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APELLIDOS Y NOMBRES:……………………… ……………………………….

GRADO: ……4TO………… SECCIÓN: …….

DOCENTE: ……………………………………. FECHA: ……………. NOTA

I. WRITE TRUE (T) OR FALSE (F) (2 pts.)

Yesterday was the soccer match at school. Roberto, Henry and I went with our whole team! It was
something we had expected for a lot of time, we prepared day after day so, we were aiming to win it
all. But guess what happened. In the morning, we were the first group to arrive. We were happy
because we had the time to practice in the field and see what is like. But then the “Eagles” came.
That horrible group! They were the fourth group to arrive but they were the champions from last year.
I felt insecure but I didn’t let that bothered me. We were practicing when Roberto fell. He injured his
leg, he was in pain and he was screaming. The ambulance came and took him. The whole team was
nervous, Roberto was our hope to win, he came second in the casting for the team. We looked at
each other and said: “Let’s do this for Roberto, no matter what happens, we will fight for all.” So we
played our best. And we won! We didn’t recognize us. We were like lions looking for meat! It was
fantastic. I wish you were here to see it but I know you will love to read this! Well, got to go. My mom
is planning a party for our championship! Take care. Hope to see you soon. Love, Ricardo.

a) They felt happy to compete. ( )

b) The team “Eagles” won the match. ( )
c) Ricardo wrote to his mom. ( )
d) His mom is planning a dinner. ( )

II. MATCH (2 pts.)

a) _________ in class. IT is rude for the teacher. ° ° Don’t
b) __________! This hospital is not for shouting! ° ° Open
c) Please ______ talking. I can’t hear the teacher. ° ° Don’t eat
d) ________ your dictionary. It is important. ° ° Be quiet


1. Please ….. your used paper in the recycling bin . The cleaning person …… it every day.

a) puts / collect
b) put / collects
c) putting / collecting
d) Put have / collected
2. a glass of water. I .... so dehydrated .

a) Bring / feel
b) Brings / feels
c) Bringing / feeling
d) Brought / felt

3. Please remember to ...... all your books with you before the school ......

a) take / closes
b) takes / close
c) taking / closing
d) took / closed

4. If you ...... to keep your shoes dry , don't ...... on the grass .

a) want / walk
b) wants / walks
c) wanting / walking
d) wanted / walked

5. Are you ...... on the next flight ? Please .... to the airport terminal on time !

a) fly / hurrying
b) flies / hurries
c) flying / hurry
d) flew / hurried to get

6. .... quite. The baby is sleeping.

a) Be
b) Being
c) Silence
d) Try
Kate: Hello?
Paul: Hi! Is Kate home?
Kate: Yes, it’s me. Who’s asking?
Paul: Paul, from the office.
Kate: Oh right! Hi, how are you?
Paul: Fine, thanks. I was calling because I don’t have Tom’s number.
Kate: Neither do I. But why do you want it?
Paul: I need to finish the office. I don’t have the company’s stamp.
Kate: What about Derek?
Paul: No, Derek doesn’t, either. I don’t know who else to call.
Kate: I have the number of the insurance office. Maybe they have it.
Paul: Can you give me the number, please?
Kate: Yes, of course. It’s 675 0250. Mary is the one in charge.
Paul: Thank you so much! I owe you one!
Kate: No problem! Good luck, bye.
Paul: Okay, take care.
1. What does Paul want?

2. Why does he want that?

3. Which office does the number belongs to?

4. Who was calling Kate?

5. What is the conversation about?


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