Bim Case Study

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Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the process of creating and managing
3D building data during its development. BIM is a complex multiphase process that
gathers input from team members to model the components and tools that will be
used during the construction process to create a unique perspective of the building
The 3D process is aimed at achieving savings through collaboration and
visualization of building components into an early design process that will dictate
changes and modifications to the actual construction process. It is a very powerful
tool that when used properly will save money, time and simplify the construction
Over the years, the industry has commercialized BIM towards architectural
related professionals, however, the real purpose and benefits of BIM relate to all
construction industry professionals. The 3D representation of the building and now
used in roads and utilities too and is geared towards all construction professionals,
and all of you are responsible for understanding the process and participate in
providing input to the software.
BIM makes a reliable digital representation of the building available for design
decision making, high-quality construction document production, construction
planning, performance predictions, and cost estimates. Not only, that BIM can also
be used by the property owners, once the construction process has ended, to
carefully monitor how the building is performing and to complete repairs efficiently.
The building information modeling process covers geometry, space, light,
geographic information, quantities, and properties of building components. BIM can
be used to demonstrate the entire building life cycle, including the processes of
construction and facility operation.
The BIM application process can be used during design and architecture process
creating a clear picture used for better and more integrated designs. The software
will be used to foresee problems and coordination between different contractors and
as a way to generate construction documents and process that will later be
implemented during the physical process. It is ideal when there are many trades
executing at the same moment or when schedules are compressed. There are
multiple applications for BIM so it can be used by the following groups:

 Architecture
 Sustainability
 Structures
 Construction management
 Utilities
 Road construction
 Scheduling
 Property management

Industry groups are trying to develop one standardized BIM model that can be
used to integrate all different types of modeling systems. By doing this, they will
facilitate the coordination and communication in the design-construction-operation
team under one single platform. The purpose of this movement is to create a single
data center, with multiple CAD and specs depending on the discipline that you are
working for.
All data will then come together allowing it to be used for take-offs, analysis,
coordination and important project milestones. This effort will help standardize the
process and will establish a base that can be used during the bidding process so
everyone can be judged using some standard guidelines.
The value of BIM (Building Information Modelling) depends on definitions. The
phrase ends up being used to describe everything from 3D models to digitised
architectural plans. But at its core, BIM is far more than digital modelling. BIM
washing is a very real thing.

1. BIM improves team collaboration and workflow efficiency.

Architecture and design are iterative processes that have traditionally been
manually intensive. Architects, structural engineers and builders all need to view
different pieces of information and use different design templates. Different models
must then be made to show clients. When any changes are made, care needs to be
taken that all documentation is updated
.BIM means that:
 Greater iteration can be embraced during the design phase.
 Teams are allowed to work more collaboratively and are no longer
required to waste time cross-checking documentation and files.
 Specialists are more easily able to provide input across all areas of a
 The amount of time it takes to develop a plan is reduced.
 Workflows will produce fewer errors and require less oversight.

2. BIM provides a stable platform for computer simulations and 3D models.

A BIM database not only improves collaboration, it provides a store of
architectural and design data that can be used for 3D modelling and software
simulations. These programs can be used for design and structural purposes,
allowing for the creative deployment of new materials and design concepts.
 Adding paint to walls.
 Adding interior features.
 Simulating sunlight at different times of day.
 Investigating the impact of an earthquake.
 Testing the structural viability of an experimental plan.
The ability of architects to both see and test their plans before construction is
enabling more innovative project designs and improved plan efficiency. Infrastructure
projects can be tested for long-term safety. Iterative assessments can be undertaken
to achieve best practice designs, cheaper construction models and efficient use of
3. BIM enables clients to engage with projects prior to construction.
The 3D models you can use for design purposes also make it easier to share
ideas with clients. 3D modelling makes it easy for individuals without specialist
architectural training to view plans and visualise the final result. Even people in the
construction industry struggle to accurately interpret architectural drafts.
Having a 3D model has become par for the course in construction. It is
possible to invest time in 3D modelling without BIM data. But BIM creates 3D models
as an automatic part of the design process. It is simply one of the ways in which your
data can be presented.
BIM enables you to design plans and then present them for review by clients
or others without specialised architectural training and without extra planning. The
3D model created allows open accessibility, enabling anyone to explore or even edit,
if they have the correct permission. This helps design teams, modellers and
architects become more proactive in their workflow with clients on construction

4. BIM follows buildings throughout their lives

BIM schematics aren’t only useful to construction teams; they create the
foundations for a true digital handover. A database of all the relevant information
about a building or facility is passed on to the building manager at the end of a
construction process. This allows building managers to easily acquaint themselves
with a building and learn critical information about the facility they have been tasked
with operating. It will include much more information than is included in a traditional
architectural draft; more importantly, that information can be more flexibly accessed.
For example, in the event of a leak, a building manager could explore that
area in a 3D model, look for water mains, electrical hazards and other potential
dangers and/or the source of the problem. This will enable repair teams to enter a
scene with foreknowledge of hazards, obstacles and repair goals. This digital data
can be updated throughout the life of a building, and continue to provide relevant and
valuable information to anyone seeking to upgrade, repair or renovate the facility.
BIM solutions have completely changed the way buildings are designed. The
introduction of software into this process gives users a number of benefits that
manual design cannot offer.
Create quickly — Before BIM software, the building design process involved a lot of
manual drawings. These solutions enable designers to draft up a BIM model far
quicker than by hand. Digital models also include more information than what is in a
drawing set. Ultimately, by facilitating a quicker design process, BIM software saves
firms money and labor.
Design anywhere — The majority of BIM solutions are cloud-based, which means
that you have access to your projects details from any device. Multiple project
members can sign on from any location as well.
Avoid clashes — BIM software can detect clashing elements, such as electrical
conduit or ductwork that run into a beam. Repairing the damage from clashes can be
very costly. BIM tools have the ability to identify potential issues before they happen.
Capture reality — One of the foremost advantages of this software is BIM’s ability to
accurately capture reality. BIM solutions can integrate with tools that offer mapping
and provide precise images of the earth. Users then have the option to include aerial
imagery and digital elevation with the models of their buildings. They can even
include laser scans of existing site infrastructure.
Reduce errors — As BIM software takes away manual design, it also takes away a
significant amount of human error. These tools help identify problems early on in the
design and building processes.
Improve collaboration across your organization — Sharing digital information
modeling for buildings is far easier than passing drawing sets back and forth
between colleagues. The cloud-based model of many BIM solutions also means that
colleagues working on different parts of the design and building process can access
BIM models anywhere, at any time. As many colleagues as needed can review and
mark up the model before the building is erected.
Simulate and visualize elements of your building — BIM software has the capability
to visualize how certain elements can impact your building, such as sunlight during
different seasons or the structure’s energy performance. These solutions apply rules
based on physics to provide guidance for engineers and other team members
involved in building the structure.
Sequence the steps of the building process — Constructing a building is an
incredibly detailed process. Each part of this progression is a sequence of steps,
materials, and building crews. BIM software can animate this entire process,
facilitate all of these steps, and deliver a path to the end result.
Give a perfect presentation — It’s important clients get a preview of the building
being designed. BIM software enables communication of the project scope, steps,
and outcome. And as BIM can render images in 3D, you can give your clients the
most realistic view of the building possible

Incompatibility with partners: BIM is not yet universally used among construction
professionals. There is always the possibility that one of your partners or
subcontractors may not use BIM and may not be able to use your models.
Legal issues: The legal ramifications of using BIM software have not yet been
extensively tested, let alone settled.
Cost of software: BIM software requires a substantial investment in new technology.
The advantages usually make the investment worthwhile, but only if the software is
used to its full capacity.
Lack of experts: The relative newness of BIM means that there are limited numbers
of experts working in the field. Your software purchase may require an additional
investment in training and education.
Construction Monitor helps companies in the industry stay informed about how new
technology will affect all phases of the construction process. Contact us today for
more information on how BIM and general construction will continue to be a valuable
and effective combinatio
Developer(s) Autodesk
First release 2000

Autodesk Revit is considered as one of the famous software of 3D BIM

modeling. It provides a complete environment for 3D modeling in architecture design,
MEP, structure design, and construction. Autodesk Revit software provides 4
different types of project templates as shown in the figure below. From construction
template to mechanical template each template has some similarity along with some
difference according to the purpose it serves for the consumer. For example, in
architecture template, 3D environment for architecture design such as walls and floor
is provided. While in structure template and construction template, there is focus on
the footing, column, and slab 3D modeling.

Autodesk Revit along with project template provided a variety set of family
folders according to region. Each folder contains multiple families for the single
component of a 3D model such as doors, windows and column type. Autodesk Revit
provides its user more friendly environment by giving region wise families. It contains
the 3D model component that is used in that particular region only. The editing
feature in Revit provided more flexibility to its user. They can freely edit geometry of
families according to design requirements of each project. A complete set of library
can be developed with the help of Autodesk Revit for each similar design projects.
Revit software has eased the exchange of design information of each project using
3D BIM software.
It also provides wide range material properties that can be
assigned to each model component along with manual addition function.
Rendering features of Revit software provide real effects to 3D model
according to their material colors and properties provided. It aids the
designer to visualize its work in a rich environment before completion of
construction. 3D visualization of the model from different angles help the
user to provide design information at each smaller portion. More over the
analysis of energy information for building helps to design more energy
efficient building. It also analyzes the load cases acting on the structure
of the building. Autodesk Revit is a complete package for civil engineers,
architectures and planners to design, analyze and quantify the project
more easily and quickly.


Parametric Components - Each component you create in the Revit BIM software has
parametric qualities. This means your elements are 3D, but you can also modify the
associated 2D planes to change the 3D model.
The key here is that the information used to build the model all comes from a single
database. Whenever you make a change, that database gets updated. It doesn’t
matter where on the model you made the change either. Whatever new information
you upload gets used throughout the model. This dynamic modification saves lots of
time, plus you won’t run into the conflicts that arise when you try to match the
information you have across lots of different drawings
No Repetition - The singular database offers several other benefits. One of the most
important of these is that it cuts down on the amount of repetition you have to go
through when designing your model.
Think about the last model you designed. You probably had floor plans and a
general building model. During the design stage, you’d constantly have to go over
these designs to make little changes. As soon as you made a change, you’d have to
make the same change across all the other drawings.
This is a complex and time-consuming process. Furthermore, it leads to mistakes. If
you miss one drawing, you create inconsistencies. Constant repetition lowers your
productivity, and creates redundant documentation. The project gets bogged down in
paperwork, designs, and models. The Revit BIM software allows you to centralise all
that information, eliminating this repetitive work entirely.

Landscape Design - The Revit BIM software excels when it comes to creating
realistic visualisations. Primarily, you’ll place your focus on all the data you enter into
the model. This results in the creation of models that incorporate all the data you
need to create real-life structures.
However, Revit also allows you to do a lot of the little things that can make your
models more appealing to your clients. For example, you can use it to build
landscapes around your models.
Think of this in relation to the real-world applications. Your clients will have a location
picked out for their buildings. If you can simulate that location in your model, you can
give your client a much more realistic visualisation. The Revit BIM software allows
you to do that.

Energy Efficient Design - Sustainable building design is crucial in the modern world.
People are much more aware of the effects of their buildings on the environment. As
a result, many of your clients will want you to prove that your designs are
sustainable. If you can’t, you may find you lose out on their business, even if the
design itself is attractive.
This is where the Revit BIM software can help you. It features several analytical
tools, which you can use to measure the environmental impact of your models. In
particular, the GreenBuild engine will ensure that sustainability is a core component
of your design process from the moment you start working on the model.
Now, imagine presenting all this information to your clients. As well as showcasing
your design, you can highlight its environmental benefits. Your firm will impress any
clients with a sustainability policy.
No Paper Documentation - The Revit BIM software doesn’t just aid you in creating
environmentally-friendly buildings. It also helps you to make your own processes
more sustainable.
Remember how Revit cuts down on the amount of drawings you need for your
models. That means far fewer printouts. In fact, you don’t need any manual
documentation at all. The Revit BIM software automatically records all the
information the project needs. You can even use tags and keynotes to access the
most relevant information easily.
This makes accessing information child’s play. As importantly, you no longer need to
use reams of paper to document the progress of the project. A lot of firms are looking
to go paper-free in the modern era, and Revit is a software package designed
around that concept.

The Huge Library - If you’ve used digital design software before, you’ll know that
most packages offer access to a library of components that you can pull from when
creating your designs. Many architects and engineers will use these libraries for
base components, which they’ll then edit so that they suit the specific design.
The Revit BIM software has a library of parametric components. But there’s a nice
little twist. It will also store any new components, or edits to its existing components,
in its library. This means you can access pretty much anything that you design
For example, let’s say you’ve built a small chair component. The Revit library allows
you to store that chair for future use, as well as to duplicate it in your current model.
As a result, you get access to a huge component library, which only grows as you
design and edit more components.


The Heavy Focus on Structural Design - While Revit’s focus on accuracy is one of
its biggest highlights, it does take away from some other areas of the software. For
example, other digital design software packages tend to create more fleshed out
models. This is because they have access to more general design tools, such as
commands and meshes, that aren’t built into the Revit package.
This means Revit is primarily a tool for providing insight into a project, and getting
the prototyping completed accurate. Alternatively, you may be able to use rendering
software to make your Revit models stand out.

Difficult Perspective Editing - While the Revit BIM software will prove useful for
architects and engineers, interior designers may find themselves feeling frustrated.
This is because Revit isn’t the easiest software to use if you want to work on building
interiors from a different perspective.
Revit has a default isometric perspective, which can make it hard to see the planes
that it doesn’t show. Yes, you can rely on the software to make changes
automatically. However, many people prefer to have more flexibility in their digital
design software packages. You may find it difficult to edit from the perspective you

Its Popularity Level - Revit has gained a lot of steam since it was first introduced.
However, it’s still not as popular as the biggest CAD and digital design tools.
This lack of familiarity means that it doesn’t yet have the same support community
built around it that some other software packages have. Furthermore, many firms
shy away from Revit because of the BIM component.
Of course, this will change in time. As more firms switch to building information
modelling, Revit will become even more popular. Just don’t expect to find the same
size community as the one that AutoCAD enjoys.
Developer(s) Graphisoft
First release 1982

It is architectural design oriented software which is compatible with Mac and

Windows operating systems and developed by Graphisoft Company which was a
Hungarian company. During engineering and aesthetics design processes ArchiCAD
offers computer aided design solutions of different component as well as aspects of
designing environment of items or object of architecture. It was designed especially
for BIM (Building Information Modeling) and CAD. You can have it from its official
website that is The first release of this software was developed
in 1982 which was only compatible with Mac and after with passes of time it was
considered as first CAD software for personal computer which can create 2D and 3D
geometrical design and also considered as first commercial product of BIM for
personal computers.

ArchiCAD Advantages are: almost fully multi-threaded, runs also on OSX, has a
friendlier user interface and is oriented towards architects. It has a very well
developed support for IFC, good drafting, layout approach and decent rendering.
Also it has very flexible and efficient parametric objects (GDL objects don`t affect file

ArchiCAD Disadvantages are: custom objects require GDL scripting, many old
workarounds are never fully solved, some extensions are never properly updated
and less-used API.

User Interface
ArchiCAD`s user interface is maybe the first thing that users are praising it for. It`s
clean and sleek and that`s maybe the reason why ArchiCAD has an easier learning
curve, especially for designers. While the user interface can be customized in a
number of ways, it has slightly less flexibility than its opponent. Revit features a user
interface that is highly customizable, supporting multiple approaches for using the
software. It is a little bit complicated, because of its medium learning curve.
However, Revit offers greater level of flexibility to designers and architects.
Conceptual Design
Concept design in ArchiCAD is a fairly user-friendly, enabling push/pull modelling,
instant and customizable geometry and smart multiple extruding. Similar, Revit
features a conceptual design which provides flexibility in the earliest stages of a
project. This allows you to create geometry that later can be integrated into your BIM

Revit features a wide range of views from which to approach your design, such as
wireframe and transparent surface. Each view can be manipulated and controlled in
a particular project and can be assigned to the overall view or specified to a category
or element. ArchiCAD has similar visual styles as Revit, but don`t have the capacity
for applying views to specific elements.

Both, ArchiCAD and Revit have intensely large suite of tools for rendering. They can
produce photorealist images of the interior and exterior of your project. The Ray
Trace is a photorealist rendering mode that allows panning and zooming with your
Revit model. When using this visual style, the rendering starts at a lower resolution
but quickly increases its fidelity. Thus, you can set lightening, photographic exposure
and background. ArchiCAD features CineRender, similar tool to Ray Trace which
allows you to change the light, shadow, texture, brightness and more.

Revit 2018 costs $2.200 per year. ArchiCAD 21 is slightly cheaper; however, it
requires a number of add-ons you need to add manually to achieve the same
functionality as Revit
Industry Software development
Founded 1985
Founder Richard Diehl

Vectorworks, Inc. is a U.S.-based software development company that focuses on

CAD and BIM software for the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC),
landscape, and entertainment industries. Vectorworks is owned by the Nemetschek
Group, a German company

Vectorworks Architect is an all-in-one BIM application for 2D and 3D drafting,

bringing in a lot of modern innovation to make these functions so much more
powerful than they were just a generation ago. The biggest advantage of
Vectorworks Architect is actually the ease of use it brings to the table, as 3D BIM
modeling services have a reputation of being rather complex even to seasoned
designers and architects. BIM software shares a problem with many other software
ecosystems—a small handful of large brands seem to dominate the landscape, and
it can discourage innovation and new thinking. It takes some unique innovation to
carry building information modeling applications off the launch pad, and Vectorworks
Architect sure has the potential to do that


Easy 2D: 2D is often overlooked in modern BIM construction management software,

given the big push for 3D in a lot of industries. However, there is a lot to be said for
2D modeling as an initial design phase. Floor plans and blueprints are still widely-
used for a reason, and building 3D off of the 2D layouts produces a superior result
almost one hundred percent of the time. Vectorworks Architect’s 2D modeling is top-
notch and fully-realized. It’s also designed with a further 3D conversion phase in
mind, though that’s not a prerequisite.
Powerful 3D: The AEC industry has been using 3D more heavily in recent years. 3D
can be tricky to use. With a few exceptions, all peripherals, displays, and interfaces
are two-dimensional, and all actions have to translate to and from 3D space.
Vectorworks Architect’s approach to easy 3D isn’t novel—other leading modern 3D
modeling environments share this. If you’ve used any of the other easy 3D
programs, you’ll feel right at home with this one, and that’s a good thing.
Platforms: Being cross-platform is such a big thing, but people overlook it, thinking
that in modern times, there’s only one dominant platform (Windows). This is slowly
but surely becoming the case, but for now, we need cross-platform support.
Vectorworks Architect is available as an installed service for Mac and Windows, or
as SaaS browser application for mixed-platform.
Cloud: Whether or not you choose to go with the SaaS implementation, the power
and usefulness of cloud infrastructure and backup/remoting cannot be overstated.
This also brings in excellent capability for coordination and extended integration
through high-end computing and conversion services.
Excellent Training: New software often faces the struggle of people not knowing
how to use it, and having little documentation beyond basic stuff from the
developers. Vectorworks provides in-person, live online, and scheduled webinars to
get you from beginner to pro in no time. Their actual documentation is also inclusive
and extensive.
Good Tech Support: Their tech support is also quite excellent, able to handle any
issues you may have or additional questions that may come up. Software is nothing
without good support.
A comprehensive list of prices isn’t available for Vectorworks, but third-party review
sources do list a starting price. It’s safe to call Vectorworks’ price very reasonable.
There haven’t been any real complaints in that department.

Single solution for many purposes.
Affordable in general.
Very intuitive.
Excellent training.

No comprehensive pricing list.
No exposed API.
Software is young at this point.
Using BIM as a tool to update the flow of information during a project is just as
critical as doing it the first time. BIM tools will continue to develop in their ability to be
streamlined, but current processes allow a BIM-enabled construction manager to
complete tasks with relatively good efficiency.
As users become more proficient with the software and the process to which the
software is applied, these tasks will be even faster. In this chapter, you took an
updated Revit file and linked the new file into Innovaya to update your quantities and
costs, you used the updated Revit file to run a schedule clash detection report in
Navisworks, you exported your clash report to Navisworks and Adobe Acrobat
Professional, and you updated ...

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