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The progress of DEI
at the University of
Alabama & Auburn

By Dr. Scott Yenor

Going Woke in Dixie?

Table of

Executive Summary 1
The DEI Revolution in American Higher Education 3
How the University of Alabama is Going Woke 6
University of Alabama: The Modern DEI Timeline 6
The Flagship of DEI in Alabama: The DEI Regime in
Tuscaloosa 7
DEI in University of Alabama Colleges 10
Examples of How DEI Arises in Student Life 13
The Progress of DEI at Auburn University 15
Auburn University's DEI Timeline 15
Auburn's DEI Build-Out 16
DEI in Auburn University's Colleges 19
DEI in Student Life 22
Conclusion 24
End Notes 26
“It’s an universal

law—intolerance is

the first sign of an

inadequate education.

An ill-educated person

behaves with arrogant

impatience, whereas truly

profound education

breeds humility.”

– Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Going Woke in Dixie?

Executive Summary

All across the country, administrators are and Auburn have adopted extensive plans
transforming universities into institutions for the recruitment of minority students,
dedicated to political activism and diversity, faculty, and staff, and for transforming the
equity, and inclusion (DEI). This report campus culture to represent the DEI ideology.
concerns how this DEI transformation is The combined cost of DEI programming and
coming to Alabama’s two main campuses, personnel at Alabama and Auburn exceeds $5
University of Alabama and Auburn University. million annually, according to our estimates.
The report has several sections.
As we show in section 2, Alabama unveiled
Section 1 uncovers how DEI proponents the Advancing the Flagship strategic plan,
generally pursue radical policies under cover emphasizing DEI in recruitment and trainings,
of seemingly inviting aspirations. The real DEI in 2016. It hired an associate provost for DEI
policies are grave and gathering dangers that in 2017. The Advancing the Flagship plan was
undermine the advancement of knowledge, radicalized further after 2020, when President
the diversity of ideas, meritocracy, societal Stuart Bell convened “a presidential advisory
and campus unity, and the achievement of the committee” on DEI. President Bell’s DEI
common good. DEI policies are based on the committee issued the Path Forward Diversity
following assumptions: Report, which serves as a DEI strategic plan.
What followed was a bevy of programs to
• America harbors unconscious racism (implicit recruit more minorities to Alabama and a
racism) against blacks. radical plan to oversee the hiring of faculty
• Equal rights, free speech, meritocracy, and the designed to bring in more minorities. The
law itself reinforce a regime of white supremacy culture would also be transformed. Sororities
as old as the United States itself. and fraternities would be overseen by diversity
bureaucrats. Athletics would be made to show
• Only through tearing down the regime of pride in all things LGBTQ+. Task forces would
meritocracy, equal rights, and free speech can revisit the names of buildings and the presence
“underrepresented minorities” become free. of campus monuments. The work, still underway,
has coincided a watering down of the University
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are really cover
of Alabama’s academic commitments. It has
words for transforming higher education
slipped in the U.S. News and World Report
institutions into activist arms for the American
rankings from no. 31 among public universities
progressive Left.
to no. 64 in Fall 2022. Its Honors College
Sections 2 and 3 document how the DEI no longer requires SAT or ACT scores. As
revolution has come to Alabama higher a measure of the University of Alabama’s
education. While Alabama’s two major transformation, it boasted in 2019 that “over
universities are not yet among the nation’s one-third of UA’s undergraduate curriculum
most extreme, they will hardly resemble (36%, 1083 courses) is diversity-related.”1
the universities that Alabamans have long Numbers are probably higher today.
respected if current trends continue. Alabama
Auburn, as we document in section 3, has
Going Woke in Dixie?

had a similar trajectory. Auburn’s DEI build- universities are plagued by “systemic racism”
out started with a Climate Survey that led and other unconscious pathologies. The
to more than a dozen DEI-related policy search-committee trainings, the job-search
recommendations in 2015. Since then, manipulations and the oversight provided by
Auburn has named Taffye Benson Clayton diversity officers acclimate the faculty and
first associate provost and vice president for students to submission to DEI ideology. Faculty
inclusion and diversity and it has integrated who embrace meritocratic ideas are chased
the Climate Survey policy recommendations off. Hate speech regulation, the DEI oversight
into its working strategic plan. In 2020, the of Greek life and athletics, and the prevalence
Presidential Task Force for Opportunity and of DEI in student orientations teach students
Equity recommended initiatives focused on DEI to suffer silently through the DEI madness.
education and minority recruitment/retention.
Auburn adopts faculty recruitment policies like For DEI advocates, the state of Alabama will
implicit bias training and diversity certifications always be the land of segregation. Without
for candidate pools; it skirts the law on racial state action, the DEI regime will become
recruitment for students. further entrenched as the official ideology
of the higher education system. It is high time
These diversity programs have been failures to identify the DEI offices paid for through
in one respect. Both Alabama and Auburn Alabama’s higher education’s bill and to defund
have fewer black students after their efforts them so as to prevent the scurrilous DEI lie
to recruit minority students than before. from being perpetuated.
However, DEI programs require that all believe

Going Woke in Dixie?

The DEI Revolution in

American Higher Education

America’s colleges and universities generally universities and the former oppressors the
have become more radical over the past new victims. As famous critical race theorist
fifty years.2 Academics and administrators Ibram X. Kendi writes, “The only remedy for
are no longer merely pushing progressive past discrimination is present discrimination.
politics but are transforming universities into The only remedy for present discrimination
institutions dedicated to political activism and is future discrimination.”3 DEI is that present
indoctrinating students into DEI ideology. and future discrimination usually on behalf of
blacks, women and other select minorities; it is
DEI starts with sweet-sounding, civically the Left’s transformational project.
engaging words that seem unobjectionable and
uncontroversial. Everyone wants to include and To provide clarity, contrast what DEI advocates
to be equitable, after all. Nobody celebrates say that diversity, equity, and inclusion mean
uniformity. The real meaning of DEI emerges with what the Heritage Foundation and
from its implementation—where DEI reflects associated scholars have found that it means
a very controversial and objectionable view in practice. If DEI advocates actually said what
of the world. DEI reflects a very dubious they were really going to do, few people would
moral teaching. DEI ideology holds that embrace their goals. So they must make their
institutions like universities are irredeemably goals seem acceptable and then import the
racist or sexist. DEI ideology calls for policies controversial meanings and policy through
that make the former victims (and those gratifying or agreeable words.
who rule in their interest) the new rulers of


Everyone and every group should “An identity-based approach to society”

be valued not from mere tolerance but and ever declining numbers from now-
embracing and celebrating the rich disfavored groups like whites and
dimensions of difference. males through “political quotas.”

Overcoming challenges and bias to "Equality of outcomes

achieve equal opportunity. plus reparations."

Authentically bringing the formerly “Enforced segregation of people by race”

INCLUSION excluded into activities and decision- and restrictions on speech by now-
making so as to share power. disfavored groups like whites and males.

Going Woke in Dixie?

It is easy to poke holes in the asserted because he does not think like he is supposed to.
definitions of DEI advocates. Every group, they The achievement of diversity often requires that
say, is celebrated, but would they celebrate aggrieved minorities be held to lower standards
a proud culture like imperial Great Britain or than those who are said to be privileged. The
czarist Russia or a conservative Republican formerly marginalized get privilege, and the
from rural Arkansas? Equal opportunity means formerly privileged get marginalized.
that every profession and every institution
must have the exact same racial proportion as Equity
the population at large. Inclusion often means
Equity used to mean fairness before the law
only supposedly underrepresented minorities
but not anymore. Equity stands for the idea
can sit on committees. DEI advocates do
that universities must aim at something like
not mean what they say. Conservatives have
statistical group parity (e.g., since blacks make
been pointing out the hypocrisy for decades.
up 13 percent of the population, they should
Concerns about hypocrisy, however, assume
be 13 percent of engineers). Failure to achieve
that DEI advocates are serious about their
parity is sufficient evidence of systematic
values in the first place. They are not. They
discrimination. Therefore, we are told, we must
pursue very different values under the cover
dismantle the old culture (no matter how well
of sweet-sounding words.
it seemed to work) and build a new one that
DIVERSITY will achieve parity. In short, equity means equal
group outcomes and offering reparations
Diversity used to mean difference or plurality but for those who do not achieve those equal
no longer. Diversity now means more members outcomes. Claims about equity are used to
of victim groups and fewer members of the disrupt existing institutions that do not have
supposedly oppressive groups (and fewer equal outcomes; once equity is achieved,
wrongthinkers among victim groups). When men however, the goal becomes diversity, which
make up 80 percent of engineering students, aims for ever more minority representation.
that is a lack of diversity that must be remedied.
When women make up more than 80 percent Inclusion
of elementary education majors, that diversity
Inclusion used to mean everyone was welcome
is celebrated. When blacks and Hispanics make
but no longer. Today’s version of inclusion
up 65 percent of President Biden’s cabinet,
demands an institutional climate that elevates
he is said to have the most diverse cabinet in
and supports the well-being of aggrieved
American history. The Institute for Diversity and
minorities instead of or at the expense of
Ethics in Sports judged the National Basketball
the supposedly privileged. Sometimes that
Association to be the most diverse league.
means providing special treatment for their
Eighty-two percent of NBA players are people
supposedly unique needs—like establishing a
of color. It would be more diverse if it were 95
women’s center or excluding ideas and symbols
percent people of color!6 In curricula, diversity
that some members of underrepresented
means replacing books written by white males
groups find objectionable (like thin blue line
with works written by authors from “historically
flags). LGBTQ- or blacks-only graduations
underrepresented” groups. If Clarence Thomas,
are organized in the name of inclusion.
a black Supreme Court justice, is the example
Speech codes and safe spaces arise in
of the “historically underrepresented” group
order to accomplish this new inclusion. In
in question, however, the court lacks diversity
short, inclusion means excluding everything

Going Woke in Dixie?

that makes allegedly aggrieved minorities promises to tarnish and alienate productive,
uncomfortable and including everything that law-abiding citizens who do not espouse DEI
makes them feel affirmed. philosophy both in theory and in practice.
It denies there is a standard beyond group
The ideas behind DEI require people to believe identity to which groups can be held. It denies
that America is on an endless treadmill of the reality that inequality and privilege are
oppression and victimhood. Accordingly, all complex social phenomena that come about in
efforts to transcend group identity are thought many different ways, not just from oppression.
to be lies that rationalize “privilege.” Advocates It is every bit as deadly to the American way of
for DEI demand ideological conformity—victims life as selling state secrets to a public enemy.
can only be seen as members of an oppressed DEI is false and pernicious.
class rather than as individuals, and nonvictims
are stigmatized and blamed for the evils victims This report is based on the idea that DEI
suffer. undermines the advancement of knowledge
and the achievement of a common good,
DEI subverts freedom under equal laws; it also something I will try to prove in the next section.
saps social harmony.7 It is inconsistent with the The report as whole, however, centers on the
idea that individual rights should help organize more urgent public policy question: How far
political life. It is inconsistent with a dedication has the DEI agenda advanced in Alabama’s
to scientific inquiry. There is no way to get from premier universities, the University of
DEI to a peaceful, unified, and happy nation Alabama and Auburn University?
or campus. It also compromises family life. It

Going Woke in Dixie?

How the University of

Alabama Is Going Woke

Executive Summary University of Alabama: The

Modern DEI Timeline
In 2016, Alabama unveiled the Advancing
the Flagship strategic plan, emphasizing DEI 2008. Alabama publishes its first Strategic
in recruitment and training. The university Diversity Plan, requiring annual updates.
hired G. Christine Taylor to be Vice President
and Associate Provost for DEI in 2017. The 2015. Stuart Bell becomes Alabama president.
Advancing the Flagship plan was radicalized 2016. Alabama unveils the Advancing the
further after 2020 when President Stuart Bell Flagship strategic plan, emphasizing DEI in
convened “a presidential advisory committee” recruitment and trainings.
on DEI. President Bell’s DEI committee issued
the Path Forward Diversity Report, which serves 2017. Alabama hires G. Christine Taylor to be
as a DEI strategic plan. What followed was a Vice President and Associate Provost for DEI.
bevy of programs to recruit more minorities
2019. President Bell convenes “a presidential
to Alabama and a radical plan to oversee the
advisory committee” on DEI.
hiring of faculty designed to bring in more
minorities. Half of Alabama’s colleges have DEI 2020. President Bell’s DEI committee issues
deans or DEI committees. All of the colleges the Path Forward Diversity Report, which serves
are undertaking DEI reform. Sororities and as a DEI strategic plan. “The report provides
fraternities would be overseen by diversity detailed measurable objectives that expanded
bureaucrats. Athletics would be made to show upon those in Advancing the Flagship.”
pride in all things LGBTQ+. Task forces would
consider renaming buildings and streets and October 2020. Alabama opens Intercultural
removing monuments around campus. The Diversity Center.
work is continuing.
2022: Alabama unveils Advancing the Flagship:
The Next Phase Strategic Plan (2021–26).

Going Woke in Dixie?

The Flagship of DEI in Alabama: diversity.” G. Christine Taylor was hired to that
The DEI Regime in Tuscaloosa position in 2017, when the university established
the Division for DEI.
The University of Alabama has the state’s most
extensive DEI apparatus. The University of The modern DEI regime at the University
Alabama embraced the modern idea of DEI at of Alabama kicked into higher gear with The
the strategic, central administrative level sooner Path Forward Diversity Report (2020), which
than most universities. In 2008, it released a serves, in effect, as a DEI strategic plan for
Strategic Diversity Plan, establishing the following the university. The report acknowledges “the
DEI goals: university’s role and responsibility in addressing
the ongoing national crisis regarding the impact
• Commit the university to better communicate its of systemic racism on the lives of all American
commitment to diversity as part of its educational citizens.” On one hand, Path Forward does
mission; little to expand beyond the previous goals of
recruiting and retaining minority students, faculty
• Create and sustain an inviting, respectful and
and staff and creating an inclusive campus,
inclusive campus environment;
though it does hope also to “develop cultural
• Increase diversity within the faculty and senior competencies.”8 On the other hand, for the
level administration and the student body; and first time, these goals are connected to a litany
of specific policy recommendations. Its many
• Annually review goals and assess effectiveness policy recommendations fall generally under
of the action steps and initiatives in enhancing four rubrics of (1) recruitment and retention; (2)
diversity within the university’s educational “creating a more welcoming campus community”;
mission. (3) “developing cultural competency for faculty,
The need to recruit and retain minority students, staff and students”; and (4) expanding DEI
faculty and staff and to create an “inclusive” infrastructure.9 Let us look at the policies in
campus environment would form the spine of these four areas.
all subsequent DEI efforts at the University Recruitment
of Alabama. Subsequent plans echo the need
for more recruitment and for a more inclusive The goal of student recruitment is equity—as
environment. elements within the university look for a way
to ensure “an undergraduate population that
The 2016 Advancing the Flagship strategic plan reflects the racial and economic demographics
aims to get the University of Alabama to adopt of the State of Alabama by employing high-
“a comprehensive view of equity, inclusion and impact diversity practices.” Among those
diversity.” It set a goal of enriching “our learning practices are more campus visits, college
and work environment by providing an accepting, prep workshops for minorities in grades 7–9,
inclusive community that attracts and supports a targeted marketing, and minority mentorship
diverse faculty, staff and student body.” Advancing programs. Faculty recruitment is trickier.
the Flagship directs the university to establish Path Forward imagines that faculty hiring can
a position for “an equity, inclusion and diversity achieve equity with campus-wide inclusive hiring
officer that is responsible for the organizational workshops that provide implicit bias training,
oversight and assessment of plans, programs advanced pool analysis of job searches. The
and activities that enhance equity, inclusion and

Going Woke in Dixie?

initiative hopes to make DEI competencies thirty student recruitment efforts had been
like mentoring underrepresentative minorities completed (23 percent were done while 47
and other DEI activities central to annual percent in progress), including a Multicultural
employee performance reviews for the sake of Visitation Program (MVP) for prospective
faculty retention. Social activism in previously minority students, more diversity in university
underrepresented communities now helps video and images, and the building out of a
faculty earn tenure at the University of Alabama, retention team. The renaming of buildings was
as opposed to a solid teaching and research accomplished, as well as the establishment of
record. a Task force on the Study of Slavery, Race and
Civil Rights. None of the faculty recruitment,
Inclusive Campus inclusive campus or infrastructure objectives
Significant changes to student orientations, were yet completed.10 Alabama’s latest
welcome week, and general education strategic plan, Advancing the Flagship: The Next
requirements are part of creating a more Phase Strategic Plan (2021–26), reiterates
inclusive campus. So are the creation of new these previous goals and previous policy
programs like DEI student ambassadors, recommendations without expanding on them.
diversity certificates, diversity lecture series, and Measuring The University Of Alabama’s DEI
the establishment of a “Presidential Commission Efforts
on Truth, Racial Healing & Reconciliation.” The
renaming of buildings is also supposed to create First, the costs. As of 2021 (the last year for
a more inclusive culture through recognizing which good data is available), the University
heroes among underrepresented minorities of Alabama had thirty-one dedicated
while dishonoring those who are not. DEI personnel. Seventeen were full time
employees, while fourteen are graduate
Cultural Competency assistants or student employees.11 G. Christine
Learning to do makes it easier to do. Between Taylor, the Vice President and Associate
DEI workshops, establishing a center for DEI Provost for DEI, earns nearly $300,000, by
education and a DEI division for fraternities and far the highest paid diversity executive at the
sororities, the hope is that students and faculty University of Alabama. Other staff include the
will just be better at DEI throughout all that they Assistant Vice President for DEI (LaToya M.
do. Scott), earning nearly $154,000; Executive
Director of the Intercultural Diversity Center
DEI Infrastructure (Cassandra Williams Smothers), earning more
than $133,000; the Assistant Director of
The main recommendation regarding
the Intercultural Diversity Center (Shemaiah
infrastructure is the establishment of an
Kenon), earning $61,443. Utz L. McKnight, the
“Inclusive Scholarship Grant” for institutional
DEI Dean for the College of Arts and Sciences
research on issues related to DEI and racial
earns in excess of $215,000, while Suzanna
Horsley, Assistant Dean of Accreditation,
Many changes followed from The Path Assessment and Diversity in the College
Forward Diversity Report. The DEI Division of Communication earns nearly $115,000).
provides “Path Forward Progress Updates” Assuming an average of $100,000 per full-time
annually. As of May 2021, several of the employee, full-timers earn $1.7 million.

Going Woke in Dixie?

Assuming that graduate assistants and were white; and 4.2 percent were Hispanic.
student workers earn substantially less but In 2021 (the last year where there are good
get tuition benefits, the student workers cost numbers), those percentages were 11.16,
nearly $300,000. This brings the total cost 74.37, and 5.32 respectively.12 DEI efforts on
for personnel at the University of Alabama to faculty recruitment and retention have been
$2 million. None of this includes the costs of slightly less unavailing. In 2011, 5.18 percent of
the actual programs for recruitment or the Alabama faculty were black; 85.06 percent
stipends that personnel get for serving on white; and 1.81 percent Hispanic. In 2016, 6.32
committees. Costs surely exceed this number. percent were black; 77.44 percent were white;
and 2.12 percent were Hispanic. In 2021,
The goals of the University of Alabama’s those percentages were 7.60, 77.09, and 2.47
DEI regime have been basically unchanged respectively.13 From one perspective, black
since 2008. They center on minority student faculty increased more than two percentage
recruitment, minority faculty recruitment, and points in a decade. From another perspective,
building an inclusive campus culture. Are DEI a great deal of effort was made to increase
efforts achieving their goals? We can compare the numbers by a lot more over that course of
the percentage of the University of Alabama’s time.
black, white, and Hispanic students over time.
One of the great ironies of DEI “Progress By the publicly-stated standards of DEI
Reports” is the unwillingness to actually see ideology, Alabama is less “diverse” now
if student recruitment efforts have led to than it was before its DEI efforts began.
changes in minority student attendance. Nonetheless, proponents of DEI at Alabama
Bureaucrats count the number of programs continue to celebrate their “success,” report
they have established. They never consider on their “progress,” and call for more DEI
the effects of their programs on student measures. DEI at Alabama is not really about
recruitment. For DEI bureaucrats, effort achieving equality or giving opportunities
counts, not the actual results. to underrepresented groups. It is actually
just the perpetual project of persuading
DEI efforts on student recruitment have Alabama faculty, staff, and students to see
not led to increases in the percentages of themselves as nothing other than a member of
black students. In 2011, 12.43 percent of an oppressor or victim group and making DEI
Alabama students were black; 78.07 percent the official ideology of the university. They are
white; and 2.49 percent Hispanic. In 2016, increasingly successful at that.
10.77 percent were black; 76.54 percent

Going Woke in Dixie?

DEI in University of Alabama the telos of the university.” DEI is more than
Colleges just the whole purpose of the university,
according to Hlebowitsh. “In the context of
Unlike Auburn (as we shall see), the University a university community,” he says, “diversity
of Alabama has not delegated its DEI efforts is better expressed as the essence of life.”14
to college-level diversity action plans. The Evidently, the most important thing we should
University of Alabama has a more centralized know about the College of Education is not
DEI system. Each college is supposed to have a the quality education a student might receive
college-level DEI committee (variously named). or its success in helping Alabama citizens
Their tasks change from year to year, but they become gainfully employed teachers, but its
are all focused on recruitment and retention of commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
students, faculty and staff, on-campus climate, In fact, the “Dean’s Message,” from which his
and on DEI education and training. Colleges words are drawn, focuses almost exclusively
are not required to have diversity action plans, on diversity. The word “education” appears four
but they all have objectives and personnel and times; “diverse” and “diversity” appear eight
authority to make such plans. The result looks times.
to be much the same as at universities that are
required to construct action plans. The actions The College’s 2015–20 strategic plan
of the College of Education are representative explicates this DEI commitment. In accordance
of DEI efforts across Alabama’s nine colleges. with the university plan as such, the plan
says the College will “attract a diverse
College Of Education student population,” “support diversification
efforts in the College’s graduate enrollment,”
At first glance, it might seem like the College
and “diversify the faculty and staff of the
of Education is less committed to DEI than
College.”15 The College’s DEI committee wants
other colleges at Alabama. After all, unlike
to change the College’s values toward an
most colleges, the College of Education does
inclusive environment, not just transform its
not have an administrative position dedicated
racial makeup. The Committee’s “measurable
to DEI: There is no chief diversity officer or
outcomes” include, but are not limited to the
associate dean for inclusion. The College
of Education DEI committee lacks its own
website, which could make one think it does 1. Increasing visibility, awareness of the
not do much. A closer look at the College committee and commitment to DEI;
of Education reveals a policy commitment
to DEI that is just as strong as any unit at 2. Increasing diversity and retention of student,
Alabama, as well as some of the strongest faculty, staff; and
administrative statements in support of the
3. Increasing perceptions of belonging,
new understanding of “diversity.”
inclusion, support.16
It is almost impossible to overstate the College
Two of these goals are about changing
of Education’s glorification of DEI. Dean
perceptions or increasing publicity—one
Peter Hlebowitsh declares that diversity
of which is to increase “awareness” of the
stands “at the very center of the educational
committee itself. Only one goal concerns
experience” and is “deeply embedded in
having more minorities in the College. Here,

Going Woke in Dixie?

as everywhere, DEI is more about awareness history professor and the first dean of the
than treatment of the disease it imagines. It is University of Alabama’s graduate school,
“cancer awareness,” not cancer research. was renamed in honor of Archie Wade, the
first black faculty member at the University
The College’s DEI commitment is also of Alabama; and Bibb Graves Hall, named for
expressed in its curriculum. Officially, there is the thirty-eighth governor of Alabama, was
no DEI course requirement, but an emphasis renamed in honor of Autherine Lucy Foster,
on “diverse perspectives” is so prevalent in the University of Alabama’s first black student.
course descriptions that it is unlikely any Renaming campus buildings without the
student leaves the College of Education approval of the state legislature is illegal under
without being inundated with DEI ideology. the 2017 Alabama Memorial Preservation Act,
Students already sold on DEI can take but the College renamed the buildings anyway.18
CSE 493: Diversity Block Seminar, which is
dedicated to “differences in race, class, gender, Alabama College Overview
and academic achievement” in the classroom.
Or they can take EDU 402: Honors Education The University of Alabama has nine colleges.
Diversity and Advocacy, which “examines . . . the Six colleges have designated DEI deans. Six of
diversity of students in education through the the nine colleges advertise their college-level
exploration of ethnicity, disability, gender and DEI committees, although all colleges seem to
class,” and encourages students to use their be required to have such committees. Most
“tools for advocacy” in the real world through a importantly, though, every college is executing
course service component. Students can also on the University of Alabama’s commitment to
find DEI ideology in BEF 362: School, Culture, DEI. From renaming buildings in the College of
and Society, which teaches students about Education to implementing summer programs
“the critical project of promoting social justice for underrepresented minorities in the College
through schooling.” Even a course like Teaching of Business to the School of Social Work’s
Secondary School Science, which has little summit on anti-racism, colleges are infusing
to do with social justice, includes a module on DEI ideology into the normal execution of
“teaching for diversity.”17 their duties. The College of Communication
& Information Sciences hopes to “integrate
Along with “student leaders” at the University diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout
of Alabama, the College’s DEI committee curricula, programming, and recruiting.”18
spearheaded efforts to rename two buildings Below are the administrative features related
affiliated with the College as part of its effort to DEI in Alabama’s nine colleges and schools.
to increase perceptions of belonging, inclusion,
and support. A. B. Moore Hall, named for a

Going Woke in Dixie?



Dr. Utz. McKnight,

Associate Dean,
College of Arts & Sciences Diversity Committee21 A&S Diversity Initiative22
Diversity, Equity, and
Diversity in Business
James E. King, Jr., Diversity, equity, and Bridge Program (DBBP).
Associate Dean inclusion at Culverhouse. Summer college prep
Culverhouse College for Diversity, Equity, Four on staff: Associate for high school seniors
of Business and Inclusion, Miles- Dean, Director, Manager, “from historically
Rose Professor of and Coordinator of marginalized groups who
Leadership23 Summer Programs24 are underrepresented in
No DEI committee. College Strategic Plan:
Dr. Suzanna Horsley,
College-level executive “Provide a Learning
Assistant Dean
College of Communication council performs DEI Environment that
of Accreditation,
& Information Sciences functions,27 pursuant to Promotes Diversity,
Assessment and
the College’s commitment Equity, Leadership, and
to DEI28 Service.”
Official Dean’s Message:
“In the context of a
university community,
the idea of diversity is
College of Education N/A DEI committee30
. . . the essence of life.
[Diversity is] deeply
embedded in the telos of
the university.”31
Not found, although
Engineering Positive and
university-level DEI
College of Engineering N/A Intentional Change (EPIC)
requires all colleges to
Scholars Program32
have DEI committees
Official “Key Concepts”
page includes definitions
Erin Sanders, M.S., CHES Committee on
College of Human of “structural racism,”
Director of Diversity Diversity and Inclusivity
Environmental Sciences “microaggression,” and a
and Inclusivity33 (CDI)34
“Genderbread Person”
Diversity and Inclusion
Anil Mujumdar,
Book Club reads The
School of Law Director of Diversity & Not found
New Jim Crow;37 Diverse
Experts Directory38
BAMA-L Nursing
Capstone College CCN Committee on
N/A Workforce Diversity
of Nursing Inclusivity39
Grant ($1,764,575)40

Diversity Committee42
Shayla Smith, MSW, Anti-Racist Virtual
School of Social Work
Chief Diversity Officer41 Summit43

Going Woke in Dixie?

Examples of How DEI Arises in Fraternity and Sorority Life has undertaken
Student Life a sustained and systematic effort to infuse
the University of Alabama’s Greek chapters
Athletics: “Crimson Pride” with DEI ideology. In fall 2013, allegations of
The University of Alabama’s Department
racial discrimination in sorority recruitment
of Intercollegiate Athletics dedicates the
prompted the US Department of Justice
Crimson Tide to DEI. It seeks to use the
to contact the University of Alabama
university’s athletics programs to change
“to inquire about the allegations and the
the values of Alabama citizens. In its
university’s response.”47 The University
diversity mission statement, the department
of Alabama responded to the Obama
promises “to advance and foster diversity
administration’s queries by ramping up
and inclusion . . . for all student-athletes and
oversight of Greek organizations, eventually
staff, with a community engagement focus.”
issuing an action plan that addressed
The department’s “Inclusive Excellence”
discrimination by “clarifying expectations
goals include creating a “culture of inclusion,”
for students and student organizations,
recruiting “diverse and culturally competent”
establishing clear and consistent
staff, and partnering with “the Tuscaloosa
procedures for reporting . . . discriminatory
community to educate and celebrate
conduct, and providing all students a . . .
diversity.”44 campus climate free from racial hostility or
These efforts are spearheaded by the
The office’s goal is to provide DEI-focused
department’s Team for Inclusion, Diversity,
“training and outreach events” in the hope
and Equity (T.I.D.E.), whose members include
that this will make the chapters less racist
several athletics directors, the athletics
and therefore more likely to attract minority
department’s chief diversity officer, and Patrick
students. Whatever success the office has
Murphy, the head coach of the softball team.
had in this endeavor has been, according to
The athletics department also promotes its own statistics, marginal at best.49 Minority
“LBGTQIA+” resources and events, such as membership is trending slightly upward, but it
“Cinnamon Rolls, Not Gender Roles,” a weekly is just as likely to increase as it is to decrease
LGBT discussion group, as well as an LGBT with each following year. It is difficult to tell
support group. The department is a proud what effect, if any, the University of Alabama’s
member of the national “Safe to Pee” initiative trainings have had on minority recruitment
to combat “discrimination against gender to Greek organizations. All the same, the
variant people in public restrooms.”45 Athletics University of Alabama remains committed to
boasts of ten gender-neutral restrooms on “Greek Integration,” as the office calls it.
their facilities, and invites all people identifying
Bias Reporting / Hate & Bias Hotline
as all varieties of genders to find them through
the University of Alabama’s interactive University of Alabama students, faculty, and
restroom locator.46 staff “who feel they have been the targets
of, or who have been witness to, a hate or
Woke Greek Life
bias incident are strongly encouraged to
The University of Alabama’s Office of contact the university’s “Hate & Bias Hotline”

Going Woke in Dixie?

. . . to make the university aware of such women attending the University of Alabama.
incidents.50 Anyone who wishes to report an In 2015, it changed its name to the Women
incident can, anonymously, call the University and Gender Resource Center (WGRC) in
of Alabama’s official hate and bias reporting order to include transgender and gender
hotline or file a report online through its “UAct” nonconforming individuals in its mission,53
website.51 Generally, such hotlines lead to which is now to “address gender inequity and
false accusations that are hardly resolved foster a community that values social justice.”54
through traditional due process. Accusers are The WGRC “offers a variety of programming
unaccountable, as is the process as a whole— designed to promote social justice and address
and this invites abuses and cancellations. The gender disparities in academia, government
University of Alabama’s broad definitions of . . . and the workforce.”55 This programming
harassment have led it to receive a yellow includes “gender specific mentoring programs,”
ranking from the Foundation for Individual faculty trainings,56 book clubs, and events.
Rights in Education (FIRE). FIRE judges that WGRC also provides scholarships to students
these policies encourage administrative abuse “who have demonstrated leadership potential
and arbitrary application.52 through their . . . pursuit of social justice and
gender equity.”57 WGRC offers work studies
Women and Gender Resource Center and student employment, alongside its eleven
The Women’s Resource Center began in staff members.
1993 in order to assist and advocate for the

Going Woke in Dixie?

The Progress of DEI at Auburn University

Executive Summary Auburn University's DEI Timeline

Auburn’s modern DEI build-out started in 2003. First Campus Climate survey conducted.
2015 with a Climate Survey that led to more
than a dozen policy recommendations. In 2015. Second Campus Climate Survey yields
2016, Auburn named Taffye Benson Clayton seventeen recommendations for transforming
first associate provost and vice president Auburn.
for inclusion and diversity. Auburn has
also integrated the Climate Survey policy 2016. Taffye Benson Clayton named first
recommendations into its working strategic associate provost and vice president for
plan. In 2020, the Presidential Task Force inclusion and diversity.
for Opportunity and Equity recommended
initiatives focused on DEI education and 2018–19. Auburn University Strategic Plan:
minority recruitment/retention. Not only does Leading and Shaping the Future of Higher
Auburn adopt faculty recruitment policies like Education includes DEI themes and goals.
implicit bias training and diversity certifications
for candidate pools; it skirts federal law on June–September 2020. Presidential Task
racial recruitment for students. All colleges Force for Opportunity and Equity recommends
send representatives to the Chief Diversity initiatives focused on DEI education and
Leaders Roundtable. Three colleges—the minority recruitment/retention.
College of Liberal Arts, the Harrison College
of Pharmacy, and the College of Science and 2020–2021. Buildings renamed around
Mathematics—have administrators specially campus.
dedicated to DEI. At least five colleges have
active DEI committees, variously named. 2023. President Christopher B. Roberts forms
These include the College of Education, the a DEI advisory committee.
Samuel Ginn College of Engineering, the
College of Liberal Arts, the Harrison College
of Pharmacy, and the College of Science and

Going Woke in Dixie?

Auburn’s DEI Build-Out and staff recruitment; a curricular emphasis

on “diversity history” for orientations and
Auburn’s modern DEI build-out began with the onboarding; and putting resources and grants
2016 Climate Study. President Jay Gouge and behind professional development in diversity
Provost Timothy Boosinger established the matters. It is not clear how deeply these
committee in December 2015, with the aim of recommendations affected actual university
expanding “the tent of inclusion,” calibrating practice. They did lead to the hiring of Taffye
“the scales of equity,” and embracing Benson Clayton as the first associate provost
“wonderful diversity.”58 The study starts and vice president for inclusion and diversity in
with three questions seeking to discern the fall 2016.
institution’s readiness for change; the study
fits on one page. Then it catalogs myriad The Auburn University Strategic Plan: Leading
recommendations for nearly twenty pages. and Shaping the Future of Higher Education
The study itself does not try to show there develops and implements DEI goals and
is a problem at Auburn. It seeks to show that themes from the 2016 Climate Survey. The
people are ready to solve the diversity problem plan integrates, elevates, and specifies the
at Auburn. According to the study, there was measures and offices created in the 2016
more agreement among Auburn faculty, staff, Climate Survey into long-term university
and students that Auburn should actively plans. More specifically, it spreads the spirit
promote diversity in 2016 than in 2003. There of the Climate Survey recommendations
was less agreement with the idea that Auburn throughout the university. “Each academic
was placing too much emphasis on diversity and administrative unit of the university is
and that Auburn has a climate that fosters charged with executing a diversity action plan
more diversity in 2016 than in 2003. Therefore, informed by, and laddering up to the” goals of
as the Climate Study concludes, “you told us the Strategic Plan.61 In 2020, each college and
that diversity is important to you and that we administrative unit designed a planning team
shouldn’t stop working at” it.59 to develop diversity action plans (DAPs) with
the help of the Office of Inclusion and Diversity
The study is very odd. It assumes the (OID). Each plan includes “benchmarks,
problem. It does not pretend to be based on deliverables, timetables for completion,
a representative sample. It asks very strange and identified clear owners and individuals
questions in a very strange way. It reports the responsible for implementation.” Unit DAPs
results in order to sow confusion. Its results form little three- to five-year strategic plans
are not very robust, even assuming that the for translating the university’s strategic plans
study itself was legitimate. It is just a fig leaf for into the lower levels of the university. These
integrating a host of recommendations about DAPs are mostly not made public. Legislators
the cultural transformation Auburn apparently and auditors might seek to get them through
needed at that particular time.60 approved channels.

Among the recommendations were the After the strategic plan was in place, President
development of unit-level diversity action Gouge organized a Presidential Task Force
plans; the implementation of professional for Opportunity and Equity to emphasize two
development in diversity, inclusion, and equity; a sets of recommendations for new initiatives.
renewed emphasis on minority student, faculty, The Task Force (TF) was organized in June
Going Woke in Dixie?

2020, at the height of the hysteria over the Central administration put modest funds
death of George Floyd. It aimed to make behind cultivating success among faculty
recommendations about (1) DEI education who are underrepresented minorities. The
and (2) recruitment of minority students, Inclusive Excellence Programming grant, run
faculty, and staff. Concerning education, the TF out of the Office of Inclusion, offers modest
recommended the development of educational $2,000 grants for diversity initiatives.64
modules on DEI and Title IX “for all faculty, staff, Inclusive excellence is not excellent in the
administrator and professional employees,” traditional sense: it is excellent at the “I” in
the creation of a “foundational EEO/DEI DEI. The Faculty Success program is aimed
education module for students,” and an official at helping underrepresented minority faculty
Auburn microcredential in diversity, equity, increase the skills to maintain a healthy work-
and inclusion. The TF also recommended the life balance.65
expansion and standardization of “evidence-
based” bias education procedures for search Measuring the Progress of Auburn’s DEI
committees in all faculty hirings.62 Efforts

When it came to recruitment, TF efforts First, the costs. Auburn has more full-time
emphasized aspects of search committee staff dedicated to DEI than does the University
training and accountability for making of Alabama—a total of twenty. However, the
minority hires. Each member of faculty official university report did not include student
search committees was to receive “robust workers or graduate assistants in its plan,
and intentional training relative to implicit or so its number of DEI employees appears
unconscious bias” and to adhere to advanced, considerably lower than the University of
diversity-driven, candidate pool analysis at Alabama. Again, however, with twenty staff
each stage of a job search. Pool analysis members earning an average of $100,000,
includes ongoing oversight of job searches, Auburn is spending at least $2 million on
where committees are asked if they received DEI personnel. Its highest paid official vice
enough applications from minority candidates, president and associate provost for inclusion
then whether enough minority candidates and diversity, Taffye Benson Clayton, earns
made long lists or short lists or interview over $275,000 annually. Others, like Deputy
lists, and then whether the right candidate Chief Diversity Officer JuWan Robinson earn
was hired. Similar processes would be put in nearly $119,000; Assistant VP for Access
place for staff hiring. Interestingly, sometimes and Inclusive Excellence Ada Wilson earns
TF talks about “minority recruitment,” but over $215,000; and Director of Inclusion and
at other times they drop the mask and talk Diversity Education Jocelyn Vickers makes
directly about “Black [sic] faculty recruitment” over $92,000. Several other analysts like
or “Black [sic] student recruitment.” Student Senior DEI Analyst Rizwan Hussain earn in the
recruitment efforts like the “Together We $85,000 range.
Will Scholarship” and the “Tiger Excellence
Scholars Program” provide money and Second, the effects of the programming.
experiences to encourage underrepresented Auburn has consistently emphasized recruiting
minority students to attend Auburn.63 black students in its recruiting efforts since
its modern DEI regime was announced in the

Going Woke in Dixie?

2015 Climate Survey. Over this period, white as the university grew by ten thousand students.
enrollment increased in absolute numbers but Asian and Hispanic enrollment has also
decreased as a percentage of the student body increased in both absolute and relative terms.

The percentage of Auburn student body by race/ethnicity

1998 2002 2006 vv 2014 2018 2022

White 88.78% 85.61% 82.76% 81.85% 80.48% 75.93% 78.73%

Black 6.25% 7.05% 8.17% 7.89% 7.28% 5.85% 4.91%

Asian 1.08% 1.34% 1.72% 2.00% 2.32% 2.33% 2.81%

Hispanic 0.77% 1.03% 1.71% 2.36% 2.31% 3.38% 3.86%

Source: Auburn University Office of Institutional Research66

recruitment efforts have been, the fewer black

Since these intensified DEI efforts, the students attend.
percentage of black students at Auburn
University has declined from a high point of 8.17 Less is known about Auburn’s efforts to recruit
percent in 2006 to under 5 percent in 2022. minority and black faculty. No time-series data is
Black enrollment has actually shrunk since at available on the Office of Institutional Research
least 2010, both as a percentage of the student website. While Auburn trails the University of
body and in absolute numbers. DEI efforts may, Alabama in the number of black faculty, the
it appears, have deterred prospective black percentage of black faculty at Auburn, 4.5
students from applying to Auburn. Although the percent, is similar to the percentage at places
decline in absolute numbers of black students like the University of Texas, Austin or Texas
was first visible between 2010 and 2014, the A&M, where around 3 to 3.5 percent of faculty
decrease between 2014 and 2018 was more are black.67 It is difficult to know whether this
rapid; it was steeper still between 2018 and number is higher or lower owing to the DEI
2022. The more aggressive Auburn’s DEI efforts.

Faculty / student body by race / ethnicity, fall 2022


White 1,023 (71.29%) 78.73%

Black 65 (4.53%) 4.91%

Asian 181 (12.61%) 2.81%

Hispanic 59 (4.11%) 3.86%

Total 1,435 (100%)

Going Woke in Dixie?

DEI in Auburn University’s of a diversity officer (4.1.b). Equally, if not

Colleges more important, is 4.1.c: “Use the college’s
communications and marketing office to
Unit-level DAPs must support the Strategic highlight [DEI] recruitment efforts [and]
Plan and the TF recommendations. programming.”
Auburn has specific colleges spearhead
DEI efforts to implement the goals of the The plan includes concrete performance
central administration as outlined in these indicators like increasing the recipients of the
fundamental documents. The college-level CLA’s full-ride diversity scholarship “from 3
DEI efforts therefore reveal the underlying in 2013 to 8 in 2025,” and using the “diversity
reality of the central administration’s DEI . . . of the state of Alabama” as a benchmark
ambitions. This means that colleges seek to for faculty and staff hires. Ostensibly, this
attract minorities to the majors within their would mean that the percentage of minorities
colleges and that colleges, through individual in student body and faculty and staff must
departments, seek to recruit “diverse” staff exactly represent their percentage in the
and faculty. Colleges generally try to leverage Alabama population. The College also followed
their diversity action plans to create an through on its strategic plan by hiring Joan R.
inclusive environment through curriculum Harrell as “Director of Inclusive Excellence”
changes, changes in student orientation, and in June of 2022. Harrell, a former journalist
other methods. and a lecturer at Auburn’s school of journalism
since August 2018, is also an ordained
College of Liberal Arts minister of the American Baptist Church
who has done work on public theology and
The College of Liberal Arts (CLA) is the racial justice. Harrell’s “scholarship explores
largest college at Auburn, and its efforts the intersectionality of narrative ethics,
give a taste of what happens in the colleges. racism, media stereotypes, religion, social
CLA is dedicated to DEI. One of CLA’s three change, vulnerable populations, xenophobia,
“core values” is “Inclusion and Equity,” which theology, religion, alterity, and public health
includes making the college an “environment injustices.”71 Harrell heads the CLA Inclusive
for belongingness [sic].”68 Dean Jason Hicks, Excellence Cabinet, the college’s diversity
hired in July 2022, aims to “build upon” committee, which has members representing
and “enhance” the CLA’s commitment to all departments and units at the college.72
inclusion and equity. He has named “Inclusive The Inclusive Excellence Cabinet holds DEI
Excellence” one of his four “Strategic trainings and workshops for faculty, staff, and
Priorities” for the college.69 students, as well as supporting CLA’s diversity
goals in other ways.
CLA’s 2019–25 Strategic Plan puts these
values and priorities into action.70 The plan CLA sponsors many DEI initiatives. It holds
includes the expansion of college funding for an annual “Inclusive Excellence Conference,”
scholarships targeted at racial minorities where “faculty and students present
(2.3.b), the recruitment of “diverse personnel research projects related to diversity issues
from historically underrepresented groups and awareness.”73 Possible presentation
through strategic hires” (4.2.c), the promotion topics include “history of diversity,” “history
of an “inclusive culture” (4.1), and the hiring of racism,” “gender issues initiatives,” and

Going Woke in Dixie?

“coded bias” in artificial intelligence.74 There administrative categories are often blurry.
is the College of Liberal Arts Diversity Many colleges have self-standing DEI deans.
(CLAD) scholarship, a full ride for high school Some send representatives from the college
students from “Black Belt” or “Urban Core” to participate in the Chief Diversity Leaders
areas—that is, minority students. There is Roundtable. Some have committees. For
also a scholarship available to a student other colleges, we could not find committees.
studying abroad who “demonstrates diversity All have some DEI policies and statements.
as determined by the . . . Strategic Diversity For the purposes of measuring the presence
Plan.”75 Beyond scholarships, “History of DEI administration in Auburn’s colleges,
professors from Auburn are working with we count DEI deans and representatives
Tuskegee [University] faculty to create a to the roundtable as administrators, on the
center for racial reconciliation.”76 CLA also assumption that such representatives are
has a social justice political outreach program bringing back and executing the central
(“Living Democracy”);77 it produces plays administration’s DEI ambitions.
about “issues of diversity” (Mosaic Theatre
Company);78 and it has a center for “intensive” All colleges send representatives to the
DEI training sessions (BraveHeart Center for Roundtable. In addition, three of the twelve
Place and Purpose).79 colleges—the College of Liberal Arts, the
Harrison College of Pharmacy, and the
Dean Hicks envisions a CLA that “can be seen College of Science and Mathematics—have
as an exemplar of what a liberal arts college administrators specially dedicated to DEI.
should be.” What a liberal arts college should Five additional colleges have DEI committees.
be, it turns out, is an instrument for social These include the College of Education, the
justice and the redress of racial grievances, Samuel Ginn College of Engineering, the
not an institution of higher learning. College of Liberal Arts, the Harrison College
of Pharmacy, and the College of Science and
Auburn College Overview Mathematics. All colleges have some DEI
efforts underway, seeking to put into place the
Measuring the DEI presence in Auburn’s central administration’s dictates.
colleges proves challenging, since DEI

Florida Universities: From Woke to Professionalism

Dr. Alan Wilson, Diversity & Inclusion Plan includes DEI

College of
representative to Diversity Not found in recruitment, intro-level courses, HR
Leaders Roundtable80 training, a DEI speaker series, & more81
College of
Shuwen Tzeng & Dr. Jennifer DEI recruitment of faculty, staff, &
Pindyck, representatives to Not found students, as well as in administrative
Design &
Diversity Leaders Roundtable promotions82
Raymond J.
Dr. Renee Pratt, Diversity Action Plan includes the
representative to Diversity Not found creation of a Herbert College of Busi-
College of
Leaders Roundtable83 ness Office of Diversity & Inclusion84
College strategic plan has the following
Dr. Jared Russel, goal: “Develop and enhance curriculum
College of Diversity
representative to Diversity & training focused on diversity &
Education Committee86
Leaders Roundtable85 inclusion for the college & broader
Jeff Fergus, Chair of
Samuel Ginn Inclusion &
Inclusion & Diversity Center for Inclusive Engineering
College of Diversity
Committee, Representative Excellence90
Engineering Committee89
to Diversity Cabinet88
College of Foresty, Dr. Soledad Peresin, “Integrate leader-driven DEI into all
Wildlife, & representative to Diversity Not found aspects of CFWS instruction, research,
Environment Leaders Roundtable91 outreach & administration.”92
Dr. Kate Thornton, Diversity Action Plan: Increase student
College of Human
representative to Diversity Not found diversity, offer DEI training, undertake
Leaders Roundtable93 DEI-motivated scholarship94
College of Joan R. Harrell, Director College of Liberal Arts
Liberal Arts of Inclusive Excellence95 Diversity Scholarship97
Diversity statement: “It is with great
intent that content, materials, &
Dr. Christopher Martin, activities presented are respectful of
College of Nursing representative to Diversity Not found diversity to include gender, sexuality,
Leaders Roundtable98 disability, age, socioeconomic status,
political & religious views, ethnicity, race,
& culture.”99

HSOP Inclusion & Diversity Plan.

Harrison College Jingjing Qian, Director of
DEI Council101 Includes DEI recruitment, training,
of Pharmacy Diversity100
& the like102
Office of
Inclusion, College Office of Inclusion, Equity &
College of Equity, & Diversity;105 DEI recruitment of
Kimberly X. Mulligan,
Sciences & Diversity “historically excluded students in STEM,
Assistant Dean103
Mathematics (OIED) which reflect the demographics of the
Advisory state, at all levels”106
College of Dr. Melinda Camus, College strategic plan aims to “Achieve a
Veterinary Representative to Diversity Not found robust and diverse student body”;
Medicine Leaders Roundtable107 Support student chapter of VOICE109

Going Woke in Dixie?

DEI In Student Life Form110 and given to the Bias Education and
Response Team (BERT), a committee of
Bias Education & Response Team staff and faculty co-chaired by the “Director
of Diversity Education and Engagement.”111
The “Bias Education Response Team’s” website
Incidents that are illegal or in violation of
says, “Auburn University values freedom of
university policies are reported to the
expression and the open exchange of ideas.”
appropriate authorities, as they would have
However, “there are times” when speech
been anyway. Incidents that are not in violation
deserves punishment, even if it’s not criminal
of law or policy trigger a labyrinthine process
speech. Auburn encourages students to
of “prevention and awareness programs”
report “bias incidents.” Such incidents “may
according to the flowchart below.112 Auburn
involve behavior which does not rise to the
has a high ranking among universities for free
level of a violation of Auburn University policy,
speech (twenty-second in the country). Only
including legally protected free speech.”
its harassment policies earn it a yellow ranking
“Bias incidents” can be reported anonymously from FIRE.113
through Auburn’s online Bias Incident Report

Going Woke in Dixie?

Cross-Cultural Center for Excellence (CCCE) Office partners with Human Resources to
provide DEI courses such as “Contemporary
The CCCE, formerly the Multicultural Center, Issues in Workplace Diversity and Inclusion”
is the student-facing arm of the office of and “Informing an Everyday Diversity and
inclusion and diversity. It offers programming Inclusion Mindset.”117 These services are
and events to “support and celebrate specific available to any academic department,
affinity groups, including African American/ administrative unit, or other organization—all
Black, Asian American, American Indian/ they need to do is fill out the relevant request
Indigenous, Hispanic/Latinx, International, form, and the office will respond within ten
LGBTQ+, and faith communities.” There are business days.118
twenty-two affinity groups under CCCE’s
umbrella.114 CCCE also offers education and Inclusive Excellence Programming Grants
programming on behalf of LGBTQ+ students,
including a “Campus Pride Index,” advocacy for In order to encourage students, faculty, and
improving the ability of students to change their staff “to explore, advance, and understand
pronouns, and support for LGBTQ+ campus topics related to [DEI],” the Office of Inclusion
groups like Spectrum.115 CCCE is a means for and Diversity issues small grants to applicants
Auburn to co-opt, direct, and encourage the who research DEI or promote it on campus.
development of DEI ideology in student groups Grants can be awarded for lectures,
and on campus. workshops, outreach efforts, expansions of
current DEI programs, or new DEI recruitment
Diversity Education efforts.119 During the 2021–22 academic
year, nine grants of about $2,000 each were
The Office of Inclusion and Diversity offers awarded.120
a suite of educational services to student
organizations and other campus groups. Pronoun Update
Among these “research-informed” services
are diversity consultations, which help campus Auburn recently updated Banner, its internal
units and organizations “become more finance and registration system, to make
diversity [sic], equitable, and inclusive” and “to it easier for students, faculty, and staff, to
address diversity and inclusion in intentional change their preferred names and pronouns.
and strategic ways.” Groups can also request Users may now add a “preferred name” in
diversity education sessions intended to addition to their legal name, as well as list
“increase the knowledge, skills, and awareness their “personal pronoun.” These new fields will
related to diversity, equity and inclusion for . . update students’ information throughout all
. students at Auburn University.”116 Finally, the applications that use Banner.

Going Woke in Dixie?


We have conducted more than two dozen in- radical but not yet transformative.
depth studies of how far DEI has conquered
American universities, which gives us a great Alabama and Auburn can experience course
deal of perspective on how far gone things correction through concerted political action
are at any particular campus. DEI has fully on the model of Florida. Florida has undertaken
conquered universities like the University of serious reformist efforts to eliminate DEI
Tennessee, the University of San Diego, the offices across its university and college
University of Texas, and Texas A&M. Staff systems and to reform its general education
dedicated to DEI number nearly fifty at each curriculum to cultivate a reasonable patriotism
school. Central administrations have required and a serious professionalism. Florida has
DEI revolutions in the colleges. Diversity banned mandatory DEI trainings and the use
action plans are conceived at the department of DEI statements in hiring. Alabama could
level. Speaking out against the DEI takeover undertake similar reforms to protect their
brings terrible costs. Curricula have been universities from a top-down DEI takeover. The
transformed; every element of student life is sooner, the better, of course, since the longer
infused with DEI ideology. In the cases we have these bureaucracies linger, the more difficult it
mentioned here, the universities are so infused is to eliminate them.
with DEI that reforming them would take
herculean efforts and require major surgeries. There is also more than a little evidence that
DEI efforts are coinciding with a decline in the
The University of Alabama and Auburn quality of Alabama’s top institutions of higher
University are not yet at that stage. Both education. The University of Alabama has
Alabama’s top universities are more like dropped requirements for SATs or ACTs in its
Florida State University. In these cases, the honors college. Its overall ranking has fallen.
aspirations for a radical transformation of Many of its courses are infused with DEI. This
the university have been laid down in official should concern lawmakers and citizens alike.
documents; hiring DEI officials has begun Neither of these universities is too far gone.
around the university; human resource Both could be improved through intelligent
departments have been engaged in rigging oversight and management.
faculty searches; curricula are changed and
hiring to execute the new curricula has begun. The DEI takeover is a gathering danger
Buildings have been renamed. However, it in Alabama. Its universities are unlikely to
would not require a major surgery to eliminate reform themselves. Concerted political
the nascent DEI infrastructure. The DEI action, followed by serious oversight, will be
plans are made and are being built out, but necessary to bring them back to their true
they are not fully built out nor are they deeply educational missions. Such actions should
embedded in the university. The DEI plans are start with a comprehensive audit of Alabama’s

Going Woke in Dixie?

universities for their DEI activities along the like Florida and Texas have done, should be
lines conducted in Oklahoma and Missouri. made. Other reforms should also be tried. The
Then a move toward defunding such offices, time to act is now.

Going Woke in Dixie?


The University of Alabama: Opportunity Profile 2019,
UADeanHonorsProfile.pdf, p. 25.
Sam Abrams and Amna Khalid, “Are Colleges and Universities Too Liberal? What the Research Says about
the Political Composition of Campuses and Campus Climate,” Heterodox: The Blog, October 21, 2020, https://
Ibram X. Kendi, How to Be an Antiracist (New York: Random House, 2019), 19.
These definitions are compilations from a variety of universities, including the University of Michigan, “Defining
DEI,”; the University of Texas at Austin, “Change Starts Here:
Building an Equitable and Inclusive Campus,”; and Sam Houston State
University, “Words to Know,”
Katharine Gorka and Mike Gonzalez, The Radicalization of Race: Philanthropy and DEI, Heritage Foundation,
December 21, 2022,
Scott Yenor, “Translating Social Justice Newspeak,” Law & Liberty, March 3, 2021,
James Lindsay’s work is especially interesting in this regard. Lindsay is a disaffected liberal who has written
profound articles such as the following: “For Racial Healing, Reject Critical Race Theory,” New Discourses,
October 19, 2020,; “Wokeness
Threatens the Rule of Law,” New Discourses, November 18, 2020,
See especially the “Summary from the Chair of the Committee,” Path Forward Diversity Report, University of
Alabama, accessed June 2, 2023,
“Path Forward Progress Update,” University of Alabama, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, May 2021, https://
See Jay Greene and James Paul, “Diversity University: DEI Bloat in the Academy,” Heritage Foundation, July 27,
“The University of Alabama Students by Race and Ethnicity: Fall 2011,” Office of Institutional Research
and Assessment, Academic Affairs, accessed June 2, 2023,
“The University of Alabama Faculty by Race and Ethnicity: Fall 2011,” Office of Institutional Research and
Assessment, Academic Affairs, accessed June 2, 2023,
14, italics added.

Going Woke in Dixie?

The College of Communication & Information Sciences Strategic Plan, 2021–26,
uploads/2021/11/CIS-Strategic-Plan-2021-2026-1.pdf, p. 10.

Going Woke in Dixie?

See Auburn University, Climate Study on Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity, Final Report, 1 (henceforth: Climate Study,
followed by page number). See
Climate Study, 2.
For example, the study is framed in a five-point—strongly agree (5), neutral (3), and strongly disagree (1)—
format. People are asked where they fit on the five-point scale on the three questions. For instance, people are
asked whether Auburn “is placing too much emphasis on achieving diversity.” In 2003, the results showed that on
“average” people said 2.63, while in 2016 the “average” was 1.87. But these are not averages; they are points on a
graph. More people might have felt strongly about it in 2016, but their feelings on this score may not have been as
prevalent. Furthermore, the fact that this was not a random sample (or so it seems) makes this survey ipso facto
illegitimate. Ultimately, it did not matter since the administration was going to implement its recommendations
regardless of the findings.
61, p. 2.
63 , p. 22.
See Scott Yenor, “Perpetuating a Lie,” City Journal, February 14, 2023,

Going Woke in Dixie?


“Justice is the first virtue of

social institutions, as truth is

of systems of thought...”

Going Woke in Dixie?

The Author

Dr. Scott Yenor

Scott Yenor is the Senior Director of State Coalitions
at the Claremont Institute, Washington Fellow at the
Claremont Institute’s Center for the American Way
of Life, and a professor of Political Science at Boise
State University. He writes extensively on marriage
and family life in the contemporary world, including
his most recent book The Recovery of Family Life:
Exposing the Limits of Modern Ideologies (Baylor
University Press, 2020). He also writes on higher
education, including extensive reports on Texas A&M
University, Boise State University, the University of
North Carolina System, and others. He also writes
on American Reconstruction, David Hume, and other
topics for numerous websites including Law Liberty,
City Journal, Newsweek, First Things, American
Reformer, The Federalist, and The American Mind.


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