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The procrastination that has been generated in people after the event of the pandemic, many

have remained with the habit of not exercising and omitting healthy meals, substituting them
for others that are not, or simply, the low self-esteem that the people into believing that they
will never be able to change and continue with the habit that slowly kills them both mentally
and physically.

I think they are increasing en masse, because generally, people who opt for these habits
promote them to friends who are in weak emotional situations, causing them to gradually fall
into these habits without realizing it and indirectly. Because people with these habits don't do
it with bad intentions, they just see this as an escape or something to de-stress you.

I think it could be starting to accept themselves and love themselves by making them start
promoting physical activity, starting with sports, which makes them much more active and will
help them love themselves more.
The reason why I am writing this letter is because I want to tell you about why it is important to
exercise at home, and that is that, in recent years, specifically after the pandemic, there has
been a large increase in people suffering from obesity and that above all, are not adapted to
healthy habits. Exercising at home helps us prevent cardiovascular diseases, obesity and, above
all, helps us reduce stress.

There are many ways to exercise from home, such as starting with a simple exercise routine
that we can slowly adjust to until we find our level, a great advantage is that we can start from
our level at our own pace, for as long as we want and on everything, exercises that we like.

In addition, it helps us a lot to control our times and increases our autonomous discipline,
taking the initiative to direct our lifestyle towards a healthier one is a great indication that
there is responsibility and a desire to change on our side. Everything depends merely on us,
not on what others say, this is a bad habit by which many people get carried away, the
insecurities of what others think, although it sounds ridiculous and not very credible, there are
many people who let themselves carried by the social pressure of those friends who do not
have a healthy lifestyle and decide to carry it too.

In other words, if you did not exercise regularly, you could experience a decline in your overall
health and well-being. And if you don't take the opportunity to exercise, you could miss out on
improving your physical and mental condition.

I hope you take my letter into account and help me spread the message about why it is
important to take care of yourself, both physically and emotionally, although if you work on
loving yourself physically, you can love yourself emotionally and vice versa, even if it sounds

Greetings. Sincerely, Dana Torres

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