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Urb. Moreira, Vía Chone Km. 2 No 701 y Av. Puerto Ila teléfono 3700868
Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas – Ecuador

Activity in class

Integrantes: Mise Robles, Anahí Mendieta, Leandro Castro y Bianca Holguín

Fecha: 25 de enero del 2022

Curso: 8vo A
Leandro: Good morning, I'm the cook and the waitress is going to come right away to serve you.
Mise: Good morning, okay, we'll wait
Leandro: Just in case, today we have the chef's specialty
Anahí: Okay, it's curious to try it
Leandro: You're going to like it, well I'll retire until later
Bianca: Good morning, what do you want to eat?
Anahí: We want the chef's specialty, Mise, do you want something else?
Mise: And a glass of water
Bianca: Okay, I'm coming with your orders
mise: ok
- 10 minutes later-
Bianca: Here are your orders
Anah: Thank you.
Bianca: I hope you like it
Mise: Yes, thank you
Bianca: Well I'm leaving
-10 minutes later-
mise: waitress
Bianca: tell me
Mise: What would the bill be?
Bianca: thirty dollars
Anahi: Here are the thirty dollars, I can see the chef to congratulate him
Bianca: Okay, here comes the chef
Leandro: I hope you liked the food and that you received good service
Anahi: if we liked it and if we had good attention
Mise: Yes, we already have to go
Anahi: Yes, it's late

Urb. Moreira, Vía Chone Km. 2 No 701 y Av. Puerto Ila teléfono 3700868
Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas – Ecuador

Bianca: See you later and thanks for coming

Leandro: See you later, nice afternoon
Mise: likewise

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