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ENG1001 Project 1: Monash Carpark Footbridge

Semester 2 2021

 You will be undertaking this project in your project team, working both independently and
together with your fellow team members, either in your allocate+ practical class times, and/or
at mutually agreed times. Use your team expectations from teamwork activity 1 to ensure the
smooth running of this project.
 This project, together with the teamwork activities and related labs, and the Spaghetti bridge
build is worth 17% of the unit marks. Your final project report and Spaghetti bridge competition
are due in week 6. You will be informed closer to the date of the exact date and method of
submission of your report. It will be an online submission, with only one submission required
per team.
 Every student will be required to complete a CATME (Comprehensive Assessment of Team
Member Effectiveness) peer assessment survey, once reports have been submitted. The final
distribution of marks for each student within a team will then be a function of the overall team
project mark and the results of your CATME survey.

1.0 The Problem & Site

As many students drive to school and park their cars at the Clayton Campus North1 multi-storey car
park, the inconvenience of carrying an umbrella during a rainy day causes delays and often makes
a mess of the floor in the Faculty of Engineering building (14 Alliance Lane). It is now proposed to
solve this problem by building a covered steel footbridge between the carpark and this building.
Access is to be through the first floor of both buildings. The proposed location is shown in Figure 1,
which shows a campus map of the site as well as site photos.

ENG1001: Project 1 sem 2 2021
14 Alliance Lane.
Footbridge to span to foyer,
above metal awning and
make contact with the
building at the glass wall.

Photo of 14 Alliance
Lane taken from
carpark landing where
bridge will connect to

N1 Carpark Landing
where footbridge
will connect to

Figure 1: Footbridge Site Location

It has been considered that a steel truss structure would be an economical solution for the new
footbridge. The footbridge bridge can comprise either a single or two span system, with each span
being simply supported between steel columns. Figure 2 shows a Schematic Figure of a two span
variation of the footbridge. Note, all members joining the two vertical sides of the bridge together,
and the roof and flooring have been left off for clarity.

Truss depth

14 Alliance
Lane N1 Carpark

Span 1 Span 2

Figure 2: Schematic Figure showing 2 span option of footbridge

ENG1001: Project 1 sem 2 2021
2.0 Task overview
As the Structural Engineers on this project, your job is to first develop a concept design of the
footbridge and then carry out a full ultimate limit state design of a typical column and a typical
planar vertical 'truss' that acts as the main structural component of the footbridge. In chronological
order your team is to;

 First decide on a suitable overall footbridge structure arrangement and geometry (number of
truss spans, truss height/depth, footbridge width, etc.)
 Calculate the vertical dead and live loads acting on the structure
 Analyse a typical planar vertical truss based on Ultimate Limit State (ULS) loading using the
Method of Joints and Method of Sections (week 3 content).
 Carry out an ULS design of a typical planar truss and column, i.e. choose all the member
 Consider horizontal loading as a separate load condition and explain its possible sources
and its load path to reach the ground.
 Produce a fabrication drawing of your main truss element.
 Present all of the above in a clear and concise document as detailed in Section 4.0

The truss footbridge structure is to comprise dual identical parallel vertical planar trusses that
act as the main structural element of the footbridge. The footbridge will have a concrete floor
and a metal sheeting roof for protection from the rain. All truss and column members are to be steel
square hollow sections (SHS).

As well as the steel footbridge theoretical design, teams (on campus) and individuals (online) are
asked to build a spaghetti truss bridge and compete in a testing competition in the week 6 practical
class. This hands-on component of the project is aimed at bringing to life what a truss structure
actually is and how it works.

3.0 Methodology
Structure Location and Sizing (Dimensions)

View the site on Google Maps (37°54'32.1"S 145°07'55.0"E) and determine the location, and
estimate the overall length of the footbridge. Hint: To do this go into Satellite view in google maps
and right click to bring up a menu and choose ‘measure distance’. This will bring up a ruler that you
can move around on the map to estimate distances. This level of accuracy measuring distance will
suffice for this project. Feel free to come to campus when allowed to view the site in person (and
estimate the height of the bridge above the ground)
Decide on the number of spans, the span lengths and clearance height above the ground and the
height of the footbridge itself. If providing two spans, care should be taken so the intermediate
support columns are positioned so they will not impede on any ground level vehicle and pedestrian
traffic. You will also have to decide on the width of your footbridge to cater for the expected flow of
pedestrian traffic. How you arrive at all these values must be clearly explained and justified in your
reports, with references provided where used.

ENG1001: Project 1 sem 2 2021
A general rule of thumb for steel truss designs, is to have a span-to-depth ratio between 10-20,
where the span is the distance between (column/building) supports and the depth is the height/depth
of the proposed truss. Refer Figure 2. Decide on the depth of your truss structure based on this rule-
of-thumb. Note your footbridge roof will be supported at the top of your trusses, so ensure this height
is realistic for pedestrians to walk under!
e.g. if the truss span = 20m, the truss depth would lie between 1.0 and 2.0m (refer Figure 2).
The diagonal truss members should be angled between 40-50o for structural efficiency.
You are only required to design the longest of all your truss spans, if you have more than one and
they are not the same length, as the longer span will be the critical one for member sizing.
The truss footbridge structure will also comprise ‘horizontal’ truss(es) located at the bottom (under
the flooring) and possibly also at the top (in the roof if you choose a full height truss) of your
footbridge. These horizontal trusses act to stabilise the vertical trusses making up the footbridge
that carry the vertical loads. The horizontal trusses also work to transfer any potential horizontal
loads that may act on the footbridge. You are NOT required to design these horizontal trusses in
this project, however you are asked to take them into consideration. Try googling simple truss
structures, or look around you next time you get out and about, and see if you can distinguish
between vertical and horizontal truss components in a truss structure.

Truss Loading
The loading on the truss footbridge will comprise the following components;

 steelwork (truss & additional secondary steelwork) self-weight (dead load),

 concrete flooring (dead load)
 handrail/balustrade weight and any safety balustrade infill decided on (dead load)
 metal roofing (dead load)
 roof maintenance live loading (live load)
 footbridge live loading (live load)


 Find information relating to the weight of roof steel sheeting on the Moodle site in the ‘Project 1
Resources’ folder. Feel free to use other resources as long as they are referenced.

 Regarding the thickness (weight) of the concrete floor slab and the handrails/balustrade system
on the footbridge, you are expected as a team to research these elements, justify your choices
and nominate values for weights of these elements.

 For live/imposed loading, find relevant extracts from Australian Standard AS1170.1: Structural
design actions Part 1: Permanent, imposed and other actions, in the Project 1 resources folder
on the Moodle site. When choosing live/imposed loads from the standard, consider the bridge
flooring to be area type C, and the roof to be category R2.

 For initial structural steelwork self-weight calculations; as the truss member sizes have not yet
been chosen (this is actually the main aim of this project), their weights are an unknown. This
loading must be initially estimated, as to ignore it would be unconservative. For initial truss self-
weight dead load calculations, assume all the individual vertical truss members that make up
ENG1001: Project 1 sem 2 2021
the truss weigh 18 kg/m. The design of all the ‘secondary’ members joining the vertical planar
trusses together is beyond the scope of this project, however to not allow for their weight would
again be unconservative. Allow for the weight of these secondary members by increasing the
self-weight of vertical truss members by 15%.

Note, all sourced values/documentation must be referenced in your report next to the related
calculations/figures as well as in a reference section at the end of your report.

Once all these individual loading values have been found, they are to be combined appropriately in
order to carry out an Ultimate Limit State design of your chosen planar truss. Note, all loading on
your footbridge is uniformly distributed along the length of the footbridge. When moving on to
mathematically analysing your truss using the Method of Joints (MoJ) and Sections (MoS), all loads
must be applied in your calculations as equivalent point loads acting at the truss joints. This must
be clearly shown (it is suggested through figures) and explained in your calculations.
NOTE: In week 4 you are required to complete and submit a Project Team Progress report
into your team google drive folder before the beginning of your practical class for staff review.
This document and review process is worth 1% of the Project mark.

Method of Joints & Sections Analysis & Load Path check

You are required to:

 Analyse a single vertical planar truss based on ULS dead and live loading, to find the internal
member forces in every truss member. Note, as both sides of the footbridge are identical and
will be assumed to carry equal vertical loading, only a single planar truss requires analysis.
 Calculate the forces in the support columns based on ULS dead and live load.

You are to analyse your chosen planar truss using the Method of Joints (MoJ). Once your loading
has been found, start by calculating support reactions based on assuming a pin and roller support
provided by the columns. Start your MoJ at a support joint and work your way through the entire
truss one joint at a time – or half way if your truss is symmetrical - until the internal forces in all
members are found. You are also required to do at least one Method of Sections (MoS) check.
This is to be done at the most appropriate location in the truss, in order to verify your MoJ results.
Regarding any horizontal loading, you are not required to carry out any calculations for these loads.
You are, however, to consider and discuss where this loading may originate from, and should it
occur, clearly explain the load path and structural actions by which this loading will be transferred
out of the footbridge and to the ground.

Member Design
Once you have completed your analysis, you can commence designing your truss members and
columns. All members are to be designed as steel square hollow sections (SHS). Design Tables of
section member properties can be found in the Project 1 information folder on Moodle. Take the
steel Young’s modulus = 200,000 MPa.

ENG1001: Project 1 sem 2 2021
Note, Grade 350 steel in the sections tables means the yield strength of the steel is 350 MPa.

For truss member design, it is common practice (for construction convenience and truss aesthetics)
to choose a single member size for the different member ‘groups’, i.e., 1) bottom chord members, 2)
top chord members, 3) diagonal members and 4) vertical members. Thus you are required to carry
out 4 truss member designs. Tension members are to be checked for yield failure, and compression
members for yield and/or buckling failure. Ensure that when checking for a member group where
some members are in tension and some are in compression, the member length as well as the
maximum load acting are taken into consideration.
Assume all truss members to be pinned between the truss joints.

The most heavily loaded footbridge support column is also to be designed. When designing this
column two possible end condition cases MUST be considered; (1) columns are pin ended and (2)
columns have one end fixed and one end free. Discuss these two cases, how they can be physically
achieved in reality and the effect on the column sizing.

Please note that it is not necessary to carry out a serviceability limit state (deflection) design of your
truss as generally speaking, trusses are stiff structures and SLS conditions are not the critical load

Drawings are a very important way engineers pass on information to others such as manufacturers
and construction workers. They are used to visually communicate details of components and
geometry necessary to construct an engineered item and/or to communicate how that item functions.
Engineering drawings with any ancillary documents can also protect against liability if the end item
is wrong.
You will find in the resources folder a set of truss bridge sample drawings. As part of this project, you
are expected to produce one drawing similar to drawing 1001-4 in the sample drawings (complete
with title block). Drawing 1001-4 is what we refer to as a Fabrication drawing. It shows a
dimensioned side elevation view of the truss bridge with section cuts made that show what a cross
section through the bridge looks like at various locations along the bridge. All member lengths are
represented as thin lines, and each member is given a ‘beam mark’ (B3, B5 etc.) which defines the
member/section profile in the Member Schedule Table. Hint: On your drawing be sure to also include
your columns.
NOTE: It is NOT necessary to use any drawing packages to produce your drawing. Hand
drawings comprising all the required information will be awarded the same marks as CAD
drawings. If however you do wish to utilise a package refer Section 6. Note, your drawing can also
be used as the basis for any Figures appearing within the main body of your reports (in a reduced
format). Note your drawing is to be included at the end of your report in an appendix.

4.0 The Spaghetti Bridge Build

As part of this project, every team/student is required to construct a model Spaghetti truss bridge
whether enrolled as on campus or online. In the week 6 practical classes (on campus and online)
ENG1001: Project 1 sem 2 2021
all bridges will be tested live and marks will be awarded based on the bridge structural efficiency.

Building Materials
Materials required for construction and testing are as follows;
 Spaghetti
 Hot glue gun & glue, glue and tape
 Kitchen Scales ± (5-10) g reading
 Weights (to load up the bridge with)
 A safe working surface to construct your bridges on

All of the above will be provided to on campus students assuming practical classes will run on
campus. See following details of the different requirements for on campus and online teams.

Bridge Geometry Requirements

Table 1. Bridge Requirements

Form A truss bridge

Dry spaghetti and hot glue or tape (email us if you have difficulty sourcing
spaghetti if you reside overseas)
Bridge Span 600 mm ± 30mm

Bridge Width Approx. 100-130mm (no wider than the loading plate which is to be 150mm
Depth For each team to decide - does not have to be uniform.
Bridge is to rest on the horizontal surfaces of tables or something similar at
both ends. No taping to or wedging between supports is allowed.
Member Bundles A maximum of 3 bundled strands is allowed to make up a member
Applied at centre of truss through a loading plate of dimension 150mm x
Load Position

1. Trusses perform best when loaded only at their joints (one of the assumptions when analysing
your steel trusses). Your truss layout should allow for the loading plate to sit over two or four of the
top joints in your truss bridge. Ensure the top joints have small upstands protruding slightly higher
than the top chord members, to ensure the loading plate sits on these points.

2. The spaghetti bridges must be able to support their own self weight and the weight of the loading
plate, at a minimum, for any marks to be awarded for construction. Bridges will be loaded to failure
on testing day

Figure 3 shows a schematic planar truss arrangement that could be suitable for the build. Feel free
to build something similar to your steel Truss Footbridge design, or try googling different types of
trusses. It is suggested, similar to your steel footbridges, your Spaghetti bridges comprise two
planar identical trusses, connected by perpendicular cross members, at each joint, however this is
not a requirement. Note, the number of cross-members required will depend on their positioning
ENG1001: Project 1 sem 2 2021
between the two vertical trusses i.e. what plane they lie in.



Figure 3: Example Truss Arrangement (schematic diagram)

Competition Grading Method

The marks awarded for the build component of the project will relate to the bridge Structural
Efficiency which will be based on the bridge strength-to-weight ratio.

Failure Load
Strength-to-Weight ratio (SW) =
Weight of Truss

[𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑆𝑊 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜]
[𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘] = [2.5] ∗
[𝐵𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑆𝑊 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 𝑖𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡]
where the Failure load = the weight of the load plate and applied weights that can be sustained
before bridge failure.

On-Campus student Bridge building Requirement

On campus teams are required to construct a team bridge out of spaghetti and (hot) glue using the
equipment and material provided. In the weeks leading up to the week 6 competition, teams are
expected to work together to build a number of trial bridges to optimise their final bridge structural
efficiency. In the practical class in week 6, students will be given time (1 to 1½ hr to be confirmed)
at the beginning of the class, after which the testing competition will occur. Students will be provided
with bridge building & glue gun safety instructions in class.

Online Student Requirement

Online students are each required to construct one bridge at home using the equipment at hand. If
spaghetti cannot be sourced please speak to your demonstrator to discuss different options. As an
alternative to using glue guns, slower setting glue or tape can be used to construct your bridges.
Please ensure all safety precautions are taken when constructing at home, particularly if using a hot
glue gun.

The team is then to discuss and agree on, which of the student bridges will represent the team and
be tested on the competition day i.e. one of the prebuilt bridges will be tested on competition day.
The student whose bridge will be tested in week 6 is required to live stream the testing to failure of
ENG1001: Project 1 sem 2 2021
their bridge. Thus they will be required to set up the scene, have access to scales to weigh their
bridge and the applied loads and have suitable weights to load their bridge e.g. cutlery (spoons and
forks) and ensure the floor underneath is padded and will catch all the falling items without any
breakages. Further instructions will be provided closer to the date.

NOTE: As part of the team project report, a photo of every student’s built bridge must be included,
with a short paragraph to explain why the team chose the bridge they did to represent them on
competition day.

5.0 Assessment
This project is worth 17% of your final assessment, and includes;
 Teamwork activities & labs (3.5%)
 Week 4 progress report (1%)
 Bridge build competition (2.5%)
 Written report (10%)

Report Format
A report template WORD file, as well as a calculation sheet template have been provided to you on
Moodle in the Projects & Labs block, to assist you to produce a professional technical project
document. PLEASE note section headings in this report are indicative only and should be modified

For assistance on technical report writing, refer to the following link as well as your Teamwork 2

‘Suggested’ report section headings:

 Summary – Give a brief overview of the aim, method, and your results.
 Contents – Provide section, sub-section and page numbers in a clear layout
 Introduction – Explain the topic, the aims of the project, and the purpose of the report.
 Assumptions – State any assumptions made in your analyses and design of your trusses.
 Concept Geometry Design - Present your workings to show how and why you chose the
location, height, truss depth, number of spans etc.
 Loading – Provide a clear explanation of your loading
 Analysis – A brief statement of your analysis method with results clearly and concisely
presented (on diagrams and in tables wherever possible). Detailed calculations to be provided
in the Appendices.
 Design – A brief statement of the design member checks done and results presented (on
diagrams or in tables wherever possible). Detailed calculations to be provided in the

 Discussion and Conclusion (no more than half to one page of text is necessary). This should
- A summary of all your structure dimensional choices and member design.

ENG1001: Project 1 sem 2 2021
- A comparison of your final truss member sizes (weight), with that initially assumed. Please
note, we do not expect you to redo your analysis with the revised member self-weight
loading, but just to discuss the differences and what they mean.
 Personal contribution and learning – No more than a third of a page by each individual
member of the team outlining:
a) your contribution to the project.
b) what you learned from the project.
 Appendices – Containing all detailed calculations and your fabrication drawing (and spaghetti
bridge photos for the online teams).

Only key calculation results should be presented in the body of the report, with all detailed
calculations of loading, analysis and design presented in the appendices. When referring the reader
to an appendix for further details of data, which has been summarised in a figure or table in the body
of the report, please repeat the same figure/table in the relevant appendix also. Remember, a picture
says a thousand words, so when explaining the loading and the results of your MoJ do so using
figures showing your truss with these values clearly shown and labelled on them.

All calculations in your report must be done in neat handwriting using pen/paper or a tablet and
stylus – NOT typed . The calculation sheet paper provided (see Moodle) must be used for this
and all calculations are to be presented in an Appendix of your report. Each page of calculations
MUST also be signed by the original person doing the calculations AND also by the ‘checker’ of the
calculations in the boxes provided on the sheets. This can be electronically done. Marks will be lost
if this is not done.

The report text, excluding figures and tables, personal contribution statement, references and
appendices, should be no more than 3-5 pages in length. A signed assessment cover sheet must
be used and signed by all (electronically). Remember, all calculations in your report must be done
in neat handwriting – NOT typed – and presented on calculation sheet paper provided (see Moodle).
Weekly practical classes can be used to ask questions about the project as well as any weekly
help desks running.

6.0 Other useful resources

There are many resources on the web relating to truss structures, so have a search yourselves.
A potentially useful site is;

For useful free truss analysis packages to model variations of your truss geometry to try and refine
your design try;

For useful free drawing packages try;

Autodesk Revit: use your Monash email to download the software for free.
ENG1001: Project 1 sem 2 2021

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