Aviation - Cheat - Sheet

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1. What are Movement areas?

Portion of the airside used for movement of aircrafts

2. What is an Apron Area?

Place where loading, unloading, refuelling, servicing maintenance and parking of

aircrafts occurs.

3. What is a Manoeuvring area?

Area used for take-o , landing and taxing of aircrafts

4. What are passenger path lines?

White markings that identify a safe path for passengers walking between he terminal
and aircraft.

5. What are apron safety lines?

White markings indicating an adequate area for safe staging (short-term parking)

6. What are red hatched markings?

Markings that indicate areas that may be driven upon but not parked on.

7. What are the white boxes used for on the apron?

Markers that are designated parking spots for vehicles and equipment in the gate area.

8. What are rolling stock staging lanes?

White in colour (NO PARKING) Used for baggage staging.

9. What are equipment restraint lines?

Red single lines identifying aircraft gating areas. Drivers may not drive through these
areas when aircrafts are entering or exiting the gate or being pushed back from the gate.

10. What are ground service equipment parking boxes?

White dashed marking within apron safety lines identifying designated, tenant speci c
parking areas for vehicles and GSE.

11. What are taxi side stripe markings?

Indicates the edge of the aircraft load bearing surfaces.

12. What are aircraft lead-in lines?

solid or broken yellow lines that lead the aircraft to the gate.

13. What are aircraft stand taxi lanes?

A portion of the apron designated as a taxi lane that provides access to the aircraft

14. What are aircraft stand taxi lane markings?

A single yellow line identifying the centre of an aircraft stand taxi lane.

15. What are the two ways vehicle corridors are marked?

By parallel solid white lines and parallel checkered white and black lines.

16. What is the tail of a stand corridor?

A corridor that runs parallel to a terminal or cargo facility where the tail of an aircraft

17. What is a connecting corridor?

A connecting corridor is any corridor that crosses an aircraft stand taxi lane marking
and connects to a main corridor.

18. What are terminal access corridors?

Connects tail of stand corridors to terminal building head of stand roads.

19. What are terminal service roads?

A roadway located within a terminal building used for accessing inbound and outbound
baggage belts.

20. What are yield lines?

A single white line spanning one lane of a vehicle corridor identifying where drivers must
yield to on coming tra c.

21. What are Stop Lines?

A yield line that has a stand stop sign on it.

22. What are obstruction lights?

A red light showing an area of construction or marking an obstruction.

23. What are the two sections of the Tunnel?

North cell and south cell (both contain 2 lanes east and west)

24. How Many deicing facilities does Pearson have and what are they?

2 and Central Deicing Facility and Hanger Deicing Facility.

25. What are the speed limits for an airside service road?


26. What are the speed limits for the in eld tunnel?


27. What Is the speed limit when driving within vehicle corridors?


28. What are the speed limits for the head of stand road?


29. What are the speed limits for the general aviation north area apron and outside vehicle


30. What are the speed limits when within 6km of a parked aircraft?

100km (JK) 10km

31. What are the speed limits for a terminal service road?


32. What happens to the speed limits when in low Visibility situations?

Gets cut in Half.

33. When can you pass another vehicle (overtake)

When the vehicle is going 15km/h or slower and speed limits are not exceeded during
the pass.

34. Who always has right of way?


35. When does aircraft cuto occur?

When the pilot or tow crew have a change of plan or due to dangerous circumstances
such as collision or possibility of.

36. What is the right of way priority?

1. Aircrafts

2. Emergency vehicles

3. Maintenance vehicles

4. All other vehicles

37. Do vehicles crossing a corridor have the right of way over a vehicles other than a plane
leaving a corridor?


38. What should you do if an emergency vehicle is behind you?

Slow down and pull over and give way.

39. How do you know if a plane is about to depart?

1. The bridge is retracted

2. The doors are closed

3. Chalks are out

4. Wingwalkers

5. Tow crew

6 engines may be started up

7. anti collision lights maybe one.

8. Service equipment stowed away from aircraft.

40. How do you know if an aircraft is about to arrive?

1. Marshallers are in position

2. Wingwalkers are in position

3. Service equipment is staged

4. Equipment is cleared to enable safe docking

41. What is the maximum number of items you can tow?

6 baggage carts or containers and dollies MAX

42. What is the maximum number of items you can tow if mixing containers and dollies?

4. doesn’t matter how much of each. Ex 1 Dollie and 3 baggage carts or vice versa

43. What must vehicles do when approaching barriers?

- reduce speed

-observe the barrier

-Drive around the marked areas or follow directions provided by o cer.

44. Driving under Moveable portions of a bride is ALLOWED? TRUE OR FALSE?


45. How must you Secure your vehicle when parked?

-Shift gear to Park or Neutral

-Turn o the ignition

-Apply the parking Brake

-Turn o all beacon light, turn signals ETC.

46. Where are the prohibited parking Areas?

-In areas designated as loading areas

-bus bay

-within 1.5m of the primary security line fence

-rolling stock staging lanes

-within 3m of re hydrant

-any area that may block or interfere with an emergency exit.






47. What is so special about TAXIWAY KILO?

It is an uncontrolled taxiway therefore authorization is not required to proceed onto it.

48. What happens during low visibility operations?

Blue beacons are activated at security booths around the airport.

49. What must you do when near snow removal crew?

Proceed with extreme caution

50. Must you complete a Vehicle inspection prior to driving o ?


51. What is FOD?

Foreign Object Debris that are on the ground and can be a threat to planes.

52. What must you do if you nd Loose baggage on the apron?

Move to a safe location such as beside the gate and if suspicious call supervisor and
airport security.

53. How are Direction signs marked?

Yellow background and black letters

54. How are location signs marked?

Black background and yellow lettering indicating current location

55. How are mandatory hold signs marked?

Red background with white letters indicating a mandatory hold position

56. How are mandatory hold lines marked?

Two solid and two broken yellow lines facing the runway.

57. What are runway guard lights used for?

Wig wag lights guide the aircraft on to the runway.

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