Lesson 11

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1. Abundant /əˈbʌndənt/: nhiều, dồi dào, với số lượng lớn


Collocation: life (n)

Ex: Living an abundant life means focusing on and giving thanks for the
blessings in your life rather than focusing on what has been taken away or
what is lacking.

2. Accomplishment /əˈkʌmplɪʃmənt/ : thành tựu, thành công


Collocation: great (adj)

Ex: And although rudimentary, it was a great accomplishment.
3. Bring together : tập hợp, gom lại

Ex: They can give you access to information which you wouldn't
normally have the resources to bring together.

4. Candidate /ˈkændɪdət/ : thí sinh, người ứng cử, ứng cử viên


Collocation: put yourself forward as (v)

Ex: Despite hints, he has not put himself forward as a candidate for the
state's top job.
5. Come up with (v): nảy ra, suy nghĩ ra, đưa ra ý

Ex: You'll have to come up with your own reasons for being over there.

6. Commensurate /kəˈmenʃərət/ : tương đương, tương quan, tương ứng


Collocation: reward (n)

Ex: But neither justifies the role and commensurate reward that an
analyst commands.

7. Match /mætʃ/
(n): sự phù hợp, thích hợp, sự hợp nhau
(v): làm cho phù hợp

-(v): perfectly => The vanilla and chocolate flavours will match
- (n): excellent => My strong communication and organizational skills,
as well as my ability to create order out of chaos, make me an excellent
match for this position.

8. Profile /ˈprəʊfaɪl/ : tiểu sử, hồ sơ

Collocation: build (v)
Ex: We are hoping to build
profiles of listeners to our
radio station.

9. Qualifications /ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ : phẩm chất, khả năng, đủ tư cách

Collocation: necessary (adj)
Ex: We actively explored
various options, but it soon
became clear that no one was
available who had the
necessary qualifications for
such a ministry.
10. Recruit /rɪˈkruːt/
- (v): tuyển
- (n): lính mới, tân binh
- (v) : locally =>
None of the
canton chiefs or
their retainers
were recruited
- (n) : young =>
The pay is too
low to attract the right type of young recruit.

11. Submit /səbˈmɪt/: nộp, gửi, đệ trình

Collocation: require
sb to (v)
Ex: Many websites
require you to
submit an email
address to use their

12. Time-consuming /ˈtaɪm kənsjuːmɪŋ/ : tốn nhiều thời gian

Ex: This would be a
much more difficult and
time-consuming job.

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