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Topic: How do people adjust to changing norms?

The Covid-19 Pandemic and the effect that

is caused both on our educational and Business institutions.
During any changing norms it is important to educate society as to provide the information

that is needed so that they can make informed decisions that would protect themselves and

others around them. During the Covid-19 pandemic no one knew the scope or path that the

virus would have taken and what social impact it would have on the general society. To this

day the Covid-19 pandemic even though it happened in March of 2020 the lives of person

and the business community are still feeling the effects of the virus to this present day. The

pandemic disrupted the supply chains for various institutions as this was due to lock down of

countries around the world. As we have observed, no government, no matter how strong their

infrastructure, was affected greatly by this pandemic. Additionally, no medical institution was

equipped to handle such a pandemic or to even keep it under control. Thirdly, another

infrastructure that could not handle the pandemic was our educational system. This was

because we cannot control the way in which our children would interact with each other, and

we could not isolate them as the covid-19 virus would quickly spread among the children.

This study today would investigate the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic had on our

educational systems and the business world. For the collection of the information, I would be

using two types of questionnaires that would be handed out to students and teachers within

the private and public-school sector and people that work in different business

establishments. Upon completion of the data there were areas that needed attention and

adjustments needed to be made such as a revamp of the educational system as investments

both on the government and private sector needed to work hand in hand to bring our

educational system to accommodate for online learning.


According to a quote from Andrew Lansley states that “Peer pressure and social norms are

powerful influences on behavior, and they are classic excuses.” Many people in society

indicate based on their actions that when a change must be implemented, they are not easily

open minded when it comes to change even if it is for their own betterment.

The meaning of social norms refers to the values, attitudes and or behavior that is shared by a

specific group of people. These norms are often based on what people perceive to be

appropriate or normal. Social norms can be categorized as certain types of unspoken rules

and or guidelines that shape how a person should function and behave.

The corona virus or what we call the Covid-19 virus is an infectious disease that affects

millions of people’s respiratory systems around the world. This new virus came on the

stream roughly about 18th December 2019 and the rapid spread was of great concern as it was

easy for anyone to contract the virus. The virus original point of contact was in the city of

Wuhan that is in the country of China. The virus did not only contaminate just the people in

China, but it was spread to the entire world. During a presentation in March, the World

Health Organization (WHO) declared that the Covid-19 pandemic was the leading cause of

death across the entire world, and this was bigger than any other disease ever mentioned.

During the pandemic it was difficult for the medical institutions not only locally within the

Caribbean, but the wider world could not find the appropriate way in how to handle the

pandemic. During December 2007 to June 2009 this was the period of the Great Recession

that last about eight months. This was the longest recession since World War II, this was a

finding that was published by Rich (n.d.). The covid-19 sent the whole world in a similar

experience as it initiated social, educational, and economic disruption for everyone. This

virus did not pick out anyone to whom it would infect however people with a more
compromise immune system where the one that if they got infectant had to be seriously

monitored. Due to the type of healthcare system that is implemented and the lockdown of

various countries there were short supplies of safety equipment to protect the stability of the

business world. The virus had a significant impact on all sectors of the economy such as

economics, social, educational and the business world. During the pandemic, it was a

challenge for parents and teachers to adjust to the new world of online classes. This possed a

challenge for teachers and students because teachers could only do so such when it comes to

social distancing of the children in a small classroom. This means then that the education

facilities had to go back to the drawing board to see how they could educate the students in a

safe and comfortable environment. Government now had to turn to the health care sector to

try find a viable option as to protect the citizens so that normalcy of life can be carried out.

However, this could not be done half heartly as the World Health Organization (WHO) had to

approve any vaccine that was coming on stream. Due to the closure of schools around the

world there were growing concerns as they believed that students would not be able to

complete their degrees. With the closure of school systems and children being home for

almost a year there were negative effects as within a school setting recess was given as a way

for children to interact and have a little excuse. However, with lock down and nowhere to go

children dramatically put on a drastically put on a large amount of weight this was published

in an article published by (Rundle er al., 2020).

So far, the whole understanding of the corona virus is still based on speculation and to date

no one can fully understand the spread or contraction of the virus, hence we still don’t know

what to do to curb the spread. According to (CDC Museum COVID-19 Timeline, 2023) This

new virus came on the stream on 12th December 2019 and the rapid spread was of great

concern as it was easy for anyone to contract the virus. The virus original point of contact

was in the city of Wuhan that is in the country of China.

As we moved into the business sector of this pandemic business around the world started to

know feel the effect of the pandemic. This was because people were not spending as they

were accustomed to spending. This was because business chose instead of making people

unemployed, they cut their salaries to accommodate for the slow sales in business.

Additionally, business supply chains were disrupted due to the restriction and movement of

cargo and people within various countries. Due to the lack of income within families the

nation turned its hands to the government for some sort of assistance to bring the gap to assist

them and their family endure during this pandemic.

The Covid-19 virus pandemic has affected the educational system and has brought to light the

limitation of our systems and ways for improvement that each country must now take into

consideration. Not only did it highlight the areas of improvement within the educational

system, but it also highlights the areas of improvement within the health care system. Even

though the pandemic has highlighted certain areas of improvement there are still some that

would not be so inclined to be open to new change. Teachers well some teachers are pron to

face to face interaction with their students while someone might be open to a change to the

online platform. Persons that have a week immune system and suffer from underlying

conditions such as heart disease, blood pressure, asthmas where person who must be

extremely careful as to not contract the disease.

The Objectives

 To bring an awareness of the seriousness of the Covid-19 on the changing norms of


 To investigate the effect that Covid-19 has on the educational system.

 The changes and opportunities that business experiences due to the Covid-19

Research Questions

 What are some of the negative impacts that Covid-19 has on the educational systems?

 What changes can arise within the educational and business sectors?

 Do you believe that the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us how to prepare for the next


Problem Statement

Within today’s world the Covid-19 pandemic has created some serious issues for everyone

both on an economic level, a social level, educational level, health, and business sector

around the world. The educational systems and the business world were brought to their

knees as classroom activities had to be discontinued due to the easy contamination of the

Covid-19 virus around the entire world. The spread of the virus is not clear as to the

contamination is still being reviewed, also because of the lack of information this has

negative impact on the economic, educational, and business world. This research is geared to

analyzing the positive and negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The research will also

show the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on our educational systems and various institutions

such as the business sector and the health sector. The strain on the educational sector not only

affected the student but also the teachers and parents.

Research Methodology

The approach in which the researcher would use is in the form of a questionnaire to gather

information that is needed for the study. With this approach, I would be able to collect data

and analysis the impact that covid-19 has on both the educational, health and business sector.

Additional study data were obtained from online reports from various government institutions

or Covid-19 disease management bodies such as World Health Organization (WHO). The

survey methodology, the matrix content analysis method and qualitative research methods
were used to obtain the information. The data for each category were broken out into three

section education, health and business sector.

Education Sector

Health Sector

Business Sector

CDC Museum COVID-19 Timeline. (2023, March 15). Centers for Disease Control and


Rundle, A., Park, Y., Herbstman, J. B., Kinsey, E. W., & Wang, Y. (2020). COVID‐19–

Related School Closings and Risk of Weight Gain Among Children. Obesity, 28(6), 1008–


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