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B2 Future Tenses and Time ClausesStudent’s Copy

EXERCISE 1. Complete the sentences with Future Continuous Tense.

1. This time next week I _________________ (lie) on a beach in Miami.

2. When I get home from work tonight, my kids ___________________(play) video games.
3. I know you won’t be asleep at 12.00. You _________________(play) computer games.
4. What ____________ you _______________ (do) in ten years’ time?
5. At this rate, they __________________(speak) French fluently in six months.
6. Don’t phone between 8 and 9. They ________________ (have) dinner then.
7. __________ you _____________ (use) the laptop computer this afternoon? I’m going to need it.
8. She _________________(leave) school this time next year.
9. My dad watches TV from 7.00 to 9.00, so at 8.00 my dad ____________________ TV.
10. This time next week Helen _________________ (travel) to Brazil with her husband.
11. Tomorrow I am going to do my homework from 8.00 to 10.00, so at 9.00 tomorrow I
________________ my homework.
12. My mum talks on the phone from 10.00 to 11.00, so at 10.30 she ___________________ on the

EXERCISE 2. Fill in the sentences with “Present Continuous, Simple Present for Future, Future
Simple, Future Continuous and be going to.”

1. Do you have any plans for tonight? Actually, I do. I ___________________ (go) out with Penny.
2. This time next year I _________________(work) in a big company.
3. A: What are you doing tomorrow?
B: I don’t know, but I think I ___________________(visit) my grandparents.
4. A: What are your plans for the weekend?
B: I __________________ (fly) to İstanbul. I bought my ticket two weeks ago.
5. A: It’s his birthday today.
B: Oh, really? I ___________________ (definitely/call) him then.
6. A: Can I call you tomorrow?
B: Sure, I’ll be at home this time tomorrow. John and I ___________________ (clean) the house.
7. Amanda! Look at you! You are pregnant! Congratulations! When ________________ (have/you)
a baby?
8. My train ________________ (leave) at 10:00 tomorrow.
9. A: Come to the cinema with us.
B: I can’t. I took extra shift at hospital, so I ____________________ (work) tonight.
10. What _____________________ (do/you) at 12 o’clock tomorrow?
11. I ____________________ (work) in the garden at this time tomorrow.
12. Не ______________ (be) tired after his work.
13. He can't come at two o'clock tomorrow because he _____________________ (work) at that
B2 Future Tenses and Time ClausesStudent’s Copy

14. Не ___________________ (send) us a telegram as soon as he arrives.

EXERCISE 3. Complete the sentences using: before, as soon as, until, if, when.

1. I'm getting into Heathrow early tomorrow morning. I'll ring you first thing ______________ I
make it into the arrivals hall.
2. _______________ you have any problem, you will call the assistance hotline.
3. Give me your phone number ______________ you leave tonight.
4. I can hardly wait ________________ we see that new film.
5. You will take a seat in the waiting room ____________ we call your number.
6. ________________ the weather is good, I will go for a walk in the countryside.
7. _______________ you complete a line of numbers, you have to shout "bingo".
8. Go home and wait there ________________ I call.
9. We will watch some TV ______________ we go to sleep.
10. _______________ he graduates from high school, he will go to college.

EXERCISE 4. Combine the following pairs of sentences with the conjunctions in brackets. Put the
verbs into “The Simple Present” or “The Simple Future.”

*In main clauses, you can use “will or be going to”. Both of them are correct.

1. My father (come) home. Then we (go) for a swim. (as soon as)

As soon as my father comes home, we will go/are going to go for a swim.

2. We (get to) the airport. Then the plane (take off). (before)

3. We (arrive) in Sinop. Then we (have) lunch. (after)

4. I (go) to bed. I (drink) a glass of milk. (before)

5. I (recover) from my illness. I (stay) in bed. (until)

6. We (arrive) home. We (have) dinner. (when)

7. We (not/start) the meeting. Everyone (arrive). (until)

8. Jake (turn) 60. Then he (retire). (once)

B2 Future Tenses and Time ClausesStudent’s Copy

9. Dimitri (live) with his parents. Then he (get) married. (until)

10. Amber (finish) school. Then she (open) her own business. (when)

11. Perhaps they will offer me the job. Then I will accept it. (if)

12. He may save money. Then he will go abroad. (if)

13. The flat may be too expensive. Then I won’t rent it. (if)

EXERCISE 5. Put the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses into “Simple Present” or “Future

1. They ___will finish/are going to finish____ (finish) the job after we ____give____ (give) them
the money.
2. We ________________ (wait) here until she _________________ (make) a phone call.
3. When the children _______________ (get) here, they ____________ (be) hungry.
4. I ________________ (go) there when I _______________ (feel) a bit better.
5. I ________________ (give) the message as soon as I _____________ (see) him.
6. We _______________ (have) lunch before the train ______________ (get) to Paris.
7. ______________________ (you/have) a cup of tea before you _____________ (go) to school?
8. The race ________________ (start) as soon as the bell _________________ (ring).
9. I _________________ (not/forgive) him until he _______________ (apologize) to me.
10. When we ___________________ (come) back from our holiday, they ______________(be)
11. When I _________________ (go) home after work, I ______________ (watch) my favorite TV
12. Dinner __________________ (be) ready before they _______________ (come) home.
13. They _______________ (stay) here until it ________________ (stop) raining.
14. After I _______________ (graduate), I ______________ (attend) medical school and become a
doctor. I have wanted to be a doctor all my life.
15. As soon as the weather ____________ (clear up), we _______________ (walk) down to the
beach and go swimming.
B2 Future Tenses and Time ClausesStudent’s Copy

16. I ________________ (send) you a letter if I _______________ (receive) the money in time.

EXERCISE 6. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses. Use
“Future Perfect Tense”.

1. _______________________ (you/finish) your homework by the time the film starts?

2. Do you think that you ___________________(get) married by the time you are 30?
3. In fifty years’ time the pollution _____________________ (double).
4. She’s so lazy. I bet you that she _____________________ (not/do) anything when we get there.
5. My dad ______________________(retire) by 2020.
6. There’s no point in going now - the film ______________________(already/start) when we get
7. We ___________________ (not/reach) the camp site by nightfall.
8. School ________________________(start) by the time we get back from holiday.
9. The battery ___________________ (go) flat before I can get home.
10. You can call me at work at 8 am. I ______________________(arrive) at the office by then.
11. They will be tired when we arrive. They ____________________ (not/sleep) for a long time.
12. If global warming isn’t halted, a large part of the polar caps ________________(melt) in 50
years’ time.

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