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Measurements of A Concrete Pole Impedance with An Impulse Current Source Ssaeta KYamanoo SYotoyama Kansai Tech Co ‘Swank Cobege of Technolgy ‘CREPE 3-1-6ulezakiMinso-ky Shioho-eh, Sumaa-ehi 11. Kits 2- of the IG is 260kV" mest inthe caer) the cent plies to he ion reinforce, () the erent apps 10 the conc, (2) the cent apples fo the grading ‘ead wir, and (the pounding ad wire cones 19 fhe concre pole atthe top, whee the grounding led we Is apaed from the cncee poe nthe ese (0) eo Inthe case (), 2 Dasover between the gounting lead wie andthe concrete ole takes them sor ree, then the ap volageenincbs the vohage la the eat (This ct laces that when 3 dct Thing seoke ts 1 the round wie, an sunliary sounding (2 rounding of he grosd wi) shor ‘ioe othe coma pol S. CONCLUSIONS (0) The sue Impedance of 2 ence poe is mea ‘wed to be 200 2, and he taveling veloc of he ‘rg i abot the ‘sae 3 he Hight vel In fee pace The sage impedance of he cone pole is Slr that of vera andor @) The gronting rane of he concrete ple is ‘ally dependent onthe Get valve ofa apled (6) The resistance i not afte bythe play ofthe sled cae. (6 Aa surly pounding reces he pole top vou. REFERENCES (C1 Liphnng Protection Design Sindy Commie: “Lighaing. Prsecnn Design Geide-Book for Disb Lines", CRIEP Repo, NOX7S030 (a Bapanese). 1976 (2 Liphuing Overvtage on Disibton Lies Sty ‘Commite:*Lighniag-inoced Valages or Over~ ead” Wires’ TEED Report NoS22 Gn Japanese), (3)SYotovams: “Liphsng. Protection on Power Distribution Lines against Dect Lighting Hi, TEE Tams, voll BO), ppS6e-s68 (a Sapanese, 1998 (4 Fl, TMasven, Ki, Stake, M. Arima & TShinenscProtecve Eifecs of Suge Ase cs on Power Dison Lice against Diet hing His to Ovethad Ground Wie, Ii SOLITI-306 pp 619-827 Gn apne) 1951 “a (5)Sokorama & Assan: "Expert Sty ‘of Response of Power Ditton Lines o Dect [phnig Hs, IEEE Tram, voLPWRD-40, pp. 2ai2-228, 1969 LTanigucl, AAstava, S:Yokoyam, Kaka, KOhnishl & Taba A Stay om Light ring Perfomance of Power Distibion Line Wwitlout Suge Artem on One Phas" id, vl. 11¢-B(N),pi150-1159" (a panes) 1954 JEMask, lige &Y-Yoko"Siwdy on the Ene Lighning Protection Schemes or Dis aon Line’ bid, vOLII4-B(), ppe9-656. Ci Japanese), 198 YRYemanom, KMuuua, SSekik & S ‘Yoyams:"A my of Suge Inpodaae of Die ‘ton Concrete Pole and) Grounding Lead Wie wing Seale Mode, High Volpe Conference of TEES, HV-9-17 Ga Jpanew) 1984 YAMorinoo, Haya, SSebiohs, —M. lwotawa, Tiina & HMor*Developmeat of ‘All-Meather-Type Mobile Impulse Voge Gen- tate, Dacarge & High Volpe Jon Confer ce of TEED, ED-94-124, HV-96-85 Gn Iepaese), 1954 OTHan, O.Yanano!, Miayai, Tight & K Salawa: “Lightning Surge Response of « Cla tial Tower’, Sh IH, 8105, 1987 (LDAMMous: "he Soil osztion Craletasacl- ted with Discharge of High Curent ito Con centated Eletodes", IEEE Trans, volPWRD- « a ao TPST 95 -tinal Cotas oa Pos Syms Tae shen. Seer 195 9) pp.169-167, 1994 (2NNopeia & AAmEUR:A Development of A (Genrized Freqeney-Domala Transat Progr = FIP, EEE Tras, volPWRD-3(0, 1996 204, 1968, (9)SHoL & NMstnaion ad Fisher Pro= ‘ection, HM Pub (pens) 1951 Aawendix TA. suige impedance of vera conduct i po posed by Har etal [10] a follows, = (60 Zett)-2), vs) where Zs (conductor supe impede, Foomdicr rade qf i he surge impeince for «sep cet fan applied cure! epsented 35, We @ Pale @ ral-T 1) cements) whee Ts seot dition of the coment, Imecrt ae of the comet, @ naa» (sep fncton ‘dtl drat is ini. The poe tp lage fr the Vere a Zo (pet) a OT (ZeQeT 1 -€O}eu-T +) wens) Since 096 isa montana near fcon, he Pole tap wolage reaches the maximum valve at i=. By ‘setining (27 for 096 and by expanding grit Ino a series faction, 69.7 sot ZreZe (N30 8 -208"-75 8° whee B=T VT —O

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