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The Palace Of Ummra Kush

An OD&D adventure for levels 1-2

Wandering Monsters (1 in 6 chance, roll every 3 turns or when PCs cause noise)

1 Rust Monster AC2,HD5,HP 22,MV 12, Atk: Rusts metal SD: Rusts metal

2-4 Kobolds (2d4) AC7,HD1/2, MV6, Atk: slings or clubs

5-6 Desert Nomads (2d4) AC 7, HD1, MV12, Atk: shortbows or scimitars

6-8 Dervishes (1d4) AC 7 HD 1+1, MV 12, Atk: scimitar, Never check ML

9-10 Horned vipers (2d6) AC 7, HD ¼ MV 15, Atk: bite (no damage) + save vs poison or lose 1
Con per turn. At Con 3 roll survival chance or die. Con regenerates 1/day of rest.

11-12 Wild desert dogs (2d4) AC9 H1/2, MV 15, At

Ummra Kush : Mummy, AC3, HD 5+1, HP 13, MV 6”, Special: Mummy Rot (wounds take 10
times less to heal naturally, if Cure Disease within an hour only twice as long). Immune to
non-magic weapons (and magic weapons cause only half damage). Full damage from fire.

Treasure: 5000cp, potion of clairaudience, golden ring with emerald-carved signet depicting
an owl (3000gp), Black Shield of Following (shield+1, increases hireling morale/loyalty by +2),
Mail Of The Next Life (plate mail +1 with an enchanted blue opal encrusted in the middle of
the breastplate. Whenever the character is hit with melee weapon, there is a 1 in 6 chance
(4 in 6 if the character drops to 0hp because of a hit) that the opal will break releasing a
Reincarnation spell on the wearer or the closest dead person).

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