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Village of Altona Board Meeting

Thursday , May 4th, 2023

The board meeting was called to order on Thursday, May 4th, by President Derrick Appell. Board members
present: President : Derrick Appell. Treasurer: Mark Compton. Clerk: Kelly Scott. Trustees: Dale Grawe, Keith
Holland , Nick Morris, and Ryan West. Absent: Trustees: Shirley Kistler and Brian DeVito. Present: Chad Long –
Village Attorney and 1 guest.
Minutes from April 6th, 2023 meeting , was motioned to approve by Ryan and Keith 2nd. All Ayes.
Payment of bills for May was motioned to approve with the addition of $200.00 to the Altona Baseball Assoc. by
Keith, and 2nd by Ryan. Ayes: Dale, Keith, Nick, and Ryan. Passes: 4-0
Financial report was reviewed by Mark Compton. Interfund transfers: Corp Checking to Refuse – $900.00. IL
Funds 2778 to Corp. - $6,800.00.
Public Comment: None

Old Business
Code Book Revisions & Passage of Any and All Ordinance s:
Any Property Sales or Purchasing Updates or Actions & Possible Closed Sessions: Still waiting for paperwork from
Amber Luna & Trust for the property of 619 N Olin St.
Solar Update: Waiting for info from Rock River Electric.

New Business:
Announcements were read by Derrick:
Swearing in Board Members: Trustees: Keith Holland and Jeremy Williams. Brian DeVito was absent; he will be
sworn in at next Board Meeting

Committee Reports
Standby Generator for Lift Station-Updates and Possible Expenditures: Generat or is almost complete.
Regulators need to be set and should be done next week.
Various Street Work Projects & Improvement Plan Updates &/or Action: Speed Limit Sign on County 4
on West side is no longer there. Also need to remove the rumble strips on County 12.
Speed Signs:
Parks/Sidewalk s:
Various Park projects updates &/or Purchasing of Equipment: Nick motioned to accept quote for swings
from Game Time in the amount of $9,349.91 and Jeremy 2nd the motion. Ayes: Dale, Jeremy, Keith, Nick
and Ryan. Passes: 5-0
Employee Report:
Adjournment: Ryan motioned to adjourn at 7:35 p.m. and Dale 2nd the motion. All Ayes. The next scheduled
meeting will be Thursday, June 1st, 2023.

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