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Name: Registration :
Ana 2852843
Course name: Advanced English ll Teacher's name: Tania Guadalupe
Villarreal Gallegos
Module : 3 Evidence: 3

Date: april 2023



Imagine that you are facing a delicate, interpersonal conflict at work. Potential
topics are: dealing with sexism in the office, an office bully, harassment from an
unreasonable customer, etc. Write a formal, detailed email (approximately 1
pages) to the department you would most likely reach out to in order to seek a
resolution (Human Resources, Legal Affairs, Customer Service, etc.)

In the letter, in addition to stating your name and relationship to the company and
classifying your problem (harassment, bullying, discrimination, etc.) you will:

Effectively document the problem. See suggestions under a reprimand in section

13.2. Pay particular attention to focusing on the behavior and not the person, as
well as taking care to express yourself factually and without exaggeration or
figurative language.
When documenting the problem, use examples of both direct speech and indirect
(reported) speech.
Include at least three I-statements.
Use appropriate connotations.
Demonstrate three exemplifications of Tips for Assertive Communication (section
14.3). Note: Some of these exemplifications may exist in what you do not write.
For example: Not apologizing for things that are not your fault.
An example of the passive voice (section 12.3). Note: Due to the fact that the
active voice is usually preferred, your letter only needs to include one example of

Ana Daniela Muñoz Martinez

Customer Service
Subject: aggression to staff

Human Resources:

Hello good morning

I would like to report a conflict that has arisen between a guest and the candy staff,
the customer arrived at approximately 12:15 in the afternoon and the first show
started at 12:30, being one of the first shows, there is little staff in the theater so
there was only one box open in the candy store.
The only cash register that was open was the one for preferential customer, the
customer arrived and was looking at the menu and choosing what he was going to
buy, at that moment another guest arrived who was already inside the theater and
as he was a preferential customer and had the black card, he went directly to the
cash register; at that moment the customer who was still choosing got upset and
started to get excited, he began to offend me claiming that he arrived first, for that I
explained to him that this cashier is a preferential cashier and the customer has a
black card, as there was no other cashier at the moment of finishing with the
customer who has the black card, I began to attend the guest who was choosing
and started to get excited, he began to offend me claiming that he arrived first, I
started to serve the guest who was choosing as I normally do and the customer
began to behave more aggressively, at the time of paying the bill for what he had
ordered the money was thrown to the floor by the customer, so I had to pick it up
from the floor, and he continued to offend me while I picked up the money to give
him his change, this customer returns every weekend with the same attitude.
I told the shift coordinator about it and he told me that he would pass the report to
me and he still has not given me any answer so I took the boldness to send this
letter on my own. I am a person who does not mess with anyone and treats all
customers with due respect and kindness and I just do my job, I would like to be
able to reach a solution and prevent this situation from repeating itself for me and
for any of my colleagues, this type of treatment of customers does not have to be
happening and more if we try to do our job the best we can.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Phone: 8115998935
Thank you.

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