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Swag June

Day1- Getting ready

“Prepare your work outside get everything ready in the field and after that build your
house”(proverbs 24:27)

The Merriam Webster dictionary defines ”preparation” as a state of being prepared, making ready
in advance, readiness, etc. Meaning preparation is getting ready, planning, training or studying
with the goal in mind. Being ready is crucial for success in any endeavour of life. If you want good
things to happen, you want your dreams to be fulfilled, you want answers to prayer, name them.
The word prepare appears 159 times in the old and new testament.

God has called us into the precious kingdom of his son Jesus Christ but it is our responsibility to
prepare our heart and keep our self pure. Preparation is essential in order to serve God
successfully and receive eternal life. There is good preparation and their is bad preparation. A
good preparation requires you working in a cautious manner applying discipline and holding onto
the word of God.

A farmer prepares the soil for planting, the teacher prepares the students for their examination
and students study to prepare for their examination. Preparation, along with obedience and
service, is part of God’s process for our growth.

 Pray

Dear heavenly father, help me to be conscious in all things by being prepared for your assignment
always so that I will make good success of it in Jesus name, amen.

 Ezekiel 38:7
 Matthew 24:44
 Luke 21:26.

Day 2-The Benefits of Planning

“Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers, they succeed” (Proverbs 15:22).

Preparation provides you with the knowledge and skills needed to face difficult task and to complete it
successfully. No man faces life without preparation. You prepare to succeed or you prepare to fail but
it is important to note that preparation increases confidence.

Being well prepared in anything makes you feel self assured. It also allows you to develop your skills,
knowledge and abilities which in turn improves your performance in any given area of your

The value of preparation can not be overestimated in the life of a non Christians, how march more you
who is born again and field with the holy ghost. Preparation is crucial for success in any endeavour,
whether you are studying for a test or an exam, or preparing for a job interview or preparing for any
other tasks etc., adequate and the right preparation gives you an advantage and increases your
chances of success and gives you peace.
 Pray

Dear heavenly father, I receive the grace to make the right preparation by the power of the holy ghost
so I that I will make the right success that will bring glory to you in Jesus name, amen.

 Proverbs 30:24-25
 Proverbs 24:27.

Day 3- The act of watching

“But watch ye at every season, making supplication, that ye may prevail to escape all those things
that shall come to pass and to stand before the son of man”(Luke 21:36).

To stand before the son of man is the long term goal of every believer. Therefore it is not a thing to
be taken lightly preparation is required. You stay at alert to watch. A watch man stays alert that
he is not distracted to miss out anything that could creep into his space.

He is also seen building up his most holy faith by praying always mostly in tongues so that he will
not fall into temptation. According to {1 Corinthians 9:24-25} people prepare to obtain a
corruptible crown which is the prize they win which will never qualify them for heaven.

They discipline themselves daily preparing for one competition to another _ they train in the cold,
in the heat not minding the difficulties just to win the corruptible crown. How much more you who
seek the incorruptible crown which Jesus promise to give us when we stand before him.

 Pray

Dear heavenly father, I long to stand before the son of man in the last day when he shall appear.
Therefore, I make myself ready by the help of the holy spirit in Jesus name, amen.

 1 Corinthians 9:24-25
 Luke 12:37
 Matthew 25:13

Day 4- The already made

“But as scripture says: “No eyes has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that
God has prepared for those who love him”(1 Corinthians 2:9).

When a man writes his will, he does so to state in clear terms the things he had set aside for his
children, relations or any one else when he is no more. And it can only take his lawyer to open and to
read the will for each person named in the will to assess the things willed to them.

This is applicable to us as Christians. From the foundation of the world, there is a kingdom God has
prepared for our inheritance and God is not ashamed of us to be called our God, for he hath prepared
for us a city.

Preparation is vital because our opening scripture says no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has
imagined the things God has prepared for you. But our preceding verse tells us that no one knows the
things of God except the spirit of God.
Therefore to know the things prepared by God for you, you engage the holy spirit by building a
relationship. Relationship is not built just like that it takes time, effort and sacrifice. Don’t let
unpreparedness rob you of a good relationship with the one that will help you access the things that
God has prepared for you as his child.

 Pray

Dear heavenly father, I surrender everything that will limit me from taking advantage of the holy
spirit that is here to keep me access those things you have prepared for my advancement in life.

 Isaiah 64:4
 Matthew 25:4
 Mark 4:11

Day 5- Promotes productivity

“If the iron be blunt, and he do not whet the edge, then must he put to more strength: but wisdom is
profitable to direct”(Ecclesiastes 10:10)

God wants us to be well organised, competent and resourceful making the best of every situation and
to always seek better ways to be Christ like in all that we do. This can only come when we make
preparation to be effective in what so ever area of life we choose.

When you make preparation, you find the most effective way to do things whether as a student, an
apprentice, worker, etc. Once you decide that a thing is what doing, you proceed to finding the most
effective way to do it, their are other processes out there that can do things better and faster, so do
some research to find them.

And one way to find out is by observation, watching those who have succeeded in your field of
interest work. Also by paying special attention to methods that our radically different from what you

Then combining the best method to create something that matches your image and situation. But
note that God requires you to be Christ like 24/7 and any technique you adopt to be effective that rob
you of your person in God should be discarded.

 Pray

Dear heavenly father, preparation promotes effectiveness in any endeavour of life. I yield myself to
the holy spirit that in seeking for effectiveness I will depend on your words to make things account to
your glory in Jesus name, amen.

 Ephesians 5:15-16
 1 Peter 1:3-4
 Proverbs 3:7

Day 6- Everything goes in our favour and works together for our good

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the
called according to his purpose”(Romans 8:28).
The Bible tells us that all adversity works together for our good and God’s glory. God uses seasons of
our lives to prepare us for greatness if we do not give up. The story of Joseph the son of Jacob is a true
representation of our opening scripture, Joseph always seemed to do the right things and for the right
reason because of his love for God.

He was sold by his own brothers as a slave and was purchased by Potiphar “ A captain of the guards of
pharaoh” but even as a servant Joseph turned every experience and all circumstances, no matter how
bad and trying turned it in to something good.

This ability to turn everything good was a godly grace which God bestowed on him because of his
desire to please God always. Joseph although a slave in Egypt, nevertheless remained faithful to the
lord and made something very good of his circumstance with out giving up.

His experience in the hands of his brothers, the accusations he suffered in Potiphar’s house, to be
thrown into jail were training that prepared him for the leadership role he had to play in Egypt later
on. Is all up to you!

 Pray

Dear heavenly father, Joseph went through the school of adversity without giving up not knowing it
was a preparation for the throne. May I not give up in adversity but to trust you and obey till my
victory appears for all to see in Jesus name, amen.

 Philemon 1:6
 2 Timothy 1:8-9.

Day 7- Be ready, Even in silence

“Be prepared! Be prepared, you and all the soldiers are assembled around you. You will be their
leader”(Ezekiel 38:7).

The story of David is a typical example in preparing, even in silence. The life of David cuts through his
adversity to triumph over every obstacle thrown his way. God needed to replace Saul from being king
over his people {Israel}, so he sent Samuel to go to the house of Jesse and anoint him a king who will
serve over Israel.

Jesse brought forward all his children who he thought were the best fit for kingship but gave no
thought of David who was tendering the flocks of his father sheep in the desert, unfortunately for him
none of his sons were qualified. for while man looks at the physical God looks at the heart .

When David appeared he was not looking qualified for that position of a king but God instructed
Samuel to anoint him {1 Samuel 16:12}. David though anointed king did not ascend the throne to
several years later. Their are several lessons to learn from David preparation in silence_ namely_David
had a humble spirit and his humble character was clearly displayed in the house of Saul, even when he
knew that Saul wanted every opportunity to kill him.

Secondly, David did not allow the criticism or thoughts of others to affect his position and will at any
time. Thirdly, David was persistent in everything, including defeating the enemies_especially the
smoting of Goliath the giant of the Philistine.
As believers, we have to know that while God is preparing us for kingship, we have to roll our sleeves
and put in the work with so much sacrifice and dedication.

 Pray

Dear heavenly father, time reveals our preparation for all the hard work I put in will show forth in
due season, so help me not to go to sleep with your word that I have received in Jesus name,

 Proverbs 12:8
 1 Samuel 16:11-23.

Day 8- Growing and Learning

“Give instruction to a wise man, and he will still be wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase
in learning”(proverbs 9:9).

The ants take their time to prepare against the raining season. They start on the time to build their
store house with that which they require for their good. Preparation prepares us for an opportunity
meaning you should not prepare yourself only when you have a planned endeavour ahead of you.

You should keep building your skills and knowledge even when there is no project. That way, when the
opportunity comes, you will be ready to grab it. David learnt in the desert place on how to take on
lions and bears therefore when he met Goliath the champion of the Philistines in {1 Samuel 17} he was
not afraid but saw it as an opportunity for growth.

The Bible tells us study to show yourself approved a work man that need not be ashamed rightly
dividing the word of truth. The better prepared you are, the more you will learn. Continuous learning
allows you to absorb and retain information more effectively for personal development and growth.
Therefore keep learning, keep growing and be wise.

 Pray

Dear heavenly father, knowing that learning helps my growing I therefore present myself a workman
that need not be ashamed but rightly applying the word of God daily to grab every opportunity of
good that God brings my way in Jesus name, amen.

 Psalm 32:8
 Psalm 119:11
 Proverbs 1:5.

Day 9-A capable time manager

“I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night comes when no man can
work”(John 9:4).

A wise believer should be a good time manager. For those who gamble away their time in an
inappropriate manner when they are supposed to be profitable to themselves and the kingdom of God
will regret it all through their life time.
Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount
of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase productivity.

As a student, a worker, believer being a good time manager helps you to prioritize your tasks in order
to maximize your personal effectiveness. You are intentional about how to invest your time.

Also, it helps you work smarter not harder so you can get more done in less time and gain more ample

Preparation is so important to help you find if something is worth doing. There is nothing that waste
your time more than working on the wrong things manage your time to find out whether or not the
things you are pursuing are feasible and profitable.

The time saved from not pursuing the wrong things far out weighs the time spent chasing it. That is
why God warns us to redeem the time because the days are evil. Therefore it is necessary for you to
manage your time wisely. Make the right preparation. Be in control of your time.

 Pray

Dear heavenly father, time is life therefore help me to be a good manager of my time in order to
maximize every opportunity you bring my way in Jesus name, amen.

 Philippians 4:11-13
 Ecclesiastes 3:6-8,
 Galatians 6:9.

Day 10- The careful strategy

“The plans of the diligent lead only to plenty, but everyone who is hasty comes only to
poverty”(proverbs 21:5).

One of the distinguishing features of an ant is the way they plan for the future by storing food in
good times for use when times are not favourable. Planning allows you to prepare for events,
tasks, projects before they are done and it helps you to work smart.

It may seem like a waste of time but preparation can make the difference. Planning is simply
thinking deeply about our future work. So in pursuing a new task, event planning helps you to
think about how you will achieve your objectives, what you need from other people to help you,
and any challenge you have to deal with before hand.

Determine what information you will need to complete your responsibilities. In proverbs God tells
us that someone who plans well will foresee dangers and avoid them, but a non planner will rush
ahead, do whatever’s convenient and end up harvesting the consequences thereof.

God wants only the best for us his children, when we make him the centre of our planning he
showers us with his best. Though planning takes time, but it is a necessary ingredient to successful

 Pray
Dear heavenly father, the plans of the diligent lead only to plenty. Help me to plan well as to
foresee any danger and to avoid them for my progress in Jesus name, amen.

 Jeremiah 29:11
 Proverbs 16:3- 19
 Proverbs 15:22

Day 11- The Greater Things

“Keep your mind on things above, not on worldly things”(Colossians 3:2).

When we do the things essential to prepare our minds for higher things, we are obedient to God just
like Noah when he prepared the ark. We must be intentional and it must be a way we choose to live.

The Bible tells us that David was so concerned about pleasing God that he set his affection on the
higher things when it came to building the temple of God. He as king boasted to have prepared for the
holy house setting aside own special treasure of gold and silver as his personal contribution for the
building of the house of God.

To keep your mind on things above is not in words but in your doing. Meaning there is preparation to
finding out what is needed of you as a Christian.

Because to set your mind on things above is work and these includes to put to death what is earthly
and putting on the new self to allow the word of God richly dwell in you by being a word practitioner.

These do not come cheap but by preparation praying more in the spirit and spending time with God in
the secret place. According to 1 Peter 1:13, therefore prepare your minds for action, keep sober in
spirit, set your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

 Pray

Dear heavenly father, I prepare my mind for action and I keep sober in spirit placing my confidence
completely in you as I pursue the higher things waiting for the coming of our lord Jesus in Jesus name,

 1 Corinthians 29:3
 Psalm 91:14.

Day 12- not the tail, but the head

“ The lord will make you the head, not the tail. You will always be at the top, never at the bottom, if
you faithfully obey the commands of the lord your God”(Deuteronomy 28:13).

The head is the representation of your destiny and glory. Being the head speaks of power, authority
and leadership. That is what God has planned for you as his child. So God is the one that will make you
the head and not man. But there is a condition which is if you faithfully obey the commands of the lord
and because that’s where God wants you to be as a kingdom ambassador, you require to be prepared
adequately to be in the position to represent him rightly.
Almost everyone is striving hard or making great effort to accomplish something bigger. No
reasonable person wants to be dependent on anyone. But it takes a whole lot of preparation, planning
and hard work.

However for you as a Christian, God has made provision through his son Jesus Christ to make you the
head and not the tail. All you need to do is to faithfully obey him, pay attention to the conditions of
the command and to carefully follow them.

 Pray
Dear heavenly father, you created me to be the head and not the tail. Therefore, help me to
always pay attention to the conditions of the instruction and to carefully follow them for my
good in Jesus name, amen.
 Deuteronomy 4:9, 28:1
 Philippians 1:27.

Day 13- rewards for hard work

“Whoever goes to God must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who seek
him”(Hebrews 11:6).

The difference between the diligent and the non diligent is there preparation, hard work and planning.
God promises those who seek him and place their faith in him, are rewarded with heaven and better
life in the here and now.

God loves you, and he wants you to find him and experience his power in your life. A person who is
diligently seeking after God will go to any length to find God and obey his word.

Jesus in Matthew 16:24 says, “If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his
cross and follow me”. Jesus wants us to be diligent in following him. Noah was warned about the flood
and he was diligent to prepare an ark. He did not glide over it.

So you don’t be a Christian who attends all the church services but never consider it right to prepare to
help in the work in the church or even find time to study the word of God at home.

To diligently seek God means to heartily seek him with all of one’s heart, strength and might until we
hear from him in our situation or circumstance. And this depicts the idea of hard work, being attentive
and persistent in our dedication to what we are doing and not doing it shoddily or lazily.

 Pray

Dear heavenly father, you are a Rewarder of them that seek you diligently. Therefore, help me to
shun every form of laziness but to persistently pursue after your righteousness in Jesus name, amen.

 Jeremiah 29:13-14
 1 chronicles 28:9.

Day 14- beat evil with good

“Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil with good”(Romans 12:21).
In today’s world evil is all around us but because we serve a great and loving God, we are able to put
on his righteousness and overcome evil with good. So what is evil? Evil is that which is considered
extremely immoral, wicked and wrong.

God wants us to be a light in our world, he wants us to think different and act different. And the power
to think different and act different lies in your preparation to be that way.

Though many today have been conquered by evil because they never were prepared with the word of
God which has the power to keep them in their challenging moments. The Bible tells us if you enemy is
hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink....”. Meaning you should love your
enemy with the love of Christ. God says, this is the way to overcome evil with good.

Therefore, as Christians let’s be the change agent showing to the world how to overcome evil with
good. And by so doing we will not only be leavers of the word but also the doers of the word bringing
glory to God.

 Pray

Dear heavenly father, I refuse to be overcome and conquered by evil but I stand on your word to
overcome evil with good in Jesus name, amen.

 1 Peter 3:9
 Proverbs 16:32

Day 15-Be mentally ready

“Never aspire to be like others in this world. Alter your thinking instead. Then you will always be able
to discern what God truly desires, that is, what is just, admirable, and excellent”(Romans 12:2).

Getting your mind ready is a crucial step in the spiritual development of a Christian. Your mind is
where your ideas, convictions, and values are formed, and it is the doorway to your soul. To connect
with God’s plan and purpose for your life, you must therefore make mental preparations.

Reading and studying the Bible is the first thing you should do as a Christian to prepare your mind. As
God’s inspired word, the Bible is the main resource for Christians seeking knowledge and direction.
You will better grasp God’s nature and purpose for your life if you read and study the Bible on a
regular basis. You can begin by reading a chapter of the Bible every day, following a Bible reading

Another important component of getting your mind ready as a Christian is prayer. Prayer is a means to
talk to God and ask for His wisdom and direction. You can strengthen your relationship with God and
acquire the power and insight you require to deal with life’s issues via prayer. Make it a routine to
pray every day, through happy and tough circumstances.

Therefore protect your mind from harmful influences like the media, social media, and other types of
entertainment that uphold bad morals.

• Pray
Dear heavenly Father, preparing is a lifelong process that calls for dedication and commitment. I ask
for grace to stay through in Jesus name, amen.

 Psalms 19:7
 Leviticus 18:30

Day 16- Your thinking should reflect God’s will.

“Do not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing you
may Discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”(Romans 12:2).

An important aspect of your spiritual path is mentally getting ready yourself. Your thoughts, beliefs,
and values are created in your mind, which is the doorway to your soul. Therefore, it is crucial to have
your mind ready to cooperate with God’s plan and purpose for your life.

Another important component of getting your mind ready as a Christian is surrounding yourself with
other Christians . You can get the support and inspiration you need to deepen your faith by joining a
Christian community, such as a church or small group. You can learn from the experiences of other
Christians by spending time in community with them Obtain mentoring and discuss your own

It’s also critical to protect your mind from harmful influences. The world may be a dark and depressing
place, and it is simple to let pessimism consume you. It is crucial for Christians to protect their minds
from harmful influences like the media, social media, and other types of entertainment that
propagate unwholesome ideals. Instead, place your attention on things that will assist you improve
your view on life and deepen your faith.

Pray: Dear heavenly Father, help me to jealously guard my mind to grow in my faith and develop a
positive outlook on life in Jesus name, amen.

 Proverbs 3:13
 Psalms 51:10
 Psalms 19:7

Day 17- Making changes beforehand

“For everything there is a fixed time, and a time for every business under the sun”(Ecclesiastes 3:1).

As a Christian, getting ready for change is a crucial step on your path to enlightenment. Since change
is inescapable, it’s critical to mentally and emotionally prepare yourself for whatever changes life may
bring. You can negotiate the changes in your life and come out stronger and more adaptable with
God’s assistance.

Trusting in God’s plan for your life is the first stage in a Christian’s preparation for change. Your life is
in God’s hands, and He has a purpose for you. Trusting in God’s plan is accepting the idea that
everything occurs for a purpose, even if you aren’t aware of it at the moment. You may be able to
approach changes with hope and optimism if you have this trust.

Remaining rooted in your faith is vital to get ready for change. Prayer can help you maintain a
relationship with God and obtain the courage and wisdom required to handle changes.

Even though change might be challenging, it’s important to remain receptive to fresh ideas and
viewpoints. Keep in mind that God is with you at all times and that He will lead you through the
changes in your life.

Pray: Dear heavenly Father, I ask for grace to stay grounded in my faith so I can go through any
change with a positive and hopeful attitudes in Jesus name, amen.

 Ecclesiastes 7:14
 Ecclesiastes 3:17.

Day 18- The heart of service

In truth, I say to you, “You did it to me as you did to one of these my brothers” (Matthew 24:40).

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are obligated to help others. Devotion to God, an obligation to serve
others, and a heart of compassion are all important in order to prepare for service.

A deep relationship with God is the first step in a Christian’s preparation for service . You can get closer
to God by reading the Bible, going to church, and spending time in prayer. As your relationship with
God deepens, you will comprehend His love and compassion on a deeper level, which will motivate
you to serve others.

Finding your strengths and talents is needful to get ready to serve. God has uniquely gifted everyone
of us with talents and abilities that we can use to help others. Finding the ideal opportunity for service
can be made easier by recognizing your strengths and talents. For instance, if you have musical talent,
you might consider volunteering in your church’s worship ministry.

It is important to be prepared to serve. This means being willing to step out of your comfort zone and
take action. It means being willing to volunteer your time, talents, and resources to help others. It also
means being willing to learn new skills and take on new challenges.

Pray: Dear heavenly Father, I receive grace to be willing to serve others, even when it is difficult or
inconvenient that my life will give praise to you in Jesus name, amen.

 Romans 2:5
 2 Peter 2:9 .

Day 19- perseverance in the face of setbacks

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” ( Philippians 4 :13)
It’s important to be ready for failure in life, and Christians must take these words to heart. Christians
are counselled to put their faith in God even when they experience failure. Strong faith in God, an
openness to learning from our mistakes, and a will to not give up are all necessary for preparing for
failure. It’s important to be ready for failure in life, and Christians must take these words to heart.
Christians are counselled to put their faith in God even when they experience failure. Strong faith in
God, an openness to learning from our mistakes, and a will to not give up are all necessary for
preparing for failure.

Being open to learning from our mistakes , We may learn a lot from failure by knowing what not to do
in the future. We can learn from our errors and manage our time more effectively going forward, for
instance, if we miss a deadline at work. We may convert failure into an opportunity for growth if we
are willing to learn from our mistakes.

Patience in a time of losses is also important. This implies that we should persevere in our efforts to
achieve our goals despite challenges.

Pray: Dear heavenly Father, help me to persevere even in failure so I can turn any failure that comes
my way into opportunities for growth and success in Jesus name, amen.

 Isaiah 41:10
 Isaiah 40:31

Day 20–Forgiveness

“For if you forgive others their sins, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not
forgive others their sins, neither shall your father forgive your sins.” (Matthew 6:14–15)

As Christians, we must make preparations for forgiveness as part of our religion. Jesus personally
addressed the importance of forgiving others just as God has done for us. In order to be ready to
forgive, we must be willing to let go of our anger and hatred, seek forgiveness with those who have
harmed us, and show others the same grace that God has shown us.

Understanding our own hearts and intentions is one approach to get ready for forgiveness. This means
being truthful with ourselves about our own weaknesses and failings and asking for forgiveness for
the mistakes we have made. We can grow in compassion and understanding for those who have
wronged us by admitting our own need for forgiveness.

To make amends with people who have harmed us is another method to get ready for forgiveness.
This means being ready to engage in very hard arguments, hear the other person out, and work
toward a solution that is built on grace and forgiveness. We can show our commitment to our religion
and the willingness to show grace to others by working toward forgiveness. We can stop the cycle of
injustice by showing grace.

Pray : Dear heavenly Father, I pray for grace to let go of any anger and bitterness in my life against
those who have wronged me and I humble myself to ask for forgiveness of those I have wronged in
Jesus name, amen.

• Ephesians 4:32
• Matthew 6:14.
Day 21-God’s plan for victory

“For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even
our faith”(1 John 5:4).

Whatever you do, commit it to the Lord, and he will make it happen.

Christian success preparation is setting goals that are in line with God’s will, working hard and
repeatedly, and having faith in God’s plan for our lives. Success comes in many different forms, but as
Christians, we are obligated to use our gifts and skills to praise God and benefit others. Connecting our
goals with God’s will is one way to get ready for success as a Christian. This means that as we make
decisions regarding our careers, friendships, and other parts of our life, we should go to God for
wisdom and direction.

Working hard and remaining diligent is another way to become ready for success. This means putting
up the time and effort required to accomplish our goals, despite difficulty or failures. We can cultivate
the abilities and behaviours required for success by working hard and remaining diligent.

It’s important to understand that success isn’t always determined by external criteria and that God
can have other plans for us than what we imagined. For instance, we can have surprises or difficulties
that require us to change our plans. Even when we don’t understand why something is happening, we
can have faith that God is still working everything out for our good by putting our trust in His plan.

Pray : Dear heavenly Father, I commit the work of my hand to you that it will be established and bring
in success that is pleasing to you in Jesus name, amen.

• Deuteronomy 20:4
• 1 Corinthians 10:13.

Day 22: With your body, glorify God.

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy spirit, who is in you .... Therefore honour
God in your bodies”( 1corinthians 6:19-20).

As Christians, we consider our bodies to be the temples of the Holy Spirit, and we are therefore
obligated to treat them with respect. Thus, it is important for us to take good care of our bodies by
eating a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, and avoiding unhealthy habits. As Christians, it is
important for us to treat our bodies as gifts from God and to take excellent care of them.

Eating healthily is one way that Christians may prepare their bodies. This means choosing nutritious
foods that give our bodies the nutrition and energy they require to perform correctly. A balanced diet,
for instance, should include plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy
fats. We can improve our physical health and general wellbeing by eating healthily.

Regular exercise is another way we as Christians may prepare our bodies. This means working out in a
way that strengthens our bodies and increases the condition of our hearts. On for example, we might
decide to lift weights at the gym, go on a run, or enroll in a fitness class. Regular exercise can help us
become more physically fit and mentally healthy. Avoiding dangerous substances that can hurt our
bodies is important, therefore try to quit smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking drugs. We can better
serve God and others and safeguard our bodies from harm by avoiding these harmful drugs.

Pray : Dear heavenly Father, I view my body as gift from you and to be a good steward of this gift l
yield my body to honour you always in Jesus name, amen.

• 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
• 1 Timothy 2:9
• 1 Corinthians 10:31.

Day 23-Keep your heart safe.

Protect your heart above everything else because it is the source of your actions” (Proverbs 4:23).

As Christians, preparing our hearts is an important aspect of growing spiritually. It means creating a
meaningful and meaningful relationship with God and living a life that pleases Him. We must be
purposeful in our spiritual practices and seek God in all aspects of our lives if we are to prepare our

Spending time in prayer and meditation is one way we as Christians may prepare our hearts. This
means making time each day for prayer and seeking God’s direction and wisdom. We can strengthen
our relationship with God and understand His will by praying and meditating.

Studying the Bible is another way that Christians can prepare their hearts. To do this, read the
teachings of Jesus and other biblical figures and consider them. We can better understand God’s
kindness and grace and learn how to live a life that pleases Him by studying the Bible.

Pray: Dear heavenly Father, help me to be intentional in my seeking you and to guard my heart with
carefulness not to allow in pollutants but to cultivate a heart that longs for you in all things in Jesus
name, amen.

• Proverbs 4:23
• Philippians 4:6-7.

Day 24- Heart of worship.

“ God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth”(John 4:24).

Our spiritual lives contain key aspects such as preparing for worship. It allows us to give God our full
attention and to seek Him with respect and humility. Furthermore, there are preparations that we
need to undertake, including praying. A strong instrument for preparing our hearts for worship is
prayer. Before you go to church, spend some time in prayer asking God to help you focus on Him and
receive all that He has for you. Next, study the Bible. Reading the Bible is important to prepare for
worship. Spend some time reading and studying on a verse from the Bible that particularly speaks to
you. This will help to centre your thoughts on God and His Word.
Also, listen to worship music. Listening to worship music is an excellent way to get your heart ready for
worship. Listen to music that speak to you as you get ready for church. The sound of your time of
worship will be set by doing this. Make arriving early necessary: The best way to prepare your heart
for worship is to get to church early. Before the service starts, take some time to pray and think about
God’s goodness. Last but not least, Take Part in Worship: It’s important to take part in worship. There
are many successful ways to commune with God and receive all that He has for you, including singing,
praying, and paying attention to the message.

Pray: Dear heavenly Father, I receive grace to enter into your presence with reverence and awe so I
can experience all that you have for me and grow in my relationship with you Lord in Jesus name,

• John 4:23
• Psalm 29:2
• Hebrew 13:15.

Day 25- Called according to his purpose

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. Who have been called
according to his purpose”( Romans 8:28)

As Christians, we are certain that, according to our opening verse, God has a purpose for everyone of
our lives. Therefore, everything that occurs to us is a part of the overall plan that God has for everyone
of our lives.

We have a special place in God’s plan since we were called for a certain purpose. “But you are a
chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession,” says 1 Peter 2:9, “so that
you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” Our
mission is to spread the good news of God’s love and to take part in His kingdom.

We have an obligation to use our abilities and gifts to further God’s purposes since we have been
called in accordance with them. There are several sorts of gifts, yet the same Spirit bestows all,
according to 1 Corinthians 12:4-6. There are several forms of service, but only one Lord. There are
several forms of labour, but the same God is at work in each and every one of them. We must put our
skills and abilities to good use by helping others and praising God. And that even when it is
challenging or not known we must trust God and follow His plan for our lives, following Him wherever
He leads.


Dear heavenly Father, thank you for calling me according to your purpose to fulfill specific assignment.
Help me to deploy my unique gift to achieve this purpose for your glory and honour in Jesus name,

• 1 Peter 2:9
• Acts 2:23
• Acts 13:36
Day 26 – The Place of leadership.

“If it is to lead, do it diligently”( Romans 12:8)

Understanding that God has called you to leadership is important. We must be prepared to take on
the responsibility of leadership and apply it to the benefit of others.

It is true that we must be firmly established in God’s Word if we are to be successful leaders. Joshua
1:8 advises, “Keep this Book of the Law always in your mouth; meditate on it day and night so that
you may be careful to do everything written in it. When it happens, you will prosper and succeed. As
leaders, we must be familiar with God’s Word and depend on it to direct our actions and decisions.

We must be willing to communicate with God asking for his guidance and wisdom to lead.

According to Mark 10:45, a leader must be a servant to others, “For even the Son of Man did not
come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” We must be prepared to
put others’ needs ahead of our own and use the position of leadership to help those around us.

Finally, we must set an example for others as leaders (1 Timothy 4:12). We must show our faith by our
actions and encourage others to follow Christ.

Pray: Dear heavenly Father, I recognize that leadership is from you. Help me to lead others when the
opportunity comes in a way that honours you and inspires them to follow Jesus in Jesus name, amen.

• Psalm 78:72
• Matthew 20:26-28
• Proverbs 11:14.

Day 27 Repentance is required for reconciliation.

“Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds
mercy” (Proverbs 28:13)

As Christians, we value forgiveness and reconciliation. But it’s important to keep in mind that without
remorse, there can be no real forgiveness. This indicates that before we may be at peace with God and
others, we must first own our mistakes and accept responsibility for our action.

We are instructed in the Bible that repentance is required for forgiveness and reconciliation. In the
book of Acts, Peter addresses a crowd of people and counsels them to turn from their sins in order to
be forgiven of their sins and brought into right relationship with God. Similar to this, Jesus teaches
that we must turn from our sins and make peace with God in the book of Luke. Repentance means
more than merely expressing remorse for our actions. It means a sincere admission of guilt, an
intention to behave differently, and a readiness to make up for any harm we may have caused. It calls
for us to own up to our mistakes and ask for forgiveness from those we have harmed.

There can be no meaningful reconciliation without repentance. We cannot hope to be forgiven or

reconciled with God or others if we do not admit our sin or accept responsibility for our action. In
order to experience healing and repair in both our connection with God and our interpersonal
relationships, repentance is a vital first step.
Pray : Dear heavenly Father, help me to acknowledge my wrongdoing, take responsibility for my
actions and seek forgiveness from those I have wronged and to forgive those who have wronged me
so I can work In your love and peace in Jesus name, amen.

• Psalm 86:5
• Matthew 6:12
• 2 Corinthians 5:18

Day 28- Defy temptation.

“Except for temptations that affect everyone, none of them have overcome you. And because God is
reliable, he will not allow you to be tested beyond your capacity to handle it while simultaneously
providing a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13).

As Christians, we must take steps to prepare for temptation. We all experience temptation, and it can
be difficult to resist the pull of sin. But as Christians, we are obligated to withstand pressure and
pursue a life that honors God. Being aware of our flaws, relying on God’s power, and being purposeful
about avoiding circumstances that can lead us astray are all necessary components in preparing for

Being conscious of our shortcomings is one way to get ready for temptation. Being truthful with
ourselves about the aspects of our lives where we are most vulnerable to temptation is necessary for
this. For instance, if we have anger issues, we may need to be cautious about the kinds of events that
could make us angry. Knowing our limitations helps us avoid circumstances that can set us on the
wrong course more deliberately.

Putting your faith in God’s might is another approach to get ready for temptation. This means
acknowledging the fact that we cannot withstand temptation on our own and that we require God’s
assistance to overcome our shortcomings. For instance, Jesus used the strength of Scripture to
withstand the devil’s temptations when he was tested in the wilderness. We can better withstand
temptation by studying God’s Word and relying on His power.

Pray: Dear heavenly Father, thank you thou who is faithful and will not let me be tempted beyond
what I am tempted. In every temptation may I find away out by your spirit in Jesus name, amen.

Day 29- The second coming.

“Because of this, prepare yourself because the Son of Man will arrive at an unexpected
hour”(Matthew 24:44).

The Christian faith requires that believers make preparations for Christ’s second coming. As Christians,
we think that when Jesus comes back, he will build his heavenly kingdom and render judgment on the
living and the dead. It takes a strong commitment to our faith, a readiness to live according to God’s
plan, and a desire to spread the gospel to others in order to be ready for Christ’s return.

Growing our spiritual relationship with God is one method to get ready for Christ’s second coming.
This include reading the Bible, engaging in prayer, and making an effort to live in accordance with
God’s will. We might become more sensitive to God’s voice and conscious of his presence in our lives
by becoming closer to him. This can aid us in determining his plan for our life and obediently living
more fully.

Living a life of service to others is another way to get ready for Christ’s return. This is striving to love
our neighbors as we love ourselves and reaching out to those who have not yet heard the gospel to
spread the good news. We can show others the love of Christ and contribute to the establishment of
his kingdom on earth by living a life of service.

Pray: Dear heavenly Father, knowing that our lord Jesus shall come again, I pray for grace for a deep
commitment to my faith to live a live of holiness being ready in Jesus name, amen.

Day 30 – Persecution is real

“You will experience trouble in the world. However, be encouraged because I have defeated the
world”( John 16:33)

A vital part of our faith as Christians is being ready for attack. Jesus warned the disciples that they
would suffer for their beliefs, and this has been the case throughout time. A deep dedication to our
faith, a readiness to suffer for Christ, and a determination to remain unshakable in the midst of
tribulation are necessary for preparing for persecution.

Growing our spiritual relationship with God is one approach to get ready for trial. This include reading
the Bible, engaging in prayer, and making an effort to live in accordance with God’s will. We might
become more sensitive to God’s voice and conscious of his presence in our lives by becoming closer to
him. This can aid us in determining his plan for our life and obediently living the way he intended.

Understanding the signs of persecution is another approach to get ready for it. This means being
conscious of the ways in which our faith might be tested and ready to stay positive in the face of
challenges. Studying the Bible and taking inspiration from individuals who have endured persecution
in the past can help us achieve this.

Additionally, it is crucial to prepare for persecution by leading a courageous life.

Pray : Dear heavenly Father, I am willing to suffer for Christ and I have the desire to stand firm in the
face of adversity. Therefore, no matter the persecution I face help me in Jesus name, amen.

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