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Listen and Read. Tuesday 13th. The taveras are talking about their day.

Paola: this morning was awful! I asked Jenny to come with me to the bank to pat the bills. As we were going into the bank, a man was coming out, I was sure he was going to hold the door for me, but I was wrong. The door hit me in the face. I had a headache for hours. Jenny: I dont understand people. This afternoon there were some workers working on the sidewalk. While they were eating lunch, somebody write on the fresh cement. It was terrible for them. They had to do it all over again! Which of the following attitudes bother you the most? a. b. People who spit in the street People who litter. Works in groups. Give reasons to your response. Imagine these situations. What would you do or say? a. b. c. d. Two boys are damaging a public telephone trying to take out the coins. Somebody puts a bag of garbage at your front door. A girl is listening to music in the class. A man is trying to skip the line at the bus stop. Role-play each situation with a friend changing roles. Daniel: well. My day was bad too. I was driving along. Olive street and somebody U-turned without signaling! I wasnt driving so fast but I was about to crash. I was already nervous when I saw a girl jaywalking in front of me! Fortunately nothing happened. Thank god! Write the following sentences in your notebook. Write an A if you always do it, an S if you do it sometimes and an N if you never do it. A You hold the door for somebody You cross on a green light You jaywalk across the streets or avenues. S N

Share your answer with your partner. On the read. What do these signs tell us? Stop Turn Drive carefully Park U-turn Call in a emergency

Example: Number one means dont turn right A red light A phone sign Dont park here A crosswalk dont U-turn turn night / turn left.

A school crossing sign Use the words in the box to write sentences in your notebook. There are many combinations Isabel Beth & Joe Carla Paola Daniel You were Werent was Wasnt Was Wasnt Jaywalking painting holding Littering Obeying Crossing On the floor At the corner At a tree The signals The door Across the street

Match both columns to make logical sentences. Write them in your notebook and give them and end. Example: We were going to the movies when the lights went off. 1. 2. 3. 4. She was dancing They were driving He was having I was packing a. chicken for lunch when b. my bag when c. with her partner when d. at high speed when

Look at the picture on the left and write sentences in your notebook. What was happening when the earthquake started? It was a terrible disorder. The girl was watching TV. The boy. Write sentences about what some of your classmates were doing when the English teacher arrived? Example: Jenny was writing in her diary. Paul Reading. Read the first two lines in the text. What do you think the text is about? When people dont say hello, thank you. Please or good-bye we feel terrible. We sometimes forget about good manners. But just a little courtesy makes you feel good about yourself and others. We show respect for others by obeying the traffic signals when driving. We show respect when we walk on the sidewalk and cross at the corner. We also show respect and education when we keep our city clean. Lets be polite! Reading comprehension 1. 2. 3. What is the main topic of the reading? Do you agree with the author? Why is it important to be polite?

Copy the sentences below in your notebook and say if they are true or false. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Something people forget about courtesy When people say thank you we feel awful. Obeying the traffic signals is respecting others Jaywalking is good. A clean city is an example of educated people.

Past simple or past prophesize? Complete the following sentences with the verbs in parentheses.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

It___ / all day yesterday. (rain) The streets____ / wet. (be) They___ / on time for the concert. (be) He___ / very fast when the police stopped him. (driver) They___ / against a bus. (Crash) They___ / them to the hospital. (Take)

Speaking. What can you do to make your city better? Express your ideas. In your opinion, which is the main problem: littering and garbage; traffic problems and jaywalking, security, others? How can we be better citizens? Writing If you gad to make the rules, what rules would you apply to pedestrians? Why? Do not five more than five ideas Listening. Copy the exercise in your notebook, listen to the tape and complete. Mr. Tavera___ / along Olive Road. At the same Time, some girls ___/ ball in the street. When mr. Tavera was getting closer ____/ one of the girls Ran ____/ his car. Fortunately, nothing happened. He said: ____I / and when he saw , / he said: be more careful, cross at the ___!

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