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Meeting minutes
June 7, 2023

The meeting was called to order by Bre Patz via zoom on June 7, 2023 at 6:30EST

Bre Patz, Rebecca Lynch, Michael Rose, Jennifer Bryant, various participants

New Business:
1- Name Confirmation-American Coturnix Breeders Association or ACBA-passed
2- Officer Confirmation
Bre Patz as President
Rebecca Lynch as Vice President
Michael Rose as Treasurer
Jennifer Bryant as Secretary
3- Elections to be held in May of odd numbered years, terms to be 2 years beginning in
4- Meetings to be held the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30EST
5- Logo to be decided on in July meeting
6- Mission Statement approved
7- Rebecca continues on working on the Squarespace Website and finding open domains
The Membership dues will be $25 base price per year and $50 to be included in the
Breeder’s Directory. Required info will be name, farm name, email, NPIP
Michael will set up a bank account in June
Approved the pricing of the website, set up Stripe for memberships, and emails
Plan to go live on website in July.
8. Only Members can be in the ACBA Facebook Group.
9. Code of Ethics and Humane treatment of animals guidelines was discussed and
Postponed to July
10. Approved a “Majority Rules” in any decision making
11. Discussed including Celadon in the SOP and that there is not enough understanding of
The genetics at this time to include it
12. Discussed selling marketing materials on a drop ship basis.
13. Discussed Judge qualifications for future
14. Discussed creating By-Laws
15. Discussed a YouTube Channel for future streaming and to archive the meetings
16. Discussed tax status and Michael will obtain the needed information

Bre Patz, President, June 8, 2023 has approved these Minutes

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