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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.




LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210


English Pronunciation Vietnamese
Take part in /teik pɑ:k in/ Tham gia
Play against /pleɪ ə'geinst/ Đấu lại
Next /nekst/ Kế tiếp
Until /ən'til/ Cho tới khi
Gym /'dʒim/ Phòng tập thể dục
Table tennis /'teibl tenis/ Môn bóng bàn
Ground /graʊnd/ Sân
Win /win/ Thắng
Lose /lu:z/ Thua
Event /i'vent/ Sự kiện
Competition /kəmpə'ti∫n/ Cuộc thi
Sport Day /spɔ:t dei/ Ngày hội Thể Thao
Teachers’ Day /'ti:tʃəʃ dei/ Ngày Nhà Giáo
Independence Day /indi'pendəns dei/ Ngày Quốc Khánh
Children’s Day /'t∫ildrən dei/ Ngày Quốc Tế Thiếu nhi
Singing Contest /siŋgiŋ kən'test/ Cuộc thi hát
Baseball /'beisbɔ:l/ Bóng chày
Basketball /'bɑ:skitbɔ:l/ Bóng rổ

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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

Badminton /'bædmintən/ Cầu lông

Tug of war /'tʌgəv'wɔ:/ Kéo co
Volleyball /ˈvɑːlibɔːl/ Bóng chuyền
Shuttlecock kicking /’∫ʌtlkɒk ‘kikiŋ/ Đá cầu
Weight lifting /'weit liftiŋ/ Cử tạ
Rope /rəʊp/ Dây thừng
Racket /'rækit/ Cái vợt

1. Hỏi về những sự kiện của trường học sắp xảy ra
(?) When will + event + be?
(+) It will be on + ...
• When will Sports Day be? Ngày hội thể thao sẽ diễn ra vào ngày nào?

It will be on next Saturday. Nó sẽ diễn ra vào Thứ Bảy tới.

2. Hỏi xem ai đó sẽ làm gì trong Ngày hội thể thao.
(?) What + be + S + going to do on Sports Day?
(+) S + be + going to + V-inf.
• What are you going to do on Sports Day?

Bạn sẽ tham gia hoạt động gì trong Ngày hội thể thao?
I am going to play badminton.
Tớ sẽ chơi cầu lông.
• What is Huyen going to do on Sports Day?

Huyền sẽ tham gia hoạt động gì trong Ngày hội thể thao?
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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

She is going to play basketball.

Cô ấy sẽ chơi bóng rổ.
• What are Nhung and Trang going to do on Sports Day?

Nhung và Trang sẽ tham gia hoạt động gì trong Ngày hội thề thao?
They are going to play baseball.
Họ sẽ chơi bóng chày.


Choose the odd one out
1. a.years b.subjects c.week d.months
2. a.toothache b.mouth c.hand d.stomach
3. a.travelled b.visited c.drove d.speak
4. a.doing b.going c.swimming d. spring
5. a.Chinese b.Japan c.American d.Cambodian
6. a. Monday b.Sunday c.Friday

Complete each word.

a. O/ A b. A/ A c. O/ E d. A/ O
a. E/ G b. A/ F c. E/ F d. A/ G
9. BA_ _BALL
a. S/ I b. K/ E c. S/ O d. S/ E
10. _NTI_
a. U/ G b. U/ L c. O/ L d. A/ L

Choose the correct answer.

11. _________ will the Sports Day take place?

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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

a. When b. Where d. Why d. Which

12. What song are you going to _________ in the contest?
a. draw b. phay c. show d. sing
13. When will Teacher’s Day be? – ____________
a. It’ll be in Saturday b. It’s on Saturday
c. It’ll be on Saturday d. It be on Saturday
14. ___________? – They are going to play football.
a. Where are they?
b. When are they going to play football?
c. What are they going to do on Sport Day?
d. What do they going to do on Sport Day?
15. Today is Thursday. Tomorrow is __________
a. Sunday b. Friday c. Saturday d. weekend
16. Are they excited about Sport Day? – ________
a. Yes, they do b. Yes, they aren’t
c. No, they don’t d. Yes, they are
17. ________ you play football or baseball on Sport Day?
a. Are b. Do c. Will d. Were
18. Will the Singing Contest on _________, September.
a. twice b. 2nd c. two d. second
19. ________ Linda and Ngoc going to play table tennis on the Sport Day?
a. Are b. Is c. Will d. Do
20. When will _________ be?
a. Teacher Day b. Teachers Day
c. Day’s Teacher d. Teachers’ Day

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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

21. What are Nhung and Lan going to do on Sport Day? – ________
a. They will play basketball b. They are going to play basketball
c. Sure d. They love play basketball
22. Will Nana’s sister ________ the Drawing Contest?
a. take place b. participant c. take part d. participate in
23. 2/9 is Vietnamese _________
a. Independence Day b. Children’s Day
c. Sport Day d. Teachers’ Day
24. Will you take part in the Sport Day? – __________
a. Yes, I won’t b. Yes, I am
c. Yes, I do d. Sure
25. Are you going to play table tennis on Sports Day?
a. Yes, I do b. No, I play tennis, not table tennis
c. No, I won’t d. Yes, I play tennis
26. The children give flowers and ________ to teachers on Teachers’ Day.
a. badminton b. presents c. nothing d. chess
27. We have a rope here. ________ badminton.
a. Let play b. Let’s playing c. Let’s to play d. Let’s play
28. What’s your ___________ sport? – It’s football.
a. favourite b. like c. best d. love
29. They _________ for Sport Day now.
a. is practising b. are practising
c. do practise d. will practising

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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

30. _______ Phong going to do on Sport Day?

a. What’re b. When’s c. What’s d. What does

Find the mistake in each sentence.

31. When will Sport Day be on your school?
a. when b. will c. be d. on
32. I am going to playing football with my classmate on this day.
a. am b. playing c. going d. with
33. Where do Peter and Linda? –They are in the garden.
a. where b. are c. do d. in the garden
34. What you like to take part in the Sport day at school?
a. What b. take part in c. at d. like to
35. Do you like play computer games?
a. do b. play c. computer games d. like
36. Why do you want play sport?
a. why b. do c. play d. sport

Translate into English.

37. Ngày Quốc Tế Thiếu Nhi diễn ra vào ngày nào?
a. When will Children’s Day be?
b. When will Teachers’ Day be?
c. When will Independence Day be?
d. When will Sport Day be?
38. Hằng sẽ tham gia hoạt động gì trong Ngày hội thể thao?
a. What is Hang going to do on Teachers’ Day?
b. What will Hang play?

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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

c. What is Hang’s sister going to do on Sport Day?

d. What is Hang going to do on Sport Day?
39. Bạn thích môn thể thao nào? – Tôi thích chơi cờ
a. What sports do you like? – I like swimming.
b. What sports do you like? – I like playing chess.
c. What do you like best? – I like playing chess.
d. Do you like playing chess? – I like playing chess.

Put the words in the correct order.

40. is/ Teachers’/ Day/ today/ our
a. Today is our Teachers’ Day.
b. Today is Teachers’ Day our.
41. the/ are/ Lan/ in/ room/ and/ Nga/ singing
a. Nga and Lan are singing in the room.
b. Nga and Lan are the singing in room.
42. When/ will/ the/ singing/ contest/ be/?
a. When will the contest singing be?
b. When will the singing contest be?
43. stadium/ school/ is/ a/ our/ near/ there
a. There is a stadium near our school.
b. There is near a stadium our school.
44. teachers/ Day/ give/ flowers/ we/ the/ and/ cards/ to/ on/ Teachers’
a. We give teachers the flowers and cards to on Teachers’ Day.
b. We give flowers and cards to the teachers on Teachers’ Day.

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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

45. Nam/ Minh/ going/ do/ are/ and/ to/ shuttlecock kicking
a. Are Nam and Minh going to do shuttlecock kicking.
b. Nam and Minh are going to do shuttlecock kicking.
46. Sumo/ national/ Japan’s/ is/ sport
a. Sumo is national Japan’s sport.
b. Sumo is Japan’s national sport.
47. Jame/ but/ she/ loves/ badminton/ doesn’t/ it/ playing/ play/,
a. Jame loves playing badminton, but she doesn’t play it.
b. Jame loves play badminton, but she doesn’t playing it.
48. last/ festival/ had/ school/ sports/ my/ Sunday
a. My school had sports festival last Sunday.
b. My school had festival sports last Sunday.
49. you/ play/ will/ next/ hide and seek/ Saturday/?
a. Will you play hide and seek next Saturday?
b. You will play hide and seek next Saturday?
50. the/ classmates/ music/ take/ in/ event/ will/ my/ part
a. The classmates will take part in my event music.
b. My classmates will take part in the music event.

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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

Choose the odd one out
1. a.years b.subjects c.week d.months
2. a.toothache b.mouth c.hand d.stomach
3. a.travelled b.visited c.drove d.speak
4. a.doing b.going c.swimming d. spring
5. a.Chinese b.Japan c.American d.Cambodian
6. a. Monday b.Sunday c.Friday

Complete each word.

a. O/ A b. A/ A c. O/ E d. A/ O
a. E/ G b. A/ F c. E/ F d. A/ G
9. BA_ _BALL
a. S/ I b. K/ E c. S/ O d. S/ E
10. _NTI_
a. U/ G b. U/ L c. O/ L d. A/ L

Choose the correct answer.

11. _________ will the Sports Day take place?

a. When b. Where d. Why d. Which
12. What song are you going to _________ in the contest?
a. draw b. phay c. show d. sing
13. When will Teacher’s Day be? – ____________
a. It’ll be in Saturday b. It’s on Saturday
c. It’ll be on Saturday d. It be on Saturday

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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

14. ___________? – They are going to play football.

a. Where are they?
b. When are they going to play football?
c. What are they going to do on Sport Day?
d. What do they going to do on Sport Day?
15. Today is Thursday. Tomorrow is __________
a. Sunday b. Friday c. Saturday d. weekend
16. Are they excited about Sport Day? – ________
a. Yes, they do b. Yes, they aren’t
c. No, they don’t d. Yes, they are
17. ________ you play football or baseball on Sport Day?
a. Are b. Do c. Will d. Were
18. Will the Singing Contest on _________, September.
a. twice b. 2nd c. two d. second
19. ________ Linda and Ngoc going to play table tennis on the Sport Day?
a. Are b. Is c. Will d. Do
20. When will _________ be?
a. Teacher Day b. Teachers Day
c. Day’s Teacher d. Teachers’ Day
21. What are Nhung and Lan going to do on Sport Day? – ________
a. They will play basketball b. They are going to play basketball
c. Sure d. They love play basketball
22. Will Nana’s sister ________ the Drawing Contest?
a. take place b. participant c. take part d. participate in
23. 2/9 is Vietnamese _________

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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

a. Independence Day b. Children’s Day

c. Sport Day d. Teachers’ Day
24. Will you take part in the Sport Day? – __________
a. Yes, I won’t b. Yes, I am
c. Yes, I do d. Sure
25. Are you going to play table tennis on Sports Day?
a. Yes, I do b. No, I play tennis, not table tennis
c. No, I won’t d. Yes, I play tennis
26. The children give flowers and ________ to teachers on Teachers’ Day.
a. badminton b. presents c. nothing d. chess
27. We have a rope here. ________ badminton.
a. Let play b. Let’s playing c. Let’s to play d. Let’s play
28. What’s your ___________ sport? – It’s football.
a. favourite b. like c. best d. love
29. They _________ for Sport Day now.
a. is practising b. are practising
c. do practise d. will practising
30. _______ Phong going to do on Sport Day?
a. What’re b. When’s c. What’s d. What does

Find the mistake in each sentence.

31. When will Sport Day be on your school?
a. when b. will c. be d. on
32. I am going to playing football with my classmate on this day.
a. am b. playing c. going d. with

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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

33. Where do Peter and Linda? –They are in the garden.

a. where b. are c. do d. in the garden
34. What you like to take part in the Sport day at school?
a. What b. take part in c. at d. like to
35. Do you like play computer games?
a. do b. play c. computer games d. like
36. Why do you want play sport?
a. why b. do c. play d. sport

Translate into English.

37. Ngày Quốc Tế Thiếu Nhi diễn ra vào ngày nào?
a. When will Children’s Day be?
b. When will Teachers’ Day be?
c. When will Independence Day be?
d. When will Sport Day be?
38. Hằng sẽ tham gia hoạt động gì trong Ngày hội thể thao?
a. What is Hang going to do on Teachers’ Day?
b. What will Hang play?
c. What is Hang’s sister going to do on Sport Day?
d. What is Hang going to do on Sport Day?
39. Bạn thích môn thể thao nào? – Tôi thích chơi cờ
a. What sports do you like? – I like swimming.
b. What sports do you like? – I like playing chess.
c. What do you like best? – I like playing chess.
d. Do you like playing chess? – I like playing chess.

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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

Put the words in the correct order.

40. is/ Teachers’/ Day/ today/ our
a. Today is our Teachers’ Day.
b. Today is Teachers’ Day our.
41. the/ are/ Lan/ in/ room/ and/ Nga/ singing
a. Nga and Lan are singing in the room.
b. Nga and Lan are the singing in room.
42. When/ will/ the/ singing/ contest/ be/?
a. When will the contest singing be?
b. When will the singing contest be?
43. stadium/ school/ is/ a/ our/ near/ there
a. There is a stadium near our school.
b. There is near a stadium our school.
44. teachers/ Day/ give/ flowers/ we/ the/ and/ cards/ to/ on/ Teachers’
a. We give teachers the flowers and cards to on Teachers’ Day.
b. We give flowers and cards to the teachers on Teachers’ Day.

45. Nam/ Minh/ going/ do/ are/ and/ to/ shuttlecock kicking
a. Are Nam and Minh going to do shuttlecock kicking.
b. Nam and Minh are going to do shuttlecock kicking.
46. Sumo/ national/ Japan’s/ is/ sport
a. Sumo is national Japan’s sport.
b. Sumo is Japan’s national sport.
47. Jame/ but/ she/ loves/ badminton/ doesn’t/ it/ playing/ play/,
a. Jame loves playing badminton, but she doesn’t play it.

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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

b. Jame loves play badminton, but she doesn’t playing it.

48. last/ festival/ had/ school/ sports/ my/ Sunday
a. My school had sports festival last Sunday.
b. My school had festival sports last Sunday.
49. you/ play/ will/ next/ hide and seek/ Saturday/?
a. Will you play hide and seek next Saturday?
b. You will play hide and seek next Saturday?
50. the/ classmates/ music/ take/ in/ event/ will/ my/ part
a. The classmates will take part in my event music.
b. My classmates will take part in the music event.

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