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l I I-W2

ffi l Ji
;It 7 Ji

mftfflHi , illf11111 ( r5 62 0-)

· Attll Cr5 10 0-) 7
l•~=•l ~I-10 ~••~ 1 ~· ~
fr many parents due to~tudents' poor performance )
l. The new-coming principal bas_ ~wn - om(C) damage (D) struggle ·
(b Wadmiration (B) cntictsm ttacked by war and become homeless need
2. Any country whose people have been crue 11 Y a - s

(h foreign aid. 'C) hesitantly (D) inexpensively

\J I A' carefully (B) desperately ,, . . .
vv . role in a healthy diet, and vanety 1s as important as quantity.
3. Vegetables and fruits play an - . (C) unthinkable (D) essential
/("\ (fJ occasional (B) unconvention al . k .
"/ . . . . . of successful artists, who eep on working until they
4. Stnvmg for perfection 1s one of the maJor _
~ find something perfect. "-Ir\ • . (D) disadvanta
\J (fJ obstacles (B) characteristics ,~Ystenes . . . ges .
5. A war crimes has been launched to look for possible cnmes agamS humanity comrrutted in
Ukraine. 1n, 1 ·
U Wcomparison (B) distraction (C) investigation w,_revo u~1on
6. The farmers clearly _ _ the bad condition of the harvest in major crop-growmg regions so as to ask
()( the authorities for assistance.
1~ Wdemonstrated (B) discarded (C) disgusted ~increase d
7. Paralympic athletes must _ _ enormous physical and psychological challenges to stand out and
";) win awards.
\/ (fJ adapt (B) violate (C) recognize ~~overcome
~ As a well-known designer, Jason did not crave international recognition but-uroJuntarily felt_
U about his lack of it.
(fJ grateful (B) faithful (C) peaceful (D) regretful
9. Children who are developing language skills normally have an _ _ ability to acquire new
vocabulary words.
lJ (fJ artistic (B) inappropriate (C) outstanding (D) optimistic
10. Many celebrities love to be heavily _ _ in charity business, donating time, money, gifts, clothes, etc.
lJW armed (B) defeated (C) involved (D) taxed

-== ' ~~-- ( r5 10 5t)

/ 1tRA : i 11 ;V!Ii 20 ;Vs , .;1! 1 14" 0

m11 :¥ 15 ~~imMI
Most people believe that having children is the key to a happy and perfect family life. Commonly, this
idealistic view may remain _l_l_for some, but researchers say that in reality parents are happiest when
their children fly the nest and live alone. Researchers in Germany looked at data from a_ 1_2 _ of 55,000
people over the age of 50 living in Europe. Respondents were asked about tIJRir emotional wellbeing. The
researchers discovered that mo~t parents were more satisfied with lif~after tli~ir children _ 1_3 _ and left
home. The findings also indicated that raising children could cause parents considerable financial worry,
stress and anxiety.
The research was led by Christoph Becker of Heidelberg University. He concluded that the main
reason ___li__parents were happiest when their children left home was that children were providing more
support to their parents. Parents also had fewer symptoms of depression and a more positive outlook on life
as they no longer lived with and _1_5 _ their children. Regarding the role reversal ofproviding support, Mr.
Becker said, "The role of the child as a caregiver and provider of financial support might outweigh the
negative effects of parenthood."
lll-W2 ffi 2 :ri
~>C:1§'4 ~7:ri
() l. W faithful (B) sincere (C) true (D) painful
\]12. W detail (B) policy (C) style (D) survey
(7)13. W gave up (B) grew up (C) saved face (D) stayed up
Ql4. Wwho (B) which (C) why (D)whose
()5, W kept out of (B)putu ~ (C) took care of (D) dropped out of
ffi 16 ~ 20 mi~lfflil
It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but scientists say cockroach milk could become a new superfood.
In other words, insect dairy products may soon be in supermarkets, 16 a major role in our diets.
Scientists say insect milk could be the perfect non-dairy substitute for milk no matter 17 hard it is for
people to accept milk from bugs. They place a high value on the nutrition of milk from the Pacific Beetle
cockroach, 18 has more than three times the energy of the same amount of milk. It is also rich in amino
acids and protein.
The Pacific beetle cockroach is the only one known to feed milk to its young. However, milking
enough cockroaches to satisfy a growing population is obviously not as easy as milking cows. Scientists
19 an alternative method-that is, using stem cell technology to replicate milk in the lab and then
mass-producing it in factories. A South African company has already started selling insect-milk ice cream.
The milk is 20 a sustainable, nature-friendly, nutrient-dense, lactose-free dairy alternative for the
future. It won't be long before other companies jump on the bandwagon.
(}6. W play (B) played (C) playing (D) to play
~17. W how (B) when (C) which (D)what
l,..ts. ~ a t ~hen (C) which (D) whose
~19. W cover up (B) come up with (C) make up (D) drag on
(.)20. W anything but (B) by accident (C) referred to as (D) nowhere to be found

=: ~ ::t1lilli ( ~ 10 71')
"IDt a,ij : ~* x. ;t .tf. x. -f 1!
J 21 :iY! ½ J 3o,¥! , *,¥! - -00 ?t ~ ,
?Z~tpo *~l~o
l'Ji" tJH~- 69 (A) itl (J) i! 1l tf7
~Mi!~~ ~~*•~A
J\) ffi 21 ~ 30 Dlfflil
1 Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a former actor and comedian, is now known as the President of Ukraine. The
V _) world is in awe of this~ man, who tries to find ways to save his country from the ravages of war. His
V ~ passionate speech has aroused people's deep j 22 and inspired governments.
,\ \;, Zelenskyy's appointment to the presidency may have been influenced by his previous presidential role.
v \ __J.- Under the\) 23 where the conflict in war is constantly being broadcast live on social media and TV, acting
skills are now so crucial in the propaganda war. Zelenskyy's talent for acting 24 whether or not to win
V the battle for information. Through a series of factual persuasive statements, Zelenskyy has performed his
ll~;,/uperb communication skills and made an impact on world leaders. He presents well-researched problems
and offers 125 , showing his thoughtfulness and intelligence. He expresses his deeply patriotic feelings
v without 26 when describing the plight of his country's situation. The president's experience as a skilled
performer [;27 that his speeches will successfully help his country obtain the assistance of other
J b) countries-the US and some European countries are supplying the Ukrainian military with defensive
\,\ weapons to counter the Russian military invasion.
'f •\ How does Zelenskyy's past career prepare him for his role oflife? The core skills required of an actor
J (\ are actually very similar to diplomatic skills. Diplomats possess a range of strengths and competence that
enable them to deal with a variety of[J28 relationships. However, the ability to change his !J12._ from
an actor to a war leader to convey a message in a meaningful way is proving to be a key skill fo~kyy .
As a performer, Zelenskyy aims to change the world; as the current president, it is~ 30 that he is working
toward this goal-only this time there's no play-acting on stage.
~apparen t o-d.; _ ~circumsta nces 11 . )Q_determines .J. )0}1eroic 11-d) . (E) hesitation 11.
(F) role "/• . (~plex ~) . ~reveals J, ~utions n ~ympath y n.
ffi 3 W

~~:i31 ~½J34 ~••~-~ t~·~*~ ~
~m~~ •~t*•4 At•to. 42~o
· 4~f•M«•~W~~••+

ffi 31 ~ 34 /i~li~ th
k lace different, more and more industries are
As technological innovation continues to make e wor p th t can transform the workpl
· · ftware and programs a ace.
entrusting their operations to new devices, so t· 1tO revolutionize the workplac ·
· · · hnO10 that has the poten 1a em
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) ts a tee ~ . . taff who typically handles some of the
the coming years.~ 31 For example, an adm1D1strative s . . . .
-- . th t executives of comparues believe that 1t will
paperwork will be replaced by RPA robots. By domg so, e op
reduce costs and increase productivity. h RP'" 1 ·
• d ti' technologies sue as L"\. are on y .mterested .
There is a widespread concern that compa es a op ng
in improving profit margins by reducing costs._]:_ However, w
bile the mundane
tasks of adm101stration
k .
h d nd for regular o ice wor ers. w1 1I evolve
and paperwork are likely to be replaced by automation, t e ema
· · · d · tion with clients and suppliers. . 33
to mclude more creative work, management duties an commuruca
· away from bas1c · data entry skills, future workers will be expected to have problem-solv. mg and
critical thinking skills that will allow them to cope with any difficult situation and work ependently to
find solutions.
The ability to adapt and be agile is also critical for workers living in a world that possibly becomes
increasingly unstable, uncertain and complicated. /D±_ In other words, successful workers of the future
will actively use their skills to seize opportunities, make improvements and take on new challenges
wherever they are working. By equipping our next generation of workers with such business skills, we can
ensure that when automation takes over workplaces completely, our workers will have the survival skills to
become better employees and leaders of the future.
WWith this flexibility, coupled with a desire to keep learning and the initiative to step forward, workers are
more likely to achieve success in the future.
J{With more industries starting to embrace RPA software, the RPA robots will be adopted to handle routine
and repetitive tasks.
(C) Employees start to wonder if such a trend will eventually leave a large portion of the workforce jobless.
(D) As the focus shifts, the skills needed for future workers are bound to change as well.

Ji , ffflltlJS C~ 24 ?t )

ffi 35 ~ 38 /1!~/1!£13.
Everyone appreciates acts of kindness. However, people tend to take two extreme positions for
explanation. Some think that kindness is something completely selfless we do out of love and care, while
others think it's just a tool we cunningly use to win popularity and get benefits. However, lots of research
shows that being kind to others can actually make us get good feelings in a number of different ways.
One of the good feelings from helping is termed·"warm-glow effect." peciding to be generous or to
cooperate with others will activate an area of the brain called the striatum- this area responds to things we ·
perceive as beneficial, such as delicious food or even addictive drugs)Due to this, the activity we see in the
striatum may serve as the biological basis of warm-glow effect. Certainly, you don't have to scan your brain
to see how kindness brings this kind of benefit. Psychological research shows a strong connection between
kindness and happiness from an early age. In fact, even just recalling the sweet memory of kindness may
be enough to. improve teenagers' mood. Research also indicates that spending extra money on others may
increase more happiness than spending it on yourself.
ren8 on1 11ro 1111 follows. Flrt1t is "a con
tagious smjle." Seeing
Why does klndn et111 mt1k i, 118 so hop py? Tho
g the emotion
s of tho bruin 011 if we were experiencin
lough nutomnllcully notlvotos the some nrcn r unpleasant
nd Is "rig htin g the wro ng." Mak ing someone feel bellcr not only rights thei
orhe~vos. Stico ions." IGndnes.s holds
e_ hut also mak es us exp erie nce the relief they feel. Third .is "making connect
o_urs , , whole new ~trcle_ of
to nil sort s of 11oc1 ol con nc~ llon s. V
_ ol~ntce~lng or donah~n helps o~en up a
e key of 1dent1ty,
th ecte d lo. Fou rth IS "o kind iden tity." Acts of kindness reinforce our sense
to bo conn r kindness towards
satis lled ond prou d of ours elves. Fifth is "returning kindness." You
peo~ e U!I feel , d'trectIy.
making will . come back lo you d',reel Iy or 111
~- .
sonteone act of kmdness?
How does the{_first po.rogrnph 1!.!}tro ducc the
35 why people are kind .
· WTt shows conflicling opinions about
to others m~es profits.
N{B) It introdu~es lhe idea that bein~ kind
IO (C) It emphasizes thot people are kinder than we real . .
~hy people are _kjP~
(D) It highlights the darker motivations for bout ~ kind to others?
the pass age, whi ch of the follo wm g statements 1~
~ Accordi ng to
personal benefits.
Ct (N Few people treat othe.rs well without
rs, the more easily you do this.
-() (B) The more kindness you show to othe
rs, the less meaningful it is.
'f)RThe more often you are kind to othe
encourages more go od ~-
(D) Kindness to others brings happiness and
st expresses the central idea)>f the passage?
37, Which of the following statement<!,e expect
le are kind to othe rs with out real izin g that they are actually selfish because they
(N Most peop
something in return. ing in return.
(B) People are truly kind only when they
do good deeds for others and receive noth
raction is an
as rewarding because positive social inte
V (C) The brai n reco gniz es acts of kind ness
important part of human survival.' interactions and
rove your mood through positive social
(D) Showing kindness to others can imp
reinforce the idea that you are a good pers passage?
expresses~he author's main purpose }>f this
38. Which of the following statements best
(N To encourage readers to be kinder to one
r own disadvantages.
h/(B;To emphasize that you only care about youkind ness makes us happy.
f O (C) To explore different explanations of
sh reasons.
(D) To imply that humans are kind for selfi
~ 39 _¥ 42 ff!:&ff!Mi s down
has been arou nd for over 80 year s. It relie s on a kind of special glue. When you pres
Sticky tape Some adhesives
e of tape , the adhe sive on the stick y side seals tightly, but you can easily peel it off.
on a piec To make polymers,
behind. Tape adhesives are polymers.
even come off without leaving anything il fuel talcing
can use ingr edie nts from a vari ety of sour ces. A common source is crude oil, a foss
researchers g greenhouse gases.
ions of year s to deve lop. How ever , proc essing fossil fuels emits pollutants, includin
mill take a greener
Delaware in Newark believed they could
A team of researchers at the University of wable resources,"
one frien dlier to the envi ronm ent. "We want to make polymers from natural rene
option, ts strong and stable.
is a natural polymer, making woody plan
said Shu Wang, a materials scientist. Lignin dered if t!Jey
struc ture of lign in rese mbl es that of oil. Thus, Wang and her colleagues won
The chemical
nt, and their new data proved they could.
could use plants instead of oils as an ingredie in today's tape
successfully mimicked the structure used
Starting with poplar trees , Wang's team they made a "peel
sives. The y appl ied the new glue to a thin, tape-like piece of plastic. Then
adhe flattened. The
ired to peel off the tape after it had been
experiment." They measured the force requ tape performed
ers com pare ~ this test tape to the type s bought in stores today, and found their new
research force required to pull
with their adhesive on it was equal to the
well-the force re~1red to pull up ~he tape chemicals
or F1sh erbr and labe ling tape . Obv ious ly, they did create a new kind of glue from
~P Scotch ~pe .
fossil fuel consumption .
m trees, which would reduce emissions from
39. According to the passage, w'hat is thet1sadvantage Of taPe adhesiv e made from fossil fuels\>
B' It
. . J
riW It causes pollution. ( is toxic to ammals.
f~ . ''
(C) It 1s expensive to make. (0~ It does not last 1ong.
40. What was ~ I of researchers at the University of Delaware?
t I (A) Make reusable tapes. ,~Aak e a stronger tape adhesive.
APJ "•
V le) u li . .
t'T'Mnspire people to stop usmg tape.
~ se grun to make tape. 'I" ......
· . . .
-~ t h fi rlchoosing hgnm as adhes1ve"Y
41. Which of the following statements 1 ~ e reason °-c ·J
WIt comes from natural sources.
(Brit has a similar chemical structure to crude oil.
V (C) It is made from the same chemicals as crude oil.
tB) It can help reduce pollution from processing fossil fuels.
42. Which of the following statements about ~ng lignin in tape is TRUE)
(A) It has led to its use in other office supphes .
~ /"\ (B) It reduces pollution and waste in the environment.
"<.j (C) It creates unnecessary waste and releases pollutants.
(D) It is new and could harm the environment in unexpected ways.

ffi 43 ~ 46 ll]Ml!m
In the 19th century, women were the driving force behind many reforms. The majorit
y of issues were
related to the family and what was in the family's best interest. Women dedicat
ed themselves to abolish
slavery and stop child labor, also supporting women's rights. During the 20th century
, the role of women in
society changed even more. More women spoke up, attracting a growing audience.
Two examples are given
below for relevant information.
Mary Harris "Mother" Jones was a labor activist at the turn of the 20th century.
Traveling across the
country, she gave speeches, organized laborers and spoke for children, factory worker
s, coal miners, steel
workers and immigrants. She protested that workers who worked long hours in harmfu
l conditions only got
pennies. At times her speech was rude, but her words energized workers to fight
for better terms and pay.
In 1912, she delivered her now-famous speech at a coal mine in West Virginia
. As a result, workers had
struck for better contracts with mine owners. Her speech has survived to this day because
mine owners hired
stenographers to take notes in order to accuse her of inciting violence.
Margaret Chase Smith was the first woman to serve in both the House of Represe
ntatives and the
Senate. In 1948, she won the Senate election. Two years later, when other opinion
leaders didn't dare to
express their opinions, she bravely spoke out. At that time, Americans feared the spread
of communism and
its ties to the Soviet Union. Senator Joseph R. McCarthy was leading a movement
to identify communist
activity in America. McCarthy's hunt ruined the careers and lives of the people
who were accused. Smith
made her "Declaration of Conscience" speech in the Senate. She did not name McCart
hy specifically, but
she commented on the state of fear diving into American politics, warning of the
danger of anti-American
tone that was used to attack political opponents. Consequently, Republicans did not
agree with McCarthy's
approach and broke with McCarthy later.
43. What were~other Jones' speeche~ known for)
(A) They were absurd.
(_}B) They were rehearsed.
(C) They were passionate.
(D) They were unprofessional.
~)t~f+ ffi 6 If
:it 7 If
44, How didtargaret Chase Smith\respnno ..nd..i t h
· ~ 0 t e fear of co -
(N She sp ke out against people who 8pread fear mmumsm?
(B) She accused other people of supportin co · .
. t h"d• g mmun1sm
\) e went m o mg to protect
t herself fr .'
. om accusations
(D) She clanned that no one in America w . ·
as a communist
45. Which of the following statements best desen'be~h ·
t e central id n1 fth
(N Women protested and made speeches in d t . ecyo e passage?
or er o gam the right to vote
(B) Women were prevented from joining man _ ·
history. y movements for social and political change throughout

\) (C) Women first began protesting unfair treatm -

~ listen to them. ent m the 1900s because people were finally willing to

(D) Women have made important contrib ti

u ons to many movements for social and political change
thrOUgbOUt hiStory.
46. How doe~ the autho~rganize informatioJin the passage?
(A) Descnbe two women and their contributions.
if/,(B) Compare men's and women's contributions.
(C) Describe women from most well-known to least well-known.
(D) Compare women's contributions in the past and in the present.

ffi 47 ~ 49 JmlMiffl
Over the past decade, many major supermarket chains have been criticized for various unethical
practices, especially wasting tons of food and contributing to excessive plastic waste in their packaging.
This has made an adverse effect upon our environment.
In response to consumer backlash ·against the huge amount of plastic waste generated by plastic
packaging, some of the UK's largest supermarkets have signed an agreement pledging to change packaging
and reduce plastic wastage. In an effort to commit to reusing, recycling or composting all plastic waste by
2025, supermarkets nowadays start taking some responsibility for the part they played in destroying our
environment in the past. For instance, a major supermarket(Asda, has announced their plan to eliminate all
plastic packaging in their own-brand products by 2023.) .
In response to criticism of food waste, some supermarket/are donating some of their food surplus)
However, charities estimate that they only get 2% of the total foo'a-left in supermarkets. When asked about
the exact figures of food wastage, most supermarkets operate in secrecy. Without more transparency, it will
be difficult to adopt a systematic approach to avoiding waste and redistributing surplus food.
Some smaller companies are now offering consumers a greener and more eco-friendly option{?riginal
Unverpakt in Berlin and Bulk Market in London are plastic-free stores)hat have opened in recent years,
encouraging customers to ~ntainei: S-Ot..com posJ.a.ble....bags. Online store Farmdrop works
closely with their producers to ensure products are packaged in the most environmentally friendly way,
which often mea.ns0o packaging or packaging that is returned to the_produc~r time and time again1~so,
Farmdrop delivers fresh produce from local farmers to customers vta electric vans every day and gives
farmers the limi's share ofretail prices.
Without a doubt, it's still a long ~y to go in reducing food waste and plastic waste. However, the big
supermarkets might derive inspiration from these smaller groceries and plan for a more sustainable future
for all consumers.

47. Which of the following statements ~ccording to the passage? ( .¥Ml! ' 2 ft)
(A) Supermarkets are still denying that plastic packaging can cause damage to our environment.
a_ (B) Supermarkets are not telling people how much food they are actually wasting.
') (C) By 2025, many of the major supermarkets will have stopped using plastic in their in-house products.
(D) Farmers supplying food to Farmdrop get a small fraction of the price that customers pay.
48. Which of the following statements areW}true according to the passage? ( ~~I! ' 4 ft)
V(fanndrop put the measure ofno packaging or reusing packaging into practice.
U @,More and more people want supermarkets to reduce the amount of plastic waste they produce.
{C) The author believes that small shops like Bulle Market will take over the major supermarkets
\) eventually.
(D) Some supermarkets are donating their food surplus to charities, and these charities get more than 5
percent of it.
(t))fhe author suggests that major supermarkets take cue from smaller groceries' practices to help
reduce plastic waste.
49. According to the passage, supermarkets or stores have taken certain environmental protection
measures. Fill in the blanks with the five options below (write down the NUMBER of the option).
Please notice that the options~n be used repeatedlyy ~!Jtft~ • 4 ft)
(!) Packaging will be returned to the producer again and again.
® Electric vans are used for transporting fresh produce.
® There is a plan to phase out all plastic packaging in their own-brand products by 2023.
@ Products are packaged in the most environmentally friendly way.
@ Customers are encouraged to buy things with their own containers or compostable bags.
Supermarkets or Stores Environmental Protection Measures
(1) Asda
(2) Original Unverpakt s
(3) Bulk Market ~
(4) Farmdrop I V l\,

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