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MCQ-2022 and Onwards

1. Which of the following is not legal tender money?

a) Debit card
b) Hundred Taka Currency Note
c) Cheque
d) Both (a) & (c)
2. Monetary policy deals with
a) Interest rate
b) Money supply
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None of the above
3. The banker has a statutory obligation to-
a) Honor customer's cheque
b) exercise lien
c) maintain secrecy of his customer's account
d) honor customer's bill
4. Objective of KYC is-
a) To ensure appropriate customer identification
b) To monitor transactions of suspicious nature
c) To ensure that he/she would not deceive the bank
d) Only (a) & (b)
5. A customer's letter of instructions, without any stamp, in connection with the
operations of his account is known as-
a) Power of attorney
b) Standing instruction
c) Probate
d) Mandate
6. In executing the standing instructions, there exists a relationship of-
a) Debtor & creditor
b) Trustee & beneficiary
c) Bailee & Bailor
d) Agent & Principal
7. Stop payment instruction of a cheque can be given by-
a) Any payee of the cheque
b) Any endorser of the cheque
c) Only drawer of the cheque
d) All of the above
8. The paying banker can get protection for a materially altered cheque provided:
a) The alteration is not apparent
b) He makes payment in due course
c) The alteration is immaterial
d) Both (a) & (b)

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9. A customer has issued a cheque where the date of which is already passed such
cheque is called:
a) Stale cheque
b) Post dated cheque
c) Crossed cheque
d) Ante dated cheque
10. How long a bank branch is required to preserve the information of a closed account?
a) 1 year
b) 5 years
c) 2 years
d) 10 years
11. Garnishee order is issued by-
a) Police Officer
b) National board of revenue
c) Court of law
d) C.I.D
12. Money laundering refers to-
a) Concealing or disguising the illicit nature, source, location, ownership or control;
of the proceeds of crime
b) Assisting any person involved in the commission of the predicate offence to evade
the illegal consequences of such offence
c) Smuggling money or property earned through legal or illegal means to a foreign
d) All of these
13. Which of the following person cannot open an account in the bank?
a) An adult
b) Lunatic
c) Solvent
d) Minor with guardian
14. One of the directors of a limited company expired and cheques signed by him are
presence for payment, should the bank pay these cheques?
a) Cannot pay
b) Can pay upon other directors confirmation
c) Can pay as a routine
d) Payments be stopped by the company
15. The document drawn by a debtor on the creditor agreeing to pay a certain amount of
money is called:
a) Cheque
b) Promissory Note
c) Bill of exchange
d) Draft
16. Which of the following is the lender's resource related law?

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a) Contract act, 1872
b) Bank Company act, 1991
c) Artha rin adalat ain, 2003
d) All of these
17. The articles of association of a limited company contains-
a) Objects of the company
b) Internal management of the company
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None of the above
18. The best suited deposit for a trading community is-
a) Savings deposit
b) Fixed deposit
c) Current deposit
d) Recruiting deposit
19. As regards contract act 1872 which one of the following is not true?
a) Agreements by persons of idiocy are not void
b) An agreement enforceable by law is a contract
c) In every contract there should be free consent
d) A minor can't be a guarantor
20. Banker's lien is a/an-
a) Hypothecation
b) IGPA for mortgage
c) Implied pledge
d) Bailment of goods
21. Shadow banking implies-
a) Unregulated banking
b) Inclusive banking
c) Illegal banking
d) Money laundering
22. Non-banking financial institutions are guided by-
a) Financial institution act, 1993
b) Companies act, 1994
c) The banking companies act, 1991
d) Bangladesh bank order, 1972
23. Which of the following create liabilities of a bank?
a) Savings deposit
b) Fixed deposit
c) Current deposit
d) All of these
24. While opening an account in the name of a company, the most important document
to be seen is-
a) List of employees/directors of the company

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b) List of promoters/shareholders of the company
c) Memorandum & Articles of association of the company
d) Instruction of the RJSC
25. Which one is not associated with fraud?
a) Deception
b) Concealment
c) Promise
d) Unethical conduct
26. Which one is not included in financial crimes?
a) Cheque fraud
b) Credit card fraud
c) Over invoicing for purchasing an office articles
d) Purchase of personal luxury items
27. When a cheque book is lost by a customer of a bank, which of the following
document needs to be executed?
a) Guarantee bond
b) Treasury bond
c) Indemnity bond
d) Security bond
28. Deposits recorded by the depositor but not yet recorded by the bank means-
a) Restricted deposit
b) Outstanding deposit
c) Deposit in transit
d) All of these
29. A note which is burnt or having sign of burn partially or wholly is called-
a) Altered note
b) Damp note
c) Deformed note
d) Charred note
30. How many standards are provided by the FATF for AML & CFT?
a) 35
b) 49
c) 38
d) 42
31. Guarantor is liable only when-
a) The principal debtor has defaulted to pay
b) The creditor has exhausted his remedy against the principal debtor
c) The guarantor is called upon to pay on default by the principal debtor
d) After the expiry of the limitation period of guarantee
32. A bank is unable to pay its short term deposits because the bank's funds are blocked
in long term investments. The risk derived in this case is known as-
a) Market risk

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b) Operational risk
c) Liquidity risk
d) Interest rate risk
33. Ability of an organization to pay off the current obligations is measured by-
a) Coverage ratio
b) Activity ratio
c) Liquidity ratio
d) Growth ratio
34. Under which section of Artha rin adalat ain, 2003 responsibility has been placed on
financial institutions to dispose of property of borrowers before filing of suits?
a) Section 8
b) Section 10
c) Section 9
d) Section 12
35. Which one of the following is not included in tire II capital?
a) General reserve
b) Asset revaluation reserve
c) All preference shares
d) Exchange equalization A/C
36. Which one of the following is not the capital budgeting technique?
a) Discounted payback period
b) NPV
c) Break-even analysis
d) IRR
37. General provisioning requirement for off-balance sheet item is-
a) 5.00% of limit
b) 0.50% of limit
c) 1.00% of limit
d) 0.15% of limit
38. Which of the following is not included in three pillars of BASEL-II capital accord?
a) Minimum capital requirement
b) Supervisory review
c) Core banking solution
d) Market discipline
39. Under the BASEL-II framework market discipline falls under which of the following
a) Pillar-I
b) Pillar-II
c) Pillar-III
d) None of the above
40. Which one is not the irregularities in case of approving loans and advances?
a) Over or under invoicing

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b) Inadequate security stipulation
c) Under influence
d) Estimation of the cost of the project and means of finance
41. Which one of the following is not true?
a) At present CRR is 6.5%
b) All banks are to maintain SLR @ of 13%
c) At present bank rate is 5%
d) Call money is not always fixed
42. Classified loan is categorized under-
a) 3 categories
b) 5 categories
c) 4 categories
d) None of the above
43. Which of the following is non funded credit.
a) CC Pledge
b) Bill purchase and discounting
c) Letter of credit
d) Both (b) & (c)
44. What is single borrower exposure limit of a bank as per latest Circular?
a) 15% of bank capital
b) 35% of bank capital
c) 25% of bank capital
d) None of these
45. Loan will be classified as doubtful if-
a) There is a negative net worth & working capital
b) Uncertain collateral coverage
c) Full recovery depends upon likely events
d) All of the above
46. Current ratio is calculated through-
a) Current assets - current liabilities
b) Current assets + current liabilities
c) Current assets/current liabilities
d) current liabilities/ Current assets
47. IRR is the discount rate at which-
a) NPV>0
b) NPV<0
c) NPV=0
d) NPV>1
48. Which one(s) of the following is(are) symptoms of a non-performing project?
a) Slow turnover
b) Underutilization of capacity
c) Going out of production

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d) All of the above
49. Credit investigation includes-
a) Collection & analysis of information
b) Making of recommendation/decision
c) Credit review & monitoring
d) Both (a) & (b)
50. Which of the following does not constitute a line of defense against banking risk?
a) Quality management
b) Good macroeconomic environment
c) Portfolio diversification
51. An exporter sells goods overseas on FOB and CIF Inco terms respectively. Who is
responsible for the freight and other charges in each?
a) Importer (FOB)/Exporter (CIF)
b) Importer (FOB)/ Importer (CIF)
c) Exporter (FOB)/ Importer (CIF)
d) Exporter (FOB)/ Exporter (CIF)
52. Nominated bank is legally the agent of-
a) Issuing bank
b) Exporter
c) Importer
d) Advising bank
53. Back to back LC should be-
a) Sight LC
b) Usance LC
c) Stand by LC
d) All of the above
54. Packing credit is-
a) Advance for packing goods for export
b) Pre-shipment finance for export
c) A priority sector advance
d) Advance for import
55. Who is responsible for issuing bill of lading?
a) Shipping company
b) Shipping company agent
c) A&B
d) None of these
56. The appropriate regulatory agencies those empowered to create and enforce the
Acts- are authorized to draft that implement them is called
a). Rules b). Regulations
c). Ordinances d). Both (a) and (b)

57. Which of the following is not the characteristic of the economy of Bangladesh?

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a). Low per capita income b). High level of dependence on agricultural sector
c). High domestic saving investment gap- d). All of these
58. When $1 = Tk.70 turns into $1 = 80 then it will be called -
a). Monetary contraction b). Inflation
c). Devaluation d). Reduction of money supply.
59. As regards Contract Act, 1872 which one of the following is not true?
a). An Agreement enforceable by law is a contract
b). in every contract there should be free consent
c). Agreements by persons of idiocy are not void.
d). A minor cannot be a guarantor.
60. The banker has a statutory obligation to-
a). Honour customer's cheque b). Exercise lien
c). Maintain secrecy of his customer's account d). Honour customer's bill
61. Which of the following is a function of central bank?
a). Lending of money b). Agency services
c). Banker to the government d). Accepting of deposit

62. Which one of the following is money market financial instrument?

a). Treasury bill b). Common Stock
c). Corporate Bond d). Mutual fund
63. Prevention of money Laundering may be ensured through-
a). FATF (Financial Action Task Force) b). Basel Principles
c). Compliance with laws & regulations d). All of these
63. Which one of the following statement is true?
a). Garnishee order is issued by the revenue authorities
b). A letter of mandate is generally issued for a short or temporary period
c). Attachment order is issued by the Court of Law
d). Specific power of attorney gives extensive powers to the agent to perform many acts
64. As regards RTGS which of the following is not true?
a). RTGS are funds transfer systems
b). Money takes place from one bank to another on a real time and on net basis
c). Speed up the process of high value payments
d). Once processed, payments are final and irrevocable
65. The person named in the instrument to whom or to whose order the money is directed to
be paid is called-
a). The drawer b). The drawee c). the payees d). the borrower
66. Which of the following person cannot open an account with a bank?
a). An adult b). Idiotic in nature c). Solvent d). Minor with guardian
67. Stop payment instruction of a cheque can be given by
a). Any payee of the cheque b). Any endorser of the cheque
c). Only drawer of the cheuqe d). All of the these
68. The right of lien is available to the banker only when the goods securities have been given to
him as-
a). Trusty b). Beneficiary c). Agent d). Bailee
67. Responsibility of the presenting banks are the following except
a). Comply with the BACPS rules
b). To certify that the presented item is copy of the original instrument
c). Verify the prima facie genuineness of the cheuqe
d). Obtaining positive pay instruction from cheque issuer

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68. The implementation of KYC in banks primarily addresses which of the following risks?
a). Reputation risk b). Legal risk c). Money laundering risk d). Market risk
69. The document drawn by a debtor on the creditor agreeing to pay a certain amount of money
is called:
a). Cheque b). Promissory note c). Bill of exchange d). Draft
70. The Articles of Association of a limited company contains-
a) Objects of the company
b) Internal management of the company
c) Corporate address and Capital issues
d) Both (a) & (b)
71. Negotiable Instrument means a promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable to-
a). Bearer b). Order
c). Either to bearer or order D). Neither bearer nor order
72. Shadow Banking implies-
a). Unregulated banking b). Inclusive banking
c). Illegal banking d). Money laundering
73. Non - Bank Financial Institutions are guided by
a) Companies Act-1994 b) Financial Institutions Act-1993
b) The Banking Companies Act 1991 c) Bangladesh Bank Order, 1972
74. While opening an account in the name of a company, the most important document to be
a). List of employees / directors of the company
b). List of promoters / shareholders of the company
c). Memorandum and Articles of association of the Company
d). Instructions of the RJSC
75. Commercial paper is a type of-
a). Fixed coupon bond b). Unsecured short term debt
c). Equity share capital d). Government bond
76. Which one is not included in financial crime?
a). Cheque fraud b). Credit Card fraud
c). Over-invoicing for purchasing an office articles d). Purchase of personal luxury items.
77. Financial system is broadly comprising of
a). Financial institutions b). Financial instruments
c). Financial Markets d). All of these
78. A note which is burnt or having sign of burn partially or wholly is called
a). Altered Note b). Damp Note
c). Deformed Note . d). Charred Note
79. Banks are financial intermediaries, because they intermediate between?
a). Surplus units and deficit units b). Depositors and borrowers
c). Ultimate lenders and ultimate borrowers d). All of these.
80. The Right of Set of is-
a). Customer's Right b). Banker's Right
c). Banker's Discretion d). Banker's Obligation
81. Where the signature of a cheque is not genuine, such a cheque is called-
a). Invalid cheque b). Forged cheque
c). Suspicious cheque d). Both (a) & (b)
82. Cash management of bank is the responsibility of the
a). Teller b). Cash in charge
c). Head of accounts d). Head of CAD

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83. Which one of the following is a liability for the bank?
a). Motor vehicles b). Creditors for suppliers
c). Office equipment d). Cash at bank.
84. The rate at which banks borrow from each other is called-
a). Call rate b). Interbank rate
c). Reverse repo rate d). Cash rate
85. The financial statement that report assets, liabilities and stock holder’s equity is…………as-
a). Income statement b). Retained earnings statement
c). Balance sheet d). Statement of cash flows.
86. Which of the following is not the ………………………………..for financial risks in ICRR system?
a). Leverage b). Market competition
c). Liquidity d). Coverage
87. Which of the following is not the direct green finance?
a). Bio-gas plant b). Projects financed having PTP
c). Solar panel / renewable energy plant d). Bio-fertilizer plant
88. Economic aspect includes-
a). Contribution to GDP b). Creation of employment
c). Indirect benefit to the society d). All of these.
89. The following are the steps of documentation except
a). Drafting of documents b). Filling and execution of documents
c). Witnessing, stamping and registration d). Maintaining proper security
90. A banker can get an idea about the payment behavior of a client through
a). Accounts payable turnover ratio b). Receivable turnover ratio
c). Debt-service coverage ratio d). None of these
91. IRR is the discount rate at which-
a). NPV>0 b). NPV < 0
c). NPV =0 d). NPV >1
92. Basic purpose of commodity exchange is
a). Market discovery b). Cost discovery
c). Price discovery d). Profit discovery
93. Which one(s) of the followings is symptoms of a non performing project?
a). Slow turnover b). Underutilization of capacity
c). Going out of production d). All of these
94. An example of cash flow from investment activity is
a). Receipt of cash from the issuance of bonds payable
b). Payment of cash to repurchase outstanding capital stock
c). Receipt of cash from the sale of equipment
d). Payment of cash to suppliers for inventory.
95. Leverage risk can be assessed by
a). Quick ratio b). Debts service coverage ratio
c). Interest coverage ratio d). Debt Equity ratio
96. Which one is not the irregularity in case of approving loans & advances?
a). Over or under invoicing b). Inadequate security stipulation
c). Undue influence d). Estimation of the cost of the project and means of finance.
97. If the net profit of a firm is BDT 2.5 million and the total asset is BDT 10 million the return
on asset (ROY) of the firm is-
a). 20% b). 25% c). 40% d). None of these
98.General provisioning requirement for special mention account is

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a). 5% on the outstanding amount of loans. b). 2% on the outstanding amount of loans.
c). 1% on the outstanding amount of loans. d). 0.25% on the outstanding amount of
99. Which of the following tools of financial (s0 statement analysis is used for
………………………a series of financial statement data over a period of time?
a). Vertical analysis b). Ratio analysis c). Horizontal analysis d). Both (a) & (b)
100. Which one of the following is not the capital budgeting technique?
a). Discounted payback period b). NPV c). Break even analysis d). IRR.
101. Under the BASEL II frame work market discipline falls under which of the following pillar?
a). Pillar-I b). Pillar-III c). Pillar-II d). None of these.
102. Execution suit under Artha rin adalat Ain 2003 should be filed within
a). 120 days b). 180 days c). 360 days d). None of these
103.Down payment requirement of term loan for the 1st time rescheduling is- As per BRPD -15.
a). 10% of the total outstanding or 15% of the overdue installment of the loan
whichever is less.
b). 20% of the total outstanding or 30% of the overdue installment of the loan whichever
is less.
c). 10% of the total outstanding or 25% of the overdue installment of the loan whichever
is less.
d). None of these.

104. Which one of the following is not a charge document

a) Hypothecation b). Pledge c). Negative lien d). Assignment
105. From the bankers' point of view what should be the objective to identify the project?
a). To ensure repayment b) To achieve organizational goal
c). To create investment opportunity d). All of these.
106. Neither possession nor ownership is transferred to the lender in case of-
a). Pledge b). Mortgage c). Hypothecation d). All of these
107. In case of guarantee there are
a). Three contacts (Three contracts; one between the creditor and principal debtor;
second, between the surety and the creditor, and third, between the surety and the
principal debtor.) b) Two contracts c). Four contracts d). None of these
108. Which of the following is not the source of credit information?
a). Loan application b). Financial statements c). CIB d). Execution of documents
109. The present interest rate of agricultural lending fixed by Bangladesh Bank is
a). 8% b). 9% c). 10% d). 11%
110. Current ratio means-
a). CA-CL b). CA/CL c). TL/NW d). None of these.
111. Packing credit is-
a). An Advance for packing goods. b). Pre- shipment finance for export
c). A priority sector advance d). Advance for import
112. Trade Service include-
a). Trade payment b). Trade finance c). Foreign Exchange d). Both b and c
113. In documentary collection, documents is presented by-
a). Issuing Bank b). Negotiating Bank c). Nominated Bank d). None of the above
114. LTR is an example of-
a). Post import financing technique b). Pre import financing technique
c). Pre shipment financing d). Post shipment financing to the exporter

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115. Which one of the following is most popular in the Globe?
a). Open Account b). Documentary collection
c) Cash in advance d). Documentary credit
116. As per URC, Documentary Collection is relatively risky for-
a). Exporter b). Principal c). Importer d). Beneficiary
117. Commercial Invoice is issued by-
a). Applicant b). Importer c) Issuing Bank d). Exporter
118. In LC process documents are examined following the standard of
a). Honour b). Negotiation
c). Complying Presentation d). None of the above.
119. URR 735 is the regulatory framework for-
a). Reimbursement b). Reimbursement in LC
c) Bank to bank Reimbursement in LC operation d). Cash in advance
120. Charges of the advising bank is commonly born by-
a). Issuing bank b). Importer c). Exporter d). Nominated bank
121. Confirming a letter of credit by a confirming Bank means -
a). Offering two undertakings b). Offering one undertaking
c). Offering an additional undertaking d). Offering a guarantee
122. Legally, Nominated Bank is the agent of-
a). Issuing bank b). Advising Bank c). Reimbursing Bank d). None of these
123. Back to Back LC is a -
a). Financing Technique b). Method guided by UCP 600
c). Payment technique d). Method guided by URC 522

124. Which of the following is the cheapest but very risky is the importer-
a). Cash in advance b). Documentary collection
c). Open account d). Documentary credit.
125. Which of the following is getting popularity as trade financing tool-
a). LTR b). UPAS c). BPO d) LIM
126. As per UCP-600, bill of exchange should be drawn on-
a). Importer b). Exporter c) Issuing Bank d). Reimbursing Bank.
127. The largest planet in our Solar System is-
a). Mars b). Jupiter c). Saturn d) Mercury
128. Under which section of the Arthorin Adalat Ain 2003, a certificate for ownership of
property in favour of the bank may be issued by Arthorin Adalat?
a) Sec-24 b) Sec-31
c) Sec-33(7) d) Sec-33(a)
129. Under which section of Artharin Adalat Ain 2003 the bank can sell out the mortgaged
property before filing suit?
a) Sec-8 b) Sec-11
c) Sec-12 d) Sec-21
130. For pledge of stock eligible security for calculation of base for provision is-----% of stock
a) 10% b) 20%
c) 50% d) 100%
131. According to BASEL-II Risk Weight claims for ‘AAA’ rated clients is-
a) 50% b) 40%
c) 20% d) 75%
132. Recovery of Written Off investment directly goes to-

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a) Adjustment of investment b) Provision
c) Creation of Reserve d) Income of the Bank
133. Which of the following is the primary security-
a) Land & Building b) Stock & Shares
c) Gold Ornaments d) Commodities of business against which investment is
134. A continuous Investment which is remain overdue for period of -------days or more is
called Special Mention Account (SMA)
a) 60 days b) 30 days
c) 90 days d) 120 days
135. Who can convert a Bearer Cheque into an Order Cheque-
a) Drawer b) Banker
c) Holder in due course d) Bearer
136. Closing charge of a savings account is-
a) Tk.25/- b) Tk.50/-
c) Tk.100/- d) Tk.230/-
138. Which is not the parameter of Financial Risk?
a) Leverage b) Liquidity
c) Market Competition d) Profitability
139. Which one of the following is a direct tax?
a) Import duty b) Excise duty
c) Supplementary duty d) Tax deducted from salary
140. As per Artho Rin Adalat Ain-2003 execution suit to be filed within-
a) 60 days b) 90 days
c) 180 days d) 360 days

141. Power of Attorney is of-

a) 1 type b) 2 types
c) 3 types d) 4 types
142. Bai-Muajjal means-
a) Sale on credit b) Sale on Profit
c) Partnership in business d) Rent on a non-fungible goods
143. EXP Form is used for-
a) Import of goods b) Export of goods
c) Reporting of Foreign Remittance d) Credit disbursement
144. The maximum number of partners in a Partnership Firm is-
a) 20 b) 9
c) 7 d) 50
145. The minimum number of partners in a Partnership Firm is-
a) 20 b) 2
c) 7 d) 50
146. The maximum number of partners in a Private Limited Company is-
a) 20 b) 9
c) 7 d) 50
147. The minimum number of partners in a Private Limited Company is-
a) 20 b) 9
c) 7 d) 50
148. Method of creating charge over moveable asset is called-
a) Pledge b) Hypothecation

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c) Mortgage d) Lien
149. What is ALCO?
a) American Life Insurance Company b) Asset Liability Committee
c) Asset Liability Company d) Asset Liability Concept
150. When an investment account is past due for 19 months it is classified as-
a) Substandard b) Doubtful
c) Bad/Loss d) SMA
151. Provision requirement against sub-standard investment is-
a) 5% b) 10%
c) 15% d) 20%
152. Provision requirement against Doubtful investment is-
a) 50% b) 10%
c) 15% d) 20%
153. Provision requirement against Bad/Loss investment is-
a) 50% b) 100%
c) 15% d) 20%
154. D.P. Note delivery is a-
a) Credit Document b) Charge Document
c) Transfer Document d) Document of Disbursement
155. Rate of Provision on Unclassified amount for Loans to Brokerage House, Merchant Banks,
Stock Dealers, etc. is-
a) 1.00% b) 0.50%
c) 2.00% d) 0.25%
156. Rate of Provision on off Balance Sheet items is-
a) 1.00% b) 0.50%
c) 2.00% d) 0.25%
157. Qualitative Judgment of investment can be done by-
a) Central Bank b) H.O. of a private Bank
c) A Commercial Bank d) Both A & C
158. Bai Murabaha means-
a) Sale on profit b) Sale on Credit
c) Sale in Cash d) None of the above
159. How many risks in pillar-I under BASEL-II?
a) Two b) Three (Credit Risk, Market Risk, Operational Risk)
c) Four d) One
160. Bai Muajjal means-
a) Sale on Profit b) Deferred sale
c) Cash Sale d) Advance sale
161. Stress testing is to be done on-
a) Monthly basis b) Quarterly basis
c) Half Yearly basis d) Yearly basis
162. E.P.S. means-
a) Earning Profit Sharing b) Earning Price Share
c) Equity Per Share d) Earning Per Share
163. For classification and Provisioning, the Loans are grouped into-
a) 3 categories b) 4 categories
c) 5 categories d) 2 categories
164. For Provisioning, the Loans are grouped into-
a) 3 categories b) 4 categories

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c) 5 categories d) 2 categories
165. SDR means-
a) Security Deposit Receipt b) Special Drawing Right
c) Standard Drawing Regulation d) Standard Development Rule
166. Promissory Note means-
a) A shipping document b) A promise to buy
c) An unconditional promises for payment d) An agreement for payment
167. Letter of disclaimer is obtained in case of-
a) Allowing investment b) Taking deposit
c) Hiring godown d) Hiring machineries
168. Status of Pledged goods in Loan-
a) Both Possession & ownership lies with client
b) Both Possession and ownership lies with bank
c) Ownership lies with client but possession with bank
d) Both possession and control lies with client
169. HPSM is a synthesis of ------- modes of investment-
a) Two b) Three
c) Four d) Five
170. Bai-Salam may be allowed for-
a) Trading b) Import
c) Post Shipment d) Preshipment
171. Charge Documents are obtained from the clients to-
a) Secure Loan b) File money suit
c) Observe Formalities d) Comply audit requirements
172. Foreign Exchange market is an element of –
a) Financial Market b) Money Market
c) Capital Market d) Securities Market
173. FOB means-
a) Free on Boat b) Free on Board
c) Free on Basket d) Free on Bangladesh
174. The latest UCPDC enforced is-
a) ICC 400 b) ICC 500
c) ICC 600 d) ICC700
175. Supplier’s Credit Report is mandatory if the amount of L/C exceeds-
a) Tk.300000/- b) Tk.500000/-
c) Tk.700000/- d) Tk.1000000/-
176. ACU stands for-
a) American Clearing Union b) Asian Clearing Union
c) Asian Customs Union d) American Customs Union
177. Proforma Invoice in International Trade is issued by-
a) Seller b) Local Agent of the seller
c) Issuing Bank d) Advising Bank
178. NOSTRO A/C means-
a) Our A/C with them b) Their A/C with us
c) Account in Foreign Currency d) Invalid Account
179. What is Invoice?
a) Import document b) Export document
c) Remittance document d) List of goods, quality & price

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180. ICC Stands for-
a) International Commercial Court b) International Chamber of Commerce
c) Internal Chamber of Commerce d) Internal Chamber’s Court
181. When a Credit authorizes the bank (negotiating) to provide preshipment finance it is
a) Green Clause L/C b) With Recourse L/C
c) Dormant L/C d) Red Clause L/C
182. Which one of the following inco-terms is used for import through land port?
a) CFR b) CPT
c) CIF d) FOB
183. Foreign Exchange Regulation Act was introduced in-
a) 1881 b) 1947
c) 1951 d) 1960
184. Which one of the following has been recognized as Negotiable Instrument by the court of
a) Treasury Bills b) Share Certificates
c) Bill of Lading d) Traveler’s Cheque
185. In which article, UCP-600 has stated as “Bank deals with documents and not with goods,
service or performance to which the documents relate”
a) Article-3 b) Article-4
c) Article-5 d) Article-6
186. A document signed by the master of ship acknowledging receipt of goods to deliver the
same to the consignee is called-
a) Bill of Exchange b) Bill of Entry
c) Bill of Lading d) Bill of Purchase
187. The document that is evidence for the contract of sale and purchase between the buyer
and seller for import is called-
a) Packing list b) Proforma Invoice
c) Certificate of Origin d) Insurance documents
188. Article-20 of UCPDC indicates-
a) Commercial Invoice b) Bill of Lading
c) Charter Party B/L d) Original Documents

189. UCPDC is a publication of-

c) ICC d) OECD
190. A Bill of Exchange must have the following characteristics among other
a) May not be stamped b) Written and signed by its drawer
c) Must not be an order to pay money and money only d) Verbal instruction duly
recorded in the voice recorder
191. Inco Terms means-
a) International Commercial Terms b) Internal Commercial Terms
c) Internal Commodity Terms d) None
192. CFR means-
a) Custom and Freight Receipt b) Cost and Freight
c) Cost, Freight and Insurance d) None
193. How many Articles are there in the UCPDC-600
a) 38 b) 39
c) 48 d) 49

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194. Bill of Lading is a document issued by the-
a) Exporter b) Custom Authority
c) Transport Authority d) Exporters’ Bank
195. Proforma Invoice is-
a) An import document b) An Export document
c) A Price List d) A remittance paper
196. Commercial Invoice/Invoice is-
a) An import document b) An Export document
c) A Price List d) A remittance paper
197. Who issue the bill of entry-
a) Bangladesh Bank b) NBR
c) Custom Authority d) A.D. Branch
198. What is the maximum amount of cash transaction for which the bank has to send CTR to
Bangladesh Bank?
a) Tk.5,00,000.00 b) Tk.6,00,000.00
c) Tk.7,00,000.00 d) Tk.1,000,000.00
199. Drawers confirmation is required when-
a) Promissory note presented b) Cheque presented for payment
c) Bill of Exchange Placed in Bank d) Request for stopping the payment of a
cheque over telephone
200. BACH denotes-
a) Bangladesh Automated Clearing House b) Bangladesh Automation Clearing House.
c) Bangladesh Automatic Clearing House d) None
201. Liquidity is defined as-
a) The ability to convert paper into money b) The ability to save money
c) The ability to convert cash into goods & services d) The ability to convert assets
into cash
202. Which of the following is not negotiable instruments?
a) Promissory note b) Bill of Exchange
c) Payment Order d) Cheque
203. Payment Order is a-
a) Negotiable Instrument b) Non-negotiable Instrument
c) Quasi Negotiable Instrument d) None
204. Which one of the following is purely a non-negotiable Instrument
a) Bill of Exchange b) Share Certificate
c) Bill of Lading d) Cheque
205. What does CTR stands for?
a) Confidential Transaction Report b) Cash Transaction Report
c) Commercial Transaction Report d) Counter Transaction Report
206. What does MICR stand for?
a) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition b) Meticulous Information Character Record
c)Magnetic Introduction of Clearing Report d) Mini Information of Credit Report
207. ---------- is an order in writing on a Bank to pay certain sum of money on demand which is
signed by the maker.
a) Cheque b) Bill of Exchange
c) Promissory Note d) Share Certificate
208. Crossed cheque is classified into ----------types-
a) 2 b) 3
c) 4 d) 5

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209. A cheque has got-
a) 2 parties b) 3 parties
c) 4 parties d) 5 parties
210. Mutilated cheque means-
a) Worn out cheque b) Rejected cheque
c) Disclosed cheque d) Blank cheque
211. Holder in due course means-
a) Payment in accordance with the apparent tenor of the instrument
b) Payment in good faith and without any negligence of any person
c) Any person who for consideration becomes the possessor of a promissory note
d) Bill of Exchange or a Cheque
212. Signing on the back of a negotiable instrument with an intention to assign or transfer the
same to other is called-
a) Make payment b) Lien
c) Endorsement d) Delivery
213. A post dated cheque is one which bears a-
a) Past date b) Present date
c) Future date d) None of the above
214. Indemnity Bond is required when-
a) Requested for Cheque Book b) Bank Guarantee issued
c) Duplicate DD issued d) Pay Order cancelled
215. Who can cancel the crossing of a cheque?
a) Drawer b) Drawee
c) Payee d) Bank
216. Sec-138 of the N.I. Act for lodging a complaint for dishonor of cheque was introduced in
a) 1991 b) 1994
c) 1990 d) 1881
217. The endorsement of cheque may be called “full endorsement” when the endorsee-
a) Signs his full name b) Signs with direction to pay to specific person
c) Signs to pay with some condition d) Signs to pay restricting further endorsement
218. A stale cheque can be validated by-
a) Drawee b) Drawer
c) Payee d) Beneficiary
219. An order cheque can be paid over counter-
a) Only to VIPs b) Only to H.O. Executives
c) Identifying the payee d) Never can be paid

220. For endorsement-

a) Signature is a must b) Signature is not mandatory
c) Signature is optional d) Signature is not necessary
221. Who can cancel A/C Payee crossing of a cheque?
a) The Bank b) The client
c) The client & the bank d) None
222. There are ------- kinds of Riba-
a) 3 b) 4
c) 5 d) 2
223. ICAAP stands for-
a) Internal Capital Adequacy Arrangement Process b) Internal Capital Adequacy
Assessment Process

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c)International Capital Assessment Adequacy Program d) International Capital Adequacy
Assessment Program
224. Who is the determinant of Monetary Policy of Bangladesh?
a) Bangladesh Bank b) Association of Bankers of Bangladesh
c) Ministry of Finance d) World Bank
225. What is the % of CRR for Islamic Banks?
a) 5.00% b) 5.50%
c) 4.50% d) 6.00%
226. GNP stands for-
a) Gross National Position b) Gross National Profit
c) Gross national Product d) Govern National Plan
227. SWIFT stands for-
a) Society for Worldwide Inter Bank Financial Tele Communications
b) Society for World Inter Bank Financial Telecommunications
c) Society for Worldwide International Financial Telecommunications
d) Society for World Wide Integrated Financial Tele-Communications
228. CAMELS stands for-
a) Capital Asset Management Equity Liquidity Social Responsibility
b) Capital Asset Management Earning Liquidity Soundness
c) Capital Adequacy Asset Quality Management Soundness Earnings Liquidity
Sensitivity to Market risks
d) Capital Asset Management Earning Liquidity Sensitivity to Operational Risks.
229. Under which section of the Artharin Adalat Ain-2003, settlement conference may be
a) Sec-19 b) Sec-20
c) Sec-21 d) Sec-22
230. The Contract Act was introduced in-
a) 1835 b) 1908
c) 1898 d) 1872
231. Guarantee is-
a) A Liability b) Contra-Liability
c) Investment d) All of the above
232. The Bank Company Act in Bangladesh enacted in-
a) 1881 b) 1972
c) 1994 d) 1991
233. Leverage of business firm is calculated from-
a) Transaction Risk b) Financial Risk
c) Management Risk d) Performance
234. CRR stands for-
a) Cash Reserve Ratio b) Cash Reserve Requirement
c) Cash Requirement Ratio d) Cash Ratio Reserve
234. After financing to a limited company, 1 charge with the Registrar of the Joint Stock
Company (RJSC) must be created within-
a) 45 days b) 28 days
c) 21 days d) 15 days
235. Financial sector should be highly regulated because of-
a) Safeguarding depositor's money
b) Stopping illegal transactions through Fls
c)Restricting concentration of wealth and avoiding bank failure

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d) All of the above
236. Which one of the following is money market financial instrument?
a) Repo b) Common Stock
c) Corporate bond d) Mutual fund
238. Under which of the following Act, return of unclaimed deposits is required to be submitted
to Bangladesh Bank?
a) Bangladesh Bank Order,1972 c) Companies Act,1994
b) Banking Companies Act,1991 d) None of the above
239. The bank which receives payment instructions from its client and forwards the entry to the
BEFTN is called-
a) Originator b) Originating Bank
c) Receiving bank d) Correspondent bank
240. RTGS is a real time funds transfer mechanism for-
a) Local currency transactions b) Foreign currency transactions
c) Both local &foreign currency d) Both local & foreign currency except EURO
241. As per section 131 of the Negotiable Instrument Act,1881 the collecting banker may enjoy
the statutory protection provided-
a) Receives payment for the customer only b) Receives payment of the crossed cheque only
c) Acts in good faith and without negligence d) All of the above
242.The paying banker can get protection for a materially altered cheque provided -
a) The alteration is not apparent c) The alteration is immaterial
b) He makes payment in due course d) Both(a) and(b)
243. Which one of the following is not true?
a) No restrictions on withdrawals in case of savings account
b) Generally no interest is allowed in current account
c) 'Either or survivor' instruction is usually used in joint deposit account
d) Garnishee order is issued by the court of law
244.Which one of the following is not true?
a) Cheque is always drawn on bank
b) Payment order is a financial instrument
c) Any holder can cross a cheque
d) payee cannot transfer a cheque without the consent of the drawer
245. As regards Contract Act. 1872 which one of the following is not trues
a) An agreement enforceable by law is a contract
b) An illegal agreement is one which is against a law in force
c) The person, who is competent to enter into contract, may open a bank Eaton
d) The law of contract is mostly related to financial instruments
246. As regards Mudaraba principles in Islamic banking which is not true?
a) deferred credit sale
b) There is a relationship between a depositor and the Rab ul mall
c) Sometimes it is called a silent partnership
d) Financial losses are always paid by the Rab ul mall
247. Which one of the following reflects the overall picture of ne economy?
a) Inflation level b) Foreign Exchange reserve

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c)GDP Growth d Exchanges Pale
248. Duration Analysis is required to cope with.
a) Credit risk b) Liquidity risk
c) market risk d)None of the Above
249.IRR is the discount rate at which-
a) NPV> b) NPV=0
C)NPV-0 d)NPV≥1
250. Which one of the following tools of the financial statement analysis is used a series of
financial settlement data over a period of time?
a) Vertical analysis b) Horizontal analysis
c) Ratio analysis d) Both(a)and(b)
251. A bank is unable to pay its short term deposit because the bank's funds are blocked long-
term investments. The risks derived in this case is known as -.
a) Market risk b) Liquidity risk
c) Operational risk d) Interest rate risk
252. Execution suite under “Artha Rin Adalat Ain-2003" should be filed within -
a) 120 days b) 360 days
c) 180 days d) None of these
253. In which of the following situations a Mandate can be treated as cancelled?
a) When the mandatee noticed as insane, insolvent, or deceased
b) When the notice of cancellation is received from the principal
c) At the expiery of the period or completion of the purpose for which it was c
d) Alt of the above
254. As per UCP, documents must be submitted within -
a) 14 days after the date of shipment b) 5 days after the submission of the documents
c) 21 days after the date of shipment d) 120 days after opening a LC
255.ISBP 745 is relevant for-
a) Cash in Advance b) Open Account
c) Documentary Collection d) Documentary Credit
257. Reimbursing Banks are generally -
a) Unreliable small banks b) Localized small institutions
c) Big multinational banks d) Big sized banks
258.LIM is a-
a) Pre-shipment financing product b) Post-import financing product
c) Pre-import financing product d) Post-shipment financing product
259. Open Account is very risky for-
a) Exporter b) Importer
c) Buyer d) Applicant
260. importer are better protected in -
a) Cash in Advance b) Documentary collection
c) Documentary Credit d) DP under Documentary collection
261. A document containing the following is a promissory note:
(a) I promise to pay Y Rs. 1,000 after his marriage with Z.

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(b) I promise to pay as soon as possible a sum of Rs. 1,000 to X.
(c) I promise to pay X Rs. 1,000 seven days after the death of Y.
262. Acceptance of drawee is required in case of
(a) bill payable after sight (b) bill payable on demand.
(c) promissory note payable on demand.
263. Protest is necessary in case of dishonor of
(a) Foreign promissory note; (b) Foreign bill of exchange;
(c) Inland Bill of exchange.
264. A bill of exchange drawn in Delhi and payable in London is an example
(a) Inland bill (b) Foreign bill
(c) Clean bill (d) None of the above.

265. Z of Mumbai draws a bill of exchange o Y of Delhi patable at London It is an example of-
a) Inland bill (b) Foreign bill
c) Accommodation bill d) None of the above
266. A ‘floating charge' means
a) a charge on the current assets of the company which is being floated
(b) a charge on the shares of a company;
(c) a charge on the current assets of the company which are constantly
267. In case of hypothecation, the banker has
(a) the possession of goods (b) right to sell the goods;
(c) a specific interest in the goods (d) none of the above rights.
268. In case of hypothecation insurance charge for the goods are borne by
(a) the borrower (b) the bank;
(c) the borrower and the bank jointly (d) none, since no insurance is required.
269. In case of default by the borrower, the banker can sell the pledged goods
(a) immediately (b) after issuing notice to the borrower;
(c) after obtaining court's order (d) with the consent of the borrower.
270. Pledge can be created by
(a) actual delivery (b) constructive delivery
(c) symbolic delivery (d) any of the above methods.
271. The Letter of Continuity should be taken in the case of
(a) advances to companies (b) Overdraft or Cash Credit Account;
(c) time barred advances (d) accounts of the deceased borrowers.
272. Mortgage other than by way of deposits of title deeds should be registered with
(a) The sub-register; (b) the Registrar of Companies;
(c)· the Registrar of Co-operative Societies (d) Registrar of Firms.
273) The best option of charge to finance a car, for personal use by an individual, by a bank would
(a) Pledge (b)Mortgage.
(c)Hypothecation (d) None of the above.
274) For creating charge on work-in-process of a borrowing unit, the more appropriate charge will
(a)Hypothecation (b) pledge
(c) mortgage (d) none of the above.

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275) The right to retain goods or property of a debtor for the debt is know
(a) set-off (b) lien
(c) appropriation (d) none of the above.
276) The limitation period for filing of suit for sale of mortgaged property
(a) 3 years (b) 7 years
(c) 10 years (d) 12 years.
277. A Bill of Lading is
(a) a negotiable instrument (b) qúasi-negotiable instrument;
(c) a non-negotiable instrument (d) non-transferrable instrument.
278. A life policy of which the wife of the borrower is the nominees is offered a security for advance
in order to get the assignment in favour of the be
(a) the wife should join in the execution of assignment;
(b) the wife should execute a separate letter of consent;
(c) the wife should be advised by the bank of assignment;
(d) nothing from the wife is necessary.
279. The limitation period in case of a mortgage of immovable proper
(a) 3 years (b) 10 years (c) 12 years.
280. Notice of assignment is required in case of advances again
(a) life policies (b) motor vehicles (c) shares.
281. Continuing security clause is inserted in case of
(a) term loans (b) cash credits (c) mortgage loan
283. Introduction is not necessary to open A/C for:
a) Partnership A/C c) Ltd. Company
b) Minor's A/C d) Both a&b
284. Who can open a current account?
a. Executors c. Trusts
b. Administrator d. All the above
285. Which is not a part of “CIF-Customer Information" menu
a) Individual Customer Info c) Saving Deposit Account Open
b) Entity Customer Info d) CIF Authorization
286.The Banking Companies Act,1991 consists of
a.103 Sections b.109 Sections
c.123 Sections d.133 Sections
287. If any account of a customer is closed, a bank will have to preserve previous record of
transaction of such account for-
a) At least '5 years from the date of such closure
b) At least 7years from the date of such closure
c) At least A years from the date of such closure
d) At least 3 years from the date of such closure
288. The maker of a bill of exchange or cheque is called:
a) The drawee b) The payee
c) The drawer d) The banker

289. A cheque is a ............ drawn upon a specified banker and payable on demand:
a) Bill of exchange c) Promissory note
b) Hundi d) None of the above

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290. No goods or services are physically exchanged through banking channel is called-
a) Phantom Shipment c) Forgery
b) Hundi d) All of the
291. A not Negotiable Crossed Cheque:
a) Cannot be transferred to any body
b) Can be transferred but there will be no holder in due course
c) It is a warning to the holder as well as collecting banker
d) Both(b)and(c)
292. Risk concentration under SME finance is
a) High risk b) Low risk
c) Diversified risk d) Moderate risk
293. Crossing of Cheque is
a) A material part of a cheque b) A material alteration of a cheque
c) A material cancellation of a cheque d) None of Above
294. Which shariah principal is used for mobilizing current deposit-
a) Mudaraba c) Al-Wadia
b) Musharaka d) None of these
295. Under Centralized Online TIB Operations (COTO) all documents are retained with the
a) COTO window c) Branch
b) Head Office d) All of above
296. Which of the following document is mandatory for all Retail Loan Application?
a) Passport c) Bank Statement
b) Pay Slip d) Work order
297. Branch need to deduct service charge from the client in case of:
a. Outward Clearing cheques c) EFTN credit/debit instructions
b. Inward Clearing cheques d) All
298.Preventive Measures for TBML can be following; except
a) Risk Assessment b) System Driven Approach
c) Banker's Due Diligence d) Effective Screening Process

299.Which Authority issue IRC and ERC for import export purpose-
a) Bangladesh Bank b) National Board of Revenue
c) Office of CCI&E d) RJSC
300. Which one is not the function of Head Teller/Cash In-Charge
a) Maintenance of Vault Register b) Maintenance of Foreign Currency Register
c) Maintenance of Bid Bond Register d) Maintenance of Prize Bond Register
301. Statement date for Credit Card for Defense Group is:
a) Ist day of each month c)10th day of each month
b) 5th day of each month d) 25Sth day of each month
302.what is not the characteristic of good security
a) Encumbered b) Durable
c) Price fluctuating d) Transportable

303. Letter of disclaimer to be obtained in case of rented godown for

a) Lien c) Hypothecation

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b) Mortgage d) Pledge
304. Why is capital so important
a) Cushion against bank's business gain b) Promote public confidence
c) Organization's growth d) Sets limit to risk exposure

305.Which one is not clauses of Contract?

a) Definition of the terms. c) Price and payment
b) Conclusion of the contract d) First Party Claim.
306. No banking company shall hold any immovable property, except required for its own use.
a) Any period exceeding 5 years c) Any period exceeding 10 years
b) Any period exceeding 7 years d) Any period exceeding 3 years
307.EDF stands for----
a) Export Development Finance c) Export Development Fund
b) Export Development Fraud d) Excess Development Fund
308. What is a crossed cheque ?
(a) by the drawee. (b) through a bank.
(c) at the State Bank of Pakistan. (d) it has been transferred to another person

Others Foreign Trade related MCQ and Short Questions.

01 Which one is known as importers’ Bank? LC opening Bank/LC issuing Bank
02 Which one is known as exporters Bank? Negotiating Bank/Nominated Bank
03 The Bank that adds its confirmation to a LC is known 1. Confirming Bank
04 The Bank that pays against a complying presentation Reimbursement Bank/Payee Bank
is known as
05 Lodgement/Retirement of import document must be 05 working days.
done within
06 Which authority issues IRC/ERC Chief Controller of Import & Export (CCI&E)
07 Headquarter of ICC situated at Paris of France
08 How many INCOTERMS are there as per latest 11
09 The INCOTERM “FOB” applicable for Sea and waterways.
10 How many articles are there in URC 26
11 How many articles are there in URR 17
12 How many members are there in ACU 09 countries.
13 The head quarter of Asian Clearing Union situated at Tehran, Iran
14 The name of the ACU currency is Asian Monetary Unit (AMU)
15 Which one is the transport document in case of goods Bill of Lading
delivered to a ship for carriage by sea.
16 Which one is the transport document in case of air Airway Bill (AWB)
shipment of goods?
17 Which one is the transport document in case of goods Truck Receipt (TR)
carried by Truck?
18 Which one is the transport document in case of goods Railway Receipt (RR)
carried by Rail?
19 Which one is the transport document in case of Courier Receipt/Postal Receipt.
shipment of goods by courier and by post

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20 MPI is a temporary arrangement for a maximum 90 days
period of
21 MIB is a temporary arrangement for a maximum 30 days
period of
22 As per Article 18 a(iv) of UCP-600, Commercial invoice Exporter.
need not be signed by the
23 Refusal for any discrepent document must be 05 working days.
informed to the negotiating bank within
24 The importer must submit the Bill of Entry to the L/C 120 days from the date of payment.
issuing bank within
25 A bill of lading is an evidence of Contract of carriage
26 Normally Bill of Lading are issued in 03 sets
27 Bill of Lading is Quasi-negotiable instrument.
28 BTB LC/ECC/PC is a Pre shipment export finance.
29 LDBP/FDBP/MDB is a Post shipment export finance
30 The Foreign Currency quota of a Bangladeshi national USD 2000/-
during a Calendar year for travel to SAARC member
countries & Myanmar by Road & Air
31 The Foreign Currency quota of a Bangladeshi national during a USD 5000/-
Calendar year for travel Other than above SAARC & Myanmar is
32 For Readymade garment exporters the ERQ is 10% of realized FOB value.
33 FC Account may be opened in US Dollar, Great Britain Pound, Japanese Yen
& Euro
34 What is the initial deposit in case of NFCD account USD1000.00orGBP500.00 or equivalent.
35 How much EPZ company type A can keep in their FC 100%
36 How much EPZ company type B can keep in their FC 80%
37 How much EPZ company type C can keep in their FC 75%
38 The rate at which banks are prepared to buy the Buying Rate.
foreign currency is known as
39 The rate at which banks are prepared to sell the Selling Rate
foreign currency is known as
40 The rate at which a banker buys a T T issued on him TT Buying Rate
by an overseas branch or correspondent is known as
41 Which one is the basic rate from which all the other TT Clean
buying rates are worked out.
42 The Exchange rates quoted to the customers by the Merchant rate
Authorized dealers are known as
43 Which one is the intervention currency for BD USD
44 The rate applicable for future transaction is Forward rate
45 UCP 600 came into effect on 01 July, 2007
46 What is the another name of Back to Back LC? Counter LC.
47 How many days defered can be Back to Back LC? 180 Days
48 What is the another name of Export LC? Master L/C/ Mother L/C
49 When a B/L covers different mode of transport say
ship, train, truck etc. is called Multimodal B/L
50 What is Clean B/L? The B/L which does not indicate any
defective condition of the goods.
51 For what types of bills need acceptance? Usance Bill
52 what is Bill? Documentary claims for payment.

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53 Value date means Date of settlement
54 IMP means Import Form
55 EXP means Export Form
56 In case of short shipment, which documents are Short shipment certificate.
needed from exporter?
57 What is the validity of LCAF for opening LC? 150 days
58 Declaration of import price more than the actual price Over Invoicing
is known as
59 Declaration of import price less than the actual price Under Invoicing
is known as
60 Over invoicing is done To pass foreign currency abroad.
61 Under invoicing is done To avoid Tax
52 Bid rate means Buying Rate
63 Offered rate means Selling Rate
64 Rate applies for sale of foreign currencies for private T.T. & OD
remittance is
65 This rate applies to sale foreign currencies for B.C Rate
payment of import bills is
66 This rate applies to purchase or negotiate sight export OD (Sight- Export)
bills is
67 The bank that advises the credit at the request of the Advising Bank
issuing bank is known as
68 The bank that issues a credit at the request of an Issuing Bank
applicant is known as
69 The bank that adds its confirmation to a credit upon Confirming bank
the issuing banks authorization or request is known
70 The bank with which the credit is available is known Nominated Bank
71 The purchase by the nominated bank of drafts or Negotiation
documents is known as
72 The bank acting as agent of the issuing bank and Re imbursement Bank.
authorized to make payment is known as
73 The bank who transfer the transferable credit to the Transferring Bank
second beneficiary at the request of first beneficiary
is termed as
74 How many days for presentation of documents if not 21 days
mention anything in LC?

3RD Version MCQ

01. Last amendment of Artha Rin Adalat Ain -2003?
a. 2004 b.2005 c.2012 d. 2010
02. How many days’ execution suit must be filed decree under section 28(1)?
a.180 b.130 c.145 d.189
03. How many sections of Artha Rin Adalat-2003?
a.71 b.45 c.60 d.95
04.What are main objectives of Artha Rin Adalat-2003?
a Suits and relating to recovery of lending b. Control Management
b. Functions of Finance D. Executions of Time

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05. Which act is Civil Procedure Code Act?
a limitations act-1908. b. Company 1994 c. Artha Rin Act 2003. d. Contract Act-1872
06. Why section 12 of Artha Rin Adalat Ain-2003 is important for Bank and Financial
a. Empowered to sale the mortgage property without intervention of court before
filing suit.
b. Empowered to sale the goods. C. Control suits d. Control the civil act.
07. What are the time limit of Execution suit and Appeal?
A.30-60 b.40-45 c.50-60 d.75-80
08.What are the main objectives of under section 33(5)?
a Bank is empowered to sale and takeover position right b. Bank is become owner of
the property. c. to be obtained registered Mortgage. C. Empowered to sale the good
09.What are the main objectives of under section 33(7)?
a Bank is empowered to sale and takeover position right b. Bank is become owner of the
property. c. to be obtained registered Mortgage. C. Empowered to sale the goods
10.The documentation must be:
a. Duly stamped b. Not to be stamped
c. Some documents are to be stamped d. None of the above
11.The documents executed by the borrower should be recorded:
a. Safe-in-safe-out register b. In the file
c. None of the above d. In the drawer
12.To obtain Nominee in opening account is-
a. Regulatory obligation b. Statutory obligation
c. Contractual obligation d. All of the above
13.The basis of legal relation between banker and customer is-
a. Account opening b. Agreement
c. Both a & b c. Contract
14. Objective of KYC is....
a. To ensure appropriate customer identification
b) To monitor transactions of suspicious nature
c) To ensure that he/she would not deceive the bank
d) Only (a) & (b)
15.How long a bank branch is required to preserve the information of a closed account?
a) 1 year b) 5 years
c) 2 years d) 10 years
16. Depositor is the:
a. Owner of the bank b. Stakeholder of the bank
c. Promoters of the Bank d. None of the above
17.Which is not mandatory for opening of account?
a. Suspicious transaction report b. Cash transactions report
c. KYC & TP d. Both (a) & (b)
18.Which is not the element of a contract?
a. Free consent b. Offer and Acceptance
c. Consideration D. Execution
19.Banker- customer relationship is based on:
a. companies Act, 1994 b. Contract Act, 1872
c. bank Company Act, 1991
20. How long a bank branch is required to preserve the information of a closed account?

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a) 1-year b) 5 years c) 2 years d) 10 years
21. Garnishee order is issued by...
a. Police Officer b. National board of revenue
c. Court of law d. C.I.D
22.Which of the following person cannot open an account in the bank?
a. An adult b. Lunatic c. Solvent d. Minor with guardian
23. In case of death of an accountholder under special instruction "either or survivor":
a. The account shall be closed b. The survivor of the account shall be paid only once
c. All of the above d. None of the above.
24. A minor's account along with guardian will be closed when the minor will attain at the age
a. 18 years b. 20 years
c. 21 years d. Either (a) or (c)
25. In case of opening account of a minor, date of birth -
a. may be required b. is not necessary
c. must be inquired d. Either (a) or (c)
26. Photo of the nominee of an account should be -
a. verified by account holder b. verified by introducer
c. attested by introducer d. attested by account holder
27. How many sections are there in negotiable instrument act?
a.138 b. 146 c.141 d. 148
28.Who cannot be a nominee in the following in case of a deposit account
a. Male minor b. Female Minor
c. Married woman d. All of them can be a nominee
29. Who can open a current account?
a. Executors b. Administrator
c. Trusts d. All the above
30.Nomination is available in
a. Individual A/c b. Proprietorship concern
c. Partnership firm d. Not to accept
31.In which of the following accounts the interest rate is regulated by BB
a. Fixed deposit b. Savings account
c. Time deposit d. None of the above
32._______ is a deposit account provided by a bank or other financial institutions for
individuals to save money and earn the modest interest for that money held in the account.
a. Fixed Deposit Account b. Savings Bank Account
c. Recurring Account d. Current Account
33 __________ is a deposit of money that has a fixed time and pays higher interest than a SB
a. Fixed Deposit Account b. Savings Bank Account
c. Recurring Account d. Current Account
34.Fixed Deposit can
a) not be withdrawn before maturity b) paid only after maturity
c) withdrawn before maturity d) All of above
35. Who can open bank account?
a) Bangladeshi citizen b) Non Resident Bangladeshi
c) Illiterate d) All of above
36. The most undesirable customer is -
a. An unregistered firm b. A minor

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c. A married woman d. An undercharged bankrupt
37.Which one is not funded credit?
a) Term Loan b) LIM c) Documentary credit d) Packing Credit
38. Malpractice is:
a. Criminal professional conduct b. Unethical conduct of the professional
c. Both (a)and(b) d. None of the above

39. Which of the following is the lender's resource related law?

a) Contract act, 1872 b) Bank Company act, 1991
c) Artha rin adalat ain, 2003 d) All of these
40 General provisioning requirement for off-balance sheet item isa)
a) 5.00% of limit b) 0.50% of limit
c) 1.00% of limit d) 0.15% of limit
41. Which one is not the irregularities in case of approving loans and advances?
a) Over or under invoicing b) Inadequate security stipulation
c) Under influence d) Estimation of the cost of the project and means of finance.
42.Which of the following is non funded credit
a) CC Pledge b) Bill purchase and discounting
c) Letter of credit d) Both (b) & (c)
43. Loan will be classified as doubtful if
a) There is a negative net worth & working capital b) Uncertain collateral coverage
c) Full recovery depends upon likely events d) All of the above
44.What is the maximum amount of stamp duty payable on a Demand Promissory Note
a) 5 Taka b) 50 Taka c) 20 Taka d) 100 Taka
45. In case of selection of borrower, the basis of requirement:
a.5c b.3c c. 4c d. 6c
46. The reporting formal for loan classification of demand loan is:
a. CL-1 b. CL-2 c. CL-3 d. CL-4
47. For timely recovery of loan we need to ensure:
a. Effective monitoring of the loan. b. proper documentation against the loan.
c. None of the above d. Both (a) & (b)
48. If any loan or advance is classified as SS and DF, interest accrued on such loan will be
credited in:
a. Income account b. Suspense account c. Interest suspense account d. None of
the above
49. If any loan or advance is classified as BL, interest accrued on such loan will be credited in:
a. Income account b. Suspense account c. Interest Memo account d. None of
the above
50. The main objective of the supervisory process is to evaluate the overall ____________ and
______________ of a banking organization.
A. Safety and soundness B. Security and liability C. Investments and risk D. Diversity and
51 Bank employees who are responsible for supervision and regulation of banks are called
A. Regulators B. Examiners C. Auditors D. Assessors
50. Defaulter of loan means
a) Not paying loan installments b) Bad reputation c) Illegal activities d) None of above
51. Impressed stamps are impressed or engrossed on the following:

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a. Sale-deed b. Mortgage-deed c. Letter of guarantee d. None of the above
52. In case of Hypothecation, the following documents are required:
a. Letter of pledge b. Letter of Hypothecation
c. None of the above d. Any one of the above
53. In case of General Lien, the right of the creditor:
a. To retain the goods b. To sale-out the goods
c. All of the above d. Either (a) or (b)
54. The documents executed by the borrower should be recorded:
a. Safe-in-safe-out register b. In the file
c. None of the above d. In the drawer
55. The blank document should be duly:
a. Filled in b. Not to be filled in
c. None of the above d. Either (a) or (b)
56. Execution of suit is barred by limitation:
a. After 360 days b. After 120 days
c. After 150 days d. None of the above
57.Under a charge a creditor enjoys right to retain goods and securities in his possession
belonging to debtor, it is termed as:
a. Hypothecation b. Pledge
c. Lien d. Both (b) and (c)
58. Which is not the mode of charging security?
a. Mortgage b. Lien
c. Pledge d. Guarantee
59.Bank shall have to verify the genuineness of mortgage property by.
a Original title deed and mutation Khatain b. Bia deed and certified mutation khatian
c. SA and RS khatian. d. NEC
60. If a valid cheque is dishonored due to insufficient of fund, in that case bank or holder can
proceed under NI Act under section 138.
a. Legal action b. suit file c. Management file d. Artha Rin File
61. RS Porcha means:
a. Revitionel Survey b. Rotary Survey c. Re-order Survey d. Rotation Survay

62. What is the stamped duty of letter of Undertaking

a. 300 b.500 c.1000 d.9000
63. What are the different types of stamp as per stamp act 1899?
a .5 b.5 c.8 d.4
64. Mortgage is the transfer of an interest in specific:
a. Immovable properties b. Moveable properties
c. Both the above d. Either (a) & (b)
65. Which one is not the common document?
a. Letter of arrangement b. Letter of continuity
c. DP note d. Both (a) & (b)
66. Letter of continuity ensures:
a. Borrowings facility b. Time limit
c. Effectiveness of DP note d. Both (b) and (c)
67. Mortgage is the transfer of an interest in specific:
a. Immovable properties b. Moveable properties
c. Both the above d. Either (a) & (b)

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68. In Hypothecation control over the good is lying with:
a. The Banker b. The Borrower
c. None of the above d. Either (a) & (b)
69 In pledge control over the goods are at disposal of:
a. The Borrower b. The Banker
c. None of the above d. Either (a) & (b)
70. Personal Guarantee must be obtained in the:
a. personal capacity of the borrower b. Under common seal
c. None of the above d. Any one of the above
71. The signature in the charge document should be verified:
a. In link b. In pencil
c. None of the above d. Either (a) & (b)
72. Documentation covers the following objectives:
a. Acknowledgement of debt b. Registration
c. Both of the above d. None of the above
73. The actual possession of the mortgaged property is with the:
a. Mortgagor b. Banker
c. None of the above d. Mortgagee
74. The documentation must be:
a. Duly stamped b. Not to be stamped
c. Some documents are to be stamped d. None of the above
75 What are the stamped duty of Demand promissory note?
a.Tk 50 b.Tk 40 c.Tk 90 d. Tk 100
76. What is the ways of transfer as per transfer property act 1882?
a. By sale b. by court c. financial institute d. by control
77. Last amendment of Artha Rin Adalat Ain -2003?
c. 2004 b.2005 c.2012 d. 2010
78. How many days’ execution suit must be filed decree under section 28(1)?
a.365 b.130 c.145 d.189
79.How many sections of Artha Rin Adalat-2003?
a.71 b.45 c.60 d.95
80. What are main objectives of Registration Act-1908?
a. Mortgage and Registration b. Insufficient of fund c. Functions of Finance d. Executions of
81. Which act is Civil Procedure Code Act?
a limitations act-1908. b. Company 1994 c. Artha Rin Act 2003. d. Contract Act-1872
82. Why section 12 of Artha Rin Adalat Ain-2003 is important for Bank and Financial
a) Empowered to sale the mortgage property without intervention of court before
filing suit.
b. Empowered to sale the goods. C. Control suits d. Control the civil act.
83.Which reason proceeds legal action under NI Act?
a. Insufficient of fund b. Functions of Finance C. Executions of Time
84. What are the main objectives of under section 33(5)?
a Bank is empowered to sale and takeover position right b. Bank is become owner of
the property. c. to be obtained registered Mortgage. C. Empowered to sale the goods
85.What are the main objectives of under section 33(7)?
a Bank is empowered to sale and takeover position right b. Bank is become owner of the
property. C. to be obtained registered Mortgage. C. Empowered to sale the goods

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86. IGPA Means:
a. Duly stamped b. Not to be stamped
c. Irrevocable General Power of Attorney d. None of the above
87. The documents executed by the borrower should be recorded:
a. Safe-in-safe-out register b. In the file
c. None of the above d. In the drawer
88. Letter of continuity ensures:
a. Borrowings facility b. Time limit
c. Effectiveness of DP noted. D) Both (b) and (c)
89. Personal Guarantee must be obtained in the:
a. personal capacity of the borrower b. Under common seal
c. None of the above d. Any one of the above
90.The signature in the charge document should be verified:
a. In link b. In pencil
c. None of the above d. Either (a) & (b)
91. Documentation covers the following objectives:
a. Acknowledgement of debt b. Registration
c. Both of the above d. None of the above
92. The actual possession of the mortgaged property is with the:
a. Mortgagor b. Banker
c. None of the above d. Mortgagee
93. The documentation must be:
a. Duly stamped b. Not to be stamped
c. Some documents are to be stamped d. None of the above
94. Which one is the element of Internal Control?
a. Top level review b. Segregation of duties
c. Risk assessment d. Approval & authorization
95. Which one is the type of control activities?
a. Information & communication b. Control culture
c. Approval & authorization d. Review of accounting
96. Which one are the elements of internal control?
a. Information & communication b. Control structure
c. Verification & Reconciliation d. Organizational structure
97. There are _____ objectives of internal control
a. 2 b.3 c. 4 d. 5
98. Lack of KYC is subject to the following risk
a. Reputation Risk b. Operational Risk
c. Legal Risk d. All
99. A branch much preserves cash in vault depending on
a. Counter limit b. Safe limit
c. Transit limit d. Transaction limit
100. One of the factors of internal control environment
a. Policy guidelines b. Organizational structure
c Internal control process d. None of the above
101. Which one is the characteristic of External Fraudster?
a. Articulate b. Hard working
c. Intelligent & Inquisitive d. Knows the procedure well
102.Which one is not associated with fraud?

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a. Deception b Concealment
c. Promise d. Unethical conduct

103. Which one is not included in financial crimes?

a. Cheque fraud b. Credit card fraud
c. Over invoicing for purchasing an office d. Purchase of personal luxury items
104. Impressed stamps are impressed or engrossed on the following:
a. Sale-deed b. Mortgage-deed
c. Letter of guarantee d. None of the above
105. In case of Hypothecation, the following documents are required:
a. Letter of pledge b. Letter of Hypothecation
c. None of the above d. Any one of the above
106. In case of General Lien, the right of the creditor:
a. To retain the goods b. To sale-out the goods
c. All of the above d. Either (a) or (b)
107. The documents executed by the borrower should be recorded:
a. Safe-in-safe-out register b. In the file
c. None of the above d. In the drawer
108. The blank document should be duly:
a. Filled in b. Not to be filled in
c. None of the above d. Either (a) or (b)
109. Execution of suit is barred by limitation:
a. After 360 days b. After 120 days
c. After 150 days d. None of the above
110. Under a charge a creditor enjoys right to retain goods and securities in his possession
belonging to debtor, it is termed as:
a. Hypothecation b. Pledge
c. Lien d. Both (b) and (c)
111. Which is not the mode of charging security?
a. Mortgage b. Lien
c. Pledge d. Guarantee
112. What is the stamped duty of letter of Undertaking
a. 300 b.500 c.1000 d.9000
113. To obtain Nominee in opening account is-
a. Regulatory obligation b. Statutory obligation
c. Contractual obligation d. All of the above
114. The basis of legal relation between banker and customer is-
a. Account opening b. Agreement
c. Both a & b c. Contract
115. How long a bank branch is required to preserve the information of a closed account?
a) 1 year b) 5 years c) 2 years d) 10 years
116. Depositor is the:
a. Owner of the bank b. Stakeholder of the bank
c. Promoters of the Bank d. None of the above
117. Which is not mandatory for opening of account?
a. Suspicious transaction report b. Cash transactions report

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c. KYC & TP d. Both (a) & (b)
118. Which is not the element of a contract?
a. Free consent b. Offer and Acceptance
c. Consideration D. Execution
119.Banker- customer relationship is based on:
a. companies Act, 1994 b. Contract Act, 1872
c. bank Company Act, 1991
120. How long a bank branch is required to preserve the information of a closed account?
a) 1 year b) 5 years c) 2 years d) 10 years
121. In case of death of an accountholder under special instruction "either or survivor":
a. The account shall be closed b. The survivor of the account shall be paid only once
c. All of the above d. None of the above.
122. A minor's account along with guardian will be closed when the minor will attain at the
age of
a. 18 years b. 20 years
c. 21 years d. Either (a) or (c)

123. In case of opening account of a minor, date of birth -

a. may be required b. is not necessary
c. must be inquired d. Either (a) or (c)
124. Photo of the nominee of an account should be -
a. verified by account holder b. verified by introducer
c. attested by introducer d. attested by account holder
125. Who cannot be a nominee in the following in case of a deposit account
a. Male minor b. Female Minor
c. Married woman d. All of them can be a nominee
126. Who can open a current account?
a. Executors b. Administrator
c. Trusts d. All the above
127. The most undesirable customer is -
a. An unregistered firm b. A minor
c. A married woman d. An undercharged bankrupt
128. What is the meaning of FATCA?
a. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) b. Tax Compliance Act on Foreign
Account (FATCA)
c. Foreign Person Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) d. Foreigner’s Account Tax Compliance

129. If E-TIN Certificate is provided by Account Holder to the Bank, Tax will be deducted from
Interest of Principal Amount of his/her A/C -
a. 15% b. 12% c. 10% d.20%

130. The title of account will be as –

a. abc (minor), Mr./Ms. XYZ (nominee) b. abc (guardian), Mr./Ms. XYZ (minor)
c. abc (guardian), Mr./Ms. XYZ (nominee) d. abc (minor), Mr./Ms. XYZ (guardian)

131. Illiterate person may be open an account by putting his/her thumb impression –
(a) Left-hand thumb impression by female and Right-hand thumb impression by male

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(b) Left-hand thumb impression by male and female
(c) Right -hand thumb impression by male and female
(d) Left-hand thumb impression by male and Right-hand thumb impression by female

132. Branches should not allow the Illiterate clients to do transaction through –
(a) Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) b) Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
c) Debit / Credit. d) Above all.

133.Accounts in which no operation either deposit or withdrawal takes place for a period of
…………………………………………..should be treated as ‘DORMANT’ account after Inoperative.
(a) 06 months for CD & SND account, and 18 months for SB account
(b) 02 months for CD & SND account, and 04 months for SB account
(c) 04 months for CD & SND account, and 08 months for SB account
(d) 05 months for CD & SND account, and 10 months for SB account

134. Succession Certificate issued by the –

(a) Ward Commissioner b. Court c. Police d. hospital

135. An account is considered as…………………….., when a 3rd party illegally access and
manipulate the account with an intention to make future illegal transactions.
(a) Hacked account b) Saving account c) Special Notice Deposit account d) Illiterate account

136.An Account, barred by order from Court / NBR / Income Tax Authority or any other
Competent Authority against any Deposit or Withdrawal by the customer, is called –
(a) Current Account b) Deceased Account c) Minor Account d) Freeze Account
137. ………………….. is also known as ‘Time Liabilities’ or ‘Term Deposits’.
(a) FDR b) Shanchay Patra c) Trust Smart Savers Scheme (TSSS)
(b) Trust Assurance Deposit Scheme (TADS)

138.On completing the formalities regarding final settlement of Deceased account, payment
must be made to the beneficiary through –
(a) Current Account b) Saving Account c) Payment Order d) Transfer

139. In executing the standing instructions, there exists a relationship of-

a) Debtor & creditor b) Trustee & beneficiary c) Bailee & Bailor d) Agent & Principal

140. Stop payment instruction of a cheque can be given by-

a. Any payee of the cheque b. Any endorser of the cheque
c. Only drawer of the cheque d. All of the above

141. The paying banker can get protection for a materially altered cheque provided:
a. The alteration is not apparent
b. He makes payment in due course
c. The alteration is immaterial
d. Both (a) & (b)

142. A customer has issued a cheque where the date of which is already passed such cheque is
a) Stale cheque b) Post dated cheque

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c) Crossed cheque d) Ante dated cheque

143. How long a bank branch is required to preserve the information of a closed account?
a) 1-year b) years c) 2 years d) 10 years

144. Which of the following method is faster for Inter Bank Fund Transfer?
a. EFT b. RTGS c. BACH d. None of the Above

145. In MICR line Which codes are used?

a) Cheque serial number b. Bank’s routing numbers
C. Account number d. All of the Above

146.Minimum transaction amount using RTGS for fund transfer is

a. 5000 b. Any amount c. 100000 d. 1000000

147. Which one is true in case of RTGS Fund Transfer?

a. Customer can transfer fund after 5 pm
b. Customer cannot transfer amount which is more than 100 core
c. Transaction time period is 10 am to 4 pm
d. None of the Above

148. Clearing House is a mechanism for settlement of interbank claims of the following:
a. Call money b.) Share transfer c.) Treasury bond sells d.) negotiable instrument
149. Automated Clearing house is primarily based on:
a. Physical movement of cheques b.) Micr code line in cheques c.) interbank
d) image exchange through computer software
150. Cheque truncation means:
a.) End of physical movement of cheques b.) sending cheques to other banks through sub-
staff c.) writing cheque data in a paper d.) cheque cancellation

151. Routing number does not represent one of the following items:
a.) Bank code b.) Branch code c.) Swift code d.) District code e.) Check digit

152. MICR code line does not include one of the following items:
a.) Cheque serial number b.) employee id number c.) bank & branch routing number
d.) account number e.) transaction code number
153. The main advantage of automated cheque clearing through BACH is:
a.) using technology instead of manpower b.) central archive at Bangladesh Bank c.)
greater dependency on Bangladesh Bank d.) less time consuming
154. Net settlement report indicates a bank’s following position in a particular business day:
a.) profitability b.) balance with other banks c.) liquidity d.) L/C commission
155. Positive Pay instruction from the Client is NOT mandatory in which of the following
a.) Inward Clearing Cheques for all corporate & proprietorship a/c’s: Tk.01(one) lac &
above b.) Inward Clearing Cheques Individual a/c’s: Tk.05(five) lac & above c.) cheque
presented at the cash counter by the client
156. Branch need to deduct service charge from the client in case of:

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a.) Outward Clearing cheques b.) Inward Clearing cheques c.) EFTN credit/debit
157. What are negotiable instruments?
a) Promissory Note, Bill of Exchange & Taka
b) Promissory Note, Bill of Exchange & cheque
c) Promissory Note, FDR & cheque

159. What is not the feature of Promissory Note?

a) This is a conditional promise
b) The maker of this instrument will pay the promised amount
c) There is no need for acceptance

160. What is not the feature of cheque?

a) This is a written order given to the Bank
b) This is always drawn on Bank
c) Acceptance is required

161. Who is payee?

a) Payee is the person who receives the payment
b) Payee is the person who pay the payment
c) Payee is the person who makes the instrument

162. Who is holder?

a) Holder is the person who holds the instrument
b) Holder is the person who lawfully holds the instrument
c) Holder is the person who holds the value of the instrument

163. How minor endorse negotiable instrument?

a) Without binding himself
b) Through binding himself
c) Not in written

164. What is the feature of cross cheque?

a) Two parallel transverse line on its face
b) Two parallel transverse line on its back
c) Both the above

165. What is feature of specially crossed cheque?

a) Payment has to be made through Bank
b) Bank receives the crossed cheque for clearing
c) Bothe the above

166. What is blank endorsement?

a) Blank endorsement bears signature
b) Blank endorsement bears name
c) Bothe the above

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167. What is the Meaning of DBR?
a. Debt Bearing Ratio c. Debt & Burden Relation
b. Debt Burden Ratio d. Debt of Burden Ratio

168. What should be the minimum business experience for a business man for Personal Loan?
a. 2 years b. 1 year c. 5 years d. 3 years

169. What is the current Rate of Interest for Apon Nibash Loan?
a. 10.00% b. 9.00% c. 12.00% d. 13.00%

170. Which of the following document is mandatory for all Retail Loan Application?
a. Passport b. Pay Slip c. Bank Statement d. Work Order

171. In how many years you can double your deposit in Trust Bank?
a. 7 Years b. 8 Years c. 9 Years d. 10 Years

172. Who can open Trust Porua account?

a. Teachers b. Engineers c. Students d. Doctors
173. What is the age limit to open Trust Porua account?
a. Students age upto 18 years b. 5 – 28 years c. 10 – 28 years d. 10 –
22 year

174. What is the special document needed to open Trust Porua Account?
a. National ID Card copy
b. Passport copy
c. Photograph
d. Student ID card copy

175. Which one is true

a. Cancellation of the cheques above Tk,15000.00 by Head Teller/Cash In-Charge
b. Cancellation of the cheques below Tk,25000.00 by Head Teller/Cash In-Charge
c. Cancellation of the cheques above Tk,25000.00 by Head Teller/Cash In-Charge
d. Cancellation of the any amount of cheques by Head Teller/Cash In-Charge
176. In which note we found Iridescent Stripe?
a. 100 Taka Note b) 200 Taka Note c) 500 Taka Note d) 1000 Taka Note
177. A note which is burnt or having sign of burn partially or wholly is called-
a. Altered note b. Damp note c. Deformed noted. D. Charred note

178. How many standards are provided by the FATF for AML & CFT?
a. 35 b. 49 c. 38 d. 42

179. Guarantor is liable only when-

a. The principal debtor has defaulted to pay
b. The creditor has exhausted his remedy against the principal debtor
c. The guarantor is called upon to pay on default by the principal debtor
d. After the expiry of the limitation period of guarantee

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180. A bank is unable to pay its short term deposits because the bank's funds are blocked in
long term investments. The risk derived in this case is known as-
a. Market risk b. Operational risk c. Liquidity risk d. Interest rate risk

181. Ability of an organization to pay off the current obligations is measured by-
a. Coverage ratio b. Activity ratio c. Liquidity ratio d. Growth ratio
182. How many sections mentioned in Money Laundering Prevention Act, 2012?
a) 25 b) 29 c) 31 d) 35
183. Which predicate offence is not related to money laundering?
a) Bribe b) Borrowing c) Dowry d) Corruption
184. Which is suspicious transaction?
a) Differ from Normal Transaction b) Transaction that seems source of fund is illegal
c) Funding to Terrorism d) All of the above
185. Punishment for intentionally placing wrong information about a Customer-
a) 2 yrs imprisonment b) 3 yrs imprisonment c) 4 yrs imprisonment d) 5 yrs
186. Administrative action cannot be taken under MLP Act, 2012, if the accused person/entity-
a) Becomes an apprentice b) Performs task with good faith and due diligence
c) Performs task without understanding d) Convicts the guilty
187. As per MLP Act, 2012 Bangladesh Bank can instruct to Freeze an account for maximum-
a) 30 days b) 60 days c) 90 days d) 180 days e) 210 days
188. Which documents is not a proof of verification of account holder’s address –
a) Utility Bill b) Thanks Letter c) Customer Declaration e) Physical verification
189. Who is not an Influential Person as per BFIU Circular-
a) Defense Personnel equivalent to Brig. Gen. and above b) Member of Parliament
c) District Judge d) Actors
190. Which documents should have preserved for walk-in customers: -
a) NID b) Credit Card c) A & B d) None of them.
191. CDD stands for-
a) Customer Due Diligence b) Consumer Due Diligence
c) Computer Due Diligence d) All of the above
192. Transaction Profile must be reviewed for a customer as per BFIU Circular 26-
a) After 6/12 months of opening an account b) After 24/36 months after opening
an account
c) Any time depend on transaction in a account d) All of the above
193. What is minimum password length of Trust Bank Domain (tblbd Domain)
A. 6 B. 8 C. 10 D. 12
194. What is external Threat?
A. Carelessness B. Hacker
C. Internal Employee D. Disgruntled Ex-Employees
195. Default limit (per day) for ATM Transaction, by Debit Card is:
a. 50000.00 b. 35000.00 c. 100000.00 d.25000.00
196. Under the BASEL-II framework market discipline falls under which of the following pillar?
a. Pillar-I b. Pillar-II

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c. Pillar-III d. None of the above

197. Which one is not the irregularities in case of approving loans and advances?
a. Over or under invoicing b. Inadequate security stipulation
c. Under influence d. Estimation of the cost of the project and means of finance

198. Which one of the following is not true?

a) At present CRR is 6.5% b) All banks are to maintain SLR @ of 13%
c) At present bank rate is 5% d) Call money is not always fixed

199. Which of the following is non funded credit

a. CC Pledge b)Bill purchase and discounting
c)Letter of credit d) Both (b) & (c)

200.A branch must be preserve cash in vault depending on

a) Counter Limit. B. Safe Limit c. Transit Limit d. Transaction Limit
201. Credit investigation includes-
a. Collection & analysis of information b. Making of recommendation/decision
c. Credit review & monitoring d. Both (a) & (b)
202.An exporter sells goods overseas on FOB and CIF Inco terms respectively. Who is
responsible for the freight and other charges in each?
a. Importer (FOB)/Exporter (CIF) b. Importer (FOB)/ Importer (CIF)
c. Exporter (FOB)/ Importer (CIF) d. Exporter (FOB)/ Exporter (CIF)
203. Basic Equation of Accounting is
a) Asset=Liability + Owner’s Equity b) Asset=Liability - Owner’s Equity
b) Liability = Asset + Owner’s Equity c) Owner’s Equity =Liability – Asset
204. Human resources of an organization is
a) Liability b) Asset c) Equity d) Investment
205. Revenue is
a) Asset b) Owner’s Equity c) Liability d) No of above
206. Which one is the current asset?
A. Customer Deposits b) Borrowing from other Banks c) Cash in hand d) Paid up Capital
207. Full form of OBS item is
A. Off-Balance Sheet items B) Other Balance Sheet items C) Outside the books items
B. Other balance score
208. Profit and Loss Account also called as
A. Income statement b) Expenditure summary c) Income details d) Other statements
209. BRPD stand for
A. Banking Regulation & Policy Department b) Banking Rules & Policy Department
C) Banking Report & Policy Department d) Banking Regulation & Public Department
210. What is the feature of cross cheque?
a) Two parallel transverse line on it’s face
b) Two parallel transverse line on its back C) Both the above

211. What is feature of specially crossed cheque?

a) Payment has to be made through Bank
b) Bank receives the crossed cheque for clearing C) Bothe the above

212.What is blank endorsement?

a) Blank endorsement bears signature

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b) Blank endorsement bears name C) Bothe the above

213. A cheque is ___________

a) A bill of Exchange b) Payable on demand c) A negotiable instrument
b) All of above

214. Which is not a feature of cheque?

a. Drawer’s sign b) Payable on demand
c) Drawn on a specific banker d) Must have two transverse parallel lines

215. Which is not a party of a cheque?

a. Bill of exchange b) Payee c) Holder d) Bank

216. Which are the kinds of Endorsement?

a. Partial b) Special c) a & b both d) none of the above

217. Features of Crossing in a cheque ________

a) An instruction to the banker b) Must be paid through account
c) Should not be paid over the counter d) All of the above

218. Under Mudaraba Principle, the capital provider is called

a. Sahib-Al-Maal b.Rab-al-Maal c. Capital provider d. all of them
219. Under Mudaraba Principle, the user of the capital is called
a. Mudarib b. Manager c. Agent d. all of them
220. Islamic Banks uses __________ mechanism for Profit Distribution in Bangladesh.
a. one b. two c. three 4. four
221.Hire Purchase under Shirkatul Melk (HPSM) falls under what type of Islamic investment?
a. Buying and Selling based b. Equity participation based
c. Rental based d. Other
222.Source of Shariah is
a. Holy Quran b. Sunnah c. Ijma 4. All of them
223. Islamic Banking is a banking system based on Islamic principles or Shariah of
a. profit and loss sharing b. risk sharing
c. investing in products/ service halal in Islam d. all of above
224.Islamic Banking believes “Interest” is ___________ and depressive for society.
a. helpful b. harmful c. obliging d. useful
225. Which one is Islamic Security Investment /Bond under Islamic Modes of Investment?
a. Quard b. HPSM c. Sukuk d. Musharaka
226. Profit sharing ratio to be declared at the ___________ of the year.
a. beginning b. middle c. end d. any time
227. Which one is not a stage of Money Laundering?
a. Placement b. Structuring c. Layering d. Integration
228. Which one is not a Predicate Offence -
a. Gift b. Fraud c. Dowry d. Extortion
229.Punishment for Non-Cooperation is following:
a. Imprisonment Up To 1 Year b. Cancellation of Banking License
c. Fine Up To Taka 25 Thousand d. Both a &c
230. Terrorist Financing Favors Which Of The Following System?
a. Formal Financial System b. Cash Couriers
c. Both d. None

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231. Which one is the highest provision for an order of “Suspend or Freeze transactions of any
account” as per MLP Act, 2012?
a. Period of 30 days b. Period of 30 days, maximum 3 months
c. Period of 30 days each & d. Period not exceeding 30 days
Maximum 7 times
232.Before issuing or certifyng an EXP form, Ads should ensure that the exporter is registered
a) CCI&E b) EPB c) EPZ d)ICC

233. The EXP forms are in ______sets.

a) 4 b) 5 c) 2 d) 3

234. Ads shall retain second original copy of EXP form with them for record and eventual
inspection for a period of
a) 4 Years b) 5 Years c) 3 Years d) 6 Years

235. Which are export documents-

a) Commercial Invoice b) Transport document c) Insurance document d) All of the above

236. Which one is general discrepancy?

a) Invoice is not addressed to the importer b) Late Shipment
b) LC number not mentioned on bill of exchange d) Bill of loading is not clean
237 ____________________means a presentation that is in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the credit, the applicable provisions of these rules and International Standard
Banking Practice.
a) Timely Presentation b) Complying Presentation
c) Normal Presentation d) None of the above
238. Unless specific approval is obtained from Bangladesh Bank, the entire export proceeds in
case of both physical and non-physical export, must be repatriated within ________ months of
shipment date as usual
a) 5 (Five) b) 3 (Three) c) 4 (Four) d) 2 (Two)
239. Under documentary collection bank monitor the release of documents and payment in
accordance with international rules on collection (URC-522)
a) UCP-600 b) URC-522 c) URDG-758
240. Who can open RFCD A/C?
a. Bangladeshi National Local Resident b. Bangladeshi National residing abroad c.
Joint Venture Company d. All of the above
241. How many Foreign Currencies can be endorsed for a traveler in a calendar year for SAARC
countries and Myanmar?
a. USD 1500 b. USD 2000 c. USD 12000 d. USD 7000
242. How many Foreign Currencies can be endorsed in the form of cash USD for a traveler at
per instance?
a. USD 2000 b. USD 2500 c. USD 5000 d. USD 7000
243. Who can open NFCD A/C?
a. Bangladeshi National Local Resident b. Bangladeshi National residing abroad c.
Joint venture Company d. Both (a) and (b)
244. How many days can an incoming passenger (Bangladeshi Resident) retain foreign
currency in excess of USD 10,000 after returning from abroad?
a. 30 days b. 60 days c. 90 days d. None of the above

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245. Within how many weeks after the endorsement the journey must be incurred:
a. Two weeks b. Four weeks c. Three weeks d. None of the above
246. How many days can an incoming passenger (Non Resident) retain foreign currency in
excess of USD 10,000 after returning from abroad?
a. Two weeks b. Four weeks c. Three weeks d. None of the above
247. For opening LC, bankers must do the following except:
a. Deals with known customer b. Collect LC Authorization Form
c. Use correct HS Code d. Contact with the seller.
248. In Open Account, goods are available to the buyer:
a. At the time of payment. b. After payment. c. Before payment. d. Never.
249. Which is not a general claws of sales purchase contract:
a. Quality and Quantity. b. Pre-shipment inspection.
c. Price and payment. d. Name of the LC opening Bank.
250. The relevant authenticated copy of the customs Bill of Entry must be submitted within:
a. 4 Months b. 6 Months c. 15 Days d. 07 Days.
251. Bankers match the Bill of Entry with:
a. EXP b. Bill of Lading c. IPO d. IMP.
251. In documentary Collection, the primary responsibility of the bank is to:
a. Collect payment. b. Examine document.
c. Provide Guarantee. d. Provide Financing.
252. LC is a commitment by a bank on behalf of:
a. The Buyer. b. The Seller. c. Another Bank. d. The Government.
253. What is the meaning of Incoterm CIF?
A. Carriage, insurance and freight b) Cost, insurance and freight
c) Cost including freight d) Charges, insurance & freight
254. HS Code stands for
A. Harmonized Sector Code b) Harmonized Service Code
c) Harmonized System Code d) None of the above

255. A Current Account is opened at the branch. The opening form bears the signature
of another valued customer of the bank, the branch should -
a) Require the introducer to sign the opening form in the branch
b) telephone and confirm that the introducer is genuine.
Send a thanks giving letter to the introducer.
d) Send the A/C opening form by post to the introducer and ask him to sign again
and return.
2. Pay ords issued be the banker for —
a) Local payment.
b) Inter - district payments.
c) Foreign paymen

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3. A transaction in which the bank receives foreign exchange from the customer and
pays im in local currency is a —
Purchase transaction
b) Sale transaction
c) Direct transaction
d) Indirect transaction.
4. By shipping documents, we mean -
a) All documents along with L/C
b) All cuments evidencing L/C conditions
c) documents issued by shipping agencies All
of the above.
5. As per UCPDC, unless specifically authorized in the Letter of Credit, a bank
will not accept-
a) Through bill of lading
b) Short form of bill of lading
C ill of lading indicating that goods will be transshipped on route.
Charter party of lading.
6. The minimum period after which a account holder becomes eligible to
introduce person to open an account in the bank is —
a) 06 months
b) One year
c) Three years
d) uch stipulation.
7. The bank finds that a customer issues cheques frequently without maintaining
proper balance in the account. If the bank desires to close the account —
W I t should give proper notice to the customer and close the account
b) It may close the account immediately and remit the balance by cheque to
the customer.
c) It may freeze the account and file a suit against the customer
d) It may levy incidental charges, but cannot close the account.
8. Transf Letter of Credit can be transferred —
b) Twice
c) Thrice
d) Any Nos. of time.
9. On default of the borrower, the banker, under Pledge, can sell pledge goods-
a) I iately
After issuing notice to the default borrower
c) After obtaining court order
d) None of the above.
10. An “Open Letter of Credit” is one -
a) hich can be made use of be any exporter
b Which places no restriction on the amount available.
Which contains an open invitation to any bank to negotiate documents

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b Minor's Account
) Public Limited Account
d) NRB Account.
42. How many prudential regulations under Small Enterprise Financing-?

c) 15
d) 20
43. Is a lic limited company can obtain SME loan —
b) Yes
c) Variable
d) None of these
44. Maximum clean loan can be allowed under Women Entrepreneur Loan
category -
a) 3.00 Lac
b) 5.00 Lac
c) 15.00 Lac
25.00 Lac
45. Highest ceiling under SME Loan -
a) 15.00 Lac
b) :00 Lac
.00 La
f100.00 Lac
46. Iñ t centage of provision is required against unclassified loan under SNE

b) 2%
c) 5%
d) 10%
47. Which form is used for reporting outward remittance of Forex -
a) mC
Form TM
C) Form EXP
D) None of the above.
48. A current account cannot be opened by —
a) Employees
b) Salaried persons
c) than businessman
one of the above.
49. Introduction by the following persons is not generally accepted for opening a
Current account —
a) Staff members of the same branch
b) St members of another branch of the bank
c) saving account holder who has been well introduced A
fixed deposit holder who has no other account.

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50. A Join count between the husband and wife can be opened operable be —
Either or survivor only
b) Former or survivor only
c) Joint or survivor only
d) Any of the above.
51. Negotiability means that the instrument —
a) Can be transferred
b) Can be ansferred subject to defect in title of the holder
c) C ot be transferred
an be transferred free from defect in the title of the holder.
52. Crossing of a cheque means —
a) Canceling the cheque
b) Put the “X” mark on the cheque
drawing two parallel lines on the face of the cheque
d) Drawing two parallel lines on the back of the cheque.
53. The effect of the crossing a cheque is —
a) The payee is compelled to open a bank account.
b) The bank is to keep a separate account of such cheque paid
c) T payee will have to endorse the cheque to a bank The
payee can obtain payment only through a bank
54. The holder in due course of a cheque does not get protection form —
a) Irregularity of endorsement
Borgry of endorsement
c) Defect in the title of the previous holder
d) None of the above.
55. The clean advance is one —
a) Which is free from any defect
Which is not covered by any tangible security
c) Which is not secured by any demand promissory note
56. Generally, repayment of customer credit loans is expected from —
a) ome generated from utilizing the assets purchased
Salary or any other source of income of borrower
c) Grantor
57. In a bill of Lading, the consignee's name is mentioned as “to order”. It
means the goods will be delivered to the order of —
a) Consignor
b) ank
The consignee
d) The shipping agent.
58. Under an acceptable the L/C, the responsibility of the nominated bank is —
a) Only to accept the bill
b) gainst the bill
To accept the Bill immediately and also to pay the amount of the bill on
its due date
d) To get the acceptance of the importer of the bill.

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59. The buyer and seller are in most disadvantageous situation respectively (While
using a mode of Payment) in case of —
a) Open account and cash in advance
b} documentary collection and clean collection
c)‘Do c u me n ta r y credit and documentary collection
Cash in advance and open account.
60. The ence of a “documentary credit” system is that —
a Payment is to be made be importer
) Payment is to be made by issuing bank
c) Payment is to be made by negotiating bank
d) Both A & B
61. Confirmation of an L/C Can be done only at the request of —
a) Importer
b) porter
Importer's Bank
d) Exporter's Bank.
62. An L/C is silent regarding terms of payment. It thus includes —
a) Irrevocable L/C
B) evocable L/C
Incomplete L/C
d) None of above
63. Multimoda transport documents covers- least
a two vessels of transportation least
At two mode of transportation
c) Both A & B
d) Both A or B
64. A cle i I of lading does not incorporate —
Defective condition of the goods
b) Defective condition of the packets
c) Both A & B
d) Both A or B
65. A transferable L/C can be transferred (unless otherwise specified) —
a nly once and to only one party
Only once and two or more than one party
c) More than one time and to more than one party
d) All of the above.
66. Unless prohibited by L/C a bank can except —
a) Claused bill of lading
b) Received for shipment bill of lading
c) of lading that the carrying vessel is propelled by sail only
None of the above.
67. A state bill of lading is one —
a) Covering both land & water transport
b) ich is sent directly to the consignee
None of the above.

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68. Which ” a core party to documentary credit —
The applicant
b) Beneficiary
c) I " g Bank
Consignee ank
69. The documentary credit is very popular all over the world because it —
a) Protects interests of buyer
b) Safeguarding financial claim of seller
c) B &B
Facilitates financing
e) All of the above.
70. Unless otherwise stipulate, a commercial invoice must be made out in the nam

b) Issuing bank
c) Consignee
d) Negotiating bank
71. The currency in which payment for an import is made depends upon —
a) The country from which the goods are shipped
b) T ountry of origin of goods
The arrangement between buyer & seller
d) The bank with which the importer's bank has correspondent
72. Drawing power in a CC account is determined within sanction limit on the
Value of existing stock of goods.
b) Value of collateral securities
c) Credit needs of the borrower
d) None of the above.
73. A bank can sanction a loan to a single party up to a maximum amount of —
a) 20% of its capital
b) 15% of its capital
c) 1 o of its capital
None of the above.
74. On of the difference between OD & Cash Credit is —
a) OD is subject to limit whereas CC has no limit
b) OD is allowed on any kinds of account whereas CC is allowed on Int
OD is allowed on current account whereas CC is separate account
d) None of the above.
75. While going advances to a partnership firm without any partnership deed, bank
er to have the following documents signed by all partners —
Letter of partnership and letter of guarantee
b) Letter of partnership and letter of authority

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True /False:
 Extinguishment of right to property after 12 years. True/False
 The main objectives of Artha Rin Adalat-2003 are Suits and relating to recovery of lending. True/False.
 Exclusion of time of proceeding bona fide in court with jurisdiction. True/False.
 Dismissal of Suits before period of Limitation. True/ False
 The amount to be deposited in case of objection in execution suit has been made 10% (Instead of 25%)
in section 32. True / False.
 The court shall not publish the notice aforesaid in such a newspaper which is directed by the decree-
holder lodging a written petition before the court. (Section 30). True/False.
 The time for filing appeal in the High Court Division has been extended to 60 days. (Section 41)
 At any stage of suit, the parties can settle the dispute amicably. Under section 45. True/False.
 Certificate shall be treated as the ‘Documents of Title’. under sections 35. True/False.
 The decree-holder shall be entitled to the possession and enjoyment of the property until the
realization of full dues under section 33(5). True/False
 LOAN DOCUMENTATION" may be described as the process or technique of obtaining the relevant
charge documents and legal documents from the Borrowers. True/false.

 At present the Registration (amended) Act 2004 and the Transfer of Property (amended) Act 2004, all
types of Mortgage shall have to be registered. True/False.
 Mortgage is not an important part of the documentation. True/False.
 Four neither classied categories are nor department of environment shall take into consideration of the
site and impact on the environment. True/False.
 Govt. has promulgated this ordinance under the powers conferred by section 20 of Bangladesh
Environment Conservation Act 1995. True/false.
 This law is not applicable for area of “The Town Improvement Act - 1953 and The Building Construction
Act- 1952'. False /True.
 IGPA Means Irrevocable General Power of Attorney. True/False
 Extinguishment of right to property after 12 years. True/False
 Certificate shall be treated as the ‘Documents of Title’. under sections 32. True/False.
 Letter of indemnity for allowing waiver of obtaining insurance policy covering risk of TK 300.00.
 Letter of indemnity for allowing waiver of obtaining insurance policy covering risk of TK 300.00.
 Pari-passu Sharing Agreement stamped duty of taka 500. True /false.
 Mortgage is the transfer of the ownership of the property. True/ false.
 Stamped duty of DP note is Taka 50.00. True/ false.
 Documentation is the process of execution of documents in right form and in lawful manner.
 Documents are not described as anything obtained for recording a transaction. True/ False.
 Letter of Lien obtained in case of Advances against FDR. True/False.
 Execution of Documents not necessary for obtained of documents. True/False.
 Documents should not be written statement of facts. True/False.
 Letter of Hypothecation/Hypothecation of Goods to Secure a Demand Cash Credit or Overdraft/Loan
Account. True/ False
 The Main objective of registration act-1908 is mortgage and registration. True/False.
 If a valid cheque is dishonored due to insufficient of fund, in that case bank or holder can proceed
under NI Act. True/False.
 IGPA Means Irrevocable General Power of Attorney. True/False
 Extinguishment of right to property after 12 years. True/False
 The main objectives of Artha Rin Adalat-2003 are Suits and relating to recovery of lending. True/False.
 Any party aggrieved by any order and decree of Artha Rin execution suit may file an application/misc.
case by depositing 15% of the decreetal amount.True/False
 Exclusion of time of proceeding bona fide in court with jurisdiction. True/False.
 Dismissal of Suits before period of Limitation. True/ False
 The amount to be deposited in case of objection in execution suit has been made 10% (Instead of 25%)
in section 32. True / False.
 The court shall not publish the notice aforesaid in such a newspaper which is directed by the decree-
holder lodging a written petition before the court. (Section 30). True/False.

 The time for filing appeal in the High Court Division has been extended to 60 days. (Section 41)
 At any stage of suit, the parties can settle the dispute amicably. Under section 45. True/False.
 Certificate shall be treated as the ‘Documents of Title’. under sections 35. False.
 The decree-holder shall be entitled to the possession and enjoyment of the property until the
realization of full dues under section 33(5). True
 Letter of indemnity for allowing waiver of obtaining insurance policy covering risk of TK 300.00. True.
 Pari-passu Sharing Agreement stamped duty of taka 500. false.
 Mortgage is the transfer of the ownership of the property. True.
 Stamped duty of DP note is Taka 50.00. True.
 Documentation is the process of execution of documents in right form and in lawful manner. True.
 Documents are not described as anything obtained for recording a transaction. False.
 Letter of Lien obtained in case of Advances against FDR. True.
 Execution of Documents not necessary for obtained of documents. False.
 Documents should not be written statement of facts. False.
 Letter of Hypothecation/Hypothecation of Goods to Secure a Demand Cash Credit or Overdraft/Loan
Account. True
 Preventive Internal control includes Internal Check and detective Internal Control includes internal
audit. True
 Internal Control is not the reliability of financial reporting & compliance with applicable laws &
regulations. False
 Ensure mandatory leave to Prevent Fraud. True
 Mutation khatian not obtained are the long time pending observations. True
 Safe in-safe out register must introduced/updated for recording of loan documentation. True.
 Account opened without Manager’s Approval. False
 Lack of adequate management oversight and accountability are reason control breakdown. True
 Risk Assessment is the elements Internal Control. True
 Segregation of Duties is one of the more important of control Activity. True.
 Approval & Authorization are not control activities. False
 LOAN DOCUMENTATION" may be described as the process or technique of obtaining the relevant
charge documents and legal documents from the Borrowers. True.
 At present the Registration (amended) Act 2004 and the Transfer of Property (amended) Act 2004, all
types of Mortgage shall have to be registered. True.
 Mortgage is not an important part of the documentation. False.
 Four neither classed categories are nor department of environment shall take into consideration of the
site and impact on the environment. False.
 Govt. has promulgated this ordinance under the powers conferred by section 20 of Bangladesh
Environment Conservation Act 1995. True.
 This law is not applicable for area of “The Town Improvement Act - 1953 and The Building Construction
Act- 1952'. False.
 IGPA Means Irrevocable General Power of Attorney. True
 Certificate shall be treated as the ‘Documents of Title’. under sections 32. True.
 Letter of indemnity for allowing waiver of obtaining insurance policy covering risk of TK 300.00. True.
 Every person who is competent to contract. False
 The death of an account holder terminates the contractual relationship between him/her and the Bank.
 The document creating trust is known as Trust Deed. True
 Nominee is not entitled to money if all the joint account holders die. False
 The signature put on AOF and SS card by the customer is to be admitted by the relationship officer.
 Withdrawal is allowed in the dormant account. False
 No overdraft should be allowed on a minor’s account. True
 Letter of Thanks to proof of identify customer’s address verification is vitally important. True.
 RJSC Certified copy of Certificate of Incorporation and Certificate of Commencement are not for Public
Limited Company. False.
 According to Section 13 of NI Act-1881, Promissory Note, Bill of Exchange, FDR and Cheque are called
Negotiable Instrument. False
 Commonly used quasi negotiable instruments are currency, prize bond, dividend warrant, refund
warrant. True
 Drawer is the person who makes the instrument. True
 Drawee is the person on whom the instrument is drawn and who is ultimately liable to pay. True
 Section 8 of NI Act-1881 defines holder as holder is the person who simply holds the instrument. False
 Negotiation is the transfer of the negotiable instrument with a view to make the transferee the owner
of the instrument. True
 Endorsement is the process of transferring the negotiable instrument. True
 A minor can endorse negotiable instrument. True
 Payment of the specially crossed cheque will have to be made through a baker whose name is
mentioned in the crossing. True
 Crossed cheque“Not Negotiable” cannot be freely negotiated. False
 Cheque is a Bill of exchange drawn on a banker payable without demand. False
 Banker can’t accept a cheque without the account holder’s signature. True
 Endorsement is done with a view to transferring the cheque to another person. True
 A generally endorsed cheque cannot be en-cashed by everyone. False
 Restrictive endorsement prohibits further negotiation of the instrument. True
 A cheque bearing a crossing in its face is called a crossed cheque. True
 Any cheque other than crossed cheque can be called false cheque. False
 The Islamic Banking is now comprised of over 800 Islamic Banks and financial institutions throughout the
world. False
 Islamic Banks use the Al-Wadiah principles to receive deposits in Savings Accounts. False
 Cash waqfs (CW) are charitable endowments established with cash capital. True
 Trust Islamic Banking is following weightage method for Profit Distribution. True

 Modes of investment of Islamic banks are broadly categorized into three groups, such as Sharing
mechanism, Ijarah mechanism and Bai mechanism. True
 Qiyas is not a source of Islamic Sharia. False
 Islamic Banks receive deposits only under Mudaraba principle. False
 “Trust Power” is TIB Corporate Investment Product. False
 In Islamic Banking, bank participates on both capital and profit/loss with customers. True
 Conventional Banking involves direct relation of partnership or commodities. False
 Money laundering is first seen with individuals hiding wealth from the state to
avoid taxation or confiscation or a combination of both. True
 Establishment of the BFIU under section 23 of Money Laundering Prevention Act, 2012. False
 Suspicious transaction means such transactions which deviates from unusual transactions. False
 Confiscation means the permanent transfer of the title of any property in favor of the State pursuant to
a court order made under section 17. True
 Anti-Terrorism Act published on 24 February, 2009. True
 Money laundering shall be conceived to be an offence. True
 Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit started its function by abolishing the Money Laundering
Prevention Department at Bangladesh Bank. False
 If any account has a single cash transaction of TK. 10.00 LAC, it must be reported in CTR. False
 Rat Hole refers to a person acting as the beneficial owner rather a business entity. False
 Smurfing is a method of placement whereby cash is broken into smaller transfers
of money. False
 Advising Bank means the bank with which the credit is available or any bank in the case of a credit
available with any bank. (False)
 Unless specific approval is obtained from Bangladesh Bank, the entire export proceeds in case of both
physical and non-physical export, must be repatriated within 5 (five) months of shipment date as usual.
 Import means outflow of goods and/or services produced in one country, which is purchased by
government, firms and individuals of other countries. (False)
 Before making any decisions to export, an exporter should scrutinize all terms and conditions of letter
of credit. (True)
 Complying Presentation means a presentation that is in accordance with the terms and conditions of
the credit, the applicable provisions of these rules and International Standard Banking Practice. (True)
 Prior approval of B B is required to release foreign exchange for study of Bangladeshi students abroad
at school level. True.
 The wage-earner shall be provided with a death-risk-benefit. True
 The maximum amount of death-risk benefit shall not exceed Tk.5,00,000.00. True
 Cash currency can have brought up to USD10,000.00 without the declaration. True
 FC Accounts can be maintained as long as the account holder’s desire. True.
 C-Form is reported for $ 10,000.00 and above. True.
 Prior approval of Bangladesh Bank is not required to release foreign exchange for study of Bangladeshi
students abroad at school level. False
 Death-risk benefit shall not exceed the age of the wage-earner shall not be over 50 years at the time of
his/her death. False.

 All outward remittance except cash shall be reported to Bangladesh Bank in S-1 supported by TM form.
 NFCD Accounts are in the nature of term deposits maturing after one months, three months, six months
and one year. True
 Incoterms are used for understanding the responsibilities of the buyer. False
 It is not mandatory to use HS code for Import & Export of goods. False
 HS code is developed by World Customs Organization. True
 BC selling rate is used for realization of export bills. False
 EDF is held and managed by the Foreign Exchange Reserve and Treasury Management Department
(FRTMD) at the head office of BB. True
 Exporter will submit Cash Incentive files to AD’S within 120 days after the proceed realization. False
 The scope of Treasury Back Office is to settle, account for, reporting of all type of deals originated by
Treasury Front Office. True
 EDF loans are repayable within 270 days from dates of disbursement. False
 Foreign nationals who have an income in Bangladesh are permitted to make remittances outside of
Bangladesh up to 75 percent of their net income. True
 Prior approval of Bangladesh Bank is not required to release foreign exchange for study of Bangladeshi
students abroad at school level. False


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