TIVO-TIVO Month of Breaking Forth

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A Daily Devotional

Today, SATURDAY, JULY 1, 2023


By Pastor Trevor Akpomughe

“I repeat, be strong and brave! Don’t be afraid and don’t panic,
for I, the LORD your God, am with you in all you do.” (Joshua
1:9 NET) 

Genesis 28:15, Jeremiah 1:7-8, Acts 4:19-20

Dear Heavenly Father, I know that pleasing You is impossible
without faith. I pray that as I move forth in faith in accordance with
Your Word, my faith in Your divine plan will not be in vain. Give
me the knowledge to make judgments that are in line with the course
you have laid out for me by opening my eyes to it in Jesus’ name.

I refuse to accept anything substandard any longer. Instead, I take a
leap of faith and embrace the incredible plans you have in store for
me. I refuse to put my faith in myself or other people. I completely
trust You, the fountain of all wisdom. I delight in the adventure and
development that come with stepping out in faith.  in Jesus’ name.
You must take bold and faith-filled actions if you want to break forth
and experience breakthroughs. You will overcome limitations and
open up new possibilities through courageous actions and faith in
God. According to Hebrews 11:6, it is impossible to please God
without faith, thus if you don't trust Him, you can't please Him. You
must put your faith in Him and hold on to His Word so that you can
go toward your goal with assurance that He will keep His Word.
“Faith motivated Abraham to obey God’s call and leave the
familiar to discover the territory he was destined to inherit from
God. so, he left with only a promise and without even knowing
ahead of time where he was going, Abraham stepped out in faith.”
(Hebrews 11:8 TPT) Who or what motivates you? A man's
motivation will define the course of his life. His motivation-bold act
of faith prompted him to pack all his belongings for a journey into
unknown and uncharted land. You must be prepared to move into
unfamiliar terrain to break forth. It might be a never-ending route till
you attain your goal. Thus, you must not give up when things go
wrong. Examine how Abraham broke through one adversity after
another till, he fulfilled his destiny in God.
You must break past the barrier of comfort that has
prevented you from achieving greatness. You can only do this if you
overcome all forms of fear and walk forth courageously knowing
that God is always by your side. You must also recognise that what
you see is not in control of your spiritual journey because it is prone
to change. “(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)” (2 Corinthians
5:7) You must look beyond your current circumstances and trust in
God's leading and that means relying on His wisdom and guidance
rather than on what you see or understand by the evidence before
you. Walking by faith positions you to experience divine
breakthroughs that surpass your limited human perspective.
The biblical examples of faith are not fairy tales. You can do
what they did by scaling through to walk into your destiny. Only
make up your mind from the start not accept anything less than
victory. As you step out in faith, breakthroughs await you on the
other side.
A Daily Devotional

Today, SUNDAY, JULY 2, 2023

By Pastor Faith Akpomughe-Erhire

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not
perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the
desert.” (Isaiah 43:19 ESV) 

Isaiah 40:4, Isaiah 41:8, Isaiah 42:9

Dear heavenly Father, Thank You for bringing me to my season of
bursting forth. I burst through every barrier and restriction that has
been obstructing my advancement with the strength and help of the
Holy Spirit. Lord, I give You my inadequacies, uncertainties and
anxieties in exchange for the power and faith to blossom and
succeed in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Where previously there was a lack, there is now a surplus. Deserts I
have crossed, difficulties I have encountered that left me parched
and exhausted, have been transformed into fertile lands. They have
been transformed into fields of possibility, opportunity and
achievement. Your joy and peace fill the voids in my soul. Rivers of
living water are bursting out, bringing life wherever I walk in Jesus’
name. Amen.
Breaking forth is the outpouring of God's blessings, favour and
provision that transcends human boundaries. It signifies your season
of refreshing, abundance and restoration, when God's goodness is
lavished upon you. It is an active and strong move of God's Spirit
that propels you into new levels of growth, fruitfulness and
fulfilment in your relationship with Him, as well as in your calling
and purpose.
"Breaking through" refers to overcoming difficulties or
limitations that delay growth or achievement. It means overcoming
obstacles, breaking down barriers and making a great breakthrough,
whether personal, professional, spiritual or interpersonal
relationships. "Breaking forth" on the other hand, refers to a wider
and more vibrant concept. It denotes a sudden or major leap forward,
a bursting into new heights of growth, expansion or fulfilment.
While the meanings and usage of breaking forth and
breaking through may overlap, "breaking through" emphasises
conquering specific problems, whereas "breaking forth" indicates a
broader and more groundbreaking breakthrough in areas of your life.
Breaking forth entails experiencing a stronger spiritual bond
with God. It includes a breakthrough in your prayer life, relationship
with God, understanding of His Word and increased response to the
Holy Spirit's direction. It means breaking free from the constraints
that prevent you from fully accepting God's plans and purposes for
your life, such as fear, doubt, insecurity and any other strongholds
that prevent you from reaching your full potential.
Discovering, embracing and walking in God's calling and
purpose for you is part of breaking forth. It is a divine unveiling and
activation of the gifts, talents and passions that have been bestowed
upon you. This leads to greater fruitfulness in your life, including
fruitful relationships, ministry endeavours, stepping into the richness
and blessings that God has planned for you. Breakthroughs in
financial benefits, health and healing, relationships, and every other
aspect of abundant living in accordance with God's promises are
Breaking forth, is a journey of faith and surrender to God's
leading, enabling Him to work in and through you for His glory and
the accomplishment of His goals.


A Daily Devotional

Today, MONDAY, JULY 3, 2023


By Pastor Trevor Akpomughe

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God
has great mercy, and because of his mercy he gave us a new life.
This new life brings us a living hope through Jesus Christ's
resurrection from death.” (1 Peter 1:3 ERV) 

Colossians 1:23, Hebrews 3:6

Dear heavenly Father, thank You for providing an opportunity to
start over. Help me Lord, not to squander this opportunity to make
the most of the remaining year. I pray that whatever I need as
thoughts arise in my mind will be placed in the correct location and
at the appropriate time for me to use in Jesus’ name. Amen.

This chance for a new beginning I absolutely utilize. I abandon my
attitude of laziness and use of my past experiences as roadblocks. As
new ideas emerge in my mind, I explore them to the finish, in order
to advance to the next stage of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.
God has given those of us who are hoping to see the fulfilment of
God’s Word to us, the second half of this year to do something about
it. But first, you must forget, forsake or abandon everything or
anyone that is a roadblock to this happening. Saying you are unsure
of the source of the problem or acting like everything is well would
be lying. Even if you have chosen the route of denial, it is evident
that something is wrong to everyone, including you.
You can find a new beginning, a new identity and a revived
purpose in God. The past is over and there is nothing you can do to
alter it, but the new is right in front of you and you can start making
preparations for it right now. Accept and believe wholeheartedly in
God's promise of rebirth and change in your life.
Everyone has a narrative to tell; a tale of a history that either
spurred us to overcome every obstacle or served as a justification for
why we are who we are now. It has pushed some of us to greatness,
while it has prevented us from rising to the level that God had in
mind for us. There will be no change unless you make the decision
to discontinue using it as a stop guard. God will bless your actions if
you are honest with yourself and take the required action.
You will spend the rest of your life stuck in darkness;
making no progress at all in your life, if you do not enter the light
that God gives. There is no question that God has wonderful plans
for you and that He orchestrates everything for your ultimate good,
but if you do not take action to carry out these plans, how will they
become a reality in your life? You must move on with assurance,
knowing that God is guiding you toward a bright future. Hard work
is undoubtedly required, but success comes from relying on God's
grace. Working diligently while mindful of God's grace will result in
Stepping into the light often calls for deliberately leaving
behind the familiar to embrace the unknown. Moving forward means
being open to new opportunities, taking risks and relying on God for
direction. You may make mistakes along the way, but don't give up.
If it didn't work the first time, it doesn't mean it won't work again.
Stepping into the light gives you a vibrant hope because you will
succeed no matter what you encounter. So don't allow the
circumstances leading up to breaking forth intimidate you.
A Daily Devotional

Today, TUESDAY, JULY 4, 2023


By Pastor Faith Akpomughe-Erhire

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the
renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and
acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Romans 12:2) 

Romans 13:14, Ephesians 1:18, Ephesians 4:22-24

Dear heavenly Father, thank You for the liberating power of Your
Word, which has opened the eyes of my spirit. Thus, through the
power of Your Spirit, I am breaking free and releasing myself from
every restrictive mentality and behaviour on a daily basis. Lord, as I
honestly renew my mind, may I understand what I read so that the
fruit of it can be seen in my faith journey in Jesus’ name. Amen.

I have a liberated mind, free of all restricting thoughts. I break free
from the bonds of negative thinking, self-doubt and fear. I choose to
think about things that are excellent, pure, just, good report and
praiseworthy. I reject thoughts of limitation in favour of an
abundance and possibility reality. I make a conscious decision to
think and speak life-giving words in Jesus’ name. Amen.
God has given you an influential tool—your mind—to use to mould
your vision, beliefs and finally, your actions—by His Word. Some of
us, though, are constrained by mindsets that stifle our growth and
potential. But if we will obey it, the Word of God provides us with
priceless insight and direction on how to break free from these
destructive thought patterns, embrace change when we develop a
renewed point of view on life that is grounded in God's Word.
Are you aware that behaviours such as entitlement mentality
and addiction to approval can lead to limiting mindsets? I mentioned
these two because they are the most prevalent that limit people and
the rest are consequences of them. An inflated sense of
deservingness or being owed a favour when little to nothing has been
done to merit such preferential treatment is what is known as an
entitlement attitude. Entitlement is demanding, rude and offensive.
While approval addiction syndrome makes people give up personal
accountability and define their value primarily in terms of what other
people think of them.
You must stop engaging in these behaviours if you want to
break forth and the only way to do this is to renew your mind with
God's Word. There will be a shift in your thinking as you truly
immerse yourself in God's Word and coordinate your thoughts with
His truth. By exposing yourself to the truth of God regularly, you
can break free from the limits of negative thinking and adopt a
mindset that is focused on living the Word of God.
You must also deal with fear because it is the root of most
restricting mindsets—fear of how other people see you, fear of
failing, fear of disappointing someone and being disappointed. You
have been given a spirit of power, love and sound mind by God.
You must also change and refocus your thoughts from what
is lacking or unachievable. Philippians 4:8 explains how to do this.
Concentrate your thoughts on what is true, honourable, just, pure,
gorgeous, commendable, excellent and praiseworthy. By consciously
choosing to dwell on these, you break free from the limitations
imposed by negative thinking. Breaking free from restrictive
mindsets is a transformative and deliberate journey that aims to
accept an attitude that concurs with God's plan.
A Daily Devotional

Today, WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 2023

By Pastor Trevor Akpomughe

“For you are my light, O Lord; and the Lord will make the dark
bright for me. By your help I have made a way through the wall
which was shutting me in: by the help of my God I have gone over
a wall.” (2 Samuel 22:29-30 BBE) 

Psalms18:29, Psalms118:10-12, Romans 8:37, Philippians 4:13

Dearly heavenly Father, thank You for ensuring my destiny in You. I
recognise the barriers to my advancement with the help of the Holy
Spirit and the power of the spoken Word and I receive the courage
and stamina to conquer them. I give over my plans and goals to Your
will, knowing that You have a perfect and purposeful plan for my
life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

I possess boundless potential and opportunities. I declare that I am
unstoppable and that I have the inner strength and toughness to
conquer every barrier that comes in the way of my destiny. I seize
every chance for improvement, learn from setbacks and press on
with steadfast faith. My breaking forth is unavoidable and I shall
carry out my mission with zeal and grace in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Life in God is a bed of roses, but you must remember that all roses
have thorns. The problem is that many people don't want the thorns,
but because they are intertwined, this is impossible. So, never let a
difficulty or setback hold you back or restrict your potential, you
must overcome them. The thorns take different shapes, but you must
develop the kind of limit-defying courage that Esther possessed,
handle betrayal like Joseph did and exhibit the kind of confidence in
God that allows you to knock down the giants who stand in your
way of success like David did.
We have all read Esther's story, but have you taken anything
away from it? If you have, your courage shouldn’t fail you when
confronted with adversity. Esther pushed outside her comfort zone at
the palace and refused to let fear prevent her from doing what was
necessary for her people's liberation. Do not flee from your fears;
instead, confront them and take bold actions to overcome them.
The lack of confidence of others around David could have
weakened his faith in God. His brother Eliab's reaction to David's
plan to confront the giant was negative. “Eliab…heard David
fraternizing with the men and lost his temper: "What are you
doing here! Why aren't you minding your own business…I know
what you're up to. You've come down here to see the sights, hoping
for a ringside seat at a bloody battle!"” Even the king, Saul’s first
reaction when he saw David was “"You don't have a chance
against him," Saul replied. "You're only a boy, and he's been a
soldier all his life."” (1 Samuel 17:33 CEV) The race is not always
won by the swiftest nor is the battle always won by the strongest. All
of these comments fuelled David's determination to defeat the
goliath. You may be facing one or more of these kinds of obstacles,
but don't let them discourage you.
Resilience and courage are needed to overcome setbacks and
they don't have to define your life. You will rise above any adversity
and achieve extraordinary things because of your unwavering faith
and resolve to defy the odds. You are empowered to overcome
obstacles, embrace your true potential, break through every
boundary and live a life of purpose and fulfilment by drawing
inspiration from stories like the ones above.
A Daily Devotional

Today, THURSDAY JULY 6, 2023


By Pastor Faith Akpomughe-Erhire

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of
love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7) 

Psalms 119:80, Romans 5:5, Romans 8:15, 1 John 4:18

Dear heavenly Father, I surrender my fears. I recognise that it is a
tool of the enemy that tries to steal my joy, peace and potential. I ask
for divine intervention to shatter every chain of fear that had bound
me. As the spirit of power, love and sound mind manifest in me,
may Your love continue to be my compass, my source of stability
and my source of assurance in Jesus’ name. Amen

I confess my liberation from the chains of fear. I banish all sorts of
fear, including fear of failure, rejection and the unknown. It has no
place in my thoughts or actions. I make decisions based on faith,
wisdom and trust in God's direction. I walk with confidence and
courage about God's plans for me. I am committed to living a life of
trust, confidence and victory in Jesus’ name. Amen,
Some people fail at a task not because they lack the ability to
complete it, but because they have not overcome the fear that
prevents them from attempting any endeavour. Fear is such a
crippling force in life that it can cage and prevent you from realising
your full potential. Some people have embraced fear as a part of
their lives by adopting an 'I don't care,' ‘It doesn’t really matter’ or ‘I
like the way I am’ attitude. That is just a cover-up you don’t need
because the Word of God has the power to deliver you from its grip
if you will yield to it.
David confessed that he experienced fear at times, but he
dealt with it by trusting in God. “When I am afraid, I put my trust
in You.” (Psalms 56:3 BSB) In other words, he redirected his
attention from fear to God's unchanging character. That faith in Him
is what allows you to face fear with confidence, knowing that He is
with you every step of the way.
Fear is often caused by a sense of insecurity or fear of the
unknown, life or tomorrow. But when you embrace God’s perfect
love, it drives off fear and frees you. Understanding and embracing
His unfailing love frees you from fear, allowing you to live
courageously and genuinely.
You must not allow fear to rule your thoughts or actions
because it undermines your faith and robs you of the courage to
move forward. The Bible merely tells us what the three Hebrew boys
said, not what was going through their minds. If there was a
microscope to examine their minds, you would learn that they
purposefully subdued fear, hence they said “But even if he doesn't,
it wouldn't make a bit of difference, O king. We still wouldn't serve
your gods or worship the gold statue you set up.” (Daniel 3:18
MSG) Tapping into God’s strength gives you the muscle to confront
your fears and break free from their suffocating grip.
Fear is called a spirit for a reason—it has spiritual roots and
needs to be dealt with as such. Your tendency to compromise, feel
unwanted and the fact that you never make decisions are all signs
that fear holds sway over you. Fear will not let go of you until you
put your trust in God. To put your trust in Him is to affirm that He is
greater than your feelings, regardless of how you may feel inside.
A Daily Devotional

Today, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 2023


By Pastor Trevor Akpomughe

“We know [absolutely] that anyone born of God does not
[deliberately and knowingly sin] practice committing sin, but the
One Who was begotten of God carefully watches over and protects
him (Christ’s divine presence within him preserves him against the
evil] and the wicked one does not lay hold (get a grip) on him or
touch [him].” (I John 5:18 AMPC)

1 John 2:29, 1 John 3:3, 1 John 5:4, Jude 1:24

Dear heavenly Father, I shatter the chains that have tied me,
including every pattern of wrongdoing that has hampered my
spiritual, emotional, and bodily well-being. May Your light shine
brightly on the dark corners of my life, exposing and healing any
hidden sins or unsolved difficulties. Help me to build a heart that
longs for You and a mind that is renewed by Your Word in Jesus’
name. Amen.

I conquer every habit and addictive behaviour that has plagued me in
order to run the race set before me with faith and patience. I am no
longer a slave to these destructive behaviours. I am a child of God
and He has given me the ability to say no to every negative thought,
habit, or addiction. I triumph and liberate myself from every chain
that had shackled me by His power in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sin, both visible and hidden, entangles you and prevents you from
experiencing breakthroughs. You were cleansed from sin when you
accepted Christ, but it is up to you to guard against anything that
could tarnish or obstruct your life of faith. Hebrews 12:2 exhorts us
to 'put aside the sin which doth so easily besets us,' that sin into
which we so easily fall and which prevents us from running our race
with patience.
In the same way that their concept of evil differs from God's
definition, the world's definition of sin does not correspond to God's
definition. Sin and evil are activities that are completely opposed to
God's Word. So, not what you think, but what God considers sin, is
sin. You will not be able to break free from sin unless you look at it
through God's eyes.
To be free of repeated sin and its stifling effects, you must
first discover what causes it. For example, when you realise you
cannot manage money without stealing, but always push yourself
forward to handle money matters, you run the risk of giving in to
theft. When the Bible says to avoid any appearance of evil, it means
to keep your distance from it. Keep yourself away from any enabling
environment or action.
Unforgiveness, fear and worry, addictive behaviour and
negative thinking are just a few of the habits that some of us easily
fall into and that lead to sin. To be free from them, you must forgive
and learn to trust God with your concerns. Addictive behaviours
such as substance abuse, excessive food consumption (gluttony) or
unhealthy addictions can be overcome by a combination of personal
determination, accountability and faith in God's help. Negative
thought patterns such as self-doubt, self-condemnation, and critical
mindset must be broken by renewing your mind.
If you do not take control of these habits, they will become
so dominant that everything about you; your behaviour, words and
acts will contradict God's Word. Keep in mind that all of the things
cited above constitute sin, which is a disobedience to His Word. I,
thus, counsel you to pay attention to God's Word and allow it to
dominate every aspect of your life so that you can take advantage of
and appreciate everything He has provided for you to live a godly
A Daily Devotional

Today, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 2023


By Pastor Faith Akpomughe-Erhire

“Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you,
always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand
perfect and complete in all the will of God.” (Colossians 4:12) 

1 Samuel 1:9-20, 1 Kings 18:41-46, Acts 16:22-26

Dear heavenly Father, I ask for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit
on me. Lord, ignite a fire within me, that will consume every
hindrance in my path to breakthrough. Let Your power flow through
my prayers, breaking chains, destroying strongholds and bringing
victory in my life. May my faith be strengthened to know that You
answer by fire and perform miracles in Jesus’ name. Amen.

I am breaking through in prayer, tapping into the power and
authority that God has given me to communicate with Him and see
His mighty works manifest in my life. I declare that my prayers are
not in vain, for I have a direct line to my heavenly Father. I approach
His throne with boldness and confidence, I know that He hears and
delights in answering my prayers according to His perfect will in
Jesus’ name. Amen.
Breaking through in prayer entails enduring in prayer until you
obtain a successful testimony. Every one of us must pray fervently
until we see the desired result. Hannah prayed for a child. After three
and a half years of drought, Elijah prayed for rain, and Paul and Silas
praised God for release from prison. Whatever the issue, there is a
God who hears and answers prayers.
One could tag Hannah's prayer a petition of Desperation.
Hannah poured out her heart before God in the tabernacle despite
being infertile and the jeers of her adversary. If God gave her a son,
she pledged in her passionate prayers that she would dedicate Him to
God. God heard her cry and Hannah became pregnant and gave birth
to Samuel, who went on to become a great prophet and leader.
Hannah's breakthrough in prayer not only brought her joy and
fulfilment but also had an effect on Israel's future. The lesson is that,
in spite of her desperation, she didn't turn to the wrong person or
people; instead, she expressed her greatest needs and struggles to
Elijah's audacious and persistent prayer for rain demonstrates
the power of faith and persistence in prayer to bring results. Despite
the first lack of rain after declaring that it would pour, Elijah
remained in prayer, sending his servant to look for a sign of God's
response. After seven attempts, a little cloud formed, and the
countryside was quickly drenched in a downpour according to
Elijah’s word. The prayer resulted in a significant breakthrough and
revealed God's faithfulness. The lesson here is to keep praying even
when things appear hopeless, knowing that God is faithful to answer
your request in His perfect timing.
Amidst adversity, Paul and Silas demonstrated the power of
prayer and praise. They responded to being unjustly assaulted and
imprisoned with prayers and hymns of praise to God. An earthquake
shook the prison as they prayed, opening the doors and liberating
them. Their thanksgiving prayer resulted in their physical freedom as
well as the spiritual awakening of the jailer and his family. This is
why you need to intensify prayer and avoid creating spaces where
the devil might attack everything that is important to you. I pray that
God would strengthen your faith and give you a newfound zeal for
A Daily Devotional

Today, SUNDAY, JULY 9, 2023


By Pastor Trevor Akpomughe

“I won’t keep company with tricky, two-faced men, nor will I go
the way of those who defraud with hidden motives. I despise the
sinner’s hangouts, refusing to even enter them. You won’t find me
walking among the wicked.” (Psalms 26:4-5 TPT)  

Genesis 13:10-13; Genesis 19, 1 Samuel 23:16-18, 1 Samuel 18:1-4,
Acts 9:26-28, Acts 16:1-3

Dear heavenly Father, I pray for Your divine direction to attract the
associations that will promote and support my transformational
journey. Lord, direct me to people with good hearts, sincere motives,
and a God-centred attitude on life. I pray that they will serve as
sources of inspiration, wisdom and encouragement to me, motivating
me to attain my full potential in You in Jesus’ name. Amen.

I am engaged only in fruitful associations that lead me to the
breakthrough that God has destined for me. I proclaim that my
relationships are divinely orchestrated, guided by the wisdom and
discernment bestowed upon me by God. I attract and surround
myself with associations who are aligned with my purpose, vision
and values in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Your associations play a significant role in shaping your thoughts,
beliefs and actions. While positive and uplifting associations propel
you forward, negative or limiting associations hinder your ability to
break forth and reach your full potential. We are going to look at
different characters and the impact of their associations.
Lot's experience exemplifies the impact of compromised
relationships and how they limit your growth and prevent you from
breaking free. Lot first wanted to live in the wicked city of Sodom.
Over time, he became enmeshed in the city's unethical behaviours,
which finally led to his family's demise. Lot's association with the
wicked surroundings, as well as his compromise of principles,
hampered his capacity to emerge into a life of righteousness and
fulfilment. The story of Lot demonstrates the necessity of carefully
selecting your associations. To break through, you must be
surrounded by people who encourage and support your faith,
integrity and purpose.
David's friendship with Jonathan exemplifies the power of
positive associations. Despite countless obstacles and opponents,
David had one ally who knew that despite his father, Saul's, disdain
for David, he would become king. Jonathan, a close friend and ally,
encouraged David through difficult times, boosting his faith and
determination. The good association with Jonathan spurred David
onward, allowing him to emerge as a triumphant king. David's
experience emphasises the importance of surrounding oneself with
people who share your values, faith, and vision; their encouragement
and support serve as incentives for your achievements.
The apostle Paul was transformed by his association with
fellow Christians. Prior to encountering Jesus, Saul attacked
Christians. However, after his conversion, he sought companionship
with other believers. Paul's affiliation with the early Christian
community, as well as his mentoring relationship with Barnabas,
drove him into a new purpose and enabled him to emerge as a
prominent player in the spread of the Gospel.
You must surround yourself with positive influences
and encouraging associations. By doing so, you set yourself up for
breakthroughs on your path to a fuller and purposeful existence.
A Daily Devotional

Today, MONDAY, JULY 10, 2023


By Pastor Faith Akpomughe-Erhire

“See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on, and lead me back
to your glorious, everlasting ways—the path that brings me back to
you.” (Psalms 139:24 TPT) 

Proverbs 4:23, Matthew 12:35

Dear heavenly Father, I surrender every barrier, both visible and
invisible, into Your hands. I ask for Your healing touch concerning
these emotional wounds, past traumas, prejudices and assumptions
that have become barriers to my breaking forth. May Your love and
grace wash over me, bring restoration and wholeness to every area
of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, I am breaking through every barrier
that stands in my way. I am no longer confined or limited by barriers
of trust, communication, emotions and prejudices. I refuse to settle
for mediocrity and complacency. I am breaking forth on every side
and stepping into new levels of success, abundance and impact in
Jesus’ name. Amen.
The Word of God paints an admirable and beautiful picture of your
destiny. God expects that your life will evolve in accordance with
that light. But despite our best attempts, it seems that some of us
have chosen a path devoid of colour and hope. This choice causes us
to stumble because it will not lead us to the intended destination.
Miscommunication, a lack of transparency and poor listening
skills which result from communication barriers is one of the
reasons. “Let people finish speaking before you try to answer them.
That way you will not embarrass yourself and look foolish.”
(Proverbs 18:13 ERV) When you lack the skills necessary to
actively listen, communicate honestly and respectfully and fully
understand the views of the other person, you will have a challenge
advancing and breaking through. Your inability to communication is
a clear idea you don’t know what you want to achieve.
When you have trust issues, you are reluctant to open up,
express your actual self or ask for help. This is because your past
hurts, betrayals and fear of being vulnerable show up. They cause
you to have self-limiting ideas and distrust your abilities. When trust
is absent, you will doubt your worthiness, competence and ability to
succeed. You will also refuse to take risks or develop booming
relationships. The inner obstacles that keep you from grabbing fresh
possibilities develop from these self-doubts.
Emotional barriers will severely limit your potential to break
free to achieve personal growth and success. Emotional guardedness,
which keeps your emotions buried and controlled, will restrict you
from discovering your genuine emotions. Unresolved past traumas
leave emotional scars limit your ability to trust, feel safe and take
Prejudices and assumptions you refuse to deal with will
make you ignore important contributions and ideas. Embracing
several views, seeking collaboration and promoting an open
environment that promotes innovation are necessary for breaking
To break these barriers, you must admit, challenge and
conquer them to create an environment that promotes your growth
and advancement and lead to teaming up with the right people who
will propel you forward.
A Daily Devotional

Today, TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2023


By Pastor Trevor Akpomughe

“Do not continue to practice the destructive methods of selfishness
which infect the world, but be completely transformed into God’s
image by the renewing of your mind. Then you will value God’s
principles, practice his methods, and discern his will—his good,
pleasing and perfect will.” (Rom 12:2 RNT) 

John 15:19, Romans 13:14, 1 Corinthians 3:19, 1 Peter 4:2

Dear heavenly Father, I acknowledge Your omnipotence and the
authority of Your word. Lord, I pray that my personal choices would
be guided by Your Word rather than the influences of the world
around me. I pray for the strengthening of my faith and the courage
to stand firm in the face of society pressures when the time comes. in
Jesus’ name. Amen.

My personal choices are consistent with God's infallible Word. I
don’t let compromise or fear of men define the course of my life. I
am not persuaded by the world's shifting ideas and customs. Rather,
I can discern and distinguish between God's wisdom and this age's
misleading views. I am filled with the boldness that comes from
knowing that I am approved by God and that His opinion matters
above all else in Jesus’ name. Amen.
This scripture proves the need to align your personal choices with
God's Word in a post-modern society. A post-modern society is
characterised by doubt and individualism. You should reject the
urges to adhere to these ideals and be changed by renewing your
mind to embrace God's truth. This way, you will be able to discern
God’s will and manage the problems of the world with insight and
To live the God life (His good, pleasing, and perfect will),
you must overcome habits that force you to live according to
society's expectations. The first thing you must not do is to
compromise the Word to fit in with societal standards. You must
stay rooted in the Word, grasp and hold fast to the truth it teaches.
Don’t allow the fear of men to prevent you from acting the
Word. Allowing fear of others opinions or rejection to govern your
choices will dampen your boldness and sincerity. Instead, accept
God's fear and seek to please Him, knowing that His approval is
what matters the most.
You must be discerning or you may miss societal influences
and views that contradict biblical standards and lead to compromise
and conformity. If you want to be a successful Christian in today's
society, you must establish a biblical worldview by seeking God's
wisdom and comparing everything to His Word. “But also be sure
not to believe without thinking for yourself: whatever is said, test it
against the evidence God has provided…” (1 Thessalonians 5:21
You will veer off track by being gripped by worldly
activities and distractions every time. Technology is the primary
source of distraction today. Spending too much time on screens,
using social media and mindlessly scrolling will divert your focus
from God’s Word. You deal with this by practicing deliberate time
management, setting aside specific times for spiritual matters and
service. Also, you must find a balance between being in the world
and not being of the world because some use this as an excuse from
participating in required activities that will bring breakthroughs.
Remember that breaking forth takes purposeful preference
for God's Word, reliance on the Holy Spirit and a sincere desire to
live Jesus Christ's teachings.
A Daily Devotional

Today, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 2023


By Pastor Faith Akpomughe-Erhire

“Isn't it obvious that God-talk without God-acts is outrageous
nonsense?” (James 2:17 MSG)

Isaiah 58:14, James 2:19-20, 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3

Dear heavenly Father, You are the source of all wisdom and truth,
and I surrender to Your will. My desire is to walk in Your promises
and enjoy all that You have in store for me. Help me to delight in
You and seek Your will above everything else. May my desires
conform to Your purposes, so that they reflect Your heart and bring
glory to Your name in Jesus’ name. Amen.

My desires are governed by my deep desire to delight in God. I am
not just guided by my desires, but a genuine desire to align myself
with God’s perfect will. My faith is not passive; rather, it motivates
me to take appropriate action. I step out in obedience and boldness,
knowing that God keeps His promises. My faith is a living and
active confidence in the One who holds everything in His hands in
Jesus’ name. Amen.
Walking in the promises of God necessitates both desire and effort.
To position yourself for the breakthroughs He has planned for you,
your desires and actions must line up with His Word.
The desire to walk in God's promises is the beginning point.
Your desires are moulded to line with His purposes as you delight in
Him and seek His will above all else. When your desires are
anchored in Him, you can be confident that your concerns will be
met according to His perfect plan. That yearning for Him is what
drives you to press on and push you towards breaking through until
you break forth. “Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall
give thee the desires of thine heart.” (Psalms 37:4) 
God promised Abraham in Genesis 15 that his offspring
would be as numerous as the stars. Despite his advanced age and
Sarah's barrenness, Abraham clung to God's promise. His yearning
for a son drove him to believe in God's faithfulness and act, leading
to the birth of Isaac.
But desiring and delighting in the Lord are not enough; they
must be accompanied by faith and action. Faith is a firm conviction
in God's faithfulness and power to keep His promises. However, that
faith is meaningless unless accompanied by action. It must be
accompanied by deliberate acts that reveal your trust in God's Word
and that align your actions with His promises. These steps will cause
you to break forth on all sides.
God promised Israel the Promised Land, but they had to take
action to obtain it. When God told Joshua in Joshua 1:3 to cross the
Jordan River and go forward to possess the Land, he acted on that
word. You can't simply remain where you have been your entire life
while announcing God's promises and expect things to change. Until
you put your faith into action by doing the Word, you won't enter,
conquer, or break forth.
Walking in God's promises entails dealing with challenges
and barriers, yet perseverance and unwavering faith in the Word are
essential to overcome them. You will never experience what it is like
to receive the harvest of God's promises if you retreat or give up
when things become tough. So, integrate your desire with your faith
and allow your faith to inspire action.
A Daily Devotional

Today, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023


By Pastor Trevor Akpomughe

“For God did not give you a character of insecurity, doubt and
fear, but a mind and character of confidence, power in the truth,
love, and self-control.” (2Timothy 1:7 RNT) 

Isaiah 41:10, Ephesians 2:10, Philippians 4:13

Dear heavenly Father, I ask for Your forgiveness for allowing doubt
to consume my thoughts and hinder me. I place these doubts in Your
loving hands so that I may be filled with Your truth and the
assurance of Your presence. Thank You for Your guidance and
strength to overcome every insecurity. Help me to embrace my
unique abilities and use them for Your glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.

My identity is rooted in Christ alone. I have been regenerated by His
precious blood, so, the weight of my past mistakes and failures no
longer defines me. I am washed clean and set free from guilt and
shame. I reject the lies that whisper I am not enough. I embrace the
truth that I am equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit to fulfil
the plans and purposes God has for my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Self-doubt is a negative behaviour which weakens your confidence,
limits your potential and constrains you from maximising your God-
given abilities. The constant questioning of your worth, ability and
decisions creates a negative and insecure cycle. Self-doubt is a result
of past mistakes, criticism from others, comparison and a distorted
view of yourself. It frequently occurs when you focus on your
limitations rather than accepting God's boundless power and grace.
So, self-doubt is the image you have of yourself, not the one
God has of you, which has influenced your thoughts and beliefs
about yourself as well as how you view the world and respond to
God told Moses to inform the Israelites that they would be “…a
kingdom of priests, and an holy nation...” (Exodus 19:6) Apart
from Joshua and Caleb, the ten spies who represented the rest of
Israel said “Alongside them we felt like grasshoppers. And they
looked down on us as if we were grasshoppers.” (Numbers 13:33
MSG) They, like some of us, questioned themselves and, by
extension, God and end up crushing God’s plan for us.
Self-doubt appears as an internal fight of negative thoughts
that demoralises your abilities, worth and divinely-given destiny. It
manifests as indecision, fear of failure, seeking constant validation,
perfectionism and negative self-talk. Self-doubt is reinforced by
negative self-talk. (Get the Self-Talk Series) These manifestations
feed into each other and reinforce self-doubt in a harmful cycle.
The Word offers ways to overcome self-doubt. Accept God's
love, recognise your identity as His treasured child and that His
purpose for you is the foundation for overpowering self-doubt.
Accepting this truth shifts your focus from your limitations to God's
limitless power and potential inside you. Renewing your thinking
helps you in a way that it causes your thoughts to align with the truth
revealed about you in God's Word. Because self-doubt originates
from focusing on your abilities and limitations, you must also learn
to rely on God's strength. You find comfort in knowing that He has
equipped you for each role that has been assigned to you.
Breaking this pattern is critical if you want to rewrite your
life's story. To break free from this crippling behaviour, you must
accept the truth of who you are in Christ.
A Daily Devotional

Today, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023


By Pastor Faith Akpomughe-Erhire

““I am allowed to do anything,” you say. My answer to this is that
not all things are good. Even if it is true that “I am allowed to do
anything,” I will not let anything control me like a slave.”
(1Corinthians 6:12 ERV) 

2 Corinthians 10:5, Galatians 5:22-23, James 1:14-15

Dear heavenly Father, forgive me for the times I have turned to
substances or behaviours to fill the void in my heart, instead of
seeking You. Wash me clean, O Lord and restore me. Grant me the
strength to withdraw myself from situations that make me feel weak
or trigger my addiction. Thank You for the power of Your Spirit to
help me capture every thought and make it obedient to Christ in
Jesus’ name. Amen.

I break free from every addiction that has been a stumbling block in
my walk with God. I make a decision to confront both the hidden
and obvious addictions that have imprisoned me. I declare that by
the power of the Holy Spirit, I am set free from the bondage of
addiction. I renounce the power that they have had over my life and
declare that Jesus Christ is my ultimate deliverer in Jesus’ name.
Some Christians try to dodge this subject without knowing how
much impact it has on their breaking forth. Avoiding it, conveys
your ignorance or awareness of events occurring in the Christian
community, which makes it more challenging for the addicted
person to open up and accept help.
Addiction is a challenging issue marked by compulsive and
uncontrollable use of a substance or behaviour despite knowing the
aftereffects. It develops over time with an initial exposure to a
substance or a behaviour, which later leads to habitual usage or
participation. When a person gets progressively dependent on
something or someone to find pleasure or relief, a pattern of
repetitive and uncontrollable behaviour develops that worsens as the
addiction evolves. Due to his lack of restraint and control, the devil
now enters and takes entire possession of the person.
Substance abuse (Alcohol, drugs), behavioural addictions
(gambling, gaming, shopping or excessive internet use), food
addictions (unhealthy relationships with food, including binge
eating, emotional eating etc.), pornography and sexual addictions
(pornography, masturbation etc.), process addictions (excessive and
compulsive behaviour to activities like work, exercise or even
relationships) are all examples of addictions. The risk is that the
addicted person either maintains his denial, plays it off, conceals it
or gives the idea "that I am in control." Your reaction when offered
the above addictions will reveal whether or not you are an addict.
Surrendering the addiction to God with genuine repentance,
opens the door for forgiveness from both God and yourself, as well
as His transformative work in you. Demons will need to be cast out
since it opened the door for the devil to come into your life.
Make changes in your daily routines, settings and social
circles to create a helpful and favourable environment for healing.
Be actively involved in your church; attend services, study your
Bible and have an active prayer life. Make sure you are in a church
with pastors who can counsel and guide you correctly by pointing
you in the right direction when you are tempted to turn back. There
are worded Christian counsels to seek too. These networks will lay
the groundwork for a transformative path towards a permanent
A Daily Devotional

Today, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 2023


By Pastor Trevor Akpomughe

“Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of
all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy
presses shall burst out with new wine.” (Proverbs 3:9-10) 

Proverbs 11:25, Ecclesiastes 11:1, Malachi 3:10-11, 2 Corinthians

Dear heavenly Father, I release any worry or concern I have about
my financial situation into Your hands. May I be filled with faith and
confidence that You are my provider who supplies all my needs
according to Your glorious riches. May Your riches abound in my
life as I apply the biblical principles for prosperity in Jesus’ name.

I overcome lack, debt and financial issue and roadblocks by walking
in obedience to God's principles for financial breakthrough. I
consistently abide by the principles of tithing, first fruits and seed
sowing. I am a good steward of the things that God has given me.
Because I am a channel of blessing, God opens doors of opportunity,
increase my income and blesses the work of my hands in Jesus’
name. Amen.
Financial constraints generate grief and dissatisfaction since they
prevent you from carrying out your plans. The only way to
overcome this is to adopt biblical principles and practices that will
help you break through and experiencing God's abundance. To
transcend this constraint and walk in God's supply and blessing, your
financial life must first connect with God's wisdom. Regardless of
the viewpoints of certain people, including some Christians, I would
rather follow in the footsteps of God-made men like Abraham and
David who practiced and excelled in these principles than man-made
persons who did not.
The first principle is to honour God by giving Him ten
percent of your earnings. In Malachi 3:10, God encourages you to
put Him to the test in this area and pledges to shower you with
blessings if you consistently tithe. What James said is my response
to Christians who try to rationalise not practising this principle by
pointing out wealthy unbelievers who do not tithe. “…Show me
how a person gets well by trusting but not applying God’s
treatment to their lives, and I will show that real healing only
happens when we do both—trust God and follow his treatment
plan.” (James 2:18 RNT) This also relates to your finances; you
must trust God and follow His plan.
By presenting your first fruits to God, you display your faith
in Him as your source and supplier and enable His abundance to
work in your life. It shows your faith in Him as your source,
provider and bring His abundance to play in your life. Never forget
that first fruit means offering the best of the first, not all of the first.
Giving offerings involve sacrificial giving over and beyond
your tithe, first fruit or freewill offering. It is a show of faith and
your willingness to be of benefit to others. When you give joyfully,
God multiplies your seed and opens doors of opportunity for
financial breakthrough. A key principle in overcoming financial
constraints is to cultivate a giving and kingdom-minded lifestyle.
You participate in God's kingdom agenda by having a giving heart
and supporting His work.
Overall, God wants you to manage the resources He provides
you carefully. You display wisdom and integrity by being a good
steward, setting yourself for God's blessings and overflow.
A Daily Devotional

Today, SUNDAY, JULY 16, 2023

By Pastor Faith Akpomughe-Erhire

“But from the time of John the Baptist till now, the Kingdom of
the Heavens has been suffering violent assault, and the violent
have been seizing it by force.” (Matthew 11:12 WNT)  

Genesis 32:22-32, 1 Samuel 17:45-50, Matthew 15:21-28

Dear heavenly Father, I pray for radical faith and a relentless pursuit
of what You have prepared for me. As I engage in fervent prayer,
believing that You hear me and respond to my faith-filled
declarations. I lift up our breakthroughs to You, knowing that You
are the One who makes a way where there seems to be none. I
commit myself to seize my breakthroughs with tenacious faith and
unwavering determination in Jesus’ name. Amen.

I have tenacious faith, refusing to settle for less than God's promises.
I press on with unwavering determination, and radical pursuit of my
breakthroughs. I break free from limiting mindsets and doubts. I
choose audacious faith over fear. I push through opposition,
knowing that greater is He who is in me. I step out in faith, knowing
that God will meet me and provide my breakthrough in Jesus’ name.
In Matthew 11:12, Jesus talks about the importance of taking hold of
something with urgency and determination. This verse emphasizes
the need to advance forcefully, regardless of any opposition or
resistance faced. It means passionately and fervently pursuing what
you desire.
To seize something by force requires a strong and
unwavering faith that refuses to be discouraged or give up. It
involves a bold and persistent faith that overcomes obstacles and
opposition, firmly trusting in God's promises and power. Taking it
by force means actively and intentionally pursuing your
breakthrough. It involves stepping out of your comfort zone, making
sacrifices and seeking God's guidance and wisdom in every step.
Seizing it by force challenges the mindset of being inactive
and content with averageness. It confronts doubts, fears and self-
imposed limitations, adopting a mindset of persistent pursuit and
audacious faith. It also acknowledges that breakthroughs often come
with opposition and resistance, but it compels you to press on, even
when circumstances seem discouraging or when the enemy tries to
hinder your progress.
Prayer is an essential part of seizing it by force. Engaging in
fervent and persistent prayer, seeking God's guidance and making
faith-filled declarations are crucial. However, it doesn't stop there. It
also requires taking practical steps of obedience and faith to
establish your goal, even when it feels uncomfortable or uncertain,
but trusting that God will meet you and provide the breakthrough
you seek.
Consider the example of the Canaanite woman who
approached Jesus for her demon-possessed daughter's healing.
Despite initial rejection, she persisted and demonstrated great faith,
leading Jesus to grant her request. She seized her breakthrough by
force. “So Jesus answered her, "You are a woman of great faith!
What you want will be done for you." And at that very moment her
daughter was healed. (Matthew 15:28 GNB) 
Just like her, you should seize everything you need by force.
Stop giving or trying to convince yourself with justifiable excuses.
Instead, showcase persistence, audacious faith, and unwavering
determination, even when faced with obstacles.
A Daily Devotional

Today, MONDAY, JULY 17, 2023

By Pastor Trevor Akpomughe

“concealed in order that the Church might now be used to display
to the powers and authorities in the heavenly realms the
innumerable aspects of God's wisdom.” (Ephesians 3:10 WNT)

Luke 15:11-32, John 21:15-17,

Dear heavenly Father, may my life not be one full of regrets for
refusing to let go of past mistakes, moral failure or refusal to forgive
myself. I surrender and cast all these cares unto You and pray that
Your healing will pervade my entire being. I pray that from
henceforth I will see the glorious future in you and the possibility to
attain it in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Of a truth, I have made mistakes in the pasts and have regrets, but no
longer will I allow them to control my existence and deter me from
breaking forth into the horizon God has planned for me. I forgive
myself and set my face like a flint as I march boldly without any
sense of guilt and shame into my God-ordained position in Jesus’
name. Amen.
As simple as the phrase ‘had I known’ sounds, it is what has kept
some people trapped in regret, shame and pain, hindering their
ability to live fully in the present. Whether it's past mistakes, hurts or
negative experiences, these bondages have profound impact on who
you are today and will alter your tomorrow from God’s plan if you
don’t do something about changing it.
An example of bondage from the past is guilt and shame.
These are actions you regret, moral failures or harbouring
unforgiveness towards yourself or others. Peter could have allowed
his denial of Jesus to develop into something that would become a
barrier to future in God, especially after he bragged he could never
deny Jesus but he received freedom and restoration from Jesus and
moved on to what God planned for him.
Another bondage are experiences of trauma, abuse or deep
emotional wounds from the past that created lasting pain and hinder
your ability to heal and move forward. It could be post-traumatic
stress, emotional scars and brokenness in relationships. Despite his
painful past and suffering, Joseph chose the more excellent way, the
way of love (agape) and this brought beauty, healing, restoration and
posterity out of a situation that could have divided the family.
Regret over missed opportunities, wrong decisions or wasted
time can hold you captive, preventing you from accepting new
potentials. It could be career choices, failed relationships or
unfulfilled dreams. The prodigal son after squandering his
inheritance and living a reckless life, swallowed his pride and
returned to his father in humility. He was met with love, forgiveness
and a fresh start. It is never too late for a new start and God can
restore your wasted years.
Generational patterns of dysfunction, addictions or
destructive behaviours can create strong bondages that impact
multiple generations. These bondages can include unhealthy family
dynamics, addiction cycles or destructive mindsets.
You won’t be bound by these things any longer if you make
up your mind, it will not continue to the next generation. Embrace
the new you in Christ and let His beauty show forth so you can
experience His way; the upward and forward ever.
A Daily Devotional

Today, TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2023


By Pastor Faith Akpomughe-Erhire

“The LORD is near the brokenhearted; he delivers those who
are discouraged.” (Psalms 34:18 NET) 

Deuteronomy 31:8, 1 Samuel 30:6, Romans 8:31

Dear heavenly Father, may I be reminded of Your promises and the
power of Your love when discouragement sets in and doubts try to
cloud my thoughts. When at the point of my breaking forth, the
burdens become too heavy to bear, I ask for Your strength to carry
me forward. Help me to find solace in Your words, knowing that
You have a good and enduring purpose for my life in Jesus’ name.

Because of God's strength, I can overcome any discouragement that
tries to drag me down. My identity is built on the unshakeable basis
of my faith. I stand solid in the knowledge that God is with me and
He will never leave or forsake me, no matter how fierce the storms
of life may be or how violent the seas may crash around me. His
mighty hand and constant love sustain me in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Do not assume that because the word of God came to you regarding
the next stage of your life, everything will be perfect. There will be
times when you are discouraged and others when you wonder if you
heard God correctly. When those situations arise, you must be
courageous since giving in to dejection will negatively affect your
heart and mind. This will leave you feeling discouraged, miserable
and paralysed, making it difficult to move forward and achieve your
Before becoming king, David experienced times of
discouragement. King Saul hunted him relentlessly and he faced
numerous threats to his life for no just cause. During these trying
times, David expressed his deepest feelings to God through sincere
prayers and psalms. “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why
art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise
him for the help of his countenance.” (Psalms 42:5) David refused
to give in to sentiments of despair and discouragement. He instead
confronted them and brought them before God. "Hope in God," he
told his spirit, "because He will come through for you as He has
done before."
His attitude is a far cry from the surrender that frequently
traps the disappointed or depressed persons. He didn't say. “My soul
is broken and troubled inside me. I have no control over it; what
befell me is what has caused me to be in this situation.” There may
be good reasons to be dejected, but there are more good reasons to
have hope in God. His unshakable faith in God's faithfulness helped
David to discover strength and breakthrough, eventually enabling
him to become a great king.
When you are on the verge of a breakthrough, happenings
may be the polar opposite of what God told you or may become so
crushing that you want to give up. Those instants are the devil's
strategies to divert your attention from your goal. Rather than
despairing, turn to God in prayer, seek His presence and find peace
in His Word. Remember God's past faithfulness and consider past
victories and answered prayers as a reminder that God is capable of
helping you overcome discouragement. As you advance from one
level to the next, you must approach each obstacle with renewed
vigour and hope.


A Daily Devotional

Today, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 2023


By Pastor Trevor Akpomughe

“So that you are no longer a servant, but a son; and if a son, then
the heritage of God is yours.” (Galatians 4:7 BBE) 

Romans 8:16-17, 1 Corinthians 3:21-23, Galatians 3:29

Dear heavenly Father, thank You for adopting me into Your family
with full rights and benefits. I lift my voice in prayer, asking You to
open my mind and eyes to the richness of my inheritance. Let these
promises become alive and active in my life, transforming me from
the inside out. Thank You for the abundance of Your grace and
blessings bestowed upon me in Jesus’ name. Amen.

I am a God's heir and a joint-heir with Christ. I claim my inheritance
in Christ and embrace my status as a child of the Most High God. I
have access to an abundant life. This life is marked by more than
financial riches or achievement; it is about joy, peace, contentment,
and fulfilment. In every aspect of my life, I see God’s provision and
blessings in Jesus’ name. Amen
To discover your inheritance, you must first investigate the vast
inheritance made available to you in Christ. Discovering your
heritage reveals the entire extent of God's benefits and provisions to
you. This will shift your attitude from one of scarcity and limitation
to one of abundance and provision.
Understanding your identity in Christ is the first step in
discovering your inheritance. When you accepted Jesus into your
heart, you became one with Him and a child of God like He is. God
wants you to adopt that identity, not one that is determined by your
unpleasant circumstances, past, or by worldly standards, as they are
no longer relevant.
Because God adopted you into His family and made you an
heir with Jesus, let your attention be on who you are in Him. The
Bible contains the specifics of your heritage and you are an heir to
the blessings and promises found there. “But ye are a chosen
generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people;
that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you
out of darkness into his marvellous light:” (1Pe 2:9) 
After understanding your identity in God, you must explore
the vast blessings that He has bestowed upon you. These blessings
include salvation, forgiveness of sins, eternal life, the indwelling of
the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, divine wisdom, peace, joy, and much
more. You have access to His unlimited resources and divine favour.
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who
hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in
Christ:” (Eph 1:3) 
Finding your identity and exploring your rights will only be
abstract quests; until you accept and begin to live the abundant life
you discovered from the Word. That is when your breakthrough
begins. You cannot accomplish this without faith, trusting God and
letting His truth mould your words, deeds and thoughts. Jesus said
“…I have come to give life—complete, full, and abundant—
beginning here and now.” (John 10:10 RNT) Beginning of John
10:10, the devil is revealed as a thief, murderer and destroyer. Don't
allow him fulfil this mission in your life. Fight and insist on what is
rightfully yours in Christ and you shall have them.

A Daily Devotional

Today, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 2023


By Pastor Faith Akpomughe-Erhire

“Does this sound as if I am trying to win human approval? No
indeed! What I want is God's approval! Am I trying to be popular
with people? If I were still trying to do so, I would not be a servant
of Christ.” (Galatians 1:10 GNB) 

Acts 4:19-20, Acts 5:29, 1 Thessalonians 2:4

Dear heavenly Father, living a life that pleases You brings true
freedom and fulfilment. I see that Your opinion is the only one that
truly matters, so I place my fear of rejection and need for validation
from others at Your feet. Give me the fortitude and courage to
establish appropriate boundaries in my relationships, even if it
means disappointing or suffering criticism from others in Jesus’
name. Amen.

I break free from the shackles of pleasing others and enter the
liberation that comes from living solely to serve God. I don't
compromise my principles, convictions, or integrity in order to
obtain the approval or acceptance of others. I am a vessel of God's
truth and love, guided and led by His Word. I am not ashamed to
live by His standards, because His approval is what matters most in
Jesus’ name. Amen.
If your supreme passion in life is not to please God, you may be
well-liked by men, but you will not be a faithful servant of Jesus
Christ. Fear of rejection and the desire for acceptance will keep you
from living genuinely and following God's plan for your life. Paul
tells us in our opening verse that the most essential thing is to seek
God's approval rather than to please men.
Seeking to satisfy men traps you in the fear of man and
forces you to seek approval from others. This trap prevents you from
enjoying the safety and security that comes only through trusting
God. “If you give false praise to others in order to get what you
want, you are only setting a trap for yourself.” (Pro 29:5 ERV) 
You must recognise that pleasing men and respecting people
are not synonymous. People-pleasing is motivated by low self-
esteem, a desire to be liked and accepted by others or a fear of
rejection. It takes the form of an overwhelming desire to please
others at the price of one's own well-being and real expression.
Respect on the other hand is extending honour to those who deserve
it without sacrificing who you are as a person.
Breaking free from people-pleasing demands a shift of
standpoint of valuing God's approval over the approval of others. It
involves surrendering your fears and insecurities to God, trusting
Him to guide our steps and provide the validation we need.
To set boundaries, you will need to prioritise your needs and
well-being, say "no" when necessary and refuse to compromise your
principles and convictions to appease others. Jesus set boundaries by
prioritising His relationship with God to accomplish His mission.
Despite his closeness to Peter, Jesus did not hesitate to tell Him that
he had crossed a line by trying to hinder Him from carrying out His
mission. He chastised Peter, telling him he was consumed with
human concerns rather than God's (Matthew 16:21-23). People's
opinions never deterred Jesus from carrying out His purpose.
Nothing should deter you, otherwise, your life would be unsteady.
Psalms 118:8 reminds us that “It is better to take refuge in
the LORD than to trust in man.” (ESV) Remember that your
ultimate goal is to please God, so, you can walk fearlessly in your
true identity as a child of God and in His entire purpose for your life.
A Daily Devotional

Today, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 2023


By Pastor Trevor Akpomughe

“A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter,
and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance,
more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow!”
(John 10:10 TPT) 

Psalms 23:3, Isaiah 40:10

Dear heavenly Father, thank You for the assurance that You, my
King, goes before me, paving the path and guiding my steps. I pray
that as I trust in Your unfailing love and strength for help, I am
empowered to overcome any limitation. Grant me the courage to
step out in faith, knowing that You are with me and leading me. May
my life continue to be a testament to the power of Your Word in
Jesus’ name. Amen.

The one who breaks open the way goes before me. Therefore, I have
broken through every limiting gate and I am out. I am not limited by
the obstacles that surround me, for God's strength and provision are
with me. I boldly step forward, knowing that I am walking in the
stead of the ultimate way maker. I trust in His guidance, provision
and protection. I walk in the light of God’s Word in Jesus’ name.
Every Christian long to enjoy God's abundant blessings. However, to
do this, you must change your mentality, strengthen your
relationship with Him and be prepared to obey His principles. The
Lord, Jesus said that the key to breaking into overflow is to seek His
kingdom, but a lot of us ignore this in our pursuit of routine things
that pass away quickly. “But make His Kingdom and righteousness
your chief aim, and then these things shall all be given you in
addition.” (Matthew 6:33 WNT) All of these less important things
will be added to you when you rank God first.
Jesus stated the kingdom and its righteousness come first, so
you need to reconsider how you rank the things that are significant.
Ask yourself, "If I were God, would I consider that I have put Him
first above all things?" as you look honestly at your life. You might
be motivated by messages on how to tap into overflow, but
everything about breaking into it comes down to prioritising God as
the primary goal of your life.
Your anxiety stems from your lack of faith in God's ability to
provide the impossible. You have forgotten that what men think is
impossible is doable with Him. The only way to please Him,
according to Hebrews 11:6, is by faith. Thus, being plagued by fear
and anxiety indicates a lack of trust. When you step forth in faith,
trusting His guidance and provision, you open the way for His
blessings to flow abundantly in your life. I can't tell you how many
times God provided in situations that seemed impossible to conquer
on my own because I trusted in His provision. What was required
arrived on a free and unimpeded succession and just in time.
You can't walk by faith if you don't obey God's Word
completely. It is the key to unlocking the blessings. "Obey the
LORD your God and all these blessings will be yours:”
(Deuteronomy 28:2 GNB) This declaration by our omnipotent God
hasn't changed.
In addition to doing all of the above, you must have a
grateful and generous heart. You should not be one of those people
who only expresses thankfulness to God when things are going well
but wears a sour expression when things are difficult. You must
constantly be grateful and generous. If you practice all of these
things, you will experience His abundance in your life.
A Daily Devotional

Today, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 2023


By Pastor Faith Akpomughe-Erhire

“But since we have special gifts which differ in accordance with
the diversified work graciously entrusted to us, if it is prophecy, let
the prophet speak in exact proportion to his faith;” (Romans 12:6

Proverbs 16:4, Romans 11:36, Colossians 1:16-17

Dear heavenly Father, thank You for counting me faithful to call me
into ministry. I acknowledge my unique and specific assignment and
I pray for Your guidance, strength, and provision to fulfil it. I pray
for the necessary wisdom, discernment, and understanding to
effectively carry out this specific ministry assignment. Open my
mind to new insights, strategies, and ideas that align with Your
perfect will in Jesus’ name. Amen.

With the assignment that God has given me, I am taking strides in
ministry. God has given me special traits and talents that are ideally
suited for this mission. I am not sluggish or hesitant in answering the
call; instead, I eagerly and passionately pursue each task to
completion while faithfully serving Jesus. I don’t undervalue or
dismiss these gifts, and as I go forth in trust, God's power and
anointing flow through me, allowing me to affect lives and advance
God’s kingdom in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Breaking forth encompasses everything, including the assignment
God has given you. Breaking new ground in ministry refers to
everyone who is born again since God has handed a diverse work to
you uniquely. This entails forging ahead through challenges and
making a major contribution to the kingdom while venturing into
unfamiliar area. But you need to be courageous, full of faith, and
determined to finish this particular task no matter what.
Discovering and embracing your calling and assignment is
the first step. God has placed gifts, talents and passions within you.
Take the time to explore and uncover them and then utilise them to
make a positive impact. Some of us have already sought God's
guidance, prayed for clarity and opened ourselves to His leading to
discern our specific assignment. However, we have yet to take action
on that call. Thoughts like "What if I embarrass myself?" or "Let me
make money first to support this assignment" hold us back. But no
reason is enough to neglect our assignment. It is time to let go of
pride and hesitation and start moving towards it.
Stepping out in faith is crucial, even when faced with
uncertainties. Have confidence that God has equipped you with the
necessary skills, resources, and opportunities to fulfil the task.
Remember, it is His strength working through you. For instance, if
your assignment is to start a JCF outreach or fellowship in your
school or community, don't wait any longer. Begin now and shift
your focus away from yourself. Instead, place it on the greater One
who resides in you and can accomplish the impossible through you.
Discover inspiring figures like William Wilberforce, Amy
Carmichael, Martin Luther, Harriet Tubman and Billy Graham who
broke new ground in ministry. Wilberforce, a British politician,
fought against slavery. Carmichael, an Irish missionary, rescued girls
from temple prostitution in India. Martin Luther led the Reformation
movement. Harriet Tubman risked her life to free slaves through the
Underground Railroad. Billy Graham's crusades led 2.2 million
people to embrace Jesus Christ. Their stories should motivate and
guide you in making a lasting impact for God's work. Break grounds
for Jesus in your world. Start now, don’t delay. Receive His strength
and courage to embrace your assignment and fulfil it with
unwavering devotion.


A Daily Devotional

Today, SUNDAY, JULY 23, 2023


By Pastor Trevor Akpomughe

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider that I have made it my own

yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching
forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the
[heavenly] prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
(Philippians 3:13-14 AMP) 

1 Corinthians 9:24-27, James 4:6

Dear heavenly Father, I acknowledge that it is by Your grace and
guidance that I have reached this point in my life. Lord, help me to
remain grounded and focused on Your will. Keep me from becoming
prideful or losing sight of the values and principles that have brought
me here. Help me to remember that all I have achieved is a result of
your grace and not my own efforts alone in Jesus’ name. Amen.

I keep God at the centre of my life. My success doesn’t distract me
from acknowledging His pre-eminence. I use the opportunities and
platforms I have been given to advance the cause of the gospel of
Jesus Christ. I remain humble and dependent on God,
acknowledging that my breakthrough and success are a result of His
favour, blessing. and the power of Christ working through me in
Jesus. name. Amen.
Sometimes, when some Christians experience great success, God
becomes less significant in their lives. They become absorbed in
their achievements and God no longer holds the primary position. It
is crucial not to let breakthroughs hinder your relationship with God.
Maintain a vibrant prayer and study life, attend services, never cease
to seek God’s guidance to ensure your decisions align with His.
One common challenge people face with success is a
struggle with humility. As I often say, success reveals what is
already within you not something that arose because of your success.
The pride already present is brought to fore by success. So, you must
stay humble and dependent on God, acknowledging that your
breakthroughs came by Him. Christine Caine, an Australian
evangelist and founder of A21 and Tim Tebow, a former American
football player, share their faith and serve others through their
foundations. Both demonstrate humility and attribute their success to
The Contemporary English Version of Philippians 3:13 says,
"My friends, I don't feel that I have already arrived." This reminds
us not to be complacent. Remember that a change in status does not
imply that you have reached your destination, so don't plateau. Keep
growing spiritually by seeking wisdom, studying God's Word, and
being open to learn by attending services and other gatherings
tailored for your spiritual growth. Proverbs 18:15 (TPT) reminds us
that "the spiritually hungry are always ready to learn more, for
their hearts are eager to discover new truths."
Furthermore, it is crucial to utilise your platform and
openings God gives you to impact others and engage in discipleship.
Invest in mentoring, teaching and helping others grow in the faith.
Maintain authenticity and transparency throughout your faith
journey, avoiding exaggeration or falsehood. Be genuine about your
challenges and triumphs. Share your story and encourage others
through it. Be authentic and transparent about your faith journey,
sharing challenges and triumphs. Nick Vujicic, born without limbs,
inspires with his unwavering faith and authentic story.
Don't let success get to you. Remember, "Man can receive
nothing, except it be given him from heaven" (John 3:27).
A Daily Devotional

Today, MONDAY, JULY 24, 2023

By Pastor Faith Akpomughe-Erhire

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
(Philippians 4:13) 

Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:37, 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, Ephesians

Dear heavenly Father, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I am
cultivating an "I can do" mentality. May the impact of Your Word
break every limitation. As I surrender help me to see challenges as
opportunities for growth and stepping stones to my purpose. Thank
you for the assurance that I can do all things through You who
strengthens me in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Being strengthened by the illimitable power of Christ inside me, I
embrace the "I can do" attitude. I refuse to be held back by anything.
I take courageous steps into fresh opportunities and possibilities
because God is on my side. I reject mediocrity and embrace
excellence. I reject the devil's falsehoods and accept the truth that I
am strong, capable, and destined for greatness in Jesus’ name.
The "I Can Do" mindset impacts your capacity to break forth. It's a
Spirit inspired, confident, resilient and faith-filled attitude that
overcomes challenges and achieves greatness. Past generations in the
Bible, though not born again, walked with this mindset and
overcame limitations by being covenant minded. You possess the
life of God and the anointing, so adopt this mindset to unleash your
Moses' insecurity which arose from his speech impairment
was obvious at his first encounter with God. He doubted his capacity
to lead Israel out of Egypt, but as he got to know God better, he
understood that it would be by God's Spirit, not his might or power.
So, he told God, “And he said unto him, If thy presence go not
with me, carry us not up hence.” (Exodus 33:15) Moses' narrative
demonstrates how insecurities pass away when you get to know God
more and rely on His strength to accomplish incredible feats.
Deborah broke gender stereotypes as a female judge and
prophetess in a largely male-dominated era. She led the Israelites to
military triumph with a "I Can Do" attitude, by exhibiting the
strength of God's anointing and her unshakeable faith in Him to
accomplish anything. If you will walk in the awareness that your
ability to achieve anything has nothing to do with your gender, but
with your awareness that you can do anything by the anointing, you
will overcome every constraint including social ones just as she did.
Gideon was originally plagued by feelings of insignificance
and fear. But God used him to deliver Israel from the persecution of
the Midianites with only 300 soldiers when he began to view himself
as the mighty man of valour the angel said he was. He accepted
God’s picture of his ability and won a great victory with a small
When Nehemiah started out to repair Jerusalem's walls, he
encountered great opposition. “They were all trying to intimidate
us. They thought we would give up and not finish the work. But
God made me strong.” (Nehemiah 6:9 GW) Nehemiah achieved the
difficult work with the mindset that God was his strength, anchored
in prayer and strategic planning.
You will overcome any issue with confidence and overcome
obstacles with faith if you accept the picture of you revealed in the
Word and this will reinforce your capacity through the anointing.

A Daily Devotional

Today, MONDAY, JULY 25, 2023


By Pastor Trevor Akpomughe

“At the time I have decided, my words will come true. You can
trust what I say about the future. It may take a long time, but keep
on waiting— it will happen!” (Habakkuk 2:3 CEV) 

Psalm 27:14, Lamentations 3:25-26, Daniel 11:27, Acts 17:26

Dear heavenly Father, as I wait for Your perfect timing for my
breaking forth, grant me patience and unwavering faith. Help me
align with Your plans, knowing that Your timing is flawless. Renew
my hope and strengthen my faith in my season of waiting as I
eagerly await the breakthrough You have planned for me in Jesus’
name. Amen.

In the waiting period of my life for God's perfect time for my
breakthrough, I embrace patience as a virtue, knowing it develops
character within me. I trust that God's plans surpass any I could
conceive and I surrender my desires to His wisdom. His timing is
impeccable, and I eagerly anticipate the fulfilment of His divine
purpose in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Accepting God's timing is necessary for blossoming. Waiting for
God's given time might be difficult in an age that prizes instant
results and provides options. However, you must trust God's timing
for your life, knowing that the path that appears to be correct may
not be the path that God approves of. Furthermore, it is worth noting
that waiting passively for God to move is not how He works; rather,
He requires us to act in faith and at the same time submit to His will.
You must realise that God does not obey your orders or
serve at your whim. Accepting his time requires first acknowledging
his sovereignty. You must understand that He has much bigger plans
for you than you can imagine and that He sees the broad picture. If
you want to break forth in His way, you must surrender your desires
and trust in His wisdom. You must believe in His capacity to guide
you since He sees many things about your life's journey that you do
Patience is an important attribute to have when accepting and
waiting for God's timing. Impatience often leads to rash decisions or
the pursuit of shortcuts, which ultimately lead you in a different
direction in life. “Enthusiasm without knowledge is not good;
impatience will get you into trouble.” (Proverbs 19:2 GNB) It is
important to keep in mind that God's timing is intentional and
purposeful. James 5:7 exhorts you to exercise patience, just as a
farmer exercises patience while waiting for his harvest. Patience
must be developed by relying on God's strength, seeking His
guidance, and finding joy in the present season. According to Isaiah
40:31, those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.
Immersing yourself in God's Word, gives you a better understanding
of His faithfulness and the certainty that His promises will be
Throughout the Bible, inspiring examples of those who
broke forth by walking with God's timing. Joseph, for instance,
endured years of trials and imprisonment before being elevated to a
position of authority (Genesis 37-41). Abraham and Sarah had to
trust in God's timing to conceive a child in their old age (Genesis
18:10-14). Their stories show that God’s timing is always perfect.
Accept His timing with joyful anticipation, knowing that our
breakthrough will come in His appointed season.


A Daily Devotional

Today, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 2023


By Pastor Faith Akpomughe-Erhire

“The "One Who Breaks Through Walls" will push through and
walk to the front of his people. They will break through the gates
and leave that city. They will leave with their king marching before
them— with the LORD at the front of his people. (Micah 2:13

Psalms 147:3, Isaiah 61:10, Jeremiah 17:7-8, Joel 2:25-26

Dear heavenly Father, I am grateful to You for bringing about
restoration in every area of my life. As I submit more and more to
you, may my desire to witness a distinct and visible transition from
one level to the next be realised. Lord, guide me to the evident
course You have provided for me and catapult me to a new level of
blessings and growth as I give my brokenness to You in Jesus’
name. Amen.

The finished work of Jesus Christ has restored me. In every aspect of
my life, I am healed and made whole. Because divine health runs
through my body, my physical body has been restored. The healing
power of Jesus reached deep into my soul, washing away every
emotional wound and hurt. Aspirations and dreams have been
reawakened. I praise God for this restoration in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Micah 2:13 portrays the image of a leader who pioneers the way,
breaking open the path for others to follow. The verse speaks of a
breakthrough that involves overcoming barriers, breaking through
gates and moving forward with God as their King leading the way.
In the context of this scripture, the people of Israel were
facing challenges and obstacles in their journey. However, God
promises to raise up a leader who will break open the way for them,
clearing the path that was previously obstructed. This leader,
empowered and guided by the Lord, will lead the people to freedom
and victory.
From this verse, we can draw several key insights about
breaking forth: Breaking Open the Way: Breaking forth involves
making a way where there was none. It requires courage,
determination and a pioneering spirit to do that. Overcoming
Barriers: Breaking forth entails breaking through hindering gates.
These barriers can be internal or external, such as fear, self-doubt,
societal limitations, or circumstances. Through faith, perseverance,
and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, you overcome them.
“Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread
down our enemies.” (Psalms 60:12) 
God as the Leader: Just as the king goes before his subjects,
the Lord, goes before you leading and guiding you. Breaking forth is
not a solo endeavour but a journey orchestrated by God Himself. He
goes ahead of you, paving the way, providing guidance and ensuring
your success. We are way makers; He is the ultimate way-maker.
Just as He promised the Israelites to make a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland (Isaiah 43:19), He will continue to
break open new paths for you. When you face seemingly
insurmountable obstacles, it is comforting to know that you aren’t
alone, God is at work for your good. You may not perceive it at first,
but He is always doing something new and marvellous (Psalm
118:23). He is not only interested in leading you but also in
providing your needs and safeguarding you along the journey of life.
So, no matter how formidable the challenges may seem, the
one who breaks the wall has pushed through, so that you can
overcome anything and move forward.
A Daily Devotional

Today, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2023


By Pastor Trevor Akpomughe

“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not
be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31) 

Psalms 84:7, Psalms 103:5, Isaiah 60:8

Dear heavenly Father, thank You for the doors of success You have
opened for me. It is by Your grace alone. Therefore, I pray that as I
wait on you, my strength shall be renewed in You and I shall mount
up with wings as eagles and my success shall be from glory to glory
in Jesus’ name. Amen.

I do not prevail by strength, but by the inner strength supplied by the
Holy Spirit. My path shall continue to shine from one level of
success and growth to another because I acknowledge the Lord who
has made my hand strong and established my goings in Jesus’ name.
Breaking forth brings so much joy and fulfilment as you see the
manifestations of God’s blessings, favour and provisions in your life.
However, you must sustain this break not by your strength, but by
the strength infused by the Lord as you wait on Him.
To sustain your achievements, you must continually renew
your strength in the Lord. That is the message conveyed in our
opening scripture. The idea behind waiting on the Lord doesn’t
suggest a passive sitting around till the Lord does something. It
allows you to lay aside any agenda that is not of God, quiet your
heart and attune yourself to His voice. That waiting deepens your
faith because He reveals Himself, infuses you with fresh and
replenished strength for the journey ahead.
Soaring on eagle’s wings symbolises strength, freedom and
victory. It embodies reaching new heights which happens when you
wait on the Lord. It is that strength from the Spirit that sustains you
and the blessings from Him. The eagle, known for its majestic flight,
represents the power and grace bestowed upon you through your
renewed relationship with the Lord. Thus, to soar on eagle's wings
signifies an elevation to a higher level of living, thinking and
experiencing life. Just as an eagle soar effortlessly in the sky, you
will rise above the circumstances that try to rubbish your success.
To soar like an eagle, you must do certain things. One,
depend on the Lord. Eagles rely on the wind currents and thermals to
carry them higher and further. Similarly, you must place your trust in
God, in His strength and empowerment more and more. When you
look up to the hills of the Lord as the psalmist said in Psalms 121:1-
2, you will soar because you know that is where your help comes
from. Second, soaring on eagle's wings involves a renewal of your
inner strength, courage and resilience. God equips you with the
necessary stamina to face challenges, press through obstacles and
keep breaking forth into new levels of growth and achievement.
Eagles possess exceptional eyesight, allowing them to see
with great clarity and focus from great distances. As you wait on the
Lord, you will gain a higher perspective and a clear vision. You gain
insight and direction for your journey that enables you to break
through every barrier.
A Daily Devotional

Today, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 2023

By Pastor Faith Akpomughe-Erhire

“To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them
beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise
for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of
righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be
glorified.” (Isaiah 61:3) 

Psalms 147:3, Isaiah 61:10, Jeremiah 17:7-8, Joel 2:25-26

Dear heavenly Father, I am grateful to You for bringing about
restoration in every area of my life. As I submit more and more to
you, may my desire to witness a distinct and visible transition from
one level to the next be realised. Lord, guide me to the evident
course You have provided for me and catapult me to a new level of
blessings and growth as I give my brokenness to You in Jesus’
name. Amen.

The finished work of Jesus Christ has restored me. In every aspect of
my life, I am healed and made whole. Because divine health runs
through my body, my physical body has been restored. The healing
power of Jesus reached deep into my soul, washing away every
emotional wound and hurt. Aspirations and dreams have been
reawakened. I praise God for this restoration in Jesus’ name. Amen.
By bringing about healing, reconciliation and spiritual development,
restoration is the means by which God brings renewal and repair and
returns you to the initial or intended state. But it also brings about
improvements over its pre-restoration state. This is one of the things
that occurs when you break forth and God does this to demonstrate
His love for you. Some of us are so focused on what we've lost that
we can't see the restoration, but God desires to restore what you
believe cannot be restored.
God's heart is full of compassion and a desire to bring
healing to the parts of your life that have been damaged by
brokenness, loss, or grief. He wishes to restore your wholeness and
give you a revitalised sense of purpose. It refers not only to physical
well-being but also to the healing of emotional traumas, the
restoration of relationships and the revival of spiritual energy. All
that Jesus accomplished while He was on earth was to offer His
healing touch to the hurting and broken. “How God anointed Jesus
of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about
doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God
was with him.” (Acts 10:38) Surrendering your brokenness to Him
and allowing His healing love to mend your heart are necessary for
restoration to begin.
The promise of God's restoration conveys enormous power
and hope. He repairs and improves the years that have been taken or
ruined. He restores your life regardless of the degree of the damage
or the length of time that has passed. What has been lost can be
reclaimed, what has been broken can be healed and what has been
destroyed can be rebuilt if you trust Him enough to cast them on
Him. “I will make you well again; I will heal your wounds, though
your enemies say, 'Zion is an outcast; no one cares about her.' I, the
LORD, have spoken."” (Jeremiah 30:17 GNB)
There is no longer any need to carry any baggage of
brokenness around. The punishment for your peace was taking away
by Jesus on the Cross. Giving your brokenness to Him will allow for
God’s transformation work to occur as well as the opportunity to
witness the beauty that will emerge from the ashes and the joy that
has replaced the mourning.
A Daily Devotional

Today, SATURDAY, JULY 29, 2023


By Pastor Trevor Akpomughe

“A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah. O
God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for
thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no
water is;” “(Psalms 63:1) 

Psalms 107:4-6, Isaiah 35:1-2, Isaiah 41:18

Dear heavenly Father, I ask for Your guidance and direction as I
navigate through this wilderness. Open my eyes to see the new thing
that You are doing in my life. Help me perceive the way that You
are making in this seemingly barren land. Fill me with hope and
expectation for the breakthrough that is on the horizon in Jesus’
name. Amen.

I break through the wilderness season of my life. God brings forth
streams in the wasteland and causes beauty to spring up in the midst
of barrenness. This season is a time of refining and preparation. God
is equipping me, moulding me and transforming me into the person
He has created me to be. I come out of this season stronger, wiser,
more resilient and tried and true in Jesus’ name. Amen.
The wilderness season is a time of testing, refining and preparation
for the coming breaking forth. It is a period of seclusion,
transformation and spiritual development. It is often marked by
moments of isolation, difficulty and uncertainty. You may find
yourself in seasons of wandering and searching for direction, much
as the Israelites did for forty years before entering the Promised
Land. This does not, however, imply that God abandons you, but
rather He prepares you by pruning for the breaking forth.
Everyone who has been and continues to be significantly
utilized by God goes through this wilderness season. It was a
physical wilderness for John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus. But do
you know what is great about Jesus' wilderness experience? “Then
was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of
the devil.” (Matthew 4:1) The Holy Spirit doesn’t entice you with
evil, but He can take you to a place of test. This experience is not
intended to prove anything to God, who knows everything, but
rather to you and the spiritual beings who are watching you.
The wilderness experience is required prior to elevation and
all those who have undergone it now see it as vital for them to
function properly where they are today. You must trust in God's
faithfulness during the wilderness season by accepting that there is a
purpose for it, even if you don't understand it at the time. When you
comprehend its purpose, it will deepen your relationship with Him
and you will accept His support and guide every step of the way. For
some, it creates a rift between them and God because they believe
He abandoned them.
Rather than resisting or resenting the wilderness season,
view it as an opportunity for personal development and refinement.
Allow God to create patience, endurance and character in you. The
wilderness season offers invaluable and insightful lessons. Pay
attention to the areas of your life where God is purifying you and
imparting valuable lessons. Accept the teachings with humility and
an open mind. The experience presents a chance to develop
toughness. So, maintain your commitment, press on, allow it to
bolster your resolve and have faith that God is putting you in the best
possible shape to enter the Promised Land.
A Daily Devotional

Today, SUNDAY, JULY 30, 2023


By Pastor Faith Akpomughe-Erhire

“Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the
curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and
strengthen thy stakes;” (Isaiah 54:2) 

Psalms 16:6, Psalms 118:5, Ephesians 3:20

Dear heavenly Father, I thank You for Your faithfulness and the
promises in Your Word. As I choose to enlarge the place of my tent
and stretch my vision wide, I pray for Your infinite power to provide
all that is required. Strengthen my roots in You, that I may withstand
any challenges that come my way. I ask for an outpouring of Your
provision and overflow in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

I break forth into the season of abundance and provision. I am no
longer held back by anything. I enlarge the place of my tent. I step
out in faith, knowing that God is with me. I do not hold back, but I
trust in the Lord with all my heart. I strengthen my foundation in
God, deepening my roots in Him. I overflow with thankfulness for
God’s abundance in Jesus’ name. Amen.
God wants expansion to be an everyday occurrence in your life. He
wants you to look at your past with joy, your today with fulfilment
and your tomorrow with the expectation of good. This word of
prophecy by Isaiah shows us how to make this a reality. Enlarging
the place of your tent speaks of extending boundaries, embracing
new opportunities and stepping into a season of abundance. It means
to expand your vision, expectations and the capacity to receive from
God. It is a challenge to move beyond your comfort zones to a
mindset 3 of growth and increase. Just as a tent provides shelter and
dwelling, enlarging your tent signifies making room for God's
abundant provision and blessings in your life.
Stretching the curtains of thy habitations urges an expansion
of your vision and expectation. It encourages you to remove any
limitations, doubts or fears, boundaries that hinder you and to
believe God for greater things. This involves expanding your faith,
stretching your imagination and believing that God can do more than
you can think. Spare not emphasises the importance of stepping out
in faith, taking risks, and embracing the fullness of God's promises.
It challenges you to overcome hesitation and make room for the
miraculous in your life.
The phrase "spare not" shows you must be bold and
courageous in pursuing God's purposes for your life. It reminds you
that playing it safe or being complacent will not lead you anywhere.
But, when you give your all, holding nothing back as you pursue the
plans and dreams that God has placed in your heart you will break
forth into abundance.
Lengthening your cords and strengthening your stakes
symbolises establishing a solid foundation in God. It speaks of the
need for stability and endurance. It signifies deepening your roots in
God in preparation for the incoming increase and expansion. By
doing so, you become better equipped to withstand the challenges
and storms of life, ready to receive and sustain the blessings and
increase God brings to you.
As you imbibe the words you have read that they came by
the Spirit, may you break forth and experience the fullness of God's
expansion, provision, and blessings everyday of your life.
A Daily Devotional

Today, MONDAY, JULY 31, 2023


By Pastor Trevor Akpomughe

“O Lord our God, let your sweet beauty rest upon us and give us
favor. Come work with us, and then our works will endure, and
give us success in all we do.” (Psalms 90:17 TPT) 

Psalms 5:12, Psalms 84:11, Luke 2:52

Dear heavenly Father, Lord, thank You for Your unending love and
promises of success and favour in my life. I surrender my plans,
trusting that Your intentional plan will lead me to my predetermined
destiny. May your favour bring divine appointments and
connections, resulting in breakthrough in all areas. Thank You for
ongoing and future breakthroughs in Jesus’ name. Amen.

I break forth into new levels of favour, rejecting pride-induced
averageness. With unwavering faith, I advance from glory to glory.
Doors of opportunity swing wide open for divine connections,
propelling me toward my destiny. God's favour surrounds me as a
shield, making a way where none seems possible In Jesus' name,
What a prayer to say every morning as you leave your home to face
the day! It is a prayer that fires you into stepping into the divine flow
of God's blessings, grace and supernatural provision God has
released. Being favoured is more than simply enjoying goodwill, as
even nonbelievers experience this. To be favoured by God signifies
being specifically graced; a favour that is not owed to your efforts or
qualifications, but is the consequence of God's sovereign choosing;
freely bestowed by His loving kindness.
When you walk in the consciousness of this favour, you
open yourself to receive His abundant blessings and supernatural
provision. This is because that consciousness causes your emotions,
thoughts and actions to align with His will. Understanding the nature
of favour, you approach God with faith, expectancy and gratitude.
God's favour opens doors, gives promotion, creates possibilities and
releases miraculous resources. It provides heavenly intervention
when you need it in a way that the human mind cannot explain or
God has often assured His children of His favour in the
Bible. Therefore, you must put yourself in a place to receive and
experience this favour in concrete ways by meditating on and
speaking the Word. Accepting God’s favour inspires faith and opens
the way to miraculous breakthroughs. “For whoever finds me finds
life and obtains favor from the LORD,” (Proverbs 8:35 ESV)
Favour gives you the ability to face challenges head-on, walk
in victory and accomplish your God-given mission. God’s favour
has an effect that goes beyond your own lives and spreads out to
have an effect on those in your immediate vicinity, displaying His
goodness and drawing others to Him.
Men cannot halt the advancement of a man who has burst
forth in divine favour. He will face difficulties since favour breeds
envy, but rather than being swept away by it, it will serve as a
stepping stone for his rise. When Joseph was trapped behind the
prison's four walls, it appeared that his life was over. But for him to
meet connectors to the palace, that experience was necessary. May
you always be found in the right position where opportunity and
favour meet to lead you to your destiny.

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