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Vocabulary &

Interesting Ideas
Your job is to find vocabulary words or concepts from the reading that you feel are powerful, puzzling, or
unfamiliar. Identify the page, paragraph, and the word/phrase. Look up the definition of the word/phrase in a
dictionary or reputable source like an online encyclopedia so that you will be prepared to read the definition of
the word that fits with how it is used in the text, a synonym, and an antonym. If the word is a concept, e.g.
Porkpie hat, you may include a picture After you introduce your selected words to your group, have them turn
to the page and find the word in context. Explain to them how and/or why it is being used, what you learned
about its importance to the text, and/or why you selected it.

Select 5 idea total. Use the charts below to gather your ideas.

Bonus Drink: create an activity that engages your group members in using the words you have selected.
(Bingo, I am Thinking of a Word, Find A Word on Page ___ that means ____)

Vocabulary Page & Definition Synonym Antonym Explanation: Importance/New

Word Sentence Part of Understanding
e.g. gawk, used in text speech as
nonchalance used in text
complexion 31 the natural Skin colorlessness This is how people refer to the
color, texture, Skin color color and texture of a person’s
and pigmentation skin. It takes relevance in racial
appearance of situations.
a person's

Responsibility 42 the state or duty irresponsibility This word shows the reader how
fact of having teenagers start gaining
a duty to deal responsibilities

Phrase/concept Page & Definition or Picture Explanation: Importance/New

e.g. porkpie hat Sentence information Understanding
or Malcom X used in text

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