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Activity 2: Observing Diffusion Through Nonliving Membranes

 To determine whether Osmosis and Diffusion happened, with the use of different the
different indicator tests.

 Four dialysis sacs (Intestines)
 25-ml graduated cylinder
 8 rubber bands
 4 250-ml beakers
 50 ml tap water
 50 ml galactose solution
 10 ml sodium chloride (NaCl) solution
 10 ml sucrose solution colored with Congo red dye
 Double beam balance
 Paper towels or tissues
 Benedict’s solution in dropper bottle
 Silver nitrate (AgNo3) in dropper bottle
 Test tubes in rack, test tube holder
 Forceps
 Stove or Bunsen burner
 Tongs
 Dropper
 Timer

1. Obtain four dialysis sacs and four beaker, then number the beaker from 1-4.
2. Add a 50 ml of tap water in beaker 1, 3 and 4 except the beaker 2.
3. In beaker 2 add 50 ml of galactose solution.
4. Sealed first the other ends of the sacs using a rubber bands.
5. Using a 25-ml graduated cylinder, in each sacs add a 10 ml specified solutions.
6. In sac 1 and 2 add a 10 ml of galactose solution, in sac 3 add a 10 ml sodium chloride,
and in sac 4 add a 10 ml of sucrose solution colored with Congo red dye.
7. After putting each solution in each sacs, sealed the other ends of the sacs to avoid
leaking of the solutions.
8. After sealing the sacs, dry them using paper towel or tissue.
9. Then get the initial weight of each sacs using the double beam balance.
10. Then put each sacs in the respective beaker.
11. Then wait until 1 hour and prepare the test tube ahead of time.
12. When the time is almost done prepare a stove and a beaker filled with a water and boil
13. After an hour get the final weight of each sacs and the final volume of each content of
the beaker.
14. Then get each 2 ml sample of the solutions of the sacs and the beaker and put in a
separate test tubes and label it.
15. The test tubes that contain the substances from sac 1, 2, and 4 and in beaker 1, 2, and
4 add a 3-5 drops of benedict’s solution, in the test tubes that contain the substances
of sac 3 and beaker 3 and a 1 drop of silver nitrate.
16. After adding the benedict’s solution and the silver nitrate put each test tubes in the
prepared boiling water and observed any changes of the substances.
Beaker Contents Initial Initial Final Weight Fina Cha Test Test Test
of Sacs weigh volu- weigh change l n- indicator Results Results
-t me -t s Vol ges s Fluid in Fluid in
(+/- u- Of Beaker Sac
gms) me volu
Beaker Sac 1: 10 15.8 50 ml 19.1 g +3.3 g 47 -3 Bened- Negati- Positiv
1: 50 ml ml of g ml ml icts ve e
of tap galactose soluti-on
water solution
Beaker Sac 2: 10 21.3 50 ml 19.5 g -1.8 g 49 -1 Bened- Positi- Positiv
2: 50 ml ml of g ml ml icts ve e
of galactose solution
galactose solution

Beaker Sac 3: 10 15.2 50 ml 18.8 g +3.6 g 49 -1 Silver Positi- Positiv

3: 50 ml ml of g ml ml Nitrate ve e
of tap sodium
water chloride
Beaker Sac 4: 10 18.9 50 ml 18 g -0.9 g 48 -2 Bened- Positiv- Positiv
4: 50 ml ml of g ml ml icts e e
of tap sucrose solution
water solution
red dye.

Overall, the results of the experiment show that diffusion occurred in beaker 1 and sac 1
wherein there are changes in the weight of the sac and the volume of the water. In adding the
benedict’s solution to the sample of beaker 1 to test whether there is a presence of galactose
and the test showed no changes which means that galactose is not present in the beaker 1
sample. In sac 1 it is obvious that there is galactose since it contains a galactose solution. In
beaker 2 and sac 2, diffusion also occurred since the weight of sac 2 and the volume of
beaker 2 changed, in adding the benedict’s solution both sample from beaker 2 and sac 2
shows the presence of galactose solution. Diffusion also occurred in beaker 3 and sac 3
because it showed changes in volume and weight of beaker 3 substance and in sac 3. In
knowing the presence of sodium chloride, the sample from beaker 3 and sac 3 added 1 drop
of silver nitrate and after doing the hot water bath of both samples it showed the presence of
sodium chloride. In beaker 4 and sac 4, diffusion also occurred and to test the presence of
sucrose in both samples it was added 3-5 drops of benedict's solution and both sample shows
the presence of sucrose.

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