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[The ee eg fae a -tisa eget compte = signal sempbien. This paovides sian veg Io Veveb ot Fctlen ache pam — TT pp, ~_[- Pomen ampbiin is capale a handling taaiel st signal and ddiver a appseciaiole. Power tothe output. dev : oe evices arch as loud RE | Seavomotoa ete. hee _f Aeconding: te the collector. cursent waveloam that qesulh fos inpnh si igual, powes amphiioss ase dassilied as in 2 “Clase 4 eh oy a A. Ctass B pu 3+: Class 48 4: Class C. Need “fom powes avmphien Mickophone a en as fae ee \\ a poe ee Pe yy) ) | Loudspeaker , The: easy singes build up tre voltage level op dhe. zignal while —_| the tast stage builds np’ powm to _a_level elicient to Operate | the lond speakers . bil Comparison OF POWER AMPLIFIERS — @66S CLA6Ss 4, B-ABEC 3 — PeS@es [a fz a é ~~ fRidicton see | sot | 6 360" | less-thmad 2 | Pion ; scl athe |Wipebormta Xd Below ue arpa tse PES dtnecoie ot) a dat = | . aa er Fh | IRR seeps Secor RSAC Pit to a s one T we Kats (Final anne (~~ [iit Nee cone Fie aS, [Fon armeunts.| Lgeamauns | {s . | Ll 1 Comparison cl, Voltage amd Fowes Amphiies. tT! r Pasameters—_- Voltage A lier Pevser Arp. r Use The voltage Amph ier The power ampblies the voltage on (the power ey imenenses the voltage level a4 signal oN Transistor The taansiston sed inthe | The romicior wad shy voltage aamplier lias a tril, Power amphiics asa tig Vase vecomse it does Hot _ | lonse loccomse it hme trmd. fauge Crasent » she very lage current. Oniput Smpedome.| The cutipat Smpednne of, the |The Of -impedane te Nge amplilien is very Wish Power ampliiew is Very tow, (abont_12 €2) hnblo 200-2,, 50 Mat it can delves a ign caren IGllectov cumsent. |The collector cussent Oo}, the The collecton Crment- 0} ty vge amp. is very low power amp. is high (upto 4m) (pt00m ) ram Seam tion | The 4ansistor used can dispnt| The transistor used cm Fess heat piridvad dusing its | chssipak: more heat prada! Operation 4 Compared +0 voltage om using its Operation 8 idlon Sinal sie, and is know as | “Therplay lavge side, lows ox medivim power tamsisia| Gouping Fe Corlng Tremelosnaes Coupli s $ Applies Small signalyge: ‘applon. bts havge: Ampln, int Ol Hvis | (emi point of De toad tin Class A_powes amnplijies is f [defined as a ponlesamp biler | in which input Cnasent ffowe ' 4 |4o1 eutine cycle i ul 1 ; “Ewin Nlccg Veeman There ase +d types Class 4 Pows amphi 4. Seaies ted class 4 Powers ampliliers 2. Taansjosmes coupled clase 4 Power amphyiers. cl i aa = = t + Oulput chamctesisties of See i oe ool 4. SERIES FED CLASS A POWER AMPLIFIERS L ~ The tesms series ed is desived 4aom the [— [| “* fect thal the toad Re connected _¢, ae ere. 1 in sesiee with the taansistor ofp. % siwit |e L The ony dliljenenes vetricen f fae | | pT |. this cinenitiand the small signal Friant ow | Anaphiies ciscuits is that the, signal handled by lnge signal cinenis me in volts, and-te transistor sed isa powes tansistoa’ capadeot, |_OPenating inthe sauye of qen waits - 4c ifs the cinenit is nanely used Jox power amphyication, becemse Of ieee fend A weer fin co Ad tome | “EFFICIENCY. (Conversion Eliciency( yD): + y= Pac x100 Fac: AC powes ddivened 40 lead “Tae Rae De input power, = Fae Pac = Vams Dame. te ; Vans =X; Dame -Do ; — Vas Dams a Nz. —~| Vee Tea ; f = Vink THs ( Httere ion Crmaximumn voltage Vee Tea. * OP te ai jal) Masten Lun F shnseceoten signal Cament Zee(e-0). Ve Ce-F- 5 = Vee Ce-P) = ae stfene » Von eee f. Deg - Dene Pe CP © Vector). Dete-P2.) nes 8 Vee Dew 5 Vee (P-0) =Veon = Vee + Ne /Re De cer) = Veece-P? Vee le, - Re. a NEC Re Nb pe Deg = Vee _€ficiennes timitations. W) & = “Low conversion el}icienc Th Slexitibty M_obtaining ‘dona rantehig condsion_ls Limited doe 40 sesisiv®” toad. =. De fowen dissipation. im. load: is a waste: Inonden 40 _ovescome -these limitations ctaans fosmes coupted power amplilien is used. t \ —_| Ciscurit Explanation : | nem : —|-__le Emittes bypass capaiitos ~~ MN Nene > @ 2Ne sums satio e |The resists Fi Reand Re pat —_— ead ANSFORMER Court ClASS4_ PONER amples Single ended. Powe 1 [one transistor is\ used: es empbiyen,, beeamse oxy ides +0 Over a oon nls ne Gt MAsinge 6 wee chs to heat despot |_ 4 aesistana is Oxeacome on sing tn I EG ansloamens Co ct te pe 7 Eat ong 5 Jasdhe:case..of series fed Fowes ampbliensncthe quiescent cnasent ffows [Hinough tre colectes nesiston cnmsee fnage wastage ah de panes om it Faye del poner pated! in the load does not coltaionte to seal ac output powes.« fox thee atasonc am assemgement visi 1- suitable ae rg taandprenes “fos caiphing thé load (say a loud speaker) tothe ampbilies eo» This assangements“enliamees the conversion efgicienty ty a actos 0; 2 4y ‘eliminnting .cle-powes dissipation bp the loads |: The 4*0] the Framsfoanaee lias neglegible de sesistrn These & neglegible de powrsloss atte Se ~The AC powessis-howeves conpled maqnelicalhy acsoss the trensjome into the load Re | sages divides biasing. 2 1 — + Stabiligal c Provides ns sotio. ovides bias stabilisation, ____—_ ides bias sta Hon. Cen provents “negative 4eedvace _____ | Ss The emittes vypass_ A | Se The enittes pass _Capartio ont — inthe emitter cinewit. Tae inpat citer Gn couples ac'signn! voliage do the Yyase of the taansistos Yat blocks amy de (50m yg paevions stage. LL 4 step dom Hamsjosme O} suitaile tans satio. (a= ENN provided to couple ‘the bigh impedama colecton cincnit low impedana toad. ; —~ dmypedanu Matching : ao The powea transfered yom. the _pewes_ amp pbilien +0 the “aad iil ne maxinonyn vb, if he ‘ampbiies output son equals +o the lead impedema Ree Ofies wige none Pacer foss will occur. = as Makinnaen Panen Scimals tastes A _stepdown Aannsjonmen with suitable thane Aatio cam accomplish ris Condition. Qo +e Srmarety Ros XID oy Zz Ro Map, 2 M pele ve FR ts aa! =v, Pe _ er Me. Be. vohere Mi athens sf 5 Nz7N2 AN: Q Nz =a Tm aR SRL =a? Rel ae | - Gacuit Opeantion 2 Oc CoD CINE: “Fea. x intercet Oven acto go Om Tes VO Vee v = * 3 R00 Nee = Vee |<. OC LOaD ue ig 7 Sean Une so wented 40 Consides 4c Leadline also. | EFFICIENCY. a Pe Ce-P) = 2Mece 7 —_ Peg x Pe ce is ines Z Peat. al OED AP) Bec a Vy = S Vee Pe ee. Pe # SSS ESB Me : “4 a — ; me alee ae = oo 1 | Abenntages : * | _4 4-.No ‘loss of si. 4 a at GMAL power in the vase on electar _aesistan: a 3. Excillent impedama rating is adweved. Ny 3. Gini is bi he | 4 Disadvantages: - 1 © Low frequency signals ane tees amphiied covipaslicey Ze Noise ‘is ubroduced by -transloambas' 3 Tanslpsnens ane Luly and cooty | 4. Foon Heqneng bom | Appicalione: > * _| 4. Tis cinenit is ati where impedaina nate ‘ig the manin Criterion. A. These ane used as river amples and sometimes as oApnt amples, — _ciass B. POWER AMPUFIERS— = The 6-pointamd. input signal sefecte! stich that the aE signal obtained Jon one tral cycle of Jul input pani = _Q= pot is stilted “to the forigontal axis. = The transistoribinsed in euto}}, a¢gion. I SE ET \ Teo \ 1 Ne 7 i : T Ve RGpoint vary yw \ i 70 Nee Lee ig: Quiput.chava. of class B g paiser Amplifier [Hew two taansisioss Qs of came type (pnp) is conliquaed i” Pustpul manner, +00 transtosmess ase connected to the input —~ and onfput side aespectvely. Input is given tothe 4° op tansy Ta, output is taken por the 2°o} translosmes To. The +wo transformers Are Combe tapped. —T 4: Basing positive hall cycte othe input 274 . — | __ Point & is_positive, 8 is negative. Then 4\ B,S5 ture | —_taansiston Gi will be ON, amd Ga is in OFF = | veondstion: Thentine tirtaal, onthe Up Lens signal_ts\ amphiied ame we get-th me | 3 4 ; ap bai Busing =Ve hall cycte ofthe input signal points is Negative » Ss OF __|_ 8 ts positive. Then the & 4nomsistar a1 is In aFFcondition , 72 Oz i6-iM. ON conchtion. We will gehthe ampiilied output mt — | a : T_ _| Advantages: ONS) 2 Eyict i z | —_ a Byictency is 26:5 (Vigh) Ax thgh..4¢ Oulput: power iscolstained - Disadvantages = 1. Gacvit is_buky and expensive: 2. Tao equal dine! opposite valnge at the inpul 3 The oo dabiilelGlons eonld be matched CSame palmeters) A. Mose distortion, us these is ot tremelinnnes in tis ciscuit: : : | 2. Class 8 Compbementasy Symmelyy Biwes rmpliljes . |. Thansistoss used ase np pnp. complementary, symmetry. L Transistors ase connected in Push-pull raannes » inter tApPect | t | the cineuit ic not bulky ~ Common collector conliguoartion pissused ,.which paid innpedemes smatchivg 8 lowest onfput impedane sig _ |=. The. tay cual power supply. (PPTL EL YT | Crenit_Exptanaton:. | = The cincnitis driven from dual powes'shppohy Vee ~ The transistos Q, is NeN and Ga is PNP. - Here we employed common Collector Conjigusation HHena it jg he | fowest cutyut ipa and Tena impedance vine |Cveration (Inthe positive fanll cycle oh ne input —— he tnansistor Gh is driven into achive sparen cond cling (a) The same signal is applied 40. 4% but as 1] complementary, ype. nemaing in OFF coudstion (3) This ‘nesuits ivlo postive “half ayele acnoss | — Head Ru. : load. ‘f ' j Advantages te the cinuit is Aransjosmnes fess, ts weight, cigeamd_cost ane_tess + Due to. Common. coftector Conjigusakion ; impedence makcwing is pessible [- The eq. sesponse improves mete tranclonnrey fess class 6 Arphjer cincuit Disadvantages: | The cisenit needs: 4we Sepasak voltage supphes / Te oulput is Bieta 4 40 cross eves Gistonton. a | Bistostion in teehee 7 len a | - Aa amp a ] = amie shuld om anlpn any ism ted 1a |e in practias it is bight, ium ae ae Yied signal oy input i | a 1 TY te nat sangeet om ide pies cee a it eo ce 2 em 1ea_im 7 aa content 15 _wavelonn, on Frequeney — | 1 — Clyprena_betioeen he expr wavelonm Dd input | saavelorm iw aw amphlies is called i 7~ | t tt pi Distortion | { [aa 1 + + Ty beth oy, t i _ inpes 0} _Distostion 4. Harmonic Distortion, _ 4 2 Freqnensy Distontion, 3. Phase Distostion 4 Cross oven Distosion. pe Cross over DISTORTION. df I | ~ This ie caused by von bineasityy 2 the input chamncteristie of taausistos | = Tiansistos do not tusn ON at geno volt appbed t0-ne | emitter | _fanciion | DATaansiston will tusu! on uly asthe cut in, voltage Lo aie jor Si and. 03VJo" Ge)- - As a Pay the sinusoidal :base voltage excitation’ vill not_gesuilt in a sinusoidal _onlput_cussent. ; ior cul ln class 8 push pull Amphiyier his _sesuke in One tameit ee cuting. | Qh) Wselose he othe, tsansistos begin conducting. - - The Distostion introduced is called Cross over Cistonion. bt occurs chaning the time when “he Qpenation Crosses Over ]gom One transistos bei anoles iv_pushpull_cimphlies. LLL LTT | #FI [do Qaiput 0} 1 ) wg] as i Nips 0h ag = € te J Ghtpnt oh Os am fi, + 7 \ Tina espal oly Bicol * ‘ Cross overs: distortion: ~ To. minimize “the Cross over distostion, ‘the tremsistorsnuist ©pesak in Class AB Mode where small stadia, curasent ploms at aero excitation. eine me | FFICIENCE OF ee | | SSCS ces 8 ronem munuinee. The epiciency equation wi uy a Sh pent | a ¥ « Toqee Pad SER ows =| | ES 2100 4 ai Pee SSewiwig@ | | Peac) = Yams x Pane, a - i _| —| Mee = =k CSD ¥ 7 | = 2 Min maxima vge. — . + Don maximum current. Vee “Dans Von 4 Ne Rs —(4) Te _| —J Substitute (34) in (2) . — —| Pac) = Vee y Nec Net 2 ae) | = . = Nee 4 ~~]. V2 VaR 2p ; = — : / wlhese, Plac) = Lye x Vee — ©” I q — | Ayig Pp r t | tere, Py = 22m = 2VeE 7" | 7 ARE. | Vde = Vee Li we ml PALE So G) 2) in 6) ‘ 1 La 1 Pode) = 2Vee x Vee! 2Ve> 14) AR Sb (6).8(4) in (4) Woy_rofgiznnrd yn Vo | VO TRE QVC fg PR Ve he 0465 ze " 46BK pescentnge efficiency ‘ Class AB Fe [ ctnee 48 Paves Amplijen — 4 Power ampljiea IS said to ve clas. Pid O- point and -the input signal ane setected such thet 4. ~~ mone than (60° but fess ty, e @utput signal is obtained Ke J B60", yea uill_ input cycle. ° V o|-Fox ris Operation Q- point positions is Above X-aKis bug below tre midpoint A laael bine. © . Pe’ = ¥ 4 To ci | | ~The taausistox conducts ox yl pesitive hall cycte and_part oh negative hall:cycte. L “The Gulput is distosted but disteation can ve eliminated ~ The ebliciency is is mone than class A tut bess than class 8 Opesation. [The class 48 @pesation is_impostant to eliminate crass ov. chstostion As it ehminates Cross oves distontion, used in most of te — audio systems » radio aeceivess , 1V aeceivens el. ~~ a tat \ [= ———— —T 1 a one — @ Ly ey & Ro : z + RF > re o=¥ FP = ‘tn_case of Complementary symmetsy cincuits base emitter (vnction oh Uooth «Crowd. 5 ose mecyviged to provide ned Gas. + tena -the silicon transistor his nequised oso |. Thic caw Penaeat a using a potential divider. assongenent. + There is still possibility odictontion chen there’ 4 dempenlue cham, “ge aa | Hene instead of, Re, Wo diodes cam be used +o provide the sequined bin [- As “the, tempeacrtuse. changes; chode: Chasackersistics' hanged and maintain anecessosy viasing to overcome he crossovmclistontion When shee > tis a temperature: change. apis 2 l qed Bias 4 OFto7 a 4.4V is Li > Fushpull class 4B Powes Bemphlier. Transistors re biased to cubgh vx bs See =e | ane neqvined to-provide Yxed vins Oh woth i B42 |- theres B-E junction of | Ue eae | ener the silicon tnansisioa has aspired bins. of,” O- Aequiaed ial divider attangement - ievedl by ust 6 poteial ide antegyjenmt-—_§ er fan sen “there is a temperctinne change, _ | tee tt posit, ob dis Cee | - Hence _ins' 7 | used to provide zz As the temperatise cha si, a 4o_ovesconne Tae CAOESONOS cover distonti 0 ee __necessasy biasing a a | in tempenatnre— | [cas € Paige ARLES segulaton je vised in the final stage to git 4 constant. Oc output (anespective 4 load vasintions, inpat vasiokions and tempesntase Vasintions. VOLTAGE REGCuATORS- ~ Maintain de Onfput constond issespech iakion i spective ob variation in foad +, inert voltage and tempesatinne vasintion.. 4 AEC sen AV = OVe ay; 4 aV0 aT 4 QV aT ov or, er = Sy AVi + R40, + Sy 47. whese, g _ Ove 4Vo hS « ‘avi * ayj/4% =0 anl AT=0 is inp aegulation Jaetes. Me = Bie. Be /aVene and 27-0 6 out retchons and aD. AX & = 2¥0_ Ave /4%i=0 omd AD,20 is temperatere Coefficient. aye a7 Fos bettex plo the Pelesmana measraes Sy, Fo S; should have very very low vi ©: lineas vollage aegulaten Voltage aegulatoas 4 switching voltage agulnton y Linens Voltage segulatos » clive contsol Qn ig continnonshy ont a whose impedance is vasiedl -to achieve “the sequined aegulation. (G: zener). r Enitching Vollage sequlaton: Active consol element tromed ON OFF depends on vasietions in output to achieve sequined segutation Series. veka regulators + Shunt. Serieg atgualnton : — Variable impedance devite is connected in sesiee With load & impedane & adjastedt +0 vasiation 0} output voltage + Gmplex ciacuat- and Hah cost. 7 Used fps vasiable load application + Suitable fos high vollage and ton cussent applications + Additional cincuit is used 40 protect against shost ciscuit os ovestoad. - High efsiciency and tess powes chissipation. Shunt segues . ~ Gontyol elements is shunt with the load- Dependiog onthe vasintion in input cuvvent, cassend Ahsongh the contsol element aes Varied 40 maintain Conctomt coment Yow Anvongh (oad. ~ Simple cirevitt amd high cost - p Meed Jor fixed load ane fred vollage apphealions F Shitmble fps low voltage ard ign cunent apphcetons No need of additional protection ciscuit I- Low elficiency amd. high powes dissipation zz Zenea shunt aequialor w[ Shunt aguln lon Taansicton shunt aegala box ZENER SHUNT RequiaTor . ~ The brent down propesty of genes diode Rs D i wtibaed. m. | st Vo Rs + Series Fesistan > When the brenk down occuns the Ni wt TRY 4 ioe Voltage acsoss the device sermning i: Load Resi . almost constant with anpid nice in Cuasent ~ blhen input voltage incsenses dassent P increases whae DP =P2+T. ~ For gener ciode undes brenkdown condition shen inpnt valkage increases, these is an incsease in cussent thaongh it t Do intsensre go Te © made to remain constant , So Vo= Re alse semnins constant Design Oh Stsits Resistom When the input voltage is minimum & load cuasent ie maximum, the cursent fthaongh “the genes should be sijicient to operate it in its bsenk down voltage. Re Gong) = ein) = Vo. Te min) + De Gas) Similashy vi is maxivanmn then Dy is minimum, the chayent tao vagh enen Should “aot exceed its maximum Powes dissipation capacity Re tmin) = Yi Crmne)-Vo : Be (mar) Dy (nin). Line Regulation amd Load lation Line Regulation : is the Abllity of, @ power Shpphy to Mainbnin a, Conshany. Outpt Voltage deat chamges to the input Voltage , with the outer crsger} mon from the Pours supply Aerining Constr Line Regulation . AVe BM 10 ayy“! where, AV: change in the wput Voltage No = chamge in the output Voltage. [His desisnble 40s a power supply to maintain a stable output regasdtess of changes in the input voltage. ~ The line sequiation i 'mpostamt when the input volinge Sousce is unstable on uintegutated and this would result in Signi\cant vasinlions im the output ee: - The line regulation ox om unsegulated powles supply is usually veny high fora ranjosity. of ofontone” Bi this cam be improved by using 4 Voltage agulatos 4 low line regulation ts alongs: pase fessed. Jn paacce , a well segulated Power supply shuld ave w line sqgulation Of at most 0.4 % Load Requlation Jt ts the capability 40 maintrin a constant voltage (on, enmsent) level om the cutput channel 0] @ powes supply chespite Changes the ane load (such as a aesistamu valu connected atsoss the ppl onipul). | As the load vasies, load cussent changes thys Output voltage changes. This change is independent +o input signal. This shonld be acduced ba. neg legible value. load tqulation & the solution ton this Problem. Load regulation com be delined as the peatentage Chomge in output Vollage fora given change load cussent- o4 load sesistance. Load regulation cm ale cxplained ere percentage change in ontput voltage pom no load(Nu) 4o Yul load Cf). Mi : Logd aegutlation {#