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Hydraulic Machines III

Dr. A. Oyieke

November 10, 2020


Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III

Characteristic curves

A pump chosen for a particular function should be able to:

supply the required head (H)
provide the required discharge (flow rate) (Q)
operate at a given efficiency (η) in order to determine the
power required to drive the pump.

All the above factors can be determined from tests at different flow
rates and pump speeds and plotted on graphs known as Pump


Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III

Single pumps
=⇒ If we plot the discharge of a pump (Q) and the total system
head of a pump system (H), on a graph of H vs Q we get:

H (m)




Pump curve


QW Q (m3/s)

Figure: Typical characteristic curve of a single pump Logo

Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III

Point A is the ”working point” of the system for a given
pump speed (rpm).
At the working point, the system head (Hsys ) and the total
head of the pump (H) are equal.

vd 2
Hsys = Hstat + Hf + (1)

For equal suction and delivery pipe diameters ;

4flv 2 4fL(16Q 2 ) 32fQ 2 L fQ 2 (Ls + Ld )

Hf = = = = (2)
2gd 2gd(π 2 d 4 ) π 2 gd 5 3.03d 5

Q Q vd 2 16Q 2 8Q 2
Vd = = ⇔ = = (3)
A πd 2 /4 2g π 2 d 4 2g π2d 4g

fQ 2 (Ls + Ld ) 8Q 2
Hsys = Hstat + + (4)
3.03d 5 π2d 4g

Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III

Equation 4 can be simplified by factoring out the common
term Q 2 thus;
2 f (Ls + Ld ) 8
Hsys = Hstat + Q + 2 4 (5)
3.03d 5 π d g

It follows that equation 5 can be simplified and expressed in

the form of
Hsys = Hstat + kQ 2 (6)
Where k is a constant which depends on the details of the


Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III

Example 1
Test data on a pump provided the following data at 1400 rpm.

Discharge Q (m3 /s) 0 0.079 0.158 0.238 0.317

Total head (m) 44.5 42.3 37.4 28.6 15.3
The suction and delivery pipes are 2.5 m and 40 m long
respectively. The suction pipe is 1.5 m below the centre line of the
pump and the discharge pipe is 16.5 m above the pump. If the
suction and discharge pipes both have a diameter of 200 mm and f
= 0.006; Find the flow rate in m3 /h


Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III

2 f (Ls + Ld ) 8
Hsys = Hstat + Q + 2 2
3.03d 5 π d g
2 0.006(2.5 + 40) 8
Hsys = (1.5 + 16.5) + Q 5
+ 2
3.03 × (0.20) π × (0.20)4 × 9.81
Hsys = 18 + 317.3Q 2
Calculate and tabulate system head

Q (m3 /s) 0 0.079 0.158 0.238 0.317

Hpump (m) 44.5 42.3 37.4 28.6 15.3
Hsys (m) 18 19.98 25.92 35.37 49.88

Now plot Q vs H and note the working point and take the
corresponding readings.

Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III



H (m) Hsys


Hpum p


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Q (m /s)

Qw ≈ 0.21 m3 /s and Hw ≈ 32 m
∴ Discharge = 0.21 × 60 × 60 = 756 m3 /h.

NOTE: If the suction and delivery pipe diameters are NOT equal,
then you have to calculate Hfs and Hfd separately Logo

Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III

Pumps in parallel
Pumps might be connected in parallel
To provide a back up in case of one pump failing
When delivery volume may need to be increased without
pressure increase.
By connecting a second identical pump in parallel with the
first, flow rate (Q) is doubled but delivery head (H) remains
the same. i.e. QP = 2Q1 and HP = H1

H (m)

η (%)


HStat Single `

C 2 pumps in
D parallel


Q (m3/s)
Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III
Pumps in series
⇒ The working point is W from which we read the Qw and Hw .
⇒ Equivalent efficiency of each pump while working in parallel is
⇒ Efficiency that would be achieved by a single pump at working
point A is ηD

Pumps in Series
⇒ By connecting a second pump in series with the first;
the total pressure head delivered by the two pumps (H) is
given by the sum of the two individual pump pressure heads.
the flow rate (Q) remains unchanged.
⇒ Pumps are connected in series if;
the system pressure head is too high for a single pump
the pipe pressure needs to be distributed more evenly (booster
pumps) Logo

Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III

pumps in series

H (m)


A+B { 2inpumps

Pump B
Pump A

QW Q (m3/s)

⇒Pump A provides a head HA and pump B provides a total head

of HB
⇒ The total pressure increase by the two pumps Hw = HA + HB
⇒ The efficiency of each pump is obtained from its own η − Q
curve at flow rate Qw Logo

Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III


Example 2
Test data for a pump yielded the following

Q(m3 /s) 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04

H(m) 22.5 21 18 12.5 3
η (%) 0 66 81 70 20
The pump is connected in a system with system head
Hsys = 16.5 + 11550Q 2 . Find the flow rate and power required if;
a) A single pump is connected.
b) Two identical pumps are connected in parallel.
c) Two identical pumps are connected in series.


Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III

Use the equation provided to fill the table;

Single Q(m3 /s) 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04

H(m) 22.5 21 18 12.5 3
η (m) 0 66 81 70 20
Hsys 16.5 17.16 20.62 26.40 34.48
Parallel QP (m3 /s) 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
HP 22.5 21 18 12.5 3
Series QS (m3 /s) 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
HS 45 42 36 25 6

Note: QP = 2Q and HS = 2H Now plot the graph of Q vs H & η

and read the corresponding values of the working point.


Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III

50 100

45 90

40 80 hwa

35 70
Hsy s

H (m) 30 60

h (%)
Hc C
25 50
Ha 20 40

15 30
10 h 20

5 10

0 0
0 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,07 0,08
Qwa Qwb Qwc 3
Q (m /s)

a) For a single pump ; Qwa = 0.0162 m3 /s; Hwa = 19.1 m; ηwc

= 80%
ρgQwa Hwa 1000 × 9.81 × 0.0162 × 19.1
Pin = = = 3.794kW
ηwa 0.8

Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III

b) For two pumps in parallel ⇒ QP = 2Q
Qwb = 0.021 m3 /s; Hwb = 21 m; ηwb = 82%

ρgQwb Hwb 1000 × 9.81 × 0.021 × 21

Pin = = = 5.276kW
ηwb 0.82

c) Two pumps in series HS = 2H

Qwc = 0.029 m3 /s; Hwc = 26 m; ηwc = 72%

ρgQwc Hwc 1000 × 9.81 × 0.029 × 26

Pin = = = 10.273kW
ηwc 0.72

NOTE: Hwc for each pump = 26/2 = 13

ρgQwc Hwc 1000 × 9.81 × 0.029 × 13

∴ Pin = = = 5.276kW
ηwc 0.72

Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III


Example 3
A centrifugal pump running at 1000 rpm gave the following data;

Q(m3 /min) 0 4.5 9.0 13.5 18 22.5

H(m) 22.5 22.2 21.6 19.5 14.1 0
The pump is connected to a 300 mm suction and delivery pipes.
The total length of which is 69 m and the discharge to the
atmosphere is 15 m above the sump level. the entrance loss is
equivalent to an additional 6 m of pipe and f is assumed as 0.006.
Calculate the discharge in m3 /h if;
a) A single pump is used.
c) Two identical pumps are connected in series.


Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III


Vd 2
Hsys = Hstat + Hf +

0.006 × (69 + 6)Q 2 8Q 2

Hsys = 15 + +
3.03(0.3)5 π 2 × 0.34 × 9.81

Hsys = 15 + 61.73Q 2 + 10.2Q 2

Hsys = 15 + 71.93Q 2

Q(m3 /min) 0 4.5 9.0 13.5 18 22.5

Q(m3 /s) 0 0.75 0.15 0.225 0.3 0.375
H(m) 22.5 22.2 21.6 19.5 14.1 0
Hsys (m) 15 15.40 16.62 18.64 21.47 25.12
HS (m) 45 44.4 43.2 39 28.2 0

Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III

a) Qw = 0.226m3 /s = 813.6m3 /h; Hw = 19 m
b) Qws = 0.324m3 /s = 1166.4m3 /h; Hw = 22.5 m Logo

Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III

Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)

The NPSH is the difference between the total pressure head

(static and dynamic) at the inlet flange and the vapour
pressure of the liquid that is being pumped when cavitation is
about to occur.
NPSH = Hs,flange + − Hvapour (7)

Cavitation occurs when the absolute suction pressure of a

centrifugal pump becomes so low that absolute pressure
within the pump drop to that of the vapour pressure.
Bubbles form then move to higher pressure regions and
collapse or implode, causing micro water hammer phenomena.
This causes high stress on the metal surfaces of the pump and
can lead to pitting, fatigue and failure.

Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III

Atmospheric pressure


Design point
X Hfs
V2pf/2g NPSH = V2pf/2g + ΔHp

H(stat + dyn) flange NPSH = HS,flange + V2pf/2g - ΔHvapor


Absolute Zero Point

⇒ Between absolute zero pressure and atmospheric pressure, the pressure

heads in the suction side of the system, from reservoir to impeller inlet
Hs = Static lift
Hfs = frictional head loss.
Where: vpf 2 /2g = Velocity head at pump flange.
∆Hp = Head loss from pump flange to impeller inlet
Hvapour = Vapour pressure of the fluid
Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III
The pump-pipe system must meet the requirements of point X
As soon as the lowest pressure in the pump approaches the
liquid’s vapour pressure, the pressure at the flange will still be
slightly higher than the vapour pressure i.e (Hvapour + ∆Hp )
to compensate for losses between the pump’s inlet flange and
the impeller inlet.
⇒ It follows that;

v 2 pf
Hatm − Hs − Hfs − + ∆Hp − Hvapour = 0 (8)
v 2 pf
But 2g + ∆Hp = NPSH Hence;

Hatm − Hs − Hfs − NPSH − Hvapour = 0 (9)

NPSH = Hatm − Hs − Hfs − Hvapour (10)


Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III

⇒ But Absolute Pressure Head at inlet flange is;

v 2 pf
Hflange = (Hatm − Hs − Hfs ) − (11)

v 2 pf
∴ NPSH = Hflange + − Hvapour (12)

In practice, for safety, it is better to have a slightly higher

Hs,flange head to accommodate change in Hvapour .
NPSHavailable ≥ NPSHrequired (13)
⇒ This is demonstrated in figure 2;


Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III

Atmospheric pressure


Design point

NPSH required
available ΔHp



Absolute Zero Point

Figure: The NPSHavailable and NPSHrequired


Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III

Example 4
Find the NPSH available in a pump system having the following
data. Static suction Head = 3.5 m; friction suction Head = 1.2 m;
Vapour Pressure = 2.34 kPa; Density = 998 kg /m3 ; Atmospheric
Pressure = 92 kPa.


NPSH = Hatm − Hs − Hfs − Hvapour

92 × 103 2.23 × 103
= − 3.5 − 1.2 −
998 × 9.81 998 × 9.81
= 9.40 − 3.5 − 1.2 − 0.24
= 4.46 m


Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III

Example 5
A pump requires an NPSH of 2.2 m at aflow rate of 0.05 m3 /s.
Determine the suitabilty of the pump under the following
conditions: Suction Head = 4.2 m; Friction Suction Head = 0.5
m; water temperature = 65o C Vapour Pressure = 25 kPa; Density
= 998 kg /m3 ; Atmospheric Head = 660 mmHg


NPSHavailable = Hatm − Hs − Hfs − Hvapour

0.66 × 13600 25 × 103
= − 4.2 − 0.5 −
998 998 × 9.81
= 1.76 m

I NPSHrequired = 2.2 m and NPSHavailable = 1.74 m

I NPSHavailable < NPSHrequired ∴ Pump system is NOT suitable

Dr. A. Oyieke Hydraulic Machines III

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