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Climate change is an escalating global crisis that can impact our planet and have serious

consequences along with it if there is no action taken to mitigate its effects. Climate change is

primarily caused by human activities, such as greenhouse gas emissions that are in our

atmosphere. It is important that society has an understanding of climate change as it is just one of

the many stressors that negatively impacts nature and even Earth. This global issue is one of the

most significant challenges our planet faces, as it can have a drastic impact on a sustainable

future. Furthermore, this research paper aims to provide an overview of climate change and its

causes and consequences it can have on our planet.

Firstly, we can mitigate the future harsh impacts of climate change by addressing the

factors that cause negative shifts in climate. It is important that society also learns how to adapt

to changes in climate by understanding the factors that make society and the environment

vulnerable to the harsh effects of climate change. Furthermore, mainly stems from human

activity that leads to greenhouse gases being emitted into the Earth’s atmosphere. It can be

defined as “an accelerated, unprecedented, and uni-directional movement in the rate and scale of

change resulting in a warming climate” (Finn et al., 2022). So, due to human activity we can

assume that the increased greenhouse gas levels are causing the planet’s surface temperature to

rise about 2 degrees Fahrenheit. One lead cause is the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and

natural gas, etc.) release CO2 in the atmosphere, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and

furthering the global existential crisis. “cross the globe each year we now burn over 4,000 times

the amount of fossils fuels burnt during 1776” (University of California Regents, 2022). Many

causes that lead to climate change are interconnect, such as deforestation can contribute to the

release of carbon dioxide, as well as the loss of natural carbon sinks.

Furthermore, climate change is happening at a global scale, if no needed action is taken,

there will be serious consequences, that which we are already starting to face. For example, in

2021, Hurrican Ida caused lingering rain that lead to flooding, as it took “43 lives in New York,

New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut” (Finn et al., 2022). Regardless of the phenomenon,

whether it is drought, heat waves, air quality, flooding, etc., the livelihood will become

increasingly vulnerable to harm from climate-induced risks. Moreso, sea life and the oceanic

ecosystem will be apart of the consequences of climate change. For example, “Coral reefs play

an integral role in maintaining the health of thousands of aquatic organisms and they provide

food and economic security for millions around the world” (Hagen, 2018). Climate change can

create drastic consequences towards the livelihood of all living organisms.

Climate change is a escalating crisis that society should all be aware of its consequences,

causes and how to mitigate emissions in order to create a more sustainable and livable planet.

This research paper focuses on climate change’s causes and consequences it can have on

everything. This topic is crucially important to understand as it poses serious threats to life on

Earth, simple actions like using less plastic, recycle, and even changing your diet to a plant-based

diet can create a more sustainable environment for society. To conclude, it is important that

society works together to address the escalating threat to our everyday lives, and to help preseere

our planet and the inhabitants.

Finn, D., Evans, E., & Reed, K. A. (2022). What is Climate and Climate Change? In An Urban

Planner’s Guide to Climate Information (p. Page 2-Page 6). Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Hagen, R. (2018). Underwater and Underrated: Coral Reefs and Climate Change. American

Security Project.

University of California Regents. (2022). Burning of Fossil Fuels. Understanding Global

Change; University of California Museum of Paleontology.


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