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Speech and Personal Development Group 2 Assignment

Speech Analysis - Dr. Martin Luther King

The speech by Dr. Martin Luther King is considered one of the greatest. What are your

Review the Speech Analysis presentation slides found above. Look specifically at what
makes a speech great. Then, read and listen to the speech given by Dr. King. From your
perspective (as a member of the audience) what are your thoughts on this speech and
on Dr. King as a speaker? Write your thoughts down and come prepared to share at our
next class. (Wednesday April 12)

The speech is a very powerful and inspiring speech. It highlights how the emancipation
proclamation shall bring hope to all the lives affected by slavery.
How it wil help everyone thrive to end the long period of slavey and the discrimination and
segregation of the negro. It brings light to the hardships faced by the present day negro an
how many negros today are in poverty, treated unfairly among their white counterparts. It
also highlights how continuing to let this continue we would be dishonouring the slaves who
fought so hard for their freedom which is now essentially so that the present negro could be
From your perspective (as a member of the audience) what are your thoughts on this
speech and on Dr. King as a speaker?

Dr. King as a speaker is very noble and inspiring, he did an excellent job portraying how the
lives of the black people are still affected today and how this dishonours the slaves
He appeals to our emotions with the repetition of for example ‘ let freedom ring out from
every hill and molehill of Mississippi’.
And in his voice you can hear how he is truly happy for the new found freedom of slaves.

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