 

Duties and responsibilities of local authorities and village Panchayats

Three Urban Local bodies   and strategy and framing of bye-

Two census towns    Door to door collection of
segregated solid waste from all
FICCI, CII   households (slums and informal
settlements), commercial,
 institutional and other non
 residential premises  
  A system for integration of waste-
 pickers and waste collectors in
 the formal system  
  Facilitate formation of Self Help
 Groups and Involve
 communities  
  User fee determination and
 collection, spot fine rules  
  Setup of material recovery facility

and waste deposition centers for
domestic hazardous waste(1/20  

 Waste bins (bio-degradable

waste: green, recyclable
 Two subject experts Solid waste waste:white, other waste: black)  
management plan as per state policy

71 | P a g e

 Stop the practice of roadside

incineration of street sweeping
 Collection of waste daily from
markets and decentralized
treatment in vicinity  
 Transport of different wastes to
respective processing or disposal
 Phasing out of chemical fertilizer
in urban applications  
 Facilitate on-site processing of
bio-degradable waste (bio-
methanation, microbial
composting, vermi-composting,
anaerobic digestion )  
 Waste to energy processes  
 Management and finance tasks  
 Potential of bio-mining and bio-
remediation of existing dump

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Duty of manufacturers or brand owners 

 To provide necessary financial assistance to local authorities for establishment of

waste management system  
 A system of collection of non-biodegradable packaging waste  
 Use recyclable materials in sanitary napkin & diapers or provide a pouch or
wrapper for disposal  
 Awareness generation in regards to wrapping and disposal of these products 

Ministry of Power. 

 Tariff for the power generated in waste to energy plants  

 Compulsory purchase of this power generated by distribution companies 

Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Sources 

 Facilitate infrastructure creation for waste to energy plants  

 Subsidy or incentives for waste to energy plants 

Solid Waste Management (SWM) Rules, 2016

Duties of Authorities involved in SWM

 MSWM policy and strategy by state/union territory 

 MSWM plans by the ULB 
 Mandatory MSW segregation into wet, dry, and special waste 
 Minimization of material to be disposed in landfills (only non-reactive, inert, and
pre-treated waste may be disposed) 

1. Landfill requirement, site selection and design  

2. Environmental clearances for processing and disposal facilities  
3. Standards for composting  
4. Standards of treated leachate  
5. Emission standards for incineration facilities 

Annual reporting mechanism of ULBs on MSW operations 

MSWM plan

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Municipal solid waste management: Essential/core municipal function/service 

As per 12th schedule this is mandatory.

MSWM Service should be efficient in terms of: 

 Cleanliness in urban areas 

 Waste processing and disposal of residue 
 Urban environment 
 Urban Health 

MSWM plan preparation is guided by state policy and strategy on solid waste
management. State municipal acts: Mandatory and discretionary functions for the

MSWM plans are prepared: 

 As per local context 

 As per the vision and long term requirements of the ULB 
 As per financial capacity and resources 

Tools, equipment, manpower, technology, vehicles, and processing and disposal

facilities Service design

In addition to the physical service design MSWM plan includes measures for: 

 Institutional capacity building 

 Human resources development 
 Technical capacity building 
 Financial capacity and arrangements 
 Community participation 
 Legal framework and mechanism for enforcement 
 Public grievance or complaint redressal.

MSWM planning period 

Long term: 20–25 years 

Short term plans: 5 years (Implementation targets within the long term plan) 

Review of short term plan: 2–3 years 

Key guiding principles of MSWM plan

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Integrated Municipal Solid Waste management: Minimize waste disposed while

maximizing resource recovery

1. At source reduction and reuse: Reduction during product design, production,

packaging, use, and reuse 
2. Waste recycling: Recovery of recyclable materials Only possible through waste
segregation, separate collection for different waste streams Recovered material
can replace virgin resources 
3. Composting: Segregated organic fraction of waste can be converted to fertilizer
(FCO norms) 
4. Waste to Energy: Energy recovery via production of heat, electricity, or fuel from
segregated dry rejects Biomethanation, pyrolysis, gasification, incineration,
refuse derived fuel, co-processing 
5. Waste Disposal: Residual (inert waste) disposed in sanitary landfills 

Extended producer responsibility (EPR)

 Producer’s responsibility extends beyond consumption when the waste is

 Facilitate the segregation of solid waste (e.g., for e-waste or hazardous waste
components), reuse (e.g., disposal refund systems for bottles), recycling (e.g., for
used cars), and storage and treatment (e.g., for batteries). 
 Mandatory through legislation 
 Voluntary (i.e., retail take-back programs) 
 National and state level regulation 
 Guidance and monitoring is key 
 Local level initiatives at ULB level

RFID tracking 


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Guidelines on Extended Producers Responsibility on plastic packaging under

Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 

Informal sector integration

 Can be involved directly as a private entity or through resident welfare

associations (RWAs), community-based organizations (CBOs), non-government
organizations (NGOs), self-help groups (SHGs) or private companies 
 Involvement of the informal sector reduces overall cost 
 Mostly involved in the sorting and recycling stage and via the “kabadi” system
(scrap dealers) 
 Since manual scavenging is banned this can create new job opportunities 
 Informal sector workers can be given legal recognition in form of associations
(cooperatives, SHGs) 
 Facilities decentralized waste processing

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