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Online Tea Buying System


ICS 410a
Sir Richard Mwangi
June 2023

This project proposal is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the

Bachelor of Education Information Communication and Technology (ICT)
I declare that this is my original work through my own effort and that it has not been presented in
any form for academic or any other reason, to the best of my knowledge. Contributions to this
work by any other person or literature have been duly cited.


Mark Simiyu

Signature………………… Date…………………


I confirm that this research proposal was carried out by the student under my supervision

Signature……………………. Date…………………

Sir Richard Mwangi

University of Nairobi
I would like to thank God for the providence of good life, reinforcement of interest, and
dedication toward this research. I would also like the following for the support they gave me
from the kick-off of this research towards the completion.

1. My parents- for the providence of moral support by psyching me to go on with this vital
research. They also gave me financial support to ensure that I get to this level.
2. My friends – for voluntarily participating in the research by answering questions I
presented to them throughout my entire research.
3. My lecturers – especially James Andunya and Sir Richard who is my supervisor for
correcting me in the events I made mistakes. Through his insightful teachings, James
Andunya enlightened my awareness of different aspects of system development which I
found to be useful throughout my entire research process.
4. The University of Nairobi – for putting this program actionable at large. It has been
helpful, especially in building my creativity and thereby contributing to my creative
Definition of central terms
Tea farming – an activity of planting tea for sales purposes.

Clerks- people who are involved in clerical duties in the tea-buying centers.

Admin: A person who has been given an administrative role in the system.

System- A computerized program that has parts that work together to achieve a holistic goal of
the system.

Quick delivery of high-quality service has always been a dream of any farmer. Over the years,
clerks employed at tea-buying centers have been managing farmers’ details manually. This
resulted in issues such as delayed transactions which makes the overall process of record
processing and document management slow. With manual systems, it is very difficult to retrieve
documents especially when requirements pop up as an emergency. This project is aimed at
replacing manual transactions happening in tea-buying centers. It is aimed at computerizing the
process of farmer’s registration, transaction tracking, record keeping, and management. Data
used to develop this project was acquired using interviews and online questionnaires.
Regression and hypothesis analysis showed that farmers were in great need of an electronic
solution. To develop this project, I used the agile method of software development. I chose this
method because the requirements of users tend to be dynamic. Online Tea Buying System
(OTBS) project is seen to be more important than a manual system because it is very fast,
accurate, and autonomous. Any farmer can have control of his details without paying a physical
visit to the tea-buying centers. Besides, the tidiness of the workplace has greatly been taken care
of. To justify this, I administered questionnaires to a randomly selected group of 90 users
consisting of five key users and 85 farmers, and with the use of regression analysis, the findings
confirmed that the system was effective to address the problems they have with the manual
Table of Contents
List of tables
List of figures
List of Abbreviations

All the rights reserved. The report may not be photocopied, recorded or otherwise reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system or transmitted in any electronic or mechanical means without prior permission of
the copyright owner.

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