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A Lost Ring

Ariadne looked at Theseus's beautifulface with love. She wanted to help him.
She wanted to be his wife.

^ T a m going to make a promise to you,’ Theseus said to his father in

jL the morning. CI am going to come back again. Look at the sails of
this boat. They are black. But we have white sails on the boat too. I am
going to kill the M inotaur and we are going to come home again. Then
our boat is going to have white sails. Watch for those white sails.’
‘I am going to watch for them all day and all night,’ King Aegeus
said. ‘Remember your promise!’
‘The boat is going to sail now,’ Theseus said. ‘Goodbye, Father!’

help /help/ (v/n) She has got a problem. Please help her.
promise /'promis/ (n/v) I am going to write to you every day. That's a promise.
Chapter 3 - A Lost Ring
The boat sailed quickly across the blue Aegean Sea to Crete.
King Minos and his daughter Ariadne waited for the boat. The young
Athenians were very unhappy. Only one man did not cry.
‘W ho are you?’ King Minos asked Theseus.
‘I am Theseus,’ he said. ‘I am the son of King Aegeus.But I am the
son of Poseidon, king of the sea, too.’
Minos smiled. ‘You are the son of a god? W hat can you do?Let’s see!
My ring is in the sea. Swim down and find it for me!’
Theseus went into the water and asked for help. Two white dolphins
came to him with the ring.
‘Here is your ring,’ he said to King Minos.
Ariadne looked at Theseus’s beautiful face with love. She wanted to
help him. She wanted to be his wife.
Theseus and the Athenians went with the king’s men. There was one
small, dark room for Theseus and one room for the Athenians.
‘The M inotaur had food today,’ King Minos said. ‘You can sleep.’
But the visitors did not sleep.

ring /rig/ (n) The girls have beautiful rings on their hands,
dolphin /'dDlfin/ (n) Dolphins swim near the boats.

A W omans Help
‘The Minotaur is sleeping now,9Theseus said. 7 am going to kill it before morning.
Then we can all go back to Athens. ’

hat evening, Ariadne went to Theseus’s room.

T CI want to talk to him ,’ she said to the men at the door. The men
opened the door for her.
Under her dress she had a knife
and some string. cTake these,’
she said quietly to Theseus. ‘Kill
the M inotaur with the knife. But
it is very dark in the maze. Put
one end of the string under a
rock near the door. Then take the
string into the maze with you.’

string /strir)/ (n) Close the bag with some string.

end /end/ (n) We walk to the school at the end of the road.

‘W hy are you helping me?’ Theseus asked.
‘I don’t like my father,’ Ariadne said. ‘A nd I don’t like Crete. Kill the
Minotaur, but take me away with you. Promise!’
‘I promise,’ Theseus said.
He did not want to wait for the morning.
‘The M inotaur is sleeping now,’ Theseus said. ‘I am going to kill it
before morning. Then we can all go back to Athens. Please, Ariadne,
help my friends. Take the young Athenians to the boat.’
‘Yes,’ said Ariadne, and she went.
First, Theseus killed the two men at the door with his knife. Then he
went to the M inotaur’s maze.

3.1 Were you right?
Look at your answers to Activity 2.4 on page 7. Then write the words in
the sentences.

waits loves help sails eat sail

1 Theseus and the young Athenians...................... to Crete.

2 Their boat has black.......... .........

3 Ariadne..................... Theseus.

4 She wants t o him.

5 The Minotaur doesn't ................... any Athenians that day.

6 Theseus............ in a small, dark room.

What more did you learn?

W ho is talking?

1 ‘I am going to come back again.'

2 ‘Remember your promise!’

3 'M y ring is in the sea.’

4 ‘You can sleep.’

5 ‘Kill the Minotaur with the knife.’

6 'Take the young Athenians to the boat.’

■s ■IS1
Theseus and the Minotaur

Language in use
'I am going to make a
Look at the words on the right. Then write
promise to you.1
promise or promised in these sentences.
‘I promise.’

1 'Remember y o u r ..... !’

2 'Kill the Minotaur, but take me away with you............ !’

3 ‘I am going to kill the Minotaur. I ............ my father.’

4 She is going to sail away from Crete. That is Theseus's................

to her.

5 What did Theseus...................... Ariadne?

6 Ariadne is happy because Theseus.......................

What’s next? I
Look at the pictures. W hat are these people going to do? Write sentences.


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