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1. Accommodate (v) /əˈkɒmədeɪt/ : phù hợp, cung cấp

thứ cần thiết cho ai đó.
Collocation: can (v)
Ex: The hotel can
accommodate up to 500

2. Arrangement (n) /əˈreɪndʒmənt/ : Sự thu xếp, sự

dàn xếp.
Collocation: alternative (adj)
Ex: Whatever the alternative
arrangement it must be reasonable,
proportionate, and have the
confidence of the public.
3. Association (n) /əˌsəʊsiˈeɪʃn/ : đoàn thể, công ty, sự
kết giao, sự giao thiệp.
Collocation: international
Ex: Such international
association in itself proves
nothing very grave, gives
out no great dangers.

4. Attend (v) /əˈtend/ : tham dự, chú tâm.

Collocation: regularly
Ex: Then reach out to
group members who
don't attend regularly.
5. Get in touch (v) : liên lạc, tiếp xúc, liên hệ
Ex: I tried to get in touch
with you yesterday
evening, but I think you
were out.

6. Hold (v) /həʊld/ : chứa, giữ

Collocation: strong (adj)
Ex: Yet it still exerts a
strong hold, thanks mainly
to its masterfully realised
7. Location (n) /ləʊˈkeɪʃn/ : vị trí, địa điểm.
Collocation: undisclosed (adj).
Ex: Set on an island in an
undisclosed location.

8. Overcrowded (adj) /ˌəʊvəˈkraʊdɪd/ : đông nghịt

Collocation: condition (n)
Ex: By 1982 the overcrowded
condition had reversed and
enrollment steadily declined
until it was closed in 1997.
9. Register /ˈredʒɪstə(r)/
-(n): sổ sách, hồ sơ, sổ đăng ký
-(v): ghi lại, ghi chép
- (n): sign (v) => He
signed the register at
the hotel.
- (v): officially (adv)
=> She is officially
registered disabled.

10. Select /sɪˈlekt/

- (v): chọn lọc, tuyển chọn
- (adj): tuyển chọn đặc biệt
- (v): randomly (adv)
Each day at noon, one
of the entered
postcodes is
randomly selected.
- (adj): audience (n)
=> It was a very
fashionable event with a select audience.
11. Session (n) /ˈseʃn/ : buổi họp
emergency (adj)
Ex: The resolution
was passed in only
the tenth emergency
session of the
general assembly to
be convened since

12. Take part in (v): tham dự, tham gia.

Ex: They refused
to take part in the

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