Study of Factors Affecting The Surface Quality

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Study of Factors Affecting the Surface Quality in Ultra-

Precision Diamond Turning
a a
C. F. Cheung & W. B. Lee
Department of Manufacturing Engineering , The Hong Kong Polytechnic University , Hung
Horn, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Published online: 19 Apr 2007.

To cite this article: C. F. Cheung & W. B. Lee (2000) Study of Factors Affecting the Surface Quality in Ultra-Precision Diamond
Turning, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 15:4, 481-502, DOI: 10.1080/10426910008913001

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Materials and Manufacturing Processes, VoL 15, No.4, 481-502, 2000

Study of Factors Affecting the Surface Quality in

Ultra-Precision Diamond Turning

C. F. Cheung and W. B. Lee

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Department of Manufacturing Engineering

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong


This paper deals with an investigation of the process factors and the material
factors affecting the surface roughness in ultra-precision diamond turning. The
process factors involve cutting conditions, tool geometry, and relative tool-work
vibrationwhich are related to the cutting geometryand the dynamiccharacteristics
of the cutting process. The material factors considered are material anisotropy,
swelling, and crystallographic orientation of the work materials. Experimental
results indicate that the influence due to the process factors can be minimized
through a proper selection of operational settings and better control of dynamic
characteristics of the machine. The material factors, on the other hand, exert
consistent influence on the surface roughness which can not be minimized solely
by an optimization of process parameters and machine design. Based on these
findings, somesuggestionsare proposedfor the optimizationof the surfacequality
in ultra-precisiondiamond turning.

1.0 Introduction include tool geometry, feed rate, material

properties, spindle rotational errors and
Ultra-precision diamond turning is relative tool-work vibration. Generally,
one of the most important technique for these factors can be classified into the
the manufacture of high precision process factors and material factors. The
components with a surface roughness of former involves the cutting conditions like
a few nanometers and with a tolerance spindle speed, feed rate, tool geometry
which is in the submicrometer range (1, 2). and relative vibration between the tool and
The quality of the machined surface is the workpiece. These factors are related
affected by a number of factors (3) which closely to the cutting geometry and the

Copyright 02000 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. 481

Cheung and Lee

Table 1. Specifications of the Workpiece Materials

Part Descriptions
Al 1. Aluminum Alloy (6061)
A2 2. Copper Alloy with Chemical Composition in Percentage
A3 in weight of Cu: Bal., Al:0.24, Fe:0.20, Zn: 0.4., and
A4 Pb:O.l2.
BI (001) Aluminum Single Crystal
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B2 (OIl) Aluminum Single Crystal

B B3 Aluminum Alloy (6061)
B4 (001) Copper Single Crystal
B5 (011) Copper Single Crystal

dynamic characteristics of a cutting orientation (10) ofthe work materials, and

system. The material factors considered their interactions on the surface roughness
are material anisotropy, swelling, and formation has received relatively little
crystallographic orientation of the work attention. In this paper, a comprehensive
materials. investigation into the effect of the process
A better understanding of the effect and the material factors on surface
of these factors and their interactions on roughness in diamond turning is
the surface roughness generation are of presented. In addition, the implications of
prime importance for the further the findings in the improvement of surface
development ofultra-precision machining quality are also discussed.
technology and better designs ofmachines
to meet the needs for higher precision in 2.0 Experimental Procedures
the future. A number of research works
have been reported on studying the effect The experiments were basically
oftool wear (4), cutting dynamics (5) and divided into two parts i.e. Part A and Part B.
vibration (6) on the surface roughness Table 1 shows the specifications of the
generation in diamond turning. However, work materials being used. In Part A, a
most of these works were focused on series of face cutting tests was conducted
studying the geometrical relationships under different cutting conditions.
among the process parameters (7), the Groups Al and A2 involved those cutting
cutting dynamics and the surface tests for studying the effect of spindle
roughness. The effect of machinability speed and feed rate on the surface
(8), properties (9) and crystallographic roughness. The effect of depth of cut and

Study ofFactors Affecting the Surface Quality in Ultra-Precision Diamond Turning

Table 2. Cutting Conditions for Part A

Cutting Group No.

Conditions At A2 A3 A4
Factors Under Tool Nose Depth of
Spindle Speed Feed Rate
Investigation Radius Cut
Feed Rate 5, 10, 15, 15
(rnm min-I) 15 15
Spindle Speed 500, 1000, 1500,
2000 2000 2000
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(rpm) 2000,3000
Tool Nose 0.52,0.79, 1.17,
1.55 1.55 1.55
Radius (mm) 1.54,2.03
Depth of Cut 2,5,10,
2 2 2
(fUll) 15,20

tool nose radius are studied in Groups A3 diffractometer (Philips PW3 710). The
and A4, respectively. Part B includes diffractometer was operated at a current
cutting tests for studying the effect of of 35 rnA and a tube voltage of 40 kV.
material anisotropy, swelling and Copper target was used throughout the
crystallographic orientation of the work tests. The surface roughness of the
material on the surface roughness. Face machined surfaces was examined by a
cutting tests were done on copper alloy, Form Talysurf system equipped with a
aluminum single crystals and copper rotary table with a resolution of 0.017°.
single crystals with different A cut-off length of 0.25 rnm and 7 cut-off
crystallographic orientations. Hence, the per measurement were used to determine
surface roughness profiles at twelve the surface roughness parameters. The
equally spaced radial sections (i.e. angle surface roughness parameters under
between sections is 30°) were taken on a investigation are the maximum peak-to-
turned surface. Tables 2 and 3 summarized valley height R, and the arithmetic
the cutting conditions for Part A and B, roughness Ra , respectively. The relative
respectively. tool-work vibration was measured with a
All cutting tests were performed on a capacitive displacement sensor on the
two-axis CNC ultra-precision machine centre line ofthe spindle during air cutting
(Nanoform 300 from Taylor Hobson condition. A dominant mode of vibration
Pneumo Co.). In Part B, the with average amplitude of 15 nm
crystallographic orientation of the (i.e. 30 run peak to peak) and a frequency
workpiece was checked by a standard of 45 Hz was found to exist between the
reflection technique on an x-ray tool and the workpiece.

Cheung and Lee

Table 3. Cutting Conditions for Part B

Spindle Rotational Speed 2000 rpm
Feed Rate 20 mm min'
Depth of Cut 5 IJJtl
Front Clearance Angle 12.5°
Tool Nose Waviness 0.5 IJJtl
Tool Rake Angle 0°
Tool Nose Radius 2.019 mm
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3.0 Results and Discussion Before the arithmetic roughness R.

can be found, the mean line has to be
3.1 Part A: Process Factors established. In the case of the round tool
Under ideal conditions, the surface tip, the mean line is R, / 8 from the bottom
roughness profile is formed by the of the trough (11). Using the mean line,
repetition ofthe tool tip profile at intervals the arithmetic roughness R. is about
of feed per workpiece revolution, s. The one-quarter of the value for R" i.e.,
maximum peak-to-valley height, R" and f2
the arithmetic roughness, R e , of an ideal R. - 32Ry2 (3)
roughness profile (II) can be derived as The maximum peak-to-valley height
follows: R, derived in Equation (2) for an ideal
roughness profile is referred as the
theoretical roughness in the present study.
Equations (2) and (3) provide quantitative
relationships among tool feed rate, tool
nose radius, spindle speed and surface
(1) roughness. They are based on the
assumption that there is no relative
vibration between the tool and the
where / is the tool feed rate in mm per workpiece. However, in practice, the tool
min, V is the spindle rotational speed in positions are usually varied relative to the
rpm and R is the tool nose radius. workpiece due to the tool-work vibration
For fine feed rate per workpiece induced during machining. As vibration
revolution which is less than 50 um rev' , occurs during machining, surface
modulations are formed in both the cutting
i.e., s «R,
and the tool feed directions. This modifies
the surface roughness profile and hence
f2 significantly increases the surface
R=-- (2)
, 8Ry2 roughness of a diamond turned surface.

Study ofFactors Affecting the Surface Quality in Ultra-Precision Diamond Turning

E - - Aluminum Alloy
.s 100
- - Copper Alloy
---- Theoretical
:t 80
'Qi -e- Vibration Adjustment
~ 60
.>< 40
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0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Spindle Speed (rpm)

Figure 1: Effect of spindle speed on (a) maximum peak-to-valley height and

(b) arithmeticroughness. [please see (b) in nextpage].

3.1.1 Effect of Spindle Speed discrepancy between the predicted and the
Figure I shows the effect of spindle measured roughness increases with
speed on the surface roughness. The increasing spindle rotational speed. The
cutting tests were conducted under Group discrepancy can be explained by the
Al conditions. It is found that the surface relative vibration between the tool and the
roughness R, decreases with increasing workpiece at high speeds.
spindle speed. Similar results (Figure lb) It is considered that the dominant
are observed for the arithmetic roughness mode of the relative tool-work vibration
Ro ' Under all spindle speed conditions, determined in Section 2 is responsible for
copper alloy is found to have a higher the additional surface roughness. It is
surface roughness than alwninum alloy. assumed that the dominant mode of the
This could be explained by the difference vibration is simple harmonic with an
in the swelling and recovery properties of amplitude denoted by A which exists
the materials being cut betweenthe tool and the workpiece during
(12, 13). Such a difference seems to machining of the aluminum and copper
increase with increasing spindle speed. alloys. A vibration adjustment curve is
Equations 2 and 3 are found to make a then constructed which is defined as the
quite good prediction under low spindle sum of the theoretical roughness
speed conditions. However, the calculated from equation 2 and the total

Cheung and Lee


----+- Aluminum Alloy

- - Copper Alloy
. - - - Theoretical

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0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
(b) Spindle Speed (rpm)

Figure1: Continued.

amplitude (ZA) of the relative tool-work copper alloy over the range of feed rate
vibration. The adjustment curve seems to being investigated. However, the
make a far better estimate of the surface difference is found to decrease with
roughness. As spindle speed increases, the increasing feed rate. As feed rate
advantage of improved roughness tends increases, the time available for plastic
to be overwhelmed by the influence of deformation in the surface layer of the
relative tool-work vibration. work material is reduced and this might
in turn leads to less swelling of the work
3.1.2 Effect of Feed Rate materials (12). Thus, a smaller difference
The effect of feed rate on surface of the surface roughness between the
roughness is shown in Figure 2. The copper alloy and aluminum alloy is found
surface roughness parameters (i.e. R, and at a higher feed rate.
R) are found to increase with increasing
feed rate. Similar to the spindle speed 3.1.3 Effect of Tool Nose Radius
study, copper alloy seems to cause greater The relationship between the surface
roughness than aluminum alloy. roughness and the tool nose radius is
Furthermore, the vibration adjustment shown in Figure 3. It is found that the
curve is found to give a better estimation arithmetic roughness Ra decreases with
of the surface roughness R, than the increasing tool nose radius at small radius
theoretical ones determined fromEquation 2. and increases at large radius. This is
There is also a significant difference in R, different from the theoretical prediction
values between aluminum alloy and which suggests a decrease in surface

Study ofFactors Affecting the Surface Quality in Ultra-Precision Diamond Turning

.s 100- - - Aluminum Alloy
cr.- --- Copper Alloy
__ Theoretical
-e- Vibration Adjustment
~ 60 f-
~ 40 r. __:
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0.. ,~

>< 20 f-

0 LJ
I L "i -- __J
,ifL---..jb==Jt:===::::!===~r:==~ I
o 5 10 15 20 25 30
(a) Feed Rate (mm/min)

---- Aluminum Alloy
E ___ Copper Alloy
15 ___ Theoretical
s: 10
E 5
o 5 10 15 20 25 30
Feed Rate (mm/min)

Figure 2: Effectoffeed rate on (a) maximum peak-to-valley height and (b) arithmetic

roughness with increasing tool nose with increasing tool nose radius. This might
radius. Under identical feed rate and reduce the damping of the relative tool-
spindle speed conditions, the contact area work vibration which contributes to the
between the tool and workpiece decreases surface roughness of the workpiece. As

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StI4dy ofFactors Affecting the Surface Quality in Ultra-Precision Diamond Turning

exists but its extent is overwhelmed by

__z =3+& (5) other factors like material swelling (3,12).
where a'is 0 or 3 positive integer, and e is 3.1.6 Effect of Phase Shift
a decimal fraction in the range Theoretically, the phase shift 14>1 is
-0.5 s e:;; 0.5. A phase shift 4> between related to the ratio between the frequency
subsequent undulations can be defined of tool-work vibration to spindle speed as
based on e as: shown in Equations 5 and 6. Equation 5
suggests that the surface waviness in the
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feed direction could be eliminated by a zero

From Equations 2,5 and 6, Equation phase shift which occurs as the frequency
4 can be rewritten as: of vibration being equal to or the multiples
of the spindle rotational speed.
From equation 5, it is noted that the
phase shift 14>1 can be adjusted by either
controlling the frequency of the vibration
Equation 7 shows that the occurrence or changing the spindle rotational speed.
of tool interference depends on tool feed It is rather easier to adjust the spindle
rate, spindle rotational speed, tool nose rotational speed than to alter the dynamic
radius as well as amplitude and frequency characteristics ofa cutting system. Figure
of relative tool-work vibration. Finer feed 6 shows the variation of surface
rate, larger tool radius, and higher spindle roughness with the phase shift
speed will be more easily to cause tool characteristics. It is noted that there are
interference. optimum or sub-optimum phase shifts 14>1
Table 4 summarizes the conditions of at which the surface roughness is
tool interference for the cutting tests in significantly improved. Under a known and
Groups AI, A2, and A3. Referring to steady dynamic condition of a cutting
Figures la and 2a, it is noticed that the system, the surface roughness of a
surface roughness R, is reduced down diamond turned surface can be improved
below the whole amplitude of vibration with the use of an optimum or sub-
(lA) as tool interference occurs under optimum phase shift 14>1 which could be
various feed and spindle speed conditions. obtained by a proper selection of spindle
Although similar amount of roughness rotational speed.
reduction is not explicitly observed under
different tool radius conditions 3.2 Part B: Material Factors
(see Figure 3a), the gradual improvement 3.2.1 Effect of Material Swelling and
of the arithmetic roughness together with Recovery
the reduction of the difference between As referring to Figures 1, 2 and 3,
the vibration adjustment curve and the there is consistent difference in the surface
maximum peak-to-valley height suggest roughness between aluminum and copper
that the influence of tool interference aIloys. Greater roughness is found in

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"""" ~
Table 4. Conditions of Tool Interference §

Tool ~
Spindle Phase Max. P-V Vibration
Set Feed Rate, f Nose 8Rth 'Status
Speed, v Shift, Height R, Amplitue 2
No. (mm/min) Radius, t/J A
(rpm) (nm) A (nm)
R (mm) I~
15 500 1.55 2.513 72.40 15 6.115 N
15 1000 1.55 1.885 18.10 15 2.717 N
AI 15 1500 1.55 1.257 8.04 15 2.714 N
15 2000 1.55 2.199 4.52 15 0.498 I
15 3000 1.55 0.628 2.01 15 2.721 N
5 2000 1.55 2.199 0.51 15 0.056 I
10 2000 1.55 2.199 2.02 15 0.223 I
A2 15 2000 1.55 2.199 4.55 15 0.502 . 1
20 2000 1.55 2.199 . 8.10 15 0.893 I
25 2000 1.55 2.199 12.55 15 1.345 N
15 2000 0.52 2.199 . 13.55 15 1.494 N
15 2000 1.17 2.199 6.01 15 0.663 I
15 2000 1.55 2.199 4.57 15 0.564 1
15 2000 2.03 2.199 3.46 15 0.382 I
Note: * 1: Interference, N: Non-interference.
Study ofFactors Affecting the Surface Quality in Ultra-Precision Diamond Turning


" - Max. Peak-to-Valley Height, R,

E ' " Arithmetic Roughness, R.
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O' 40' 80' 120' 160'
Phase Shift of Vibration to One Workpiece Revolution

Figure6: Effect of phase shift on the surface roughness parameters.

copper alloy than in aluminum alloy. As found that copper alloy makes deeper and
mentioned in Section 3.1, this could be wider tool marks than aluminum alloy.
explained by the difference in the swelling The increased width and depth of the
and recovery properties of the materials cutting marks illustrate the presence of
being cut (12, 13). Material swelling and plastic side flow (13) in the feed direction.
recovery affects the fidelityoftransferring This is due in part to the burnishing effect
the tool profiles into the workpiece. on the clearance face of the cutting tool
Figure 7 shows the surface roughness which causes material at the active cutting
profiles for an ideal surface, the aluminum edges flow sideways. After burnishing,
alloy and the copper alloy generated under the material recovers and the amount of
cutting conditions with a spindle speed recovery is determined by the forces on
of500 rpm; a feed rate of 15 rom per min, the clearance face and Young's modulus
a depth of cut of 2 urn and a tool nose of the material being cut. Different
radius of 1.55 rom. It is noticed that the materials will be expected to cause
surface roughness of the machined different amount of recovery. These
surfaces is not an exact replica of the findings help to explain the observed
profile of the cutting tool. The average difference between the surface roughness
width of the tool marks is found to be for different materials even if the cutting
30.06 urn and 30.23 urn for aluminum tests are performed under the identical
alloy and copper alloy, respectively. It is cutting conditions.

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Study ofFactors Affecting the Surface Quality in Ultra-Precision Diamond Turning

materials upon surface roughness can not by the adjustment of the spindle rotational
be neglected in diamond turning speed. Moreover, it is shown that the
polycrystalline materials. surface roughness in the tool feed
The influence of material swelling directioncan be made much finer than the
and recovery over a wide range of cutting sum of the whole amplitude of the tool-
conditions together with the anisotropic work vibration and the theoretical
properties of the work material illustrate roughness due to the interference of tool.
that the material factors are inherent in a As for the material factors, it is found
cutting system for a work material that that the effect of material anisotropy,
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could not be eliminated solely by the swelling and material crystallography

optimization of the process factors. The plays an important role on the surface
possible way for minimizing the material roughness formation. Material swelling
effects would be the modifications of causes greater tool marks being formed
structure of the work materials like the on the machined surface. This inevitably
use of supper fine grains and amorphous increases the surface roughness of a
materials. diamond turned surface. For anisotropic
material like single crystal, the Young's
4.0 Conclusions modulus is dependent on the grain
orientation. Thus, different extent of
An investigation of the factors swelling is found at different
affectingthe surface roughness formation crystallographic orientations of the work
in ultra-precision diamond turning has material being cut. This leads to a
been conducted. It is found that the variation of surface roughness with the
surface roughness of a diamond turned crystallographic orientation of the work
surface is affected by both the process material. The effectby the material factors
factors and the material factors. The are shown to exist consistently even if
results indicate that the influence due to cutting tests were performed under
process factors can be minimizedor even various cutting conditions. This suggests
eliminated through a proper selection of that the influence by the material factors
operational settings and better control of on the surface quality could not be
the dynamic characteristics of the minimized solely by the optimization of
machine. Generally, the use of high process parameters and machine design.
spindle speed, fine feed rate together with A proper selection of work material is of
a large tool nose radius are shown to be prime importance for further
useful for the improvement of surface improvement of surface roughness.
roughness. Under a known and steady
dynamic characteristic of the cutting
system, the surface roughness of a 5.0 Acknowledgments
diamond turned surface can be further
improved with the use of an optimum The authors would like to express
phase shift 1$1 which could be obtained their sincere thanks to the Research

Cheung and Lee

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