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WhatApp Business: +92 315 0429 551
Wah Cantt, Punjab, PAKISTAN

Invoice # 0752
Billed On May 17, 2023
Terms On-Receipt
Due On May 17, 2023

Bill To
To Pay on May 17, 2023
Knock Marketing
Founder ---

0.0/- PKR

Date Description Qty AMOUNT Subtotal

May 17, 2023 Minimal Logo 01 10,000.00 10,000.00

May 17, 2023 Letter head 01 5,000.00 5,000.00

May 17, 2023 Company Profile ~ 2.5k/per page 2.5k/page

Subtotal 00.00

Total 00.00

Paid (000.00)

Amount Due 0.00

Pdf Generated On
May 17, 2023 Wednesday


1. This PDF is created by DeSense Consultancy for Cost Estimation only

2. Project’s Terms & Conditions aren’t still applied

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