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A1, PAGES 457-477, JANUARY 1, 1996

Interstellar pickup ions and quasi-perpendicular

shocks: Implications for the termination shock
and interplanetary shocks
G. P. Zank and H. L. Pauls
Bartol Research Institute, University of Delaware, Newark

I. H. Cairns
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, Iowa City

G. M. Webb
Department of Planetary Sciences,University of Arizona, Tucson

Abstract. A new mechanismfor the accelerationof pickup ions by repeated

reflectionsfrom the electrostaticcrossshockpotential of a quasi-perpendicular
shockis presented. The accelerationmechanism,multiply reflectedion (MKI)
acceleration,offersa resolutionto the issueof injectingpickup ions into an efficient
particle energization scheme,and the injection efficiencyfor pickup ions is found
to be inversely proportional to ion mass and proportional to charge. By studying
the particle energygainin the motionalelectricfield (wherea steadyshockframe
is assumed)the energizedpickupion spectrumcanbe computed.Extremelyhard
powerlaw spectra(E -•'•, for exami•le)emerge
fromthe upstream
distribution. The maximum energy that a reflectedpickup ion can gain is found to
be proportionalto the squareof the productof the Alfv6nspeedand (r - 1), where
r is the shock compressionratio. For solar wind conditionsat either interplanetary
shocksor the termination shockthe upper energylimit is typically in excessof 0.5
MeV. It is suggestedhere that MKI accelerationprovidesan efficientmechanism
for injectinglow-energypickupionsinto a subsequent
diffusive Fermi acceleration. Such a two-step accelerationschemealleviates many
of the difficultieswhich plague ion energizationmodelsat perpendicularshocks.
The structure of a quasi-perpendicularshockmodifiedby shockreflectionof pickup
ions is discussedin general terms. By way of application we present a detailed
study of the MKI accelerationmechanism at the termination shock for a wide
range of parameters and discussthe implicationsfor the anomalouscosmicray
component.The accelerationof pickupionsby an interplanetarytravelingshock
is alsodiscussed,
and the observationsmadeby Ulysses[Gloeckleret al., 1994]axe
addressed.The puzzlingaspectsof the Gloeckleret al. [1994]observations
to be explained quite naturally by shockenergizationbased on repeated pickup
ion reflections.Observationaltestsof MKI accelerationmay be possibleby using
pickupHe+ at eitherthe terrestrialor Jovianbowshockor by usingcometaxy ions
at a cometaxybow shock.

1. Introduction 1972; Isenberg,1986], lessattention has been paid to

the possibleinfluence of PIs on smaller-scalesolar wind
That interstellarpickupions(henceforth
PIs) playan structures such as, for example, interplanetary shocks.
impor•an• role in the plasma physicsof •he outer helio-
Recent observations,however, relating PIs to shocks
sphereis becomingabundantly apparent. Although it
and corotatinginteractionregions(CIRs) [Gloeckleret
haslongbeenrecognized that PIs maymodifythe large- el., 1994] as well as to pressure-balanced structures
scale characteristicsof the solar wind itself [Holzer,
[Burlegeet el., 1994]revealtheir dynamical(and per-
hapsevendominating)importanceon solarwindstruc-
ture at small scales. These rather poorly understood
Copyright 1996 by the American GeophysicalUnion.
observations,coupled with a possiblecrossingof the
Paper number 95JA02860. hellospheric termination shock within the next 10-15
0148-0227/96/95JA-02860505.00 years, make it imperative that we better understand
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the role of PIs in the overall plasma physicsof the outer sionsof Gloeckleret al. [1994]shouldremainat least
hellosphere. qualitativelyvalidat moreperpendicularshocks(since
In this report we consider the behavior of PIs at reflected ions always return to the shock; see below
collisionless shock waves and restrict our attention to and Goslinget al. [1982]). 8B•r denotesthe angle
quasi-perpendicularstructures. This seemsa reason- betweenthe shocknormal and the upstreammagnetic
able perspective to adopt for several reasons. First, field. Gloeckleret al. find (1) that injectionefficiencies
the terminationshock(henceforthTS) is on average for PIs are muchhigher than thosefor solar wind ions;
likely to be perpendicular in the ecliptic with some (2) that pickupH+ is the mostabundantsuprathermal
variation arising from an active solar wind. Second, ion speciesand carriesa large fraction of particle ther-
quasi-perpendicularshockshave receivedthe most at- mal pressure; (3) that the injectionefficiency is great-
tention from theorists and experimentalistsalike and, est for pickup H+, lowestfor He+, and intermediate
with some justification, are probably the best under- for alphaparticles;(4) that both H+ and He+ have
stood class of shocks in terms of dissipation mecha- identicalspectralshapesabovethe cutoffspeedfor PIs,
nisms and structure. Third, although PIs and cosmic and (5) that the solarwindframevelocitydistribution
rays (anomalous and galactic)are expectedto modify functionfor acceleratedPIs is significantlyharder than
the overallstructureof the terminationregion[Holzer, might be expectedfrom conventionalfirst-order Fermi
1972;Ko a•d Webb,1987; œeea•d Azford, 1988; Do•o- shockaccelerationat a weakshock.As notedby Gloeck-
hue and Za•k, 1993; Khabibrakhmanovet al., 1995], let et al., if these observationsare in fact common to
a subshockis generallyneededto effectthe final tran- all quasi-perpendicularshocksin the outer hellosphere
sition, particularlyif the solar wind is active (seein (i.e., whereverPIs are present),then they shouldbe
particularDo•ohuea•d Za•k [1993]). equally true at the TS. This finding shouldthen have
There are, as we show below, important distinctions important implications for the acceleration of anoma-
to be drawn between the conventionaltheory of quasi- lous cosmicrays at the TS as well as for the strength
perpendicularshocks,as understood,for example,from and structure of the TS.
many observationsof the Earth's bow shock,and the In many respects our approach complementsthe re-
TS or interplanetary shocksin the outer hellosphere, centhybridsimulations of œietveret al. [1993],Kucharek
differencesdue largely to the ubiquitouspresenceof a a•d Scholer[1995]and Giacalo•eet al. [1994],although
distinct populationof interstellar PIs whosedistribution we adopt a primarily analyticalperspectiveand manyof
is probably a thickenedshell in velocityspace,centered our conclusionsdiffer significantlyfrom theirs. In par-
on the bulk local solar wind speed, and well separated ticular, we stressthe very important role of ion reflec-
from a cold solar wind Maxwelltan core. tion at the electrostaticcrossshockpotential. The im-
In this paper we develop a model for a perpendic- portanceof pickup ion reflectionat the hellosphericter-
ular shock in the presenceof PIs, describe a new ap- minationshock(and the possibility that thesereflected
proach to the injection and energizationof PIs at per- ionsprovidethe anomalous cosmicray (ACR) injection
pendicular shocks,and apply these results to the TS source)appearsto havebeenrecognized firstby Lee
and an interplanetaryshock.Although our approachis Azford[1988].Subsequently, œietoer et al. [1993]found
essentiallya test-particlecalculation,many of the ob- in their simulationsthat if PIs comprisedsome10% or
servationsof PIs acceleratedat an interplanetary shock more of the solar wind number density, then the foot
madeby Ulysses[Gloeckler et al., 1994]canbe under- of the shock appeared to form as a result of reflected
stood qualitatively by our approach. This includesan PIs. The reflection of PIs at the TS was studied fur-
explanationfor the unusuallyhard spectrafor the ac- ther by Kuchareka•d Scholer[1995],againon the basis
celeratedpickupH+ and He+. Preliminaryresultshave of a hybrid simulation. Like Liewet et al., Kucharek
beenpublished,albeitverybriefly,by 2agk et al. [1995] and Scholerfind that only for 8•r _• õ0ø can PIs re-
and Webbet al. [1994].A closelyrelatedapproachh•s flect and scatter substantialdistancesupstreamof the
been developedcontemporaneously by M.A. Lee et al. shock(~30c/wp• in their normalizedunits,wp• the PI
by shocksurfing,submittedto gyrofrequency)
and theseback-scattered
PIs, theysug-
Jourgal of Geoph•lsical Research,1995, hereinafterre- gest, contribute to the injection pool for a distinct shock
ferredto as Lee et al., submittedmanuscript,1995)al- acceleration
process(suchas a first-orderFermimech-
thoughemployingtechniques very differentfrom those anism). Fromthesesimulations, KucharekandScholer
utilized here. In the followingsectionwe discussseveral can determine the injection rate at the TS for a shock
observational,simulation,and theoreticalresultswhich accelerationprocess. As they emphasize,however,the
have motivated our analysisdirectly. TS probably only finds itself with a 8•r • õ0ø for
~10% of the time, thus leadingto a very sporadicinjec-
2. Motivation tion process. However, as in the simulations of œietver
et al. [1993],PIs are still reflectedat nearlyperpendic-
Observationsof interstellar PIs acceleratedby a for-
ular shocks,but their ability to stream far upstreamis
ward shock have been made by Ulysses at 4.5 AU severely curtailed.
[Gloeckleret al., 1994]. The shockwas only weakly A somewhatdifferent approachto the questionof in-
perpendicular (SB•v- 500-4-11ø) and ratherweak(an jection and subsequentaccelerationof low energyions
ratio of only~2.4) yet the conclu- at the TS has been taken by Giacalo•eet al. [1994].
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They too use a one-dimensionalhybrid simulation but the acceleration time is minimized when • is very
include an ad hoc scattering perpendicularto the mag- small. If oneusesthe so-called"Bohmlimit" for
netic field which enables PIs to diffuse across field lines. i.e., •B -- 1/3 •rg (• is the particlespeedand rg the
They find, even at perpendicular shocks,that PIs can associated gyroradius),thenJokipiishowed that the ac-
be injected and acceleratedto fairly high energiesrather celeration time at a parallel shock far exceededthe 4.6
rapidly (v/U• .-. 2 x 10, wherev denotesparticleveloc- - year acceleration time constraint. However, since
ity and U• the bulk flow speed)but that thermalso-
lar wind ions cannot be injected and acceleratedunless •ll (3)
a very large (and mostprobablyunrealistic)scattering
level is assumed. It should also be noted that all three of
the above simulations assumerather high plasma beta (where•c -= •ll/rg and•11is the meanfreepathalong
values for the thermal solar wind plasma with the re- the magneticfield), onecansignificantlyreduce•_• be-
sult that the effects associatedwith specular reflection low •11by demanding
that •c >> 1. Clearly,• is
measure of the scattering strength, and • >) 1 repre-
of solar wind protons may be overestimated.
sentsthe weak scattering limit. By making • suitably
Unfortunately, while all three of the above simulation
large at a perpendicular shock, Jokipii can reduce the
papers present very interesting and suggestiveresults,
no attempt is made to develop a theoretical explana- accelerationtime (1) well belowthe acceleration
tion for why PIs should be reflected preferentially or
why these ions should form the injection pool for some Besidesthe questionof shockstability [Zank et al.
subsequentshock acceleration mechanism. The issueis 1990] there arisesa seriousproblemregardingthe in-
further cloudedby the introduction of ad hoc scattering jection of PIs into a diffusiveFermi accelerationprocess
into the simulations, since now the role of ion reflection when scattering is assumedweak. For diffusiveshock
at the shock itself is obscured;in particular, the ques- acceleration to be a viable process,an ion must scatter
tion of different injection rates for different PI species many times as a field line convectsthrough a shock. As
appearsto hingenot somuchon scatteringas on shock discussed
in detail by Webbet al. [1995],this is tan-
reflection[KucharekandScholer,1995]. tamount to requiring that the scattering frequency
A further complicatingissuerelates to a result de- satisfy
scribedby Adamsand Liesing[1991]and subsequently • >> V•/rg,
reinterpretedinterestinglyby Jokipii [1992]. Adams where V,h is the shockspeed[Jokipii, 1987]. Rewrit-
and Liesingshowedthat if 10 Mev/nucleonsinglychar- ing this in terms of the particle velocity v, one has the
gedoxygenpropagatesa distancegreaterthan 0.2 pc in equivalent requirement that
the localinterstellarmedium(LISM), the chargestate
will be increasedby electronstripping. They inter- • )) V•h•c. (4)
preted this result as limiting the site of ACR acceler-
ation to the interaction region of the solar wind and The constraint(4) represents
an injectionconstrainton
LISM. Although Adams and Liesingbasedtheir esti- the particle speed. A similar constraintcan be obtained
mates on the neutral density of the LISM, the neutral by requiring that the escapeprobability downstreamof
densityis unlikelyto differtoo significantlyin the outer a shock be small, or
[P•.l• et •1., 1995].Jokipii[1002]thenar-
gued that one could insteadreinterpret the Adams and 4Vh(1+
>> . (5)
Liesingresultas providingan upperlimit on the ageof
the energeticions and, by implication, a constrainton In either case the injection constraint is severe in the
the characteristicaccelerationtime at this energy.For weakscatteringlimit (•)> 1) althoughnot seriousin
an observedenergyof 10 MeV/nucleon,this constraint the caseof strongscattering(• .-. 1). For the scat-
correspondsto a time of 4.6 years. Of the known ac-
teringrequiredby Jokipii(•_ - 3 x 10-2•B) to meet
celerationmechanisms, Jokipiidemonstrated that only the time constraintof 4.6 years,condition(4) or (5)
Fermi accelerationis capableof achievingsuchacceler- indicates that only those particles whoseenergiesare
ation times. Indeed, since the accelerationtime scale
much greaterthan about I MeV/nucleon can possibly
ra• is
be acceleratedby a Fermi mechanismat a perpendicu-
lar termination shock. Of course,one shouldrecognize
that the timescale constraint above is a rather crude es-
- timate, but nonetheless,sincea PI is born in the solar
,c• - ,c[[cos
28 + ,c_•
sin28, (2) wind with an energyof about I keV, it is clear that the
injection threshold is not easily surmounted. One can
where8 denotesthe anglebetweenthe upstreammag- argue that the injection problem is resolvedelsewhere
netic field and the flow direction, r the shockcom- (interplanetaryshocks,for example)but onemustthen
pressionratio, p the particlemomentum,U• the up- advancea mechanismfor PI accelerationwhich yields
streamflowspeed,and•[[ and•ñ theparallelandper- the properties associatedwith the ACR component.
pendicular spatial diffusion coefficientsused in cosmic As noted above, our approach here differs from that
ray transporttheory[e.g.,Isenber9andJokipii,1979], of Kucharekand Scholer[1995]in that it identifies
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ion reflection at a perpendicular shock as a part of local flow speedof the solar wind [Lee and Ip 1987;
the shock acceleration mechanism itself and we show WilliamsandZank1994]).The difference in volumebe-
why the initially reflected PI population in fact rep- tweenthe bisphericaldistribution(BD) andthe energy-
resents the seed population for the anomalouscosmic conservingshell in the solar wind frame provides an
rays. The energizationprocessalso differsfrom a first- upper limit on the waveenergydensityof wavesgener-
order Fermi shockaccelerationmechanism(advocated ated by the PIs. The BD may evolvein phasespace(
by both Kucharekand Scholerand Giacaloneet al.) i.e., broaden)owingto adiabaticcoolingand stochastic
in that it is a semicoherent process associated with energization. To retain a more or lesstractable descrip-
the multiple reflection of ions from the electrostatic tion of the PIs, we will assume,like Liewet et al. [1993],
shock potential. This accelerationprocessis extremely KucharekandScholer[1995]and Giacalone et •l. [1994],
prompt and is found to yield very flat/hard energy that the PI distribution upstream of a shockis repre-
spectrawith the possibilityof very significantenergy sentedadequately by the shell distribution, written in
gains. Injection efficienciesfor the different PI species the solar wind frame as
are also found to be consistent with observations made
at Ulysses. f(v)- 47rv
••(v- ux), (6)
Although we concentrateour attention on shocksin where v denotesthe particle speedand u• the solarwind
the outer heliosphere,possibletests of our acceleration flow speed in spherical coordinates. The shell distribu-
mechanismmay be madelocally. Cometarybowshocks, tion (Figure 1) can be regardedas the limiting distri-
of course, represent one possible site for MRI acceler- bution of the more generalform
ation, as do the terrestrial and Jovian bow shocksfor
n 1
pickup He+ .
- 4•rv
• 2•rl/•cr
exp[-(v- ul)•/2cr•],
3. Pickup Ion Dynamics at a
whenthe "temperature"•r (a measureof the shellthick-
Perpendicular Shock ness)tendsto zero. Thus, provided•r is not too large,
Interstellar neutral atoms flow through the hello- (6) shouldprovidea qualitativelyaccuratepictureof PI
sphereslowly(-•20 km/s) until they are ionized(pri- dynamics in the vicinity of a shock. The PI shell forms
marily chargeexchangefor H). Upon ionization,the a halo about the colder core solar wind distribution.
PI beam respondsto the interplanetary magneticfield A fairly well developedtheory, at least comparedto
and induced electric field, forming a highly unstable quasi-parallelshocks,existsfor high/3 • O(1) perpen-
ring-beam distribution which drives low-frequencyin- dicularshocks[e.g.,Leroy,1983],and a self-sustaining
stabilities(primarilyparalleland antiparallelpropagat- mechanism of ion reflection at the electrostatic cross
ing Alfv4nwaves[Wu andDavidson,1972])whichthen shockpotential is thought to be the primary dissipation
scatter the PIs onto a bisphericalshell in velocity space mechanism. Recall that the electrostatic shock poten-
centeredon +V,t (the Alfv4n speed)with radii u (the tial forms as a result of chargeseparationinducedby the

_B1 _B2

Ul v


Figure 1. (a) Geometryof the perpendicularshocklocatedat z - 0. The upstreamflow Ul is parallel
to the shocknormal, the magnetic field B lies along •, and the induced electric field is in the • direction.
The subscriptsI and 2 denoteupstreamand downstreamof the shock,respectively.(b) The spherical
coordinatesystemusedto describethe PI dynamics. (c) Schematicof the idealizedshell distribution
assumedfor PIs in the fluid frame. The cold solar wind core is representedby the heavy dot at the origin,
and V,pec correspondsto the normalizedtransformedspecularreflectionvelocitybelow which PIs are
reflected by the electrostatic shock potential barrier.
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overshoot at the shock of the more massive ions. Such where, for a perpendicularshock,Bz/Bi = r is the
an overshoot effect is observedto be present at both shock compressionratio. As we discussbelow, these
quasi-perpendicularand quasi-parallelshocks. For our reflectedions are capableof being acceleratedto large
purposesthe exact profile of the entire cross-shockelec- energies.If we acceptthis for the present,severalpoints
tric field is unimportant, since the electrostatic cross are immediately apparent if we interpret reflection effi-
shock potential is needed only to act as a barrier for ciencyasinjectionefficiency'(1) heavierPI species,i.e.,
incident low-velocity PIs and specular ion reflection is with M > m, are lessefficientlyinjected,and (2) injec-
assumed. However, as we discussbelow, the steepest tion efficiencyincreaseswith increasingparticle charge
gradient in the electrostatic shock potential profile is state. Thus pickup H+ shouldbe twice as efficiently
important in determiningan upper limit to the reflected injectedas pickupHe+ , and if we assumethat the al-
ion energy gain. pha particle distribution is shell-like, then the injection
An important property of the PI distribution is that efficiencyof He++ shouldbe intermediateto the afore-
part of the distribution function in the shockframe has mentioned pickup species.This appears to be precisely
very small normal velocity componentsat the shock what is observedby Ulyssesat a forwardshock[Gtoeck-
interface, which prevent their overcomingthe electro- ter et at., 1994]. Of course,the samereasoningapplies
static crossshockpotential. By estimating or prescrib- to the solar wind ions if, instead, we assume the one-
ing the shockpotential [Leroy,1983]onecan estimate dimensional Maxwelltan distribution
the fraction of incident solar wind or pickup ions that
are reflected.The velocityV•pec,belowwhichionsare
reflected at a given shock, can be estimated from the 2•rkT
f(z,v,t)--n( 2kT' (10)
electrostatic shock potential •b, which is approximated
usefully at a perpendicular shockas The fraction of incident solar wind ions reflected by the
electrostatic crossshockpotential, i.e., the injection ef-
1 5B ficiency,then correspondsto

where •B -- B• - B1 is •he difference between down-

stream(2) and upstream(1) magneticfieldsand M•
[ 2k• , (11)
is the upstreamAlfv•nic Machnumber. Equation(7)
is derived from •he momentum equation for electrons efc() - 1- - 1-
the complementaryerror functionand Vcutdenotesthe
(whichare assumed
andthe parameterr/has reflectedsolarwind ion cutoff velocity,approximatedby
been introduced to approximate the contribution to •bof
the deflected bulkvelocityu• (whicharisesthroughion V•pe•.Undertypicalsolarwindconditions in the outer
reflectionat the shockramp) and the jump in the elec-
aswe see below,Rrs•
TM is exceedingly small
and many times smallerthan that of the PIs. This too
tron pressure[Leroy,1983].Impirically,r/is found•o be is consistent with the observationsmade at Ulysses.
about 2 or greater. For a particle •o be reflectedspecu-
The role of shockstrength in determininginjection
larly at the shock, its velocity component in the shock
efficiencyis difficult to assessprecisely. Naively, since
normaldirectionv• mustsatisfy(e•b),a> 1/2 mv2•.
This of courseneglectsthe particles' Lorentz force, but RrZef
oc(r -- 1), onemightexpectinjection
increasewith shock strength, but this increasemight
for the low particle speedsunder considerationand the
wellbeoffsetby a corresponding
in M.•x. Fur-
assumedstructureof the shockpotential(seebelow) thermore, the presenceof hot reflectedPIs may reduce
this is a reasonablesimplification for which some level
the effectivemagnetosonic
Mach numberof the shock,
of analytic description can be retained. It then follows
thusleadingto someform of self-regulation
of the shock
that thoseparticlessatisfyingv• < V•p• are reflected
strength. To addressthese questionsproperly requires
at the shock, where
the development.of a fully nonlineartheory.
• Zm u• 6B The dynamicsand implicationsof particle reflection
M M,•
1B-•' (8) can be examinedin two ways,either (1) in terms of
the ion velocities immediately before and after reflec-
Here, m refers to the proton massand M and Z refer to tion [Goslinget al., 1982;Sckopke
et al., 1983]or (2)
the massand chargeof the particleof interest(pickup in terms of individualion trajectories[Schwartzet at.,
H+, He+, and soon.) If we assumethat the PI distri- 1983]. Sincethe former approachilluminatesthe en-
bution ahead of the shockis a shell, then the fraction of ergy gain in a single reflection processand the latter
the distribution/•! that is incapableof surmounting is essentialto the issueof multiple shockreflection,we
the crossshockpotential barrier is found to be explore both approaches. In both cases,however,the
methods are essentiallyanalytic.

Zmr/ 6B]
1/2 1/2
3.1. Single Reflections
Since our shock is perpendicular,we can transfer to
a frame •..a in which the mottonal electric field E = 0
, (9)
-- M 2M•l locally (by meansof the electricfield drift Vls = E x
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BIB 2 - u•, E - -u x B - uB•; seeFiguresla v•/ux - - sinO• cos• - 2, (18)

and lb). Typically,E" refersto the solarwind frame.
The particle velocity v in the shockframe E can be immediately after reflection. The phasespaceoccupied
expressedas by singly reflected PIs, illustrated in Figure 2, is quite
v = Vg+ Vg•, (12) different from that predicted and observedfor cold solar
whereVg denotesthe gyrovelocity
and windionsat perpendicular shocks[$ckopke et al., 1983].
In the stationary shockframe E the reflectedPIs gain
vyc - u• + • cos energyin the mofional electricfield, and their energy
gain is accordingly
representsthe guidingcentervelocityof the particle.
Here, from Figure lb, we have used
v• - v•(sin8•cosd•,sind•sind•,cos8
•) and • _= SinglyReflected
PI PhaseSpace(0=•t2)
If, in the shockframeI], vi denotesthe incidentparti- 1.0.
'a•'x''' ' ' '' '•'•'--
'--"'•''' ' ' ''
clevelocityimmediatelybeforecollidingwith the shock,
the reflectedparticlevelocityv• is thengivenby
- vi - 2 (vi.
so that in E •,

v• = v• - 2 (v•- •) • - 2 (u. •) •, (13)


' -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
[1+ = =+ 1/4sin
•/2. (14) Vx/U1

For 8 - 0 i.e., for zeropitchangle,werecoverthe result 1.0 (•.)

of Sckopkeet al. [1983]that Iv•l = 21uI. .

It shouldbe notedthat expression (13) hasbeende-

rived under the simplifyingassumptionthat the elec-

trostaticcrossshockpotentialhasa sharpjump at the

shockramp (a stepfunctionprofile).The importance
of the sharpnessof the electrostaticpotentialand its
relationshipto the m•imum possible energygainfor a
•.,0.0 .,

reflectedPI hasbeenemphasized by J. R. Jokipiiand



J. Giacalone(privatecommunication,
1995)and dis- .

'0'51 ,•,,,

cussedby Saydeer[1966]and morerecentlyby Lee et .

al. (submittedmanuscript,
1995). We takethisissue -1.o
-1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2
ß .

0 O
up in section3.3 below. The implicationsimplicit in Vx/V•
our neglect of the shock foot structure are discussedat
the end of this section. 1.0 I ' ' E

The energyof a particleafter a singlereflectionis

given, in the • or fluid frame, by

1/2mu•= 5+4sin
0• cos
d•, (15)
(normalizedto the flow kinetic energy,sincein X?,
v• -- ux for the incidentshelldistribution),and thus -0.5
the energygain in I] • after a singlereflectionis A

-1.0 ''• • • ß

- 4(1+sin0
• cos
•b•). (16) 0.0 0.5

In (15) and (16), 0• and• aredrawnfromthat section Figure 2. Phase spaceportraits immediately after the re-
of the shell distribution which satisfies flection of PIs at the shock potential. The distribution to
be transmitted is a partial sphere, and two slicesthrough
phasespaceare shownfor (a) 0 - •r/2 (V=,V•) and (b)
•b- •r (V=,Vz), alongwith (c) the projectedphasespace
(Vp,•, Vz) wherethe energizedsinglyreflectedPI popula-
The particlesresidingin the sectionof phasespacede- tion is clearly visible. Here 0• and •b• denote those critical
finedby (17) arethenmappedontothe newphasespace angles beyond which all particles on the shell distribution
definedby (15) and in the appropriate plane are reflected.
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, , , .... , ....

0.100 0.010 ..... *-'.... * '•'""--"'"• .........

0.010 0.005

0.8 1.0 1.2 '1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 0 1 2 3 4

(V2/ U12) Energy
(V2/ Ul2)
Figure3. Thedifferential
normalized (v2/a•)energy
F(E)d3v= dN/N1,(•[1thePI number
PIsarea delta
= 0.25ore•b/(1/2
rna•)=6.25x 10-•'.

2 (1 + sin0• cos•b•), (19) 3.2. Multiple Reflections

To examinethe possibilityof multiplePI reflection
to transformingthe shelldistribu- from the electrostaticcrossshockpotential, it is sim-
tion in •..• to the shockframe. Thus, as is illustratedplestto integrate
analyticallytheindividual particleor-
in Figure3 for the caseV•pec/UX - 0.25,•he singlyre- bitsfora PI. Againwefindit easiest to workin thefluid
flectedPIs gainenergyin •he fluidframe•husforming frameof reference P,• (E - 0). For a particlewith ve-
a uniform distribution wkh particle velocitiesbetween locityv = v(sin0cos•b,sin0 sin•b,cos 0) (notethat we
1 and 2 times •he speedof the ambientsolarwind ux, dropthe adiabaticsuperscript a unlessthereis confu-
but, in •heshockframe,thisleadsinstead•o a modifica- sion•e•ween•h• •uia (•,•) •na •ho• (•,) f•me), t•e
tion in •he shapeof the overalldistributionfunctionbu• incidentparticlevelocitiesare simply
wi•hou• •he formation of an energetic•ail. For larger
choicesof •pec/UX,largerenergy
gainsareobtained in - cos(fit-
fluidframe(seeequation(15)), bu• no •ail is ever vy - -v• sin(fit- •), (20)
formed in •he shock frame.
Vz -- V COS
Expression (13) is somewha• oversimplifiedin •hat
specularreflectionof ionsa• the cross-shockpotential, where vñ - v sin0 and 12 - eB/m. At timer- 0
althoughwidelyassumed, isonlyan approximation. In- the reflectedparticles'normal(z) velocitycomponent
stead,somemagneticdecelerafion of upstreamionsoc- is (13). It thenfollows that the general
gainin energy
curs already in •he shockfoo•, and as a consequence for a reflectedparticle is
•he speedof the reflectedPIs a• •he instantof reflec-
tion migh•wellbe less•han•wicethe inciden•particle - v•'/ul + 4 v/u• sin0cos•b+ 4, (21)
speed(in •heshock frame).Clearly,•heaccuracyofthe
specularreflectionassumptiondepends on •he magni-
tude of the magneticdecelerafion in the foo• and thus which,whenv - u•, reducesto (15). The reflected
on •he s•rengthand ex•en•of the foo• i•selL Quali• particlevelocitiescanbe givenin termsof the incident
fively,we expec•our results•o holdbes•a• relatively (i.e.,immediately at theshock justpriorto reflection)
low Mach number shocks for which the foo• is no• too parameters (v, O,•b)as
pronounced. Crudeestimates of •he shockparameters, v• - -v• cos(fit+ •) - 2u• cosfit;
sizeof •he foo•, and o•her variablesfor •he caseof •he
hellospheric TS are givenin section4 below.This es- vv• - vñsin(fit+ •b)+ 2ulsinfit; (22)
timagesindicate •hag our assumptionof specularlyre- v• - Vll-VCOSO,
fleckedPIs is probablyreasonable in •hiscase.However,
i• shouldbe no•ed•hat akhoughSckopke et al. [1983] togetherwith the reflectedparticletrajectories
observed •he magneticdecelerafion of ionsin •he foo•
of •he quasi-perpendicularterrestrialbowshock,•he re-
z, -- vñ/fi [sin4 - sin(fit+ •b)]- 2u•/fi sinfit;
flectedionsgainsu•cien•energyin thefoo•againsoas - - os(at + + - at);
•o behaveas if they wereeffectively specularlyreflected z• - viit. (23)
warrantsfurther a•enfion, and a full particle•racing In the fluid frameE•, the shockvelocityV•h-- --ux•,
analysis whichimpliesthat Z•h -- --uxt. Thus,from (23), a
of thisproblemfor morerealisticcross-shock
potentialswouldbe of grea•value. reflected
particle(at t - 0) will teencounter
the shock
21562202a, 1996, A1, Downloaded from by Umea University, Wiley Online Library on [14/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

the potentialbarrier. From (24) and (22) onecande-

(a) terminethe (•b,{9)domainof the shelldi.stribution
whichmultiple reflectionsoccur,illustratedin Figure5.
FromFigure5 it is evidentthat a sizablefractionof the
reflectedPI populationcanin factbemultiplyreflected,
the precisedetails of which dependon the magnitude
of e•b(equation(7)).
By using(20) and (22) and solving(24) numerically
until •he PI is su•cien•ly energetic•ha• i• can over-
come •he crossshock po•enfia!, one can determine •he

reflected PI distribution jus• upstream of •he shock.

gach •ime •he reflected PI teencounters•he shock,•he
new gyrophaseand pitch angle are calculatedtogether
with the new PI velocities v. These new conditions
then determinewhether the PI will be reflectedagain
Y or whether it is now sufficientlyenergeticthat it sur-
(b) mounts the electrostaticpotential barrier. This process
is continuediteratively, usingthe updatedconditionsin
(20), (22), and(24) untilthe PI gainssufficient
to be transmitted downstream.
The reflected PIs will of course form an extended foot
ahead of the shockramp whoselength will scalewith
the gyroradii of the dominant PI species. Thus some
compression of the plasmashouldbe expectedtogether
with the formation of a further small electric poten-
x tial. Sincewe'reusinga test particledescription,
nonlinearcomplications are neglected(althoughwe do
attempt to estimate their importance in section4 be-
low). Aheadof the foot, the PI distributionwill be a
simpleshell and, in the foot itself, a superposition of
Figure 4. Examp•lesof integrated individual PI trajec- the convectednonreflected PI shellparticlesandthe re-
tories at a perpendicular shock located at z = 0 with an flectedPIs. On assumingthat the PIs are distributed
assumed steplike electrostatic cross-shockpotential. Here
initially on a shell in velocity space,we can then cal-
the equations of motion have been integrated numerically
without the approximations used in sections 3.1 and 3.2, culate the reflectedPI distribution,whichis shownin
and two different initial conditions were used to illustrate Figure 6. In Figure 6 we plot the normalizedreflected
PI distribution
the various trajectory possibilities. The ion trajectories are functiondN/N1 logarithmically(N1 the
projectedinto the (z,y) plane: (a) trajectory of a shock upstreamPI numberdensity)asa functionof energyE
drift acceleratedparticle;(b) a singlereflectionfollowedby (normalized to 1/2 mu• sothat E - v21u•,andweas-
SDA, followed by multiple reflection and then transmission.
sumeimplicitlythat onlyH+ is ofinterest)in boththe

at a time t* ) 0 such that Domainof Multiply ReflectedPick-upIons

fit* - 2 sin fit* + 140•.
o, , ! , , ! ßI , . , , ! , , ,
(24) 120•
The possibilityof multiple ion reflection(see Figure
4) from the shockpotentialwasdiscussed by Sagdeer
[19õõ],Woods[19õ9],and,in the contextof the Earth's
bowshock,by Schwartzet al. [1983].The latter two au-
thors found that becauseof •heir assumedupstreamdis-
•ribution function, speCularlyreflectedsolar wind ions 40

alwaysteencounterthe shockwith sufficientenergyto

overcomethe shock potential and penetrate into the
downstreamregion. However,as is evident from the 0
PI distribution
in Figurelc), part 140 ' ' ' 150
' .... 1•0..... 170 180
of the PI distribution can Very nearly "stand" in the Gyrophase
flow ahead of the shock, so that several energy gain- Figure 5. The domainin gyrophase-pitch

ing reflectionsare neededbeforethe inciden•ion ac- for which PIs experiencemultiple reflections. V•pec/u• -
normalenergy1/2 mv• to surmount 0.25.
21562202a, 1996, A1, Downloaded from by Umea University, Wiley Online Library on [14/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

Frame) Reflected

a) '
' 0'0050


0.0000 .................... 0.0000 ...... ' ' ' '
0 $ 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Energy Energy

PI Spectrum
(FluidFrame) ReflectedPI Spectrum(ShockFrame)
10'2 i i ß i i . ill i i i i i iiij ! i ß i i i I•

•00½). d)

t •!!!!IB
I! ! II!II1 10'3

10-4 .

10-4 .


ß ß ß ß i i i i ! ß

lO 0.1 1.0 '• 10.0 100.0

Energy(V2/ U12) Energy
(V2/ U12)
Figure 6. Plotsof the normalized differential
of the shockproduced
multiplePI reflection
in (a) thefluidframeand(b) theshock
= 0.25.

fluid (•) and shock(•) frames.We seeat oncethat note [Goslinget al., 1982;Schwartzet al., 1983]that
for all 0B,• >_ 45ø, reflectedparticle alwaysreturn to
the multiple reflection of PIs at a shock is capable of
the shock,and so we might consistentlyexpectharder
producinga rather hard powerlaw tail from the PI dis-
spectrafrom quasi-perpendicular
tribution directly and, in principle, high energies.The shocksin the outer
limiting energyfor PIs is discussedbelow. hellospherethan would be predictedon the basisof a
Observe that considerable fine structure is present Fermi mechanism.
in the spectra. This "resonance"-likestructure corre- To computethe downstreamor transmittedPI spec-
the incidentions trum, we needto considerthe additionaleffectof shock
spondsto the numberof reflections
experiencebefore they acquire sufficientenergyto over- drift acceleration on the PIs as they are convected
come the shock potential barrier. The larger lobe throughthe shock(Figure4a). ShoCkdrift accelera-
in Figure õa correspondsto those PIs which are re- tion (SDA) is a well-studiedaccelerationmechanism,
both theoreticallyand observationally[Armstronget
flected onceonly by the shock. In the fluid frame, with
1 -- 0.25,thislobecutsoffat exactlytwicethe al., 1985], and the energiZationresultsfrom the par-
solarwindenergy(equation(15)), precisely asis illus- ticle crossinga narrowshockseveraltimesin the course
trated in Figure 3a. The successivelobesthen corre- ofitsgyromotion (andthusbeing
spondto 2,3,... reflections,and clearly,the bulk of the in the motional
electricfield).The similarity
reflectedPIs experienceone specularcollisionOnly be- multiply reflectedion (MRI) acceleration and SDA is
downstream. evident:the differences,
in a sense,derivefromthe spec-
•In somerespectsthe energizationof PIs by multiple ular and nonspecularnature of the reflectio n process
reflectionis reminiscent
of Fermiaccelerationat a per- and the "reflectionmechanism" (crossshockpotential
pendicularshockwherethe electrostaticpotentialnow versusdownstream magneticfieldlinecompression).
assumesthe role playedby downstreamscatterersfor all As discussed by Webbet al. [1983],SDA can be
particlesabovesomeenergythresholdcondition. Unlike treated rather simply at a perpendicularshockon the
a first-order Fermi shockaccelerationprocess,however, basis of conservation of adiabatic moment. This ap-
becauseupstreamparticlesare alwaysobligedto return proachoffersan analyticsimplification to a complete
to the perpendicular shock,thereis no possibility of particle tracing treatment but at the possiblecost of
escapeupstream. Consequently, the particle spectrum underestimating themaximum energy gainforanindi-
can be much flatter or harder than that producedby vidualparticle(seeFigure4b, for example).We follow
Fermi shock acceleration. Indeed, it is interestingto the treatment of Webbet al.,
but restrict our atten-
21562202a, 1996, A1, Downloaded from by Umea University, Wiley Online Library on [14/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

tion to nonrelativistic ions. In the fluid frame I] a the formationof an energetic particlepopulation,
particle adiabatic momentsare conserved,i.e., in the fluid framewe observe a spreading
of the dis-
tributionfrom v/ux - 1 to a regionof energyspace
bounded by (v/m) • - 1 to ~4 (depending
compression ratio), illustratedin Figure7.
By meansof (27) onecanderivethe transmitteddrift-
It then follows that acceleratedPI numberdensityand energydownstream
of the perpendicular shock.Not surprisingly,
v•2 - v•2 [1+ (B•/B•- 1)sin
pI,2--If/ TI'PI'I•(V
4•.v 2
•8•= 1+(B•/BI
•- 1)sin
•8•' = T•PI,1 • (29)
from which we find that the energygain in • (i.e., wherer is of coursethe shockcompression
ratio. More
downstream)is " interestingly,
the drift-accelerated
downstream energy
for PIs is given by

- (1+ - )sin •PI,2 • --

- 1+ (r - 1)sin28•. (27) ,/0 ,/0,/ 4•2

The latter equalityin (27) is valid for PIs whichhave

2 ' = 2/3(r- 1)nr',imu• (30)
no• beenreflectedat •he shock(i,e., for which
Clearly,the energygainfor a drift-accelerated (but not (seealsoMcLoud andMoraal[1990].)Expression (30)
reflected)PI is rather modest,with will be usefulin providingan estimatefor the down-
stream PI pressuregain due to SDA acrossa perpen-
Ae• = (r- 1)sin
28•, dicularshockin section
4 below.Clearly,from(30),the
net energy gain due to SDA is rather modest.
Havingderived(27) and(28), wearenowin a position
givingat mostAea -- 3 (1/2mul) fora strong
shockto examine•thetransmissionof PIs througha perpen-
and 8• - •'/2. To determinethe downstreamPI en- dicularshock.Depending onthe initial conditions,inci-
ergy in the shockframe due to SDA, we are obligedto dentPIs canbe (1) reflected at the shockpotentialuntil
averageover gyrophase,obtaining they gain sufficientenergyto overcome the barrier,af-
ter whichthey mayexperience somedrift energization,
_ (2) transmitteddirectlythroughthe shockwith some
- ui(l+(r-1)sin
2 associated SDA, or (3) partiallyshockdrift accelerated
_ r2+1 before being reflected.The downstreamor transmitted
- r2 + (r- 1)sin 28•, (28) PI distributionis then easilycomputed(by assuming
as the initial conditionsan upstreamshell distribution
where, again, the latter equality refers to the absence for the PIs) and is illustratedin Figure8. Figure8a
of PI reflection. Thus, in the shockframe, there is no refersto the distribution in the fluidframe,andFigure
8b to the shockframe, and clearly there is little dif-
ference. Here, as in Figure 6, we plot the normalized
PIs(FluidFrame) differential
numberdensitydN/N• (-- F d3v,F being
.... I .... I .... I .... I ....
the computed downstream PI distribution)
as a func-
H+. Thefirstpeakin thespectrum
(E/E1 - 4) ofFig-
ure 8a corresponds
to thosePIs whichhavenot expe-
0.06- rienced any reflectionsbut have been drift accelerated
only; note the similarityto Figure7. The remaining
0.04 part of the spectrumcorresponds to multiplyreflected
andenergized PIs. The firstlobecorresponds to singly
reflectedionsagain. The powerlaw tail in energypro-
ducedby MRI acceleration is evidentlyextremelyhard.
0.00 For reference,
an E -1'5 powerlaw is drawnthrough
0 1 2 3 4 the spectrumand, apart fromsomeslightflatteningbe-
(V•/ U11) yond2 x 102, appearsto matchthe computed
Figure 7. The downstreamenergyspectrumfor shock trum rather well. As discussed below, there is no limit
drift acceleratedPIs in the absenceof a shockpotential to PI energy gain from this mechanism when a step
(and henceion reflection)in the fluid frame. As usual, function
an upstream shell distribution was assumed,and the shock the finite extent of the perpendicularshock-and in our
was perpendicular with a compressionratio r = 3.8 and case,numericalresolution!), and wehavechosen to end
V,p,•/• = 0.25. the computationat a normalizedenergyof .-.103. In-
21562202a, 1996, A1, Downloaded from by Umea University, Wiley Online Library on [14/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

PickupIon Spectrum
(FluidFrame) the shockstrength and the upstreamAlfv6n speedV.41,
althoughthe electrostaticcrossshockpotential(7) is
to V•l ,•B/Bi oc B•/ni (r- 1)for a
perpendicularshock. Since(7) determinesthe normal
component of the limitingPI velocity(V•pe½, equation
(8)) belowwhichan ion is reflectedspecularlyfromthe
shock, it is clear that a larger potential will increase
10-4 the injection efficiencyand also force a greater num-
ber of the initially reflected particles to be multiply
reflected. With a larger shock potential the possibil-
ity that greater numbers of particles are multiply re-
flected tends to push more particles into the higher-
energy end of the spectrum. Since the upper energy
limit is fixed by upstreamconditions(section3.3), a
10 100 1000 10000
slight spectral flattening is expected when the shock
(Vz/ U•z) potential is increased. This feature, which is relatively
PickupIon Spectrum
(ShockFrame) weak,is illustratedin Figure9 for threevaluesof
(V•p•½/ul- 1 = -0.55,-0.75,-0.9, or equivalently,
' ' ....'" ......." ' ' ....'" ' ' ...."l - a.oa x , 6.a x , x , re-
spectively).The powerlaw exponentdecreases
with decreasingcrossshockpotential. Although we do
not address the question of MRI energization at non-
perpendicular shocks, we have noted already that for
10-4 all 8B,, >_45ø, reflectedions always return to the shock.
For 8B,• < 45ø, somereflectedions can escapeupstream
[seeWebbet al., 1983]. The inclusionof suchan addi-
10.6 tional loss processshould lead to a steepeningof the
spectrum, as should perturbations to the shocksurface
itself and the presenceof fluctuations in the magnetic
field associated with waves or turbulence.
1 10 100 1000 10000 The spectra obtained from MRI accelerationare very
(V2/ U12) different from the spectra expectedof a first-order Fermi
Figure 8. The transmitted PI spectrumat a perpendicu- shock acceleration mechanism. For Fermi acceleration
lar shockin the (a) fluid and (b) shockframes.An E -1'5 the nonrelativistic energy spectrum is ocv-• where
power law has been plotted over the computed spectrum ? = 3r/(r- 1) is the spectralindexand dependsonly
for the purposesof illustration. See text for further details. on the shock compressionratio r. The hardest spec-
Vspec/•l'• 0.25. tra, ? = 4, are thereforeassociatedwith the strongest
shocks(r = 4), whereas,evenfor weak shocks,MRI
deed, by taking I keV as a canonicalestimate for the yieldsspectramuchflatter (harder)than
normalizing 103 this, for example,from Figure 8, F • v-3. The
PI energy(1/2 rnu•), our normalized
measure correspondsto MeV PI energies. The slope pickup H+ spectrumseenby the solar wind ion com-
of the acceleratedspectrum is not terribly sensitiveto position instrument, and the hellosphereinstrument for

10ø................ 10
ø 10
oc)........' ........
10q 10a 10a

10-2 10-2 10-2

10'3 • 10'3 • 10'3

10-4 10-4 10.4

10-5 10-5 10-5

10'6 10'6 10'6

1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 II
(V2/ UI2) Energy
(V2/ UI2) Energy
(V2/ Ui2)
Figure 9. Examples of the transmitted PI spectrum for three successivelysmaller shock potentials
to (a) V,pe½/ttl-- I = --0.55, (b) V,pe½/tt•- I = -0.75, and (c) V,p,½/tt•- I = -0.9.
Plotted over the computedspectra are different powerlaws in energy.
21562202a, 1996, A1, Downloaded from by Umea University, Wiley Online Library on [14/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

Distribution Function for Drift Accelerated PI's PhaseSpacePlotof Drift Accelerated

30 ß , ß , ß , ß
i i i i i ! i ! ! ! !


1 ....

...; , . ::..
..•::...:.v..... '.'. .

• 0 •!?•!!,ø .-.-......:..
L'v•":.;':.' ß ß ' '
., ,• .•'., , . ' .

-.. . .

ß ..

-1 ' ß

-4 -2 0 2 4 10-4 10'2 100 102 104
Vx/U• Vx/ U•

Figure 10. Phasespace
in (V•, Vz)ofthetransmitted
PI distribution'
(a) thepurelyshock
drift accelerated
(b) the effectof bothSDAandMRI acceleration.

spectra compositionand anisotropyat low energy on locityv• mustsatisfy1/2 mv• <_ec/,.The second
board Ulysses[Gloeckleret al., 1994]wasa powerlaw escapefrom the shockenvironmentdue to any of sev-
with spectral index 3.8 • 0.5. The shock was weak eral effectsincludingfinite shockextent, obliquityof
with an inferred compressionratio r ~ 2.4 and quasi- the magneticfield (MRI acceleration cannotworkat a
perpendicular (0B•r = 50o -4-11ø) from whichdiffusive quasi-parallelshock),magneticfield fluctuationsscat-
shock acceleration would predict a power law index of teringreflectediontrajectories significantly,andpertur-
only ~5. The conclusion of Gloeckleret al. [1994]was bations associated with the shock itself. The third effect
that Fermi shockaccelerationsimply could not explain is that, as the reflectedPIs acquirea largevelocityv•
the accelerated PI spectrum. MRI acceleration,on the in the transverse direction associated with the motional
other hand, is capable of producinghard spectra at a electricfield, the Lorentzforcee%B becomes increas-
weak shock. Furthermore, as we have noted above, the inglyimportantin the vicinityof the electrostatic
possibility of particle escape at a quasi-perpendicular rier. The particleLorentzforcemusteventuallyexceed
shockmay lead to a steepeningof the MRI spectrum. the force exerted by the electrostaticpotential -eVc•,
In concluding our discussionof the transmitted PI thus allowing the reflectedion to escapedownstream.
distributionwe plot the transmitted(normalized)ve- Evidently, the gradient of the electrostaticshockpo-
locitiesin the phasespace(vñ, vz). The SDA acceler- tential is crucial in determining the maximum PI en-
ated distribution is plotted in Figure 10a and the SDA ergy gain from MRI acceleration.By introducingthe
and MRI accelerateddistribution is plotted in Figure shockramp thickness Az -- œrampthe balancingof the
10b. The reflected particles occupy a curved conelike particle Lorentz forceagainstthe electrostaticpotential
structure in the phase space,and fine-scalestructure is gradient yields
evident and is associatedwith the integral numberof re-
flectionsexperiencedby ions originatingfrom different e'llyB• e•/Lramp. (31)
sectionsof the upstream shell distribution.
Since MRI acceleration is associatedwith the shock, On usingthe estimate(7) for the shockpotentialwe
a peak in the high-energyPI flux shouldoccur there find that
•7 6B •t,•/,1 •/,1
too. It is lessclear whether or where the lower-energy (32)
energy-acceleratedPIs shouldpeak, sincethe effectsof v•t= M•i B1eB1Lramp'
both specularly reflected and non-specularly reflected wherernal/eB is the gyroradiusof a particlemoving
acceleration mechanismsshould be present simultane- at the solar wind speed. Thus the m•imum energy
ously. Gloeckleret al. [1994]observedthat the ~200 gain is proportional to the ratio of an ion gyroradius
keV flux of pickupH+ peakedat the shockwhereasthe (whosevelocityis that of the solarwind)to the smallest
~ 5 keV flux peaked some distance downstream. The characteristicelectrostaticshockpotential length scale.
~200 keV pickup H+ distributionis certainlyconsis- Clearly,• can becomevery large• Lramp• 0, the
tent with MRI acceleration, but the 5 keV distribution limit in which the computationsof sections3.1 and 3.2
is lesseasily interpreted. were performed.
3.3. Maximum Energies Clearly,if the lengthscaleLrampis that of the ther-
mal solar wind ion gyroradius, the initially very low
Three effectsconspireagainst a reflectedPI gaining velocity PIs will be accelerated up to no more than
unlimited energy from the motional electricfield. The the ambient solar wind speed. However, our current
first is obviouslythat the particles' incident normal re- (not very good)understanding of the micro-structure
21562202a, 1996, A1, Downloaded from by Umea University, Wiley Online Library on [14/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

shocks(derivedfrom ISEE mea- with nn - 0.1 cm-a shouldbe a fairly reasonable

of quasi-perpendicular de-
surements of the Earth's bow shock and hybrid sim- scription of the outer hellosphericplasma. Of course,
ulations)is that the shockconsistsof a very narrow although PIs have been observedby Ulysses,the related
ramp whose thickness scales with the electron inertial and expected large-scalesolar wind plasma dynamical
lengthc/wp• (Kennelet al., 1985)togetherwith a foot effectsassociatedwith PIs have yet to be observedcon-
and overshootwhose length scalesare determined by vincingly(althoughseeRichardson et al. [1995a]).For
ion kinetic effects(see Goodrich[1985]for a review). this reason we consider several basic solar wind models
Since the ramp is dominated by resistive or electron in- from which we infer the appropriate upstream condi-
ertial effects, it possesses
the steepestgradientsand is tions for modeling a perpendicular TS. These models
the relevantscalefor Lrarnp.Further supportfor this are distinguishedprimarily by the assumedTS location.
assumption comesfrom the observationalestimates of In the first case we consider a TS located at 60 AU and
shockramp widths presentedby Scudderet al. [1986] use Isenberg's[1986]three-fluidmodelwith nn - 0.1
and Balikhinet al. [1995].Bothsetsof authorsfindthat cm-3. Two examplesare investigated:one in which
the ramp width is much lessthan the ion inertial length. the solar wind thermal temperature varies adiabatically
Numerical simulationsof high Much number perpendic- (model la) and anotherwhichsatisfiesa temperature
ular shocksby Tokar et al. [1986]find that the ramp lawT oc•-0.55[seeRichardson
et •l. 1995b](modellb).
width can become as small as an electron gyroradius. In the second class of models the TS is located at 100
Finally, Newburyand Russell[1994]observeda highly AU and again, two examplesare discussed.Model 2a is
quasi-perpendicular (0 ,-, 85ø) supercriticalshockwith the analogueof model la, while model 2b refersto a so-
a ramp width of ,-, 2c/wp•. Theseresultssuggest that lar wind mediated only weakly by PIs and where the PI
the assumption of a ramp width which scaleswith the number density is an order of magnitudesmallerthan
electron inertial length might be reasonable.Thus, on that of model 2a; this model representsan almost-MHD
settingLramp- c/wpe,we obtain descriptionin the sensethat the PIs modify the solar
wind flow only slightly. It shouldbe noted that, strictly
speaking,the nonadiabatictemperature model lb is not
5B rn , (33)
fully self-consistentbut is instead inferred from obser-
vations. For the purposesof comparison,MHD param-
as the maximum transverse velocity allowed by MRI eters for the solar wind at 60 and 100 AU are tabulated
acceleration.Here, rn/rn• is the ratio of protonto elec- as well.
tron mass. Hence, for a perpendicular shock, we have In Tables 1 and 2 we list the variousderived plasma
the remarkable result that the nominal maximum en- parameters for our four models. Several points are
ergy gain for PIs experiencingMRI accelerationis ap- immediatelyapparent. (1) Chargeexchange,and the
proximately proportional to the squareof the product lessereffect of mass loading, can deceleratethe solar
of the Alfv•n speedand (r- 1), r beingthe compressionwind significantly, with the implication that the TS
ratio. V.4xis typically fairly constant in the solar wind shock strength can weaken dramatically with increas-
(50-70km/s) andvarieslittle with heliocentric distance. ing heliocentricdistance. (2) The thermalsolarwind
Hence%m• at a quasi-perpendicular shockis typically temperature(i.e., excludingPIs) is verylow,evenwhen
.-.4 x 103(r- 1) km/s. Thus,sincevy = v sin0sin•, nonadiabaticthermalexpansion isassumed (modellb),
a PI with this transversevelocityhas energiesin excess and severalorders of magnitude lower than that of the
PIs. The solar wind distribution function becomes in-
of 8.35x 10-2 (r- 1)2 MeV. Thus,for evenmoder-
ately strongshocks,the MRI mechanismcan accelerate creasinglynarrow in velocity space. By contrast, the
PIs up to or beyond 0.5 MeV energies,which is proba- continued addition of energetic PIs servesto offset the
bly the energy range neededto initiate diffusiveshock effectsof adiabatic expansion,thus leadingto an almost
accelerationat a perpendicular shock. constant PI temperature and pressurein the outer hello-
sphereall thewayout to theTS [Isenberg,
1986].(3) Pls
4. Structure of the Termination Shock
constitute merely 15-20% of the total number density
at 60 AU and 20-25% at 100 AU yet are the dominant
Although we have discussed
the implicationsof MRI outer hellosphericplasmapressure(excludingthe solar
acceleration in the context of outer hellospheric inter- wind ram pressure,of course).(4) With the exception
planetary shocks, we have not yet discussedthe im- of model 2a the number density of PIs is sufficiently
plications of including PIs in a model of the TS. De- small that the Alfvin speedV.4 is not greatly changed
pending on the interstellar neutral hydrogennumber from the canonical MHD value. However, the associ-
density nl•, the solar wind itself can be strongly decel- ated deceleration of the solar wind speed does reduce
erated[Holzer,1972];seePaulset al. [1995]for a fully the Alfvdn Much number comparedto the purely MHD
self-consistenttime-dependenttwo-dimensionalcalcula- models. (5) The additionof hot PIs to the outer he-
tion. The neutral H number density inferred by Gloeck- llospherereducesthe fast magnetosonicMuch number
let et al. [1993]on the basisof Ulyssesobservations is of the TS considerably,implying that the TS is signif-
nl• = 0.077q-0.015cm-3 (a valuewhichshouldbe in- icantly weakenedby the inclusionof PIs. (6) Finally,
terpreted as the neutral density at the TS rather than it is evident from Table 2 that the plasma beta is de-
in the LISM; againseePauls et al., 1995). This find- termined almost entirely by the PI contribution. In the
ingsuggeststhat the multifluidmodelof Isenberg
[1986] absenceof PIs, the plasma beta/• is negligiblysmall,
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Table 2. Derived Sound Speeds,Mach Numbers, and Plasma • Valuesfor

the TS Models

V.4,km/s Vl, km/s M.4 M! •sw •PZ

Model la 50.0 98.0 6.9 3.5 6.6 x 10-a 3.30

Model lb 50.0 99.0 6.9 3.5 0.15 3.45

MHD (60 AU) 51.0 51.0 7.8 8.0 0.005

Model 2a 62.5 110.0 4.5 2.5 2.4 x 10-a 2.60

Model 2b 68.5 100.0 5.6 3.8 2.4 x 10-• 1.40

MHD (100AU) 71.0 71.0 5.6 5.6 2.4x 10-•

V•4and V! correspondto the Alfv•n andfastmagnetosonic

andM! arethe Alfv•n andfastmagnetosonic Machnumbers,
refersto the plasma beta with and without PI's.

unlessthereis significant
heating(modellb), in which I I I I I I• '1 I I I I I I[ •l I I I I I II IL

case• is merely small. This observationis in contrast .

to the values used in the simulations of Lietoe• ei •.

[1993],K•ck•rek •r•d $ckoler[1995]and Ci•c•1o•e et
A phenomenological
qusi-tuun • Quasi- Turbulent ' !

- !!laminar • ,.
(andreferences '!! •'X
bowshock andinterplanetary
are !

by•heupstreamplasmabetaand•hef• _•Laminar
• Quasi-turbulent
Mach number.
In •igure11,weuse•he
scheme•o cl•sify •he TS mod-
elsof Tables1 and2. (I• shouldbe no[ed•ha• •igure
11 applies only •o quasi-perpendicularshocksla sim-
ilar parametric classificationschemefor quasi-parallel Model la •Ir Model 2a -
Model lb ß Model 2b
shocksdoesno• exist.) All four of •he PI-modifiedTS 0.1 I I I I IIill I
modelsfall in•o •he •urbulen• regime. However,owing 0.1 1 ,,,,I
lO ' ' ' ' '''i(
•o incteeing heliocentricdistance,•he TS model 2a is
so weak that it borders the quasi-turbulentcategory.
Owing to the muchsmallerPI numberdensityassumed Figure 11. The classificationschemeproposedby Green-
for model 2b, the TS in this caseis fully turbulent, like stadt [1974] and t'ovmisano[1977], which dividesquasi-
the ones of models la and lb. In principle, the dissi- perpendicular shocks into four classesdepending on the
plasma•5 and magnetosonic
Mach number [after Mellot•,
pationnecessary to formquasi-turbulent
(andlaminar) 1985]. The classificationof modelsla and lb and 2a and
effectsand/or anomalous 2b within this schemeis illustratedby a dagger(modella),
resistivity. For shockswith Mach numbersgreaterthan , c,o,, (moaa ,t,, ,ona ci,de
somecriticalMach number(-2- 3), resistivityalone purely MHD modelsat 60 and 100 AU are not in the figure,
is insu•cient to provide structure to the shock. Conse- since they have •5 •-• 0.1.
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Table 3. SpecularReflectionand PI Injection Characteristicsfor the

Different TS Models

km/s Reflected
H+, % Overall

Model la and lb 158 22 3.5

MHD (60 AU) 172 00 0.0

Model 2a 162 30 6.0

Model 2b 219 29 1.0

MHD (100 AU) 235 00 0.0

quently, additional dissipativemechanismsare required scaleof the TS foot shouldalso be determinedby the
to form the shock. Thus, Figure 11 suggeststhat the gyroradii of the reflectedPIs. Initially, reflectedPIs will
TS is likely to be supercritical, although perhapsonly havegyroradiiof the orderof severaltimes104km. If
marginally. Note that if the PI density were slightly we assumethat MRI accelerationcan acceleratePIs up
larger or if the TS were locatedsomewhatbeyond100 to MeV energies
(seebelow)with gyroradiiof • 10-2
AU, the magnetosonicMach number would be so re- AU, then the thicknessof the foot should be of the or-
duced as to render the TS subcritical! Even for the der of severaltimes108km. The energydensityof the
much better studied terrestrial bow shock it remains reflectedPIs will determine the strength of the precur-
unclear which wave modes provide the anomalousvis- sor relative to the ramp, and given the flatnessof the
cosityat a subcriticalshock,a situation which can only reflectedPI energy spectrum, this strength may well be
be rendered more uncertain by the presenceof hot PIs. substantial.
For the present we will assumethat the TS is super- Simple estimates for the expected heating of the PIs
critical and quasi-perpendicular. From the parameters and solar wind ions and electrons can be made. The
listed in Table 1 and the results of section 3, it is ap- bulk of the PIs are heated by SDA for which the en-
parent that the narrownessof the cold solarwind distri- ergy increaseis givenby (30) (this neglectsthe en-
bution must make the reflection of solar wind ions at ergizationdue to MRI acceleration). One can esti-
weakTS veryinefficient.PickupH+, onthe otherhand, mate the solar wind ion heating either from a simple
is much more efficiently injected, and using the param- cross shock potential calculation or from the appro-
eters of Tables 1 and 2, we summarize the expected priate Rankine-Hugoniot conditions. Empirically, the
thresholdnormalspecularreflectionvelocityV•pec,the heating of electronsaveragesabout'20% of the total
PI injectionefficiencies
of reflectedto inci- temperature changeimplied by the Rankine-Hugoniot
dent H+) and the overallinjectionefficiency i.e., the conditions[Schtoartzet al., 1988],althoughthis frac-
percentageof reflectedto incident pickup plus solar tion can increasefor lower values of the magnetosonic
wind protons, for each of our modelsin Table 3. Fur- Mach number. We can also, very crudely,estimate the
thermore,under the assumptionthat the solarwind ion energy density of reflectedPIs in the foot. The various
distributionis Maxwellian,injectionefficienciesof •1% estimatesare collectedtogetherin Table 4. To esti-
for reflected solar wind protons are achieved. mate the energydensityin acceleratedpickupH+, we
Table 3 suggeststhat the perpendicularstructureof supposethat the distribution is describedby
the TS is determinedlargelyby PIs. In all casesa signif-
icant fraction of the incomingPI populationis reflected
at the TS w a percentagethat in fact correspondsto
a modest fraction of the total incident ion population. where we have approximated the spectrumfrom v - ul
Furthermore,the percentageof reflectedions is proba- by an E -2 powerlaw. This is steeperthan we calcu-
bly sufficientlysmallthat the TS remainsstable late numerically, but it allowsfor the additional effects
1983]. PIs may thereforeprovidethe primary dissipa- of particle escapeand providessome idea of the accel-
tion mechanismfor a perpendicularTS with solar wind erated PI pressure in the foot and downstream of the
ions playing very much a secondaryrole. The length shock. For the purposesof illustration we use a 1 MeV
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Table 4. Derived Structural Properties of the TS Models When MI{I Acceleration is Taken Into Account

/,f,km Proof, n, K Tsw2

eVcm-aTsw? electron
, K Pfoot/P•TPI2,

Model la 3.2 >106 1.3 x 10-• 2.4 x 105 6.2 X 104 1.6 1.4 x 106

Model lb 3.2 >106 1.3 x 10-• 2.4 x 106 5.9 x 105 1.6 1.4 x 106

MHD (60AU) 3.8 2.4x 10• 6.0x 105

Model 2a 2.7 >106 7.6 x 10-2 1.7 x 106 4.2 x 105 1.6 1.2 x 106

Model 2b 3.6 >106 3.5 x 10-2 2.1 x 106 5.3 x 105 1.4 2.8 x 106

MHD (100AU) 3.7 2.2x 106 5.5x 105

Herer refersto the shockcompression

ratio,L! to thefootlengthscale,Proofto thereflected
PI pressure
_ ion/electron
in the foot, :/•w2 to the downstream
solarwindion and electrontemperatures,
Pfoot/P• to
the ratio of foot to upstream pressures,and Tp•2 to the downstream PI temperature for the shock drift
accelerated component.

upper limit on the reflected particle energy. Then, as the same spectral slope when plotted as a function of
illustrated in Table 4 the total thermal pressurein the which,asdiscussed by Cummingset al.
foot is typically3/2 the far upstreamthermalpressure, [1984],is consistentwith observations.
indicatingthat the incomingsolarwind shouldbe de- In Figure 12 we use the parametersderivedfor mod-
celerated somewhat before the shock encounter itself. els la and lb and 2a and 2b to calculateMl•I-energized
In Table 4, the column referring to the downstreamPI PI spectra. The spectra are all seen to be extremely
temperatureT•i2 is calculatedfor the bulk pI distri- hard,withspectra
asfiat as...E-1'3 (although
uio. (i.e., xprio. dependon howoneidentifiesand measures the slope).
heating due to the reflectedand acceleratedPI com- MI•I- acceleratedspectra are significantlyharder than
ponent, which we might identify with ACRs, is not in- the E -2 expectedof Fermi shockacceleration
in the
cluded. It is noteworthy too that the addition of the limit of a strong shock with r - 4. In fact, from
ACR pressure component downstream of the TS will the compressionratios listed in Table 4, Fermi shock
increase the effective overall compressionof the shock
[Do•ohue a•d Za•k, 1993]but this resultcan only be
explored properly at a nonlinear level. Table5. Injection
of Different
We have hitherto not discussedthe implications of Speciesfor the Four TS Models
(9) for the relativeabundances
of the ACI•
component. If we identify the multiply reflected PIs as
Model H+ He + C+ N+ O+ Ar +
in fact comprisingthe ACI• injectioncomponent(i.e.,
assumingthat the reflectedparticlesare injectedinto a
second-stageaccelerationprocess fromwhichthe ACR
la and lb 22 10.7 6.2 5.8 5.4 3.4
componentis then produced),then, usingthe param-
eters listed in Tables 1 and 2, we can calculate what
fractionof the solarwind PI populationwill become
2a 30 14.5 8.4 7.7 7.2 4.6
ACR.s. The mass/charge ratio implicitin (9) differ-
entiatesthe injection efficienciesof the variousspecies
accordingto mass,as is illustratedin Table5 for H+,
2b 29 14.4 8.3 7.65 7.2 4.55
He+, C+, N+, O+, and Ar+ for the four TS models.
It should also be noted that the spectra producedby
MI•I acceleration for the different speciesall possess Efficienciesare measuredin percentages.
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TransmittedPI EnergySpectrum(Fluid Frame)Model 1 TS the accelerationof the ACR component.If we useagain

10 o expression
(34) for the ACR H+ component
to particlevelocitiesin the interval[ux,•ux],
10'1 then
CACI• •q,
ref •- 1
10'2 = (35)
gram •/,SW 271'•
2• 10'3 where •/,ref refers to the number density of reflected
ions. For a 1 MeV upper limit to reflected ion ener-
gies,• '" 31. The energydensitiesare seen,from Table
õ, to comprise a sizable fraction of the solar wind en-
ergy density,evenfor very weak shocks.This is quite
10'6 different from the conclusionreached by C•mmings et
10-7 el. [1994]. Indeed,the primary dissipationmechanism
at the perpendicular TS appears to be the reflection
1 10 CV•/ U1•/)
Energy 1000 and subsequentMRI energizationof PIs. Note that the
PI EnergySpectrum
(FluidFrame)Model2A TS estimatesassociatedwith the 1 MeV limit may be inter-
10o ,, ....... • ........ • ........ preted as the energydensityfor the injectionpopulation
b) if one were to assumea two-stageparticle acceleration
10-1 -
scheme(MRI acceleration
followedby Fermienergiza-
10-2 tion, for example).
By way of concludingthis section,let us use the re-
2• 10'3 suits of section 3.3 to estimate the nominal maximum

Z 10-4 energythat a PI shouldbe capable,at least theoreti-

cally, of achieving on the basis of MRI accelerationat
10-5 the TS. For models la and lb we obtain reflected PI
energiesE •_ 0.46 MeV, for model 2a, E •_ 0.35 MeV
10-6 and for model 2b, E •_ 1.2 MeV. The time neededto
i i i i i i ii I i t i i i illl i ! i i i accelerateprotons to such energiesis extremely short,
10'71 10 100 and we suggestthat these MRI-energized PIs form the
('va / U1•) injection pool of ions needed for Fermi shockaccelera-
tion to operate at a quasi-perpendicularTS.
PI EnergySpectrum (FluidFrame)Model2B TS
10o ........ • ........ • ........
5. Conclusions and Discussion

10-2 -
Motivated by an interesting seriesof shock simula-
tions [Liewet et el., 1993;Kucherekend Scholer,1995;
Gieceloneet el., 1994],someperplexingobservationsof
PI accelerationat an interplanetary shock by Ulysses
Z 10'4 [Gloeckler
et el., 1994],anda possible
of the TS
in the near future by the Voyager and Pioneer space-
10-6 craft, we have consideredthe injection and energiza-
tion of PIs at quasi-perpendicularshocks. Since the

10-8 ........ • ........ t ........

1 10 100 1000 Table 6. The Energy Densityof
(Vz/ U••) MRI Accelerated ACR's as a
Ratio of the Solar Wind
Figure 12. MRI energized
PI spectra
for (a) models
la Energy Density
andlb, (b) model
law is also plotted for reference.
• (1 MeV)

accelerationshould yield somewhat steeper spectra of Models la and lb 20

ore-2'2 •or modelsla and lb, E -2'4 for model2a and
E -2'1 for the MHD-like model 2b. On the basis of both Model 2a 41
the harder spectraand the effectsof chargeexchangeon
the solar wind itself, it is interestingto reconsiderthe Model 2b 10
energydensityof ACRs at the shockwhencomparedto
the solarwind energydensity.Cummings et el. [1994]
madesuchan estimate,findinga ratio of 2%, indicating, From equation(35). Densities
they argued,that shockdissipationis not dominatedby are measuredin percentages.
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Two-stepAcceleratedPI Spectrum(Injection+Fermi)

• ........
• ........
• ........
. E-1.5


10-8 - ermi -
• • • I I I•l • • • • • •l I I I I I I•ll I I I I I II
1 10 100 1000 10000
(V2/ U12)
Figure 13. A schematic spectrum for PIs transmittedthroughthe TS in a two-stepaccelerationprocess.
The part of the upstreamPI shellnot reflectedby the shockpotentialbarrieris drift accelerated
up to
2-4timesthe energyof 1/2 rnu• (theprecise
onthe shockcompression
Multiply reflectedPIs are then accelerated
up to energiesperhapsseveralhundredtimes the energy
of 1/2 rnu•, the injectionenergynecessaryto initiatea second-stageFermiaccelerationprocess.The
transmittedPI spectrum willbeextremely harduntilEinj(~E -•'5), whereupona softerspectrum
develop (~E -2'4) whose slopeis consistent
withFermiacceleration at a weakTS.

isotropizedPI distributionis likely to possess

ionswhich The ordering of the injection efficienciesfor different
have very small velocitiesin the shockframe, we suggest PI speciesis consistentwith Ulyssesobservationsof PI
that reflectedions at a perpendicularshockin the outer acceleration at an interplanetary shock.
heliospherewill be of PI origin predominantlyrather (5) Althoughthe primarythrust of this paperis the
than of thermal solar wind origin. The reflected PI descriptionof a new mechanismfor acceleratinglow-
populationis capableof multiple reflections,acquiring energy PIs to high energies,we have derived a simple
considerableenergyfrom the motional electricfield in estimatefor the maximum energygain due to MRI ac-
the process,beforeovercomingthe shockpotentialbar- celeration. This result is similar to one obtained by
rier. Our primary resultscan be listed as follows.
Lee et al. (submittedmanuscript,1995). In the solar
(1) MRI acceleration
of PIsisquasi-coherent
andvery wind, MRI maximum energiesexceedabout 0.5 MeV.
prompt and, as an accelerationmechanism,is distinct Of course, additional nonlaminar and nonlinear effects
from the better studied shock drift and diffusive shock must conspire to modify our simple test particle re-
(Fermi)acceleration mechanisms (althoughpossessingsultsin someway (high levelsof low-frequency MHD
of both). turbulence, fluctuating shockgeometry,and other fac-
(2) Sincelow-velocity ionsare preferentially
acceler- tors may all scatterPI orbits), althoughit's not clear
ated by multiple reflections,the injectionproblemasso- whether this effect will enhanceor degradethe mecha-
ciatedwith Fermiacceleration (whichrequireshighin- nism. A further questionthat needsto be investigated
jectionparticleenergies)is absent.Furthermore,MRI more closely concerns the effect that a more realistic
accelerationprovides a direct link between PIs and electrostaticshockpotential will have on both the spec-
anomalouscosmicrays. trum and the potential maximum energygain of an ac-
(3) Very hard powerlaw spectraresult from MRI celeratedPI. Finally, it is worth noting that our adia-
acceleration, even at comparatively weak shocks.There batic treatment of SDA may in fact underestimatethe
is little sensitivity in the spectral slope to the shock maximum possibleenergy gain for an ion, sincesubse-
plasmaparametersthemselves (althoughtheseinfluence quent reflectionsmay be neglected.Useof a full particle
the intensity),and the powerlaw spectrafor different tracing code is necessaryto explorethis issuefurther.
PI speciesare all identical when plotted as a function While our results certainly appear to be consistent
of energy/nucleon. with the accelerated PI observationsmade by Ulysses
(4) A particularlysimplerelationshipgoverningthe on virtually all points, it is somewhat difficult to ef-
injectionefficiencyof PIs at a quasi-perpendicularshock fect a detailed comparison,given the uncertainty in
hasbeenderivedandis proportional to (Zrn/M)U2. the plasma parameters associatedwith Gloeckleret al.'s
21562202a, 1996, A1, Downloaded from by Umea University, Wiley Online Library on [14/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

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