Vocabulary Unit 2

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1. Outstanding (Espectacular): Superior; excellent; distinguished.

Example: His play in that game was outstanding; we shouldn't expect to

see that level from him again anytime soon.

2. Aware (Consciente): Having knowledge or realization of; conscious of.

Example: When you drive a car, you must be aware at all times.

3. Foreign (Extranjero): Of or coming from another country or nation; not

domestic or native.
Example: Is this wine foreign or is it from here?

4. Develop (Desarrollar): to bring out the possibilities (of); come or bring to a

more advanced state.
Example: The teacher helped students develop their creative writing skills.

5. Employment (Profesion): An act or instance of employing a person or

Example: University graduates often have little idea of what to expect when
they begin employment.

6. Suppliers (Proveedor): To furnish (a person, thing, etc.) with what is

Example: We haven't received that order yet; can you phone the supplier
and find out what the problem is?

7. Reinforce (Reforzar): To strengthen with some added piece, support, or

Example: They reinforced the doors with steel.

8. Alluring (Atractivo): Very attractive or tempting; enticing; seductive.

Example: At the sight of the peahen, the peacock fanned out its tail in an
alluring manner.

9. Backpackers (Mochilero): A pack or knapsack carried on one's back.

Example: This hostel is popular with backpackers and seasonal workers.

10. Array (Matriz): To place, position, or set out in proper or desired order.
Example: An array is an arrangement of a series of terms in a geometric

11. Wish (Desear): To desire (a person or thing) to be as stated, even if it is

Example: I wish complete happiness for my children.
12. Striking (Llamativo): Obviously attractive or impressive.
Example: The daughter's similarity to her mother was striking.

13. Warfare (Guerra): Armed conflict between enemies; the activity of war.
Example: Warfare is becoming increasingly technological.

14. Steadily (Continuamente): Free from change or interruption; continuous.

Example: The opposition have steadily gained in the opinion polls and there
is a good chance they may win the next election.

15. Investment (Inversion): The investing of money in order to make a profit.

Example: Peter was into investment, and didn't like leaving his money to sit
in the bank.

16. Hassle (Engorro): A difficult or trying situation; a bother.

Example: Getting through airport security is always a hassle.

17. Humour (Humor): A state of mind; temper; mood.

Example: Kate's dad has no humor at all.

18. Strive (Esforzarse): To try hard.

Example: What makes him strive to do so well?

19. Enhance (Mejorar): To increase the value, attractiveness, or quality of;

Example: A fine wine will enhance a delicious meal.

20. Depth (Profundidad): A distance measured from the surface of something

downward, or from the front backward or inward.
Example: The lake was 300 feet in depth.

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